183 of 1976 - Amending section 23-5-4 for the necessary means for mass transportation under the Public Transit Dis VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, Nnvamnar Zs ,iv io Mr. Chairman I move that the Ordinance be ed. Agraz Greener Hogensen Phillips Result AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 23-5-4 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to the public transit district authority. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. ThatSection 23-5-4 of the Revised Ordinances of -c= Salt Lake City, Utah;, 1965, re]. Ling to the public transit district authority, be, and-the same lereby is, amended to read as follows: "Sec. 23-5-4. Public convenience and necessity for district. Now, therefore„ it is hereby declared that public convenience. and necessity require incorporation of a Public Transit District which can operate in its own right and authority and exercise jurisdiction without restriction of municipal, corporate or county limits or the government or governmental units lying within the district. It is the purpose of this ordinance to provide the means necessary for mass transportation of persons presently and in the future, all pursuant to Chapter 12, Laws of the State of Utah, 1965, First Special Session, as therein made and provided." SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect 30 days after its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this `2.3rd -day of November , 1976. /1(11("1//1- MAYOR CITY RECORD (SEAL) BILL NO.183 of 1976 Published December 3, 1976 183 anM.ylA Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake ala ELRDIG(1:10E — A IT. O•.R D I Ii O N C AknGwDiNc:rouon 23-5-4 or ) _.._Shan.-_a D. P_ alner theR..16. Ordinances of salt Lake district o'ny- <o ircraaiqaeayt oara a Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver- �, loners m sou Lake b1 P Y B 6ECTIUtah: -4 of t•I.Revised 5atdon using clerk of the DESEAF2'NEWS, a daily (except Sunday) 2an5-4 or Salt Rev City tab res of sou Lake City.Utah, newspaper printed in the English, language with general cir- tranrltrdtlish-let ia authority,be, ciliation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake aMenidhed to same as hereby "' County, in the State of Utah. Sec,23-5.4.Public and necessity for distric a t. Now, therefore, -1 is hereby rL6clared that public conveni- ence a.n s ry require in" That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto Di usenet which can operatesin its n r1old and authority and ;; elso jurisdiction wallow Pub notice toamen_i an 9_r'd_i lance relating to the_ esirletiat of niunieloal,corpo- rate or county limits,or the i tribe 0yhmnm ar;raei.`ir public_ transit district authority is the provide oean,f MIS gcessary -- ro massy the moans accessary for mess rne end Inrthe of the per. song presently all pursuant to Chapter 12, Laws of tno Stare of Utah,1965. hirsr special hogging,as therein SLCTIONr 2.I This ordinance shall take effect 20 days auk —--"--- -- — i1s first publication. Passed by the,Beard ofCoin- Stai�onahiof a3rrd dkayCifat Novrmher,1976: '--- TF_: :50 L.W ILN M IL ORFb V.HIGAM as published in.said newspaper on_ Deco 3 1976 Legal Advertising Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of Dec. -- __ A,D. 19 76 . Notary Public My Commission Expires February 13, 1978