18 of 1953 - Annexation extending the Limits of Salt Lake City, portion of Beverly Hills Subdivision Petition No. , ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, WY -`t 1153 195_,.__., VOTING Aye Nay I move that the ordinance be passed. Burbidge . . • 17 Christensen . . . Nee Lingenfelter . ✓/ Romney . . ' AN Mr.Chairman . ' / ORDINANCE i Result AN OJ WINAN"`t EXTN dDING LLSLYS OF SALT 'L= CITY. o WHEREAS, on the 23rd day of January, 1953, there was filed with o the City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Petition No. 56 by Francis Solomon, m . =Jr., et; al, (being a majority of the owners of real property situated boo., ›,r-lin the tract herein described), requesting tint said tract of land be taken within the limits of Salt Lake City, and also caused an accurate 4 1map of plat to be made and certified to by a competent surveyor and en-approved by the City Engineer to he filed with the City Recorder. 1~ ro a)s V1FEIGiAS, the said tract of land is contiguous to Salt Lake City, and there is no proper reason why it should not be annexed to and made a part of the said city; and. WIcl EAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, after examining said petition of said owners of said tract of land and con- sidering the circumstances thereof voted by unanimous vote of all l. J members of said Board in favor of annexing said tract of land to Salt Lake City and directed that an ordinance should be passed annexing said territory ant the extension of the city limits of Salt Lake City accordingly. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah; StCT'IOIJ 1. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be and the same are hereby extended and enlarged so as to include the following described tract of land in Salt Lake County, to-wit: Beginning at the East Quarter Corner of Section 22, T. 1 S., a. 1 L., S. L. B. & it., thence N 0° 01t E 214.17 C Iy, _2- feet, thence N. 38° 56' L. 50.0 feet., thence S. 510 02' 00" 2468.51 feet, thence West 1010.63 feet, thence l! 26° 36' 0. 135.0 feet, thence N 37° 30' 40" W. 176.0 feet, thence 1 70" 36' 15" W. 82.68 feet, thence iJ 51° 02' 00" 3E, I feet; thence a 2 ° 2' W. 15L 6 3 • k75 3 25" d. � �. .feet thence 9 �59° 55' 50" W. 63.)9 feet, thence 3 30° 10' 20" W. 66.97 .feet, thence 3. b9 55' 50" W. 176.0 feet, thence N 639.43 feet to the point of 'oeginnin , con- tainin 25.5 acres more or lees; and that the same has been correctly sta'_ked out upon the ground as shown upon the man or plat. af) 33 IT ditto 1] +. 0Ud3AddiD that the whole of the above described property be and is hereby,- zoned as "Residential A D.is- tri.Ct." AND di 1T :A tCblid. Oi iAde3D and declared that when this ,ordinance takes effect that said tract of llane above described shall thence forth be within the corporate limits of said Salt Lake City and zoned as Residential A District as in tie ordinanca provided, and all ordinances, Jurisdictions, rules and obligations ca or per- taining to said Solt Lake City are extended over and made ak:P.licable and pertinent to the ea.i.t tract of land, and the streets, blocks, alleys and ways of' said tract shall be controlled and governed by the ord:iranees, rules and re„uL:-tions of said ci.t; in that behalf and the monuments of the City hngineer shall thenceforth he taken therein as the standards of locations and distances. SECTIW 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance the City Recorder of la it Lake City shall file and she in hereby directed to. fide with the County 'tecorder o: Salt Lake County a copy of the map or p1;---it above mentioned duly certified and acknowledged, as provided in such cases, together witi a certified copy of this ordinance. S ;C Ah 3. 1.n the opinion of the bare of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health ar:i safety o-' the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective im:fed late,v. 3:liii5_('y` i;. This ordinance shall take effect at once uaon its first publicat. on. -3- Passed by the Board of Commiesioners of dell Lake City, Utah, this 5th day of May 1953. 7 A 4�. Temporary Chairman City Lecordar ( S E A L ) . BILL NO. 1$ Published May $th, 1953 STATE OF UTAH, ss. City and County of Salt Lake, L I3e t j:adj dges, Deputy, City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, "An ordinance extending the Limits__o.f._$a1t__Lake City" passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, May 5th, xppg 1953 as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City,this 26th day of May, 1953 > (SEAL) . hL NO. 1$ Deputy ( City Recorder. Published May lath, /Km. 19.53 18 ,, Recorded MAY 2 61953 et 3/G Request oP ; ,../4;�ty Fee Paid. Hazel Taggart dose, Recorder, Salt. Lake County, Utah 0 l/p By `Gc/�G,,,�Deputy ff/ rook /o./d Page 9/_ 208.3, AN ORDINANCE W 176.0 feet,thence N 639.43 feet to AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE the point of beginning,containing 25.5 LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY, or less; WHEREAS,on the 23rd day of Jan- and acres thatr the same has been correctly 1953, there was filed with the staked out ap p aithe ground as shown City Recorder of Salt Lake City,Pell-- n the map or plat. Lion No.56 by Francis Solomon,Jr..et n AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED a at.(being a majority of the o of that the whole of the above described real property situated the tract property be and is hereby zoned as herein described),requesting that said "Residential A District!. tract of land be taken within the limits AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED of Salt Lake City,and also caused a and declared that when this ordinance accurate n of plat to be made and takes effect the said tract of land above certified to be a competent surveyordescribed shall thenceforth be within and a ved by the Cite Engineer the corporate Limits of said Salt Lake be filers roith the City Recorder. City and zoned as Residential A District WHEREAS,the said tract of land is as in the ordinance provided, and Olt ontigttous to Salt Lake City.and there ordinances,jurisdictions,rules and ob. so o n n roper r why it should ligatlons of orpertaining to said Salt be annexed to and made a pail of the Lake City are extended over and made said city;and applicable and pertinent to the said WHEREAS,the Board of Commission- tract of land,and the streets, blocks, Of Salt Lake City,after a ;ng alleys and t of said tract shall be said petition of said o x of t said controlled and ways by the ordb tract of land and c nsiderina the c rules and regulations of said � nisances thereof voted by u city inthat behalf and the monuments B vote Of all members of said Board in of the City Engineer shall thenceforth tl favor of annexing Said tract of land to be taken therein as the standards of Salt Lake City and directed that en locations and distances. ordinance should be passed an ing SECTION 2. Upon the passage of said territory and the extension of this ordinance the City Recorder of Salt city limits of Sell Lake City accord- Lake City shall file and she is hereby ingly. directed to file with the County Re- NOW,THEREFORE,be it ordained by corder of Salt Lake County a copy of the Board of Commissioners of Sall the mplat above mentioned fully Lake City,Utah; certified or and acknowledged, as pro- SECTION 1. That the city limits of vided in such cases,together with a cer Salt Lake City be and the sameare Silica ropy of this ordinance. hereby extended and enlarged soas to SECTION 3. In the o of the include the following described tract Board of COmmissioner5,itt opinion ary c S9 oFB land eginning at t the Ea t QuarterCor Lake Count to-wit�ner iinhabitants o the pea oof Saltt Lake h tl safety City that this of Section 22,T.1 S.,R.1 E.,S.L.B. ordinance shall became effective im- &M.,thence N 0 deg.01 min.E 214.17 mediately. feet,thence N.38 deg,58 min.E.50.0 SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take feet,thence S.51 deg.02 min 00 sec.E effect at once upon its first publication. 2468.51 feet• thence West 1010.83 feet, Passed by the Board of Commission. thence N 26 deg 36 min W.135.0 feet, crs of Salt Lake City,Utah.this 5th day thence N 37 deg. 30 min. 40 sec. W. of Mar, 1953. 176.0 feet,thence N 70 deg.36 run.15 JOE L.CHRISTENSEN c.W 82.88 feet,thence N 51 deg.02 Temporary Chairman. t n.00 see.W 369.47 feet;thence N 25 IRMA F.BITNER deg.32 min.25 sec.W 154.6 feet.thence City Recorder. S 09 deg 55 min.50 sec.W.83.49 feet, (SEAL) thence S 80 deg.30 min.20 sec.W.66.97 BILL NO.18 feet,thence S.89 deg. 55 Win,50 sec. Published May 8th,1953. A. I/ 18 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake AN ORBINAN B AN ORDINANCE ING THE LIMITS OF SALT LA'lt WHEREAS,on''theidleof Jan. Ca'Y, 1953, there was £ th•the • ity Recorderof Sl Lake City,Peli• Ruth tion No.58 by rancis Solomon,Jr.,et' al,(beingP Perty aierity of situated the the owners tract ,;erein described),requesting that said Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is ad- ,herein Lzke City, fthin lee the limits ate k it plat to be causmade„n vertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS,/anewspaperle ram accurate to map a competent a andapproved by the City Engineer y to or be fiewih the City Recorder. published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State WHEREAS,the said tract of land Is. contiguous tog prop r Salt Lake ity,t should dh ere o f Utah. be.R annexed proper reason andnmade a Part of the said WHE city, the Board of-Commission. ere of Salt Lake City,after examining said offhand of said consideringd txthe`S ir- That the advertisement cumstanece thereof vted by nnanfinous ate of all members f.saki Board in favor f annexing is tract f land to An Ordinance — Hill No. 18 Salt Lake City and directed that e Ordinance yoand the extensions ofxttte city limits of Salt Lake City accord- NOW,THEREFORE,be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah: SECTION 1. That the city limits of Salt Lake City he and the same hereby extended and enlarged s e to include the following described tract of land in Salt Lake County,to.wit; Beginning at the East Quarter Corner Sf Section 22,T.1 S.,R.1 E.S.L.B. M.,thence'N 0 deg.01 min.E 214.17 feel,thence N.38 deg.58 min.E.50.0 feet,thence S.51 deg.02 min 00 see.E 2460.51 feet,thence West 1010.83 feet, thence N 26 deg 39 min W.135,0 feet, thence N 37 deg. 30 min.40 sec. W. 170.0 feet,thence N 70 deg.38 min.15 •See.W 82.88 feet,thence N 51 deg.02 was published in said newspaper on in.00 sec.W 368.47 feet;thence N 25 deg.32 min.25 sec.W 154.6 feet,thence S deg 55 min,58 sec.W.8349 feet, r, thence S 80 deg.10 min.20 sec.W.66.97 Clay O J 1/[�53 •feet,thence S.89 deg.55 min.50 se • W.176.0.£eel.thence N 630.43 feet to the Point of beginning,containing 25.5 ac es morether sass; a d that hen been correctly l staked out uponground as shown Athe map or Plat. ND• m ye BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED' that the whole of the above described // / �✓L f� Property be and hereby coned asJ' - - -Gt ,..,y6 Residential T FUtRict" AdvertssinI Clerk d de laced BE _thee when ordR inance LYIL t Clerk fL takes effect the said tract of lend above described shall thenceforth be within the c orate limits of said Salt Lake City and zoned as Residential A District orn the ordinance Provided, and all dinances,Jurisdictions,rules d h., 12th ordinances, of or pertaining tosaid Salt to before me this day of Lake City a extended and made applicable and Pertinent to the said tract of land,and the streets,blocks. alleys d ways of said tract hall be A D 1g 53 ontrolieduland es a overnedatby athe£orda controlled in.that behalf d regulations e is -7 b[the City Engine shall thenceforth e taken therein to the t d rds of .\ IlocSEHoCTIansON nil2dints th passage of this ordinance thee City Recorder f Slt /4-re .�(Lake City shall file and site is hereby /� G £�- directed to file-with the County Re- thnder of Salt Lae County a e py f ( Notary Public e a or plat above mentioned fully voted in such eases.togetherdwith a as cer fI SECTION],tIn thevooelnlon of the Nove.1her 25,1953 Board Of Commissioners.it is try to the peace,health d felt oat a the inhabitants of Salt Lake City,that this ordinance shall become effective im- mediately. 4. This ordinance shall take effect at o upon its first publication. Passed by the Board bf Commission. ers of Salt Lake City,Utah,this Sth day of May.1053. •Tempor L.aryRChairmaEN n. City Recorder.Aeco F.rr..ER (SEAL) BILL NO.18 Published May Sth.1053, '