182 of 1976 - Amending chapter 4 defining and setting forth reuqirements for motor vehicle rental. VOTING " Aye Nay ow,L•on""°„
7 move that the Ordinance assed.
Greener �X
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Chapter 4 of Title 23 of the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to vehicle rental.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Chapter 4 of Title 23 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to vehicle rental, be, and
the same hereby is, amended to read as follows:
23-4-1. Definitions.
23-4-2. License required.
23-4-3. Exceptions.
23-4-4. License application.
23-4-5. License decal and identification decal required.
23-4-6. License decal and identification decal displayed.
23-4-7. Trip reports required.
23-4-8. Transfer of license.
23-4-9. Unlawful to use rental vehicle as a taxicab.
23-4-10. Reports.
"Sec. 23-4-1. Definitions. (a) For the purpose of this
chapter a "motor vehicle rental" shall be defined and deemed to
be any place or establishment where one or more motor vehicles
are kept for rent or public hire without a driver.
(b) For the purposes of this act a "motor vehicle" shall
be any vehicle which is motor propelled, which shall include
but not be limited to automobiles, snowmobiles, motorcycles,
all terrain vehicles and boats whether to be used on or off
highways or streets.
"Sec. 23-4-2. License required. It shall be unlawful for
any person to engage in the business of a motor vehicle rental
within the limits of Salt Lake City without first obtaining a
license for each vehicle intended to be rented. The license
fee payable under this section shall be $15.00 each year or
portion thereof for each vehicle so kept in such establishment.
"Sec. 23-4-3. Exceptions. The provisions of this chapter
shall not apply to any vehicle used for transportation of persons
when a driver is provided.
"Sec. 23-4-4. License application. Every person desiring to
operate a motor vehicle rental shall apply for a license therefor
to the license assessor and collector of Salt Lake City to
obtain the license and identification decals required by sections
23-4-2 and 23-4-5.
"Sec. 23-4-5. License decal and identification decal required.
It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or move or for an
owner knowingly to permit to be driven or moved upon any highway
any motor vehicle of a type required to be licensed hereunder
which is not licensed or for which the appropriate fee has not
been paid as required hereunder or which does not have properly
displayed decals as required by this chapter.
"Sec. 23-4-6. License decal and identification decal dis-
played. All motor vehicles operated under this chapter shall
be provided with and properly display a license decal and an
identification decal. A license decal shall designate the
license number of such vehicle as issued by Salt Lake City.
The license decal shell .bp affixed in a conspicuous place inside
of the glove compartment 'Of the vehicle for which such license
is issued. In the event the vehicle has no glove compartment,
then said decal shall be' displayed in a conspicuous place on said
vehicle. The identification decal shall contain an identifying
number issued tothe rental agency by the traffic violations
bureau of Salt:Lake City. Such identification decal shall be
affixed directly,_aboye or below the state license plate on both
the front and rear bumper gxards of each motor vehicle operated
under this chaptetu
"Sec. 23-4-7. Trip reports required. The owner or operator
of a motor vehicle rental"shall keep a record of trips made,
as provided in Sec. 251 of the Salt Lake City Traffic Code,
showing a record of each trip as therein provided, and also a
record showing the name, date of birth and address of each person
to whom any vehicle is rented or hired out without a driver,
together with the date and hour said rental is commenced and the
date and hours said rental is terminated.
"Sec. 23-4-8. Transfer of license. Whenever the owner of
a motor vehicle licensed under this chapter transfers or assigns
his title, or interest thereto, the license for such vehicle
shall expire. The owner shall remove the license decal as well
as the identification decal therefrom and may have such license
assigned to a replacement vehicle and may affix a copy of the
original license as well as a new identification decal to that
replacement vehicle.
".fec. 23-4-9. Unlawful to use rental vehicle as a taxicab.
It shall be unlawful for any person or licensee hereunder to
use or permit the use of any vehicle licensed hereunder as a
taxicab as in these ordinances provided, or to engage in other
than rental of vehicles without a driver.
"Sec. 23-4-10. Reports. Any person licensed under this chap-
ter shall upon request of the city license assessor supply a
statement under oath within ten days of such request, the number
and description of vehicles kept for rental or public hire at
the date such request was made."
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect 30 days after its
first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 23rd day of November . , 1976.
BILL NO,182 of 1976 82
Published December 2', 1976
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Chapter d of Title 23 of the Shama D. Palmer
Revls,ed Ordinances,.Salt Lake City,Utah,1965,relating to
vehicle rental.
Be It ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
SECTION 1.That Chapter 4 at Title 23 of Me Revised
Ordinances or Salt Lake City,Utah,1965,relating to vehicle Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that.he is legal adver-
rental,be,end the same hereby is,amended to read as follows:
CHAPTER. tising clerk of the DESERE'1'NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
Settipns newspaper r printed in the English lan uage with. eneral eu'-
23-1.Definitions. pr'rh g
2312.License required.
.23-4-3.Exceptions. ciliation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City. Salt Lake
23-44.License application
2344.LiveCensse decal and
s ntii cation decal displayed, County in the State of Utah.
23-1-7-..Trot reports required,
2-4- ransfer of license.
231.Unlawful to use rental vehicle asa tax icab. That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
"Sec. Definitions(a)For the Wrreee of this r a
eter vehicle rental"shall be defined and deemed to to be be any
place or re.or
phmBM ic re wwithout
t one or driver. Pub motor vehicles arc Pub notice to amend an ordinance relatl t
kept forForFo thepurposes°of this act ar"mter vehicle"Mall be - -- - --�----
bevehicle which Is motor propelled,which shall Include but not
limited toautheblies,snowmobiles,motorcycles,all terrain vehicle rental
vehicles and boats whether to be used on or off highways or
streets. ___ _. ..
"Sec.2312.License required.It shall be unlawful for any
f Im 11a.d�1�lSall Lake Clly withouuf l dabfalnine a licaensel for
thisns�lon'nvr;l b°ded a$e S1t5..000 each Year The
rllportion thereof fobler
eachnder• --- --_.-_-
vehicle so kept In such establishment.
"Sec.231a.Exceptions.The provision of this Chapter shall
not applsvwfooavndy vehicle used for transportation of persons when
S -License ee 2�yrya�N� e lication.Every rerson desiring to --_ --- -
operate a mdtitr vehicle rental shall apply for a license therefor
to the license pearmeor and collector of Salt Lake City to obtain'
the license and Identification decals required by sections 23-42 -- - -
and 2315.
Seta 2taak. let aetal ens Itlantl i;Tio'decal roequlred.
it small bo u,wful for v person r I ensue o e for en
Kignyayky"0t"I"Bm;urar°aniaa�aarYn":agnirea+�u a�:ee was published in said newspaper on Dec. 2A 1976
hereunl er which Is not licensed fir for which the appropriate lea
has not been paid as required hereunder or which does not have
properly displayed decals as required byW this chapter.
r"Sec.23-68.License decal and ldentltication decal displayed --- ----- -All
and properly ddises lavda license thldeccnloan!an idenftic identification
decal.A license decal shall designate the license number of such
vehicle as issued by Salt Lake City.The license decal shall be
tnixed In a conspicuous place Inside of Me°love compartment of
he vehicle for which such license is Issued.in the event the I 1\
v hicie has no glove compartment,Man said decal shall be
tcanlllcoadiinbe do -`.. •. b
Identification decal shall n ientWing number Issued t e �..i •�
the rental agency by the traffic violations bureau of Salt Lake
CIN.Such Identification decal shall be affixed directly above or Legal/l dill art icing Clerk
below the state license plate on bolt the front and roar bumper
guards of each motor vehicle operated under this chapter.
"Sec.2311.Trip reports required.The owner or operator of
motor vehicletal shall keep a record of tripsade,as
ovided In Sec.251 of the Salt Lake City Traffic Cede,showing a
record of each trip as therein provided.anddalma a record showing
the name,date of birth and address of each person to whom any
date`and hour mid rentalrelnta is cemmeenced driver,ti together tnd hours 8th
said Sac 2 is 0-terminated. ore me this day of
'•Sec.23-{d.Transfer of license.Whenever the owner of a
motor vehicle licensed under this chapter transfers or assigns his
ttle,or interest thereto,the license for such vehicle shall expire. A.D. I. 7(�
Identification decal therefrom and m y A have well liicennse _ 11
assigned to a replacement vehicle and may affix a copy of the
original license ..55 well as a new identification decal to that
replacement vehicle
Sec 234.9.Unlawful to use rental vehicle as a taxicob It
shall be unlawful for env nor licensee hereunder to use or
In permit ordinhe ances
o esno oovvid�`oar to eenngesed eeln hereunder as
than rental of _ ; _
venlnles without a driver. • <-. -- -.
chapter shalluipo rrequesst of the city licer.nnseeensed assessor supplhis
y a Notary Public
statement under oath within ten days of such request,the number
dand description of vehicles kept for rental or public hire et the
ate such request was made."
flrefSECTIOpublicaN 2,This ordinance shall take effect 30 days after Its
Utah,Ahls 3rtl day W November,197r1oners of Salt Lake CIN,
City Recorder
BILL NO.1112 of 1076
Published December 2.1976 (C.911
February 13, 1978_.___