185 of 1909 - Ordinance 185 of 1909 – Sidewalk Extension No. 126, Fifth Partial Estimate. r;' ,," AN ORDINANCE . An ordinanoe levying a tax and for the assessment of property en all streets within the district lying between the sinter line of Thir South Street and the seater line of Ninth South Street, and the west line of Third West Street and t$s Jordan River; and between the south side of Second South Street and the center line of Third Swath Street, sad the west side of Jlath Rest Street and the Jordan River; else on beth sides of Jefferson Street from Ninth South Street to Need Avenue, in Sidewalk Distrists lee. 5, 15, 20, 21. 31, 40 and 41, for the ion- etrsotion of sanest sidewalks. Be it ordained bb the City 0oussil of Salt Lake City, Utah: UNION 1. That the City Pennell does hereby levy the tax and provide for the arse smsnt if the sem spin the property hereinafter described in Sidewalk Dietriots Iles. 5. 15, 20 21. 31, 40 and 41 for the eonatruetiea e f Bement si dewalks. te••wit: In Lets 1, 2, 5 and 4, Bleak 35; 1. 2, S. 4, 5, i. 7 and 8, Bloc ' 34; 1 to 52, inolusive, klleak S; 1 to 52, inolusive, Bleak 1, Coates & Oeres's Subdivision, Bleak 21; 1 to 52, inolusive, Bleck 1; 1 to 52 inolusive, Bleak 2, Seater S Oerem's Subdivision. Bleak 26; 1 to 29, inclusive, 57 to 68, inolusive, and 94 Io 112, inolusive, wick*' Sub- division, Bleak 22; 1 and 19. and 4 to 18, inclusive, B1ook 2, Doull Bros. Subdivision, Bleak 15; 1 to 20, inclusive, last Half Subdivisio, Bleat 10; 2, 5, 4 and 5, Bleak 10; 1 and 2, Bleak 4; 1 to 52, inclus- ive, Block 4; 1 to 52, inclusive, Block 5. Albert Subdivision, Bleak 3; 5 to 20, inolusive, 25, 24 end 50. and 31 to 45, inclusive, Bleak 5, Seventh South Subdivision. Bleak 9, all in Plat "O", abutting on both sides of fourth South Street between Sixth West and 3ighth West Streets; on the seuth side of Third South Street between Seventh West and Eighth West Streets; en the north side of Fifth South Street be- tween Sixth West and Seventh West Streets; on both sides of Sixth South Street between Seventh West and Eighth West Streets; on both sides of Eighth South Street between Seventh West and Eighth West -2- Streets; on the north side of Ninth South Street between Seventh Wes- and Ninth West Streets; en the west site of Seventh West Street be- tween Eighth South and Ninth South Streets; on both sides of Pitts Street between Third South and Fourth South Streets; on both sides e• Alvan* Rio Grande Woman between Sixth west and Eighth West Streets; on bet• sites of Jeremy Street between Fifth South and Sixth South Streets, and between Seventh South and Eighth Smith Streets; en both sides of Pest Street between Seventh South and Eighth South Streets; and en both sides if Osmoses Avenue between Seventh Wont and Eighth West Streets. this tax is leeeed to defray the expense of scnstruoting cement sidewalks yea the pssperty hereimbefere and hereinafter described t. be especially allotted and benefited by said improvement, and it is hereby adjudged. titirsiinet and established that said property will be especially benefited thereby to the fail amount of the tax hereby levied, end said paresis of lend aro hereby assessed at an equal and naifern rate in aseestanee with the linear feet frontage upon said portions of said. streets fronting %pen and to • depth of twenty-five (26) feet bask thersfwem. and the tax hereby levied and to be assess • upon said passels of land is fourteen thousand nine hundred eighteen and 65,100 (#14,918.65) tellers; sight thousand five hundred thirty- five and iS/100 (#i,s58.t8) dollars or one sad S4668J10,000,000 ($1.0145464) dollars per front or linear feet of abutting property fee sidewalks six (d) feet wide and four (4) inches thick, there bei 8094 feet abutting said portion of said improvement; and six thousan three hundred eighty-two ant 95/100 ($d.382.9b) dollars, or 90$045?/10,000,000 ($0.40SO4$q) dollars per front or linear feet of abutting property for sidewalks four (4) feet wide and four (4) lathes thick, there being 9079 feet abutting said portion of said improve- ment, which is the total cost and cost per front foot of said side- walks according to the contract entered into for the performance o said work and making said improvement, with James Kennedy Construe -S- ties Oeapany, dated the 12th day of July, 1909, and the Treasurer is hereby authorised and direoted to assess in a000rtanoe with the pro- visions of this ortinsaoe for the purpose herein mentioned: Six Foot Sidewalks. The south side of Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block 35; the east 148.E foot and the west 132 feet of the east 297 feet of the south side of Lot 1, the west 146.E foot and the east 138 feet of the west 297 feet of the south side of Lot 2, the oast 142.5 foot and the west 132 feet lef the oast 297 foot of the north side of Lot 4, the west 148.5 feet and the east 182 foot of the west 297 feet of the north side of Let 6. Block 34; the north sib of Lets 27 to 52. inclusive, Blook 2, Coates & Oerum's Subdivision, Kook 27; t ..morth_side__ot._S _._27 to 62. in- olnsive, nook 2; the ;math aid* of Lets 1 to 241. inclusive, Bleek 1, Oeates & Comma's Subdivision, 3look 24; the south aide of Lets 1 to 12. inclusive, and 67 to 60, inclusive, Wicks' Subdivision, Block 22; the north site of Lots 1 and 19, sat 4 to 16, inolusive, Block 2, Donll Eros. Subdivision, Meek 1$; the$ %th.side of Lets 1 to 9, in- elusive, Mast Yalf Subdivision. Block 10; the as■t Muth site of the west 297 feet of Let 2, Dleek 10; the south side of Lets 1 and 2, Ble.k 4; the south side of Lots 1 to 24, inclusive. Bleak 4; the north side of Lots 27 to 52, inclusive, Block 5; the east silo of Lots 1 and 52, Block 4; the east side of Lets 1 and SS, Sleek 6, Albert Subdivision, Kook 3, Plat "0", Salt Lets Oity Survey. Pons Foot Sidewalks. The west aide of the oast 297 feet of Lets 1, 6, 7 and 8, Stock Oft this east site of the west 297 feet of Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 34; the north side of Lots 27 to 52, inolusive, Block 1; the south side of Lots 1 to 26. inclusive, Bleak 2, Oeates & Oerum's 8ubdivisi'. , Fleck 27; the south side of Lots 1 to 26, inolusive, Block 2; the north aide of Lots 27 to 52, inclusive, Meek 1, Coates & Oerum's Su.- division, Block 26; the west side of Lots 12 to 29, inclusive, this oast side of Lots 57, said 96 to 112, inclusive, Wicks' Subdivi toh, -ei Bleak 22; the west silo of Lots 9 to 20, inclusive, East Half Subdi- vision, Block 10; the east side of the west 297 feet of Lets 2 to 6, inclusive, Block 10; the west side of Lots 25, and 6 to 20, inclusive, the oast side of Lets 26 and 50, and 51 to 45. inclusive, Block 6. Seventh South Subdivision. Block 9; the north side of Lots 27 to 52, inclusive, Block 4; the south side of Lots 1 to 26, inclusive, Block 6, Albert Subdivision., Block 3, Slat "C", Salt Lake City Survey, as the same are shown upon the official plats of said pity to a depth • twenty-five (25) feet beak from said streets, and to collect said t SECTION 2. Said tax shall bosoms and be delinquent in five scp Yearly installments. with interest on the whole sum unpaid at the rat of six per sent per annum, payable at the has each installment is ,d*, to-wit: Ono-fifth thereof one year after the approval of the o - dinanoe oenfirminy the levy of the tax for the payment ,for such im- provement; one-fifth thereof in two years after such approval; one- fifth thereof in throe years after mush approval; one-fifth thereof in four years after sueh approval; and ono-fifth thereof in five yea after such approval. One or are of said installments. in the order in which they are payable, or the whole special tax may be paid at ' time within thirty days after the approval of the ordinance oonfirwi the levy of the tax, without interest. In..the event o _any ina.tall,. meat or the interest aforesaid, not being paid on the date the same beeones due, the whole amount of the special tax unpaid at the time said installment and interest are duo, shall become due and payable, and shall draw interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum until sale of the property assessed; provided one or more installments, in the order in which they are payable, or the whole special tax unpaid, installment may be paid on the day any teitaltiMmet becomes due by paying the amount thereof and interest to said date. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. Sidewalk Extension No. 126. lifth Partial Estimate. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, November 8th, 1909, and referred to the Mai-or for his approval. i R cor er. Approved this 7_ day of November, 1909. jS7Ari,1,6-/fr morr. tbdhr8 itaE teas ,evtedoai ,OS of Q etel to able testy *At ;SS doslll ,8 of • sled to toot TQl taro sdt to sbte *ass edt ;0! dootf ,aoteiv ,ertauto.t .03 of 8 Ina .83 viol to *blot teew adt ;01 lootl ..vtauloal .8 d•old ,ertavloat ,8b st t8 has .08 baa 82 slot to obis teas sdt .38 0l VS stal to site dtt•a sat ;Q do•!S .solatvtbdr8 :Moil\ rea aoold ,evtavloat .as •t ! atol to sbiu d ilik, ;to dostl . ,,`�, as ,'ST, Irma gt10 edal CUE ,"0' tale,! 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