18 of 1972 - Amending Schedules 8, 14-d and 14-j, Secitons 208, 144, 149 and 152, establishing Orpheum Avenue, ea --
,/VOTING Aye Nay
Salt Lake City,Utah, ,19
'.... I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Barker...... '
Harmsen L,
Phillips..... to
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Schedules 8, 14-d and 14-j, referred
to in Sections 208, 144, 149 and 152 of the Traffic Code of Salt
Lake City.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Schedule 8, referred to in Section 208 of
the Traffic Code of Salt Lake City, relating to one-way streets,
be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding to said schedule
the following:
"Orpheum Avenue, eastbound from Regent Street to
State Street."
SECTION 2. That Schedule 14-d, referred to in Section 144 of
the Traffic Code of Salt Lake City, relating to streets where
parking is prohibited at all times, be, and the same hereby is,
amended by deleting from said schedule the following:
"Orpheum Avenue, south side, between State Street and
Regent Street, except for 30-minute parallel truck
loading as designated by traffic-control devices."
SECTION 3. That Schedule 14-d, referred to in Section 144
of the Traffic Code of Salt Lake City, relating to streets where
parking is prohibited at all times, be, and the same hereby is,
amended by adding to said schedule the following:
"Orpheum Avenue, both sides, between State Street
and Regent Street."
SECTION 4. That Schedule 14-j, referred to in Sections 149
and 152 of the Traffic Code of Salt Lake City, relating to one
hour parking meter zones, be, and the same hereby is amended by
deleting from said schedule the following:
"Orpheum Avenue, State Street to Regent Street, north
SECTION 5. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of
Salt Lake City it is necessary to the peace, health, and safety
of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become
effective immediately.
SECTION 6. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 8th day of March, 1972.
CITY Rr tWi\A",/
BILL NO, 18 of 1972
Published March 14, 1972
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
AN'o OINANCE Betty Phelps
Mend5 tit 1208 144 aho.ordtISO of
the Traffic Code fSalt Lake City.
Co5r4issanel cut Idiff"Leke Chef Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal a ver-
VeTioN t.That Schedule a re- tising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
ferrep lu in Becuon 2oa f to trit newspaper printed in the English language with general cir-
tooneawayfstreetLabee ano'thee1salme
her 7 la amen}d b edd'ng to culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
se"d scheuurne ye feltoe rp . County,in the State of Utah.
g CpTIOraet^10 State ehedalt fYom.
6Ered t 4. Than SGhetlulo odd,
(erred to In 3ecbe,¢idd 1 the
9ftIo Coda atwae aW gylsrole- That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
hibed I t ell tomes,b y and}tie same
VatIs,amended by doleting tram
hedule the followingg
Orpheam Avenue,Aaufliside,be-. _9n_Qrdinance_amend.ing_Schedn]-es-8+-1.tJ•=d-.anet1---ae-
(blrce Stnia Street.' nd parallel
S t r,. x Pt fore 3e-urinate paral'el
truck lON 1 s designated. by _ referred to in Section 208, 144, 149 and 152 of
Irraif:cconfrol devices.' 6
5eyred t J, That Schedule 4the
YeferYed to In Sec110n odd ofr the l
traffic Code of 3a1c Lake CIgY clef- Bill N9 Af—
niellae51Yre}SNwi':nresPaae:°etie°+I°e __thP_Txaffic Code of Salt lake ��ty,
aree hereby Is,amended by
Ifo cold schedule the follow sides,be- pr/
,1weQ�Qv State Streetbflend Regent. of 1.112,_._._
SECTION 4.That Schedalel4.4,re-
lferred ff In Sections ole ak 1 2 of
leeldelno no code of Salt Lake elee
Id1s 9 e e h p kihe meter
be and the m hm bs Id
(edule they tollowito8'a street
arphe Avanu sr 1 st eet tonewspaper P4are�h 1.k,-a.972----
'R9hECT10NeSt.1n the oo°�ton of rh'. was published in said news n er on
Bated of Comilissloe see of Salt!
elta 71 Is ea roe to tne'..
-,peace,health d safety f the
l habltanee of Salt'.Laka Clty that.this.
ate!,nde.became elfective Immedi-7
1SgIECTION b.Thi rdlne c hell
IteN (teat ep Ir tore}pabli tl n.
aaPassed b the 1l,,�Beard ot C Is- \��� \ �\ --
8fX tl y of MerCir k19E.J Utah,o, \1 :\..,
E.J.GARN ' L---
MaYor ---
HERMAN J.HOOENSEN Legal A!l .YltFtng("l 'k
City Recortler
YB�L No.le of 1972
I P bushed Match 14,1921 _,IAy-33/_
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
14th day of
P7a.o A.D. 19__72_.
" ,_ - -4114.rJ,,,,—
Notary Public
Noy Commission Expires
February 12, 1974