18 of 1964 - Amending Section 25-19-6, as adopted by Bill No. 10 of 1963, relating to physical examinations for e ✓ ROLL LAIL
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City, Utah, March 11 ,
Christensen . . ✓
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Catmull . . .
Harrison . . . % -/�
Smart % �•,6
Mr. Chairman .
Result . . . .
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 25-19-6 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as adopted by Bill No. 10 of 1963, relating to
physical examinations.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 25-19-6 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1955, as adopted by Bill No. 10 of 1963, relating to phys-
ical examinations, be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows:
"Sec. 25-19-6. Physical examinations. All officers and
employees of Salt Lake City shall be physically qualified for
their class of employment and in order to assure such quali-
fication shall be subject to the following provisions govern-
ing physical examinations:
"(1) Pre-employment physical. No person shall be regularly
employed by Salt Lake City in any department without first having
been physically qualified for such employment through a physical
examination to be administered by the authorized examining city
physician. The examination by the physician shall be of such
detail and standards as may be set from time to time by the board
of commissioners, provided that physical standards of employment
shall be uniform throughout all departments for the same class and
type of employment. No person shall be employed by Salt Lake City
in any position of employment whether regular, temporary or sea-
sonal unless he shall first have completed a health questionnaire
on a form to be provided by Salt Lake City which shall indicate
the applicant's knowledge of the state of his condition in respect
to specific disabling diseases. If all questions are answered
negatively, the person may be hired for temporary or seasonal
employment without a physical examination. Upon an affirmative
response to any of the questions contained in such form, the
person shall not be employed until after he has passed the phys-
ical examination required for regular employees.
"(2) Post-employment physical. Each officer and employee
in the classified civil service shall be required to submit to
an annual physical examination to ascertain fitness to continue
in the same class or type of employment. Every other officer
and employee shall be required to submit to an annual physical
examination as required by his department head and in any event
shall submit to a physical examination upon a change Of job type
or classification.
1 rS
- 2 -
"(3) Physical qualification. Condition of employment.
No person shall be regularly employed nor shall any person be
continued in employment unless such person is physically able
to meet the demands of the particular duties of his employment
as certified to by the authorized examining city physician fol-
lowing a physical examination. Persons who are unable to meet
the physical standards for general employment may be assigned
employment with restricted duties and in such case shall not be
transferred to other duties without a further physical examination.
"(4) Rules and regulations. The board of commissioners
shall adopt rules and regulations governing standards and classes
of physical qualifications for employment and criteria for re-
jection of employment which shall be enforced uniformly in all
"(5) Records to be confidential. All physical examination
records shall be confidential to the examining physician and it
shall be unlawful for any person to disclose any of the informa-
tion set forth in said records; provided, however, that city
officials authorized in writing by the board of commissioners
may review such records when necessary for the purpose of deter-
mining eligibility for employment, transfer of employment, re-
tention in employment, allowance of workmen's compensation
benefits, allowance of disability retUsmieffAiar other matters
relating to such employment physical/when a review of such records
is essential to a fair determination of the problem involved."
SECTION 2. Section 25-1-5 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,
Utah, 1955, is hereby repealed.
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is
necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake
City, Utah, that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
11th day of March, 1964.
/ % / MAYOR
,4‘04`,f \t ,
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C I T Y 1 , kORDER
(S E A L)
BILL NO. 18 of 1964
Published March 17, 1964
The following rules and regulations shall govern the physical quali-
fications of officers and employees of Salt Lake City:
1. All new personnel including temporary and seasonal employees shall
be required to complete form CM-5.
2. If any questions on form CM-5 are answered affirmatively, the
prospective officer or employee shall not be put to work until after passing
the standard physical examination for regular employees.
3. If all questions on form CM-5 are answered negatively, the officer
or employee may be placed on temporary or seasonal duty without a standard
physical examination.
4. A completed health record form shall be required of all new
regular personnel.
5. Physical ratings shall be given each employee and prospective
employee in accordance with the following classifications and code:
"A" - Top physical rating given applicant meeting all required
standards with no restrictions on job placement.
"B" - Physical rating given applicant with certain impairments
with minor job placement restrictions for current or future employment.
"C" - Physical rating given applicant with permanent impairment.
Ineligible for Civil Service employment, but may be employed in other
departments and required to perform duties that the physical condition
of the applicant will permit.
"D" - Unacceptable for employment in any Salt Lake City Department.
6. Each of the groups of physical ratings set forth in Paragraph 5
shall be subdivided into a further division within each rating to give each
employee or prospective employee a further classification as to degree of
defect and portion of the anatomy causing such defect in accordance with the
following code:
- 2 -
"a" - Surface disfigurement only.
"b" - No loss of function or use.
"c" - 5% loss of function or use.
"d" - 10% loss of function or use.
"e" - 25% loss of function or use.
"f" - 50% loss of function or use.
"g" - 75% loss of function or use.
"h" - 100% loss of function or use.
1. Toes. 11. Elbow. 21. Skull.
2. Fingers. 12. Ankle. 22. Malnutrition.
3. Hand. 13. Wrist. 23. Abdomen.
4. Lower Arm. 14. Knee. 24. Mental.
5. Lower Leg. 15. Pelvis. 25. Chest.
6. Upper Arm. 16. Shoulder. 26. Back.
7. Upper Leg. 17. Neck. 27. Hearing.
8. Relaxed Rings. 18. Mouth. 28. Pulse.
9. Hemorrhoids. 19. Nose. 29. Heart Defects.
10. Foot. 20. Face. 30. Blood Diseases.
31. Eyes.
7. In a "C" classification no person shall be accepted for employment
that has a loss of function in excess of 10 per cent of any portion of the
anatomy except those persons with special handicaps hired on specific approval
for a specific job only.
8. Department supervisors shall cause re-examination of any employee
following any injury to such employee that may affect his physical condition
in handling the duties of his employment.
9. Any operator of automotive equipment shall have a physical rating
of "A" or "B".
l0. Scheduling of annual examinations for Civil Service officers and
employees shall be the responsibility of the department head and the author-
ized examining physician. Department heads of the health, fire and police
departments shall submit lists to the authorized examining physician of all
1 O
- 3 -
persons to be examined. The physician shall schedule an examination time for
each officer and employee on such list and shall notify the department head
of the time scheduled. The department head shall then be charged with the
responsibility of assuring the attendance of the employee at the scheduled
examination and shall be notified promptly by the city physician if any
employee fails to appear for the scheduled examination. The examining
physician shall report the findings of the examination to the department
head and the Civil Service Commission within seven (7) days after the
completion of the examination.
11. With the indicated exceptions allowing employment upon special
approval of the Board of Commissioners, the following defects shall con-
stitute cause for rejection of employment and all persons with these defects
shall be classified as Class "D"s
(1) Active tuberculosis.
(2) Active infection of bones or of joints.
(3) Advanced arthritis cases. (Special approval.)
(4) Any contagious disease.
(5) Chronic alcholics, drug addicts.
(6) Color perception, lack of.
(7) Diabetes, Mellitus.
(8) Enlarged veins of abdominal wall.
(9) Epilepsy or fainting spells.
(10) Eyes, visual acuity.
(11) Flat feet, affecting physical dexterity.
(12) Foric thyroid.
(13) Hearing, able to hear ordinary conversation 10 feet, actual level
by audiometer test.
(14) Hernia and bubonocele (extra large rings also) .
(15) Hydrocele.
(16) Hypertension cases.
(17) Maxystolic pressure 170. Diastolic 90. Acceptable cases only,
as follows: applicants with organic heart disease able to carry
on ordinary physical activity without discomfort. Ordinary
physical activity does not cause undue fatigue, palpitation,
dyspnea or chest ,pain. Applicants in this class do not show
physical signs of cardiac insufficiency and rarely signs of
active heart infection.
(18) Minimum eyes 20/50 in each eye, with or without correction.
(19) No vision one eye (special approval for specific job referral only) .
(20) Pilonidal cyst on large protruding hemorrhoids.
(21) Pneumoconiosis.
(22) Poor compensation, heart lesions and murmurs.
(23) Prostate glands, defective beyond normal limitations.
(24) Scoliosis. (Special approval.)
(25) Spinal fusion, ruptured disc or post-operative. (Special approval.)
- 4 -
26. Varicose veins, over medium size. (Careful evaluation and special
27. Venereal diseases.
28. Pregnancy or abnormal female disorders.
29. Spine defects. Exaggerated kyphosis and lordosis. (Special
In special approval cases applicant may be employed with the assignment
to that employment wherein the duties do not create any undue exertion or
aggravation to the affected condition, and shall not be transferred to other
duties without the written consent of the Board of Commissioners.
Ao+e-3eA `
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake ss.
D M Ockey
Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising
GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng-
lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah.
That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
Salt Lake City Bill No 18 of 1964
An Ordinance relating to physical
was published in said newspaper on March 17, 1964,
Legal Advertising Clerk
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of
March A.D. 19 64
Notary Public
My Corr sti i TF�cg es
of Salt LaZe CRT, '1. *',.i9
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aeO ohysical pted by Eillt No,11)of 196Trhalefi
to examinations,,rd
• t4in arlf rLake ti •
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MR.evlsed ordinances of Salt-La- I
-CRY,-Utah,.19.55,as adopted by Bit6
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close and type of employment.No Ce
Parton shall be employed by Sall M,
Lake Clty in any position of employ.
meet whether reoular,temporary 0 .
seasonal unless he shall first have Ic
completed a health questionnelre on hI
a form to be provided by Sall Lake
Lily which shall indicate the opal,2
cant's knowledge of he state of his
condition In respect to specific di,c,
abllno diseases.If all Questions are d
• an av red negatively,the person may /-
be hired for temporary or seasonal 6
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lathed in such town, the person
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jEa"Chl orfliUrt.eaTir e'irtini:Pocephinsicae ,
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cal examlnatIont to ascertain fitness
to continue In the same class or type c
of employment.Every ow offiCer
end ernoloye stall be relutred to-
submit to an annual physlcal ex.
arniharion as required by his depart-
ment heed and In any event shall tt
submit to a physical examination.,
upon a chanee of lob type or class).r;
"Mr.1,,VSIcal Oualltlealfor. Gen-T
• dItIon of employment. No person W
shall be regularly emnioyed nor Pr
shall any person be continued in Li
errillIalrMerit unless such perSon is toi
Physically able to meet the demands
• of the parileular duties°tf ern.w,
r Arncirri'lirftV city ynh'grl'al;net
follOwing a Physical examination, pie
Perspire Who are Unable 10 meet the Tu
physical standards for general ern.
such case shell not be tranfferred
It other- duties without a further tie
"Xtil'ileVerrd'rne•Puletions.The vv,
board of commissioners shall adopt tht
roles era
ire 'lA1ear endCSTof physical er
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which shall be enforced uniformly in—2
al'eSneT:P1;.to be confidential.111
All physical examination records—
shell be ronfide.ial to the ex-
amining physician and It shall be
vnlemIli INPYringir If orlotree
• saki records(provided,',west°,that
city officials authorized in wrlting by
the board of commissioners may re-
view such records when necessary-
for the purpose of defermlnIng
billy for employment, transfer of
eilliDloment, retention of employ-
ment,allowance of workmen's com-ht-•
pensation benefits,allowance of die. lir,
refeit'rno retirement
irsrherg4royornhe7int giZel
examination when e revtew of such
rePorde Is essential to fair rzr,
mineelon of bECTION resagen3s.tra‘c theRevIsed A
dry.Utah,riVeIT'nergylt —
SECTION I.In the op.,nn of the Ix
Beard of Commissioners.It Is'Imps-
sat,to the peace,health and safhty
1i fiei"'c'i
lrflahltnrto N.tr :rnnAciecon IT
SCION Thl ordinance shall for
takEe eTffect anon Ifss first rublicaffon. Av
Passed by the Reardot Cornr.1-—
stoners of bert Leke CIty,Utah,the 3_
tiro tiaT of March,to.
City Recorder
BILL NO.19 of 1944 ore
Published March it,1966 fC.66/..°14