18 of 1955 - Amending Section 6714 relating to zoning, Adding Item No. 132, rezoning property between Merrimac L I
ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, FEB 15 1g55 I95
4 VOTING Aye Nay
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Burbidge . . . _ �//�
Christensen . .
Nicholas _--- --.........._'.CG / 77
i�kaimnfeiDQz __ _ — �� G
Romney _
Mr.Chairman .
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 67114 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 191414, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of
Commissioners relating to Zoning, and a public hearing having been held.
Be it ordained by the 'Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah.
SECTION 1. That Section 6714 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake
City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioner
relating to Zoning, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding in
and to said section one new paragraph to be known as Item No. 132, which
item shall read as follows: .
"ITEM NO. 132. The following described real property as shown on the
use district map, is hereby changed to the classification hereinafter set
out, and said map is amended and changed accordingly.
"Char4ng the following described property from Residential "B-.2" and
"Industrial" to Residential "A-3":
Commencing at a point 130 feet North and 165 feet West from the
Northwest corner of 21st South and Main Streets; thence West 5914
feet to the West line of West Temple Street; thence North 157.1
feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 7, Five Acre Plat A,
BFS; thence west 726 feet, more or less, to the East line of the
Utah Central Railroad right of way; thence North 287.1 feet to the
Southwest corner of Lot 19 Block 7, Five Acre Plat A, BFS; thence
East 561 feet to a point 165 feet West of West Temple; thence
North 1430.65 feet; thence West 561 feet to the East line of the
Utah Central Railroad right of way; thence North 1004.85 feet, more
or less, to the Southwest corner of Lot 114, Block 7, Five Acre
Plat A, BFS; thence East 561 feet to a point 165 feet west of West
Temple Street; thence North 2937.0 feet to the south line of 14th
"iv South Street; thence East 165 feet to West Temple Street; thence
South 320.1 feet to the South line of Merrimac Avenue (projected);
thence East 5814 feet to a point 165 feet west of Main Street;
thence South 141496.6 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning.
Being parts of Blocks 6, 7, 10 and 11, Five Acre Plat A, BFS.
Excluding therefrom the property on both sides of 17th South from a
point 165 feet West of Main Street to a point 165 feet West of West
Temple, and to a depth of 120.06 feet on the north side and 150 feet
on the south side, said property to retain its present Residential
"B-3" classification."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective
II immediately; therefore, this ordinance shall become effective upo
its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 15th day of February, 1955.
'City Recorder
_SE'AL1$ ua k'•
BILL,NO.Publ j.shed February 17, 34 - ,��•
ra Rw No. ADM 35A
Proof of 1Julittration
Unitea htatts of Amrriru
TION.6714 of the Refined °rillnilaes
of Salt Loke"City,Utah,1944,as arednh-
ca bY.ordinances passed by theIf''ard
1 of Commisaiocere relating t'o,7Rf1{vs.
and a ubile hearing having'been'held,
Be it ordained he the Boars f Com''
loners-b[Salt Lake City,Uteh. --'Revised
That of Sal Lake ak oC the
Revised 441, nme of Salt ordiCity,
passeUtah,1b a amended Co Commissioners
passed n by tZoi g,Se andtthe Saaresisi being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he 1s the Principal Clerk of
relating Zoning, by adding i
hodtoby further S tP
id to.said section one new paragraph
t be known-as-atem No. 132,which the DESERET NEWS SALT LAKE TELEGRAM, a newspaper published in
item hall C. 133.follows:
"ITEM NO. epeer The'following de.1
scribed real property shown on aajV
Me district si mac, r hereinheretafter
cet out,
s lamas is an enedli set trod Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,State of Utah.
and said mac is amended and OhanY¢d,
dnngiY a m"Chang n 0371 Residential
desc13.2' and
'Industry f si eolith' '3: and That the Notice r>.' °1st CreLi-11,unce'l
Industrial t' l Residential 0fe
et Cod 165t fe t WestpClom:t th fNo'thwest,
and f 21st South and Main Streets:.
thence h n // -
of West W eel'See feet to the West line' (s'7l/,_ C) {;'lf. 17f`Yjl"'la VYCI:I.yvl Ct'.9 of �'rl�,{, T'i 1cE', (�j Lars
15 West Temple Northeast thence North
Lot feet to the a P corner f - --'
Lot 1,Bleak'T7,ag Five Acre Plat ens,t;
tie Ball weste7of feet.Uah Ce traleRail l-chit 7 ol,Lf
road right of way;thence North 287.1,
feet to.the Southwest corner of 1.n11 "-' -
then19. cceoEast 561'feet to a ve ACre lnoint 105 feet
Wear t Wall TEmnle; thence Booth
430.85 feet;titles Weal 5n1 Clef to
East Iona of the Utah Central ,85 feat,
right of less thence North west 5 teat,.
less,to lice.Five
Acre latA.
riot 14,BlockEas 7, 1f Adte Plat A. of which a copyis hereto attached, was firstpublished in said newspaper in its
1 5s'f thence welt of West Temple Street;
thee cc North 2937.0 feet to the south
line of 14th South Atrget,thence East 1%V.,
185 feet to West Temple Street:thence. issue dated the
South 320,1 feet o the South..line of
Merrimac Avenue Biroiectedh thence
Ef st sin feet to
a point t hence(65 South t wet 449838 day of isE'C 1r'-7'J 19 h5
lent more or less,to the point'of be•
ginning.d 11,Five Acre tPlat A,EFS.:i of Blocks 6,7'In
Ekclutlar.therefromof h �h f4on°eetooi°ti and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper,on
both 1165 feet West of plain Street to a point
185 feet West f West Temple,and to
side ath of nd 50 feet feet11 then south rsidet, .. - ..for
said Property to feet retain its present
esidential 113'3' classification."
SECTION 2. In the °Pinion of the
'Beard of Commissioners,it is necessary. thereafter,the full period of
to the Peace,health and safety of Weimaa..-i.;1.;11t'
inhabitants of Salt Lake City that tills
r a shell become effective in
ordinance therefore, this ordinance shall,
become effective upon its first nulica-
t Passed lv us Booed of Commis - .the last publication thereof
stoners of Salt Lake City. Utah, this
15th day of Februarys,1955. •
EARL J.GLADE, being in the issue dated the ___7 7f}t _.. - clay of
City Recoten
f S E A L>
BILL NO.16 (;nT1kt 7'V A,D.19-5l
Published February 37,1055 p1'3> =%��. , ---
Subscribed and sworn to before me this.. __.__.. _ day toy
1'ol'rtt,'r'y ,A.D. 19..55
Notary Public.
Nov 00 11-:`ij
My commission expires
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