18 of 1961 - Amending Title 49 of R.O. - 1955, providing for the regulation of use of water upon the watershed ar 41c.lob �JO-4-60 Mwc.Pic.
ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, March 15 ,
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Christensen . . V
Harrison . . . ..
(,Y2/Lcii�✓�lY�t t:l-[�L�
Piercey . . .
Romney . . . ✓
Mr. Chairman . ✓ AN ORDINANCF,
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 49 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1955, by adding thereto a new Chapter 4, relating to
watershed areas and providing for the regulation of the use of water upon
the watershed areas and the regulating of subdivision planning and con-
struction upon said areas.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION I . That Title 49 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake
City, Utah, 1955, be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto
a new Chapter 4, relating to watershed areas and providing for the regula-
tion of the use of water upon the watershed areas and the regulating
of subdivision planning and construction upon said areas, said Chapter 4
to read as follows:
Salt Lake City
"Sec. 49-4-1 . Permit required for water use. No use of/
water in the watershed areas of Salt Lake City shall be made by
any-individual whomsoever without his first obtaining a permit
for said water use from the superintendent of waterworks. Such
permit shall be issued only where water can be provided directly
from the watershed area with reasonable safety. All permittees
take water at their own risk where the source of supply is other
than the regular city pipeline system, and all permits issued
shall so state.
"Sec. 49-4-2. Permit subject to revocation. All permits
issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be subject
to revocation by the superintendent of waterworks, or health
commissioner, subject to review by the board of commissioners.
Permits may be revoked for any of the following causes:
(a) Nonpayment of water bills.
(b) Violation of any of the sanitary regulations now existing
or which may hereafter be enacted pertaining to the watershed
area by permittee or any of his family, la:censees or agents.
(c) Waste of water due to any cause not immediately remedied
by permittee.
(d) Use for any purpose other than culinary purposes, i .e.,
the ordinary within the residence household activities.
(e) Any other cause deemed necessary by the superintendent
of waterworks or health commissioner to protect the safety,
health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City.
- 2 -
"Sec. 49-4-3. Charge for permit. Charges for the use of
water on the watershed areas for private non-commercial use
shall be made on a flat rate basis, to be set by the Board
of Commissioners at a sum certain per annum, and shall be
paid annually in advance. For commercial use, water rates
shall be determined by the Board of Commissioners on the
basis of standard metered rates and charges and the billing
period shall be determined by the commissioner of water
supply and waterworks.
"Sec. 49-4--4. Service connections. All permittees shall
make and maintain connections at their sole expense and shall
construct and maintain at their sole expense any and all
water lines, spring boxes, valves, etc., necessary to supply
culinary water to their premises. All connections and
appurtenances, both as to materials used and method of con-
struction, shall be subject to the approval of the superin-
tendent of waterworks and the health commissioner.
"Sec. 49-4-5. Permit permissive only. All permits issued
pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed to
give permissive rights to the use of water only and such use
shall be permitted only during periods when the city has surplus
water for sale. Such permits shall be subject to immediate
revocation when the board of commissioners in its sole judgment
determines that surplus water is no longer available from the
Salt Lake City sources of supply.
"Sec. 49-4-6. Subdivisions on the watershed, it shall be
unlawful to plan or construct any subdivision on the watershed
area of Salt Lake City without securing approval therefor in
accordance with this section. No subdivision on the watershed
area shall be approved without full compliance with the follow-
ing requirements:
(a) Submission to the Salt Lake City Board of Health
of.a report prepared by a registered engineer, showing for
each proposed lot of the subdivision, results of soil
exploration borings, results of seepage tests, location of
the water table, land contour, location of all structures,
including waste disposal system and a lot plan providing
acceptable area for a primary ground disposal system and a
second acceptable area for a ground disposal system to be
used should the primary system become inoperable.
(b) Submission to the proper governing authority of all
other plans, specifications and drawings required by
applicable law or ordinance. Approval of the general sub-
division layout shall not imply approval for construction
s - on each lot of the subdivision. Approval for construction
shall be made only for individual lots within the sub-
division, meeting the requirements of area, soil cover and
topography as specified In section 49-3-34 (u). A permit
for construction shall not be issued until the engineer's
report, as set forth in paragraph (a) above, has been
submitted, and unless the report clearly indicates that
construction can conform to the requirements of section
49-3-34 (u). If any lot is sold before approval for con-
• struction has been made by the board of health, the seller
must notify the buyer that approval for construction has
not been made and that a detailed proposal for construction,
• prepared by a registered engineer, must be submitted and
be approved before any construction can begin. When a lot
is sold after the lot plan has been approved, the new owner
must submit a certificate showing reaffirmation of the
detailed lot plan for construction, as submitted by the sub-
divider or previous owner, or he must submit a new, detailed
plan prepared by a registered engineer, showing any change
- 3 -
or changes in the original plan as approved by the board
of health. No construction permit shall be Issued and
no construction may commence until after approval has been
made of the reaffirmation certificate or of the new plan
submitted. Construction on all lots, either individual
or a part of a subdivision, must meet the sanitary re-
quirements according to Section 49-3-34 (u), relating to
waste and sewage disposal on the Salt Lake_City watershed,
and the installation must be approved by the Salt Lake
City Board of Health before occupancy."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of
Salt Lake City, Utah, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety
of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become
effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 15th day of March , 1961.
, I tris\kgtpin
(S E A L)
BILL NO. 18 of 1961
Published March 21, 1961
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
v Ntiticee
1 WI �)r):(1`Y
p('¢TL5�by9 t the Revised ordl. r and r
055, by'adding leretoy' U;n' Being first duly sworn, deposes says that he is legal advertising
Chapter 4, relating to tershed
aed hrnylmng far me regp clerk of the DESf?RET NEWS AND SALT LAKE, TELI-
the !t ae of.water u 'e
ree regulating ode a and ing CRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper Tinted in the En -
eu1a41ng !subdivision iahhing� � ( t y/ i g
a d r natrpclton no said a
m Ii Dreamed by the Board o! 1lSh Ia7ECJLdaLr)L' with general circulation ITn Utah, and T published in
DSECommissioners of Salt Lake Cdl'. Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah.
CTION 1. That Title 49.f
the Revised Ordinances of Salt
,Lake City.dtrih,1855,be, d the
hereby as,amended and
4, That the legal notice of which a copyIS attached hereto
thereto n e t
y�lnqq eo tereneaa «es`s a 9
� Nine!or,he ie8ula tlon at fhe
at ley man me watershed -1 j� T,r'kr*, ^i t:nt "Ri 11 Sdn 18 o"F 1 961
t` anu tea regwatmg or sun- ') •
°rtfan plaid are Chapter
t(1 upon said areas,,slid Chapter
4(p,read"CIIAPIWIO4 An (}}:('l TI WY)C'F. Y.'P1dt.1.pt, sal) wit r,P,]'SY1 C:Cl.
�'Sen. 4.4.1. P AREAS" _
'Sec. 49�4�1. Perrhlt'reaulretl '
Loerk ew mer uws teNt u heoµ Sa-t
!l reap,
hll eesatlefbya00odivijual
hh w
without his first
.obtaining for said ter
W4terWotthe. She uch permitshall _ --------------------
be'issued only where
e watercan
be provided directly from the'
safety.atersheetf area with reasonable
at their permitees take ow.ter
fun risk where the
acre ply is other man plltn,-r0b 21.r 1961...the afar city pipeline ofsystem,
'vve.atl permits issued sal MIS published in Said newspaper On
"Sec.49-4-2 Permit'(a{uble<t to
r➢evocatiio to All Perm!➢errm!elonk94ed
thts a npter'ehall a 0ubieet to -
•r lion by the Superimtendent
•eflee ongr,sitb'sectr to`re vie v 0by
• the Board of dos Issked onera,Per- - '
thets mayf)ollowing el..: for any of
':(b)Vl Violation
Oft. f t1 water
anit ty letlo of exist-
e Mee ph'th1 'Ippb th tt.`aiu` Legal Advertising Clerk /
of h!iami y,ff11lceoeeiee or:agent,
rouses noteccm'neditelvd remedied
thbyan ollnary purposes o the
hOrdinary within the .i.e.,eainnce
ousehold activltias.
eiarytt reetnecessaryAny other he Superintendent
trwors or Health Coin- /t}i day of
missioner to protect the safety, before file, this '
health and v rlfnrb of the In-
he''nec.s f Solt Lake C for
mite Charges for the use ftwater f 11 er
n the watershed for pri- A..D. t 9 ell
no.co usereial�u shall be
made on dal rate basis
.to s. /�
set by she Board of Ca mobs.
stoners as a r certain per s
a and shall be paid
nv lly in advance Por an-
de1 for tes she IIm ate
termined by ,t Dba d /`, `.{ 1 �.L'(C -
loners o the basis of
aharrdard ,etcred ate, an Notary Public
chalets d the blby t p ood 7 shall be tlof nWner S the Cand
la lonerWaterworks.
o! Water Supply and
"Se<. ll 000, Service
tons. All crm00ros shalttheir
sole maintain anddnehalllns aist vet
and maintain atntheir sole ee e
Ally' expense
and nit water noes, sprite
boxes, culinary
premix cull Ally nnec to then -;Co.i ,
appurten. Al. connections and appurtenances. both dD method too ma-
struction"hall ben uhlect to the
approval of the Superintendent of
Wterworks and the Health Com-
"Sec.40.4-5. Permit 0misslvc
only. ll permits issued p aunt
o the provisions f this chamfer
shall be deemed to give a Is-
sl e,rlghts to the u e of water
only nad such use shall bee per-
shet City Ihas urinnlus nosie r'Oar
sale. Such permits shall a bee ub•
lewhen the Ho to rd of Commissionlers
thatts srlllusludgmenls determines
available sfrom the Salt Lake City
,__ rat supply..._
atershed pIt nshallvbe unlawful
td Plan or construct any sudision on eo
of Salt Lake the watershed
without a
to c approval therefor i < m-
Ne with}his section.r sub-
divlsion on the watershed area
shall compliance➢pwith tithe�t followintl
e(a)Submission to the Salt Lake
City Board of Health of a report
prepared hr a registered engineer
showing for each proosed lot of
he subdivison, resultsre f soli
seepagetion tests, locationCS ofos of
water table. land contour, loca-
tion of all structures. including
waste disposal system and a lot
fora ap primary around hdisposal
system ore a grousecond
d alsposal acceptable
to he used should the primary
stem become inoperable..
(bl Submission to the prone.
governing authority of all other
Plans.sneedications and drawings
orduired by applicable law or
inance. Approval of the gen-
aiyubdivisiot layout shall not
on each lot vof the or subdivision.
Approval for construction shall
be made only for individual lots
within the subdivision. meeting
the requirements of a soil
and topogra shy a
lied rover in Section 49-3.34 area,
permit for construction shall not
be Issued until the engineer's re
lort. as set forth in paragraph
a) above. has been submitted,
and unless the report clearly
indicates that construction can conform to the eequirements of
40-3-34fr approval anyor coot
Bn•etten has been made by the
oard of Health.the seller must
notify the buyer that approval
madeuoanduthat ah detaled not been
pysal for eo tnrctlon. pf-teuVed
Ds registered engineer,m t be
submitted and be approved be-
fore nstruction can begin.n.
When a lot is sold otter the lot
planw has u must n submit a the
showing raffirmation o Certificatethe de-
al seubmittedl by for
previous owner,or he mustsub-
mit a , detailed plan pre-
syed bya registered engineer,
howing anychance a changes
in the original nl.ur a approved
by the Hoard of Health. No con.
all-notion permit shall be issued
and nonstruction may
until after•approvalcorn-
bnen has
e "rnado of the reaffirmation
certificate or of the newplan
submitted. Constructio on all
lots.either individual o art
of a subdivision. must meet
t the
anitarr ordine
io Seotl onr 49-3-34 a did rating to
twaste cud wage disposal on
he Salt Lake City watershed
and the installation must be up-
Boav d by the Salt Lake Cloy
rd of Health before oc.
the ECT D of In-
Comhmission opinion
Salt Lake City,Utah,it is ne Sar to the Peace. health end
safety of the inhabitants of Salt
Lake City that this ordinance shall
become ION effective i nedlately.
SECTor shall
lake effect upon its firstdinance nublica
Passed by the Hoard of Commis-
this 1s of Salt Lake Citr. Utah,
T.this 15th day of BRACKEN
City Recorder
PILL NO.la of 3961
Published March 21,1331 (11.541
/ 8