18 of 1949 - Relating to Police Department salaries and organization. ROLL LALL
Salt Lake City,Utah, 11' d -5 i+9 ,194
Affleck I move that the ordinance.,be passed.
Matheson . . . �
Mr.Chairman . . -- S
AN ORDINANCE AIENDING SECTION 4601 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by the
Board of Commissioners on July 5, 1944, July 31, 1945, February 7, 1946,
and January 28, 1947, and amending Section 4605 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by an ordinance passed by the
Board of Commissioners on January 28, 1947, relating to the Police Depart-
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 4601 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by the
Board of Commissioners on July 5, 1944, July 31, 1945, February 7, 1946,
and January 28, 1947, relating to the Police Department, be and the same
is hereby amended to read as follows:
""SEC. 4601. ORGANIZATION AND SALARIES. The Police Depart-
' ment of Salt Lake City shall consist of the following officers
and employees and none others, who shall be appointed by the
appointing power subject to the approval of the Board of Com-
missioners from the certified lists submitted by the Civil
Service Commission of Salt Lake City for each such office or
position to be filled, and the annual salaries for each such
officer or employee shall be fixed by the Board of Commis..
sioners at not less than the amounts hereinafter set forth
Chief of Police, who shall be head of the Police
Department and the appointing power $5,100.00
1 Inspector 4,140.00
4 Captains, each 3,840.00
1 Superintendent of Records . . . 3,690.00
1 Assistant Superintendent of Records 3,240.00
1 Radio Technician $3,840.00
6 Lieutenants, each 3,540.00
12 Sergeants, 3,240.00
each 3,060.00
1 RadiooOperator 2,940.00
Patrolmen, First Grade 0.00
Patrolmen, Second Grade 2,2,92820.00
Patrolmen, Third Grade .00
Policewomen, First Grade 2,72 $004020 00
Policewomen, Second Grade 2,700.00
Policewomen, Third Grade 2,900�00
Clerks, male, First Grade 0.00
Clerks, male, Second Grade 2,2,82820.00
Clerks, male, Third Grade 2 370.00
Clerks, female, First Grade 2,370.00
Clerks, female, Second Grade 2,130.00
Clerks, female, Third Grade 2,370.00,
1 Police Matron
SECTION 2. That Section 4605 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by an ordinance passed by the
Board of Commissioners on January 28, 1947, relating to the Police
Department, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows:
tiSEC. 4605. ASSIGNiVENTS. The Chief of Police may assign any
subordinate officer in the department to any duty which in his
judgment the good of the service may require, and may change such
assignment from time to time whenever in his judgment the good of
the service requires.
'Whenever the assignment of any patrolman to the Detective
Bureau is intended for a period of 30 (thirty) days or longer,
the Chief of Police shall immediately report to the Board of
Commissioners the nave of such patrolman and a copy of such as-
signment shall also be filed with the City Auditor and the
Secretary of the Civil Service Commission.
Any such patrolman whose assignment to the Detective Bureau
has been approved by the Board of Commissioners shall be entitled
to compensation in addition to the minimum compensation established
by ordinance for the grade or rank of such patrolman in an amount
to be fixed by the Board of Commissioners, but not to exceed the
sum of $15.00 per month; and which additional compensation shall
commence with the first day of the month next following the date
of his approval to such assignment by order of the Board of Com-
missioners, and shall cease on the last day of any month such
patrolman is assigned to some other duty other than that of
Detective. And the Chief of Police shall immediately notify the
- 3 -
Board of Commissioners, the City Auditor and the Secretary of
the Civil Service Commission of any re-assignment of any such
patrolman from the Detective Bureau.
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it
is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt
Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect at once upon
its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissione Salt Jake City, Utah,
this day of , A.D. 1949.
City Recorder
Presented to the Board of Commissioners
• APR 51949
First l'uNizaiie$i in
u;2•y hlJ:tityR061C
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake J
Legal. Notices
"M Gibs
TION 4601 of the Revised Ordinances U nn 0 Cke y
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944,'a -
AmeIIded o y ordinances
rdi Commissioners Feb-
July 6, 1944, Julythe Board on Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
ru y 7,1946,a d January 28,1947, '
d°O dinances of 46S0alt hake vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper •
City, Utah, 1944, as
amended by
romance passed by the Board •
an Commissioners on January 28,1 published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
1947,relating to the Pollee Depart- TT
Be It ordained by the Board of. of Utah.
7ommiesionere of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Section 4601 1
if the Revised Ordinances of Salt '
take City,Utah, 1944, as amended That the advertisement
iy ordinance passed-by the Board
if Commissioners on July 6, 1944,
;sly 31, 194g, February 7, 1946, Ordinance Bill Sc 13
d JYDpty , rndtith is the
'once Department,be.and the same
s hereby amended to read as fol
°w11 Salt Lake amity Oor.coration
4ND SALARIES. The Police ➢e-
rartment of Salt Lake City shall
ionsist of the following officers and
rmployeee and none others, who
Mall be appointed by the appoint-
ifthe Board cubical
Commissioners from
he certified lists submitted by the
nvll Service Commission f Salt was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
take City for each such office or
msition to be filled,and the annual
:diariealnoles for each such officer or em- ,3
elbyee shall be fixed by the teetd of --.-..--- day of A. D. 19
b ouno. hers at not less then the 1
ound hezelnafter set lotto, Eo-
hief of Pollee, w who shall and was published �Y1 April �, 1:Z n.p
be head of the olice De- -"
partment and the ap-
pointing power a 5,100.00 e
1 Inspector 4.140.00 the last publication thereofbeingin the issue dated the
4 Captains,each.. N , 3,840.00
1 Superintendent °f�Rec-
1 R die Technician
Superintend- 3,640.00 day of "me.,A. D. 19
t of Record° 3,240.oa1 LeutO Technician 3,540.00
8 Serge nts.e each 3,640.00
12 Secppeante,each 5240.00
1 Radio Operator 3,060.00
Pstr]men,First Grade 2,940.00Patrolmen,Second vertising Clerk
Grade 3,e20.00
Patrolmen,Third Grade $700.00
Policewomen, First
Grade 2,940.00
Policewomen, Second .
Grade 2,020.00,
Policewomen, Third -
:Grade 3,100.00 15th
mat,Bind Grade
2,940.00 to before me this. day of
Grade m 2,820.00
CGlradkee, male, TTtrd 9,700.00 A.D. 19 '19
Clerk., female, First
Grade 9,370.00
Clerks. female, Second
Grade 2,290.00
Grade 2,130.00 � � / '
1 Grade Matzen 2,370.00
Notary Pu is
SECTION 2. That eeotion 4605
of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City.Utah, 1949, as mended.
by an ordinance passed by the Board
of Oommissirnere on January 20,
1947,relating to the Police Depart-
ment, be and the same is hereby
nded to read as fellows:
ordinf atef officermin thee igdn epartment
to any duty which In his Judgment
thed good of t service
may require
change ai gnment
from time to time whenever in his
Judgment the good of the service
❑reylu rea.er the assignment of any
pat intended o fors Detective Bureau
le a period of 30
(thirty) days or longer, the Chief'
of Pollee shall Immediately report
to the Board of Commissioners the
name f such patrolman and a copy
f such assignment shall also be
tiled with the City Auditor and the
Secretary of the CivilitService Com-
mon.Any tu0h patrolman urea
Ign ent to the he Bo Bureau hoe
miss approved by the Board of com-
peasatiolo shall it entitled c
mien Coo compensation
adsation to theestablished
ordinance nanee for stheo grade orrank.of
such patrolman In,an amount to be
fixed by the Board o onunisalon-
Ta,but not to rotted the of ,
819.00 per month; and which ad-
ditional pensation shall
enenoe with the first day fro the
nth a at-following the date'of
his approval to.such assignment by
order of.the Board of Commission-
e and shall cease on the last day
of any month such patrolman is as-
signed to some other duty other
than that of Detective. And the
Chief{of Police shall immediately
I the-city'Auditor aanCethe�e Greta y
of the Civil Service Commission of
trolman from the Detectiv re-asstgnment of e Bu each u."
3. In the the Board of Commleeioneee,, it is
aeceesary to the peace,health and
safety of the tants of Salt
Lake City that this btrdlaancp shall
take effect Immediately.
SECTION e This upome n bua I l
take at oonc
D railed by the Board f Cornetts-
Signets of Salt Lake City, Utah,
'this 6th day of April,A.D.1948.
City Recorder.
Published,April 7th, 1948
Proof of Publication