185 of 1977 - Adding sections 43-1-20, 43-1-21, 43-1-22, 43-1-23, 43-1-24 and 43-2-10.1 and amending section 43-2- 11VLL vr%I.�
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, October 13 ,19 77
Mr.Chairman ... .-'
Agraz >
I move that the Ordinance be ed.
- //0/
Hogensen L
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Chapter 2 of Title 43 of the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, by ADDING thereto new
sections 43-1-20, 43-1-21, 43-1-22, 43-1-23, 43-1-24 and 43-2-10.2,
and AMENDING section 43-2-16, relating to taxicabs.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Chapter 2 to Title 43 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to taxicabs, be, and the same
hereby is, amended by ADDING thereto new sections 43-1-20, 43-1-21,
43-1-22, 43-1-23, 43-1-24 and 43-2-10.2, and AMENDING section 43-2-16,
to read as follows:
Sec. 43-1-20. Calendar day. "Calendar day" shall mean a
24 hour period from midnight to midnight.
Sec. 43-1-21. Calendar quarter. "Calendar quarter" shall
mean January 1 through March 31, April 1 through June 30, July 1
through September 30, or October 1 through December 31 of each
Sec. 43-1-22. Calendar six months. "Calendar six months"
shall mean January 1 through June 30 and July 1 through
December 31 of each year.
Sec. 43-1-23. Cab day. "Cab day" shall mean eight or more
hours during any calendar day.
Sec. 43-1-24. In service. "In service" shall mean that a
taxicab is actually in use on the streets of Salt Lake City,
with a driver, and available for the transportation of passengers
for hire.
Sec. 43-2-10.2. License required for all vehicles authorized.
A holder is required to have the total number of vehicles
authorized under his certificate of convenience and necessity and
to obtain the license required by section 43-2-10.1 of these
revised ordinances for each and every vehicle. In the event the
holder does not license the total number of vehicles authorized
by said certificate before February 15, of any year, he shall
forfeit the right to any vehicle not so licensed, that authority
shall automatically revert to the city and the certificate of
convenience and necessity shall be modified to reflect the total
number of vehicles actually licensed before February 15 of any
year. Such forfeited right to operate any vehicle may be reissued
to any person; provided, however, it shall not be reissued except
upon application required by section 43-2-2 of these revised
ordinances and by a showing of public convenience and necessity
as required by section 43-2-1 of these revised ordinances.
Nothing contained herein shall prohibit a holder from having
vehicles in excess of the number authorized under his certificate
for the purpose of replacement or substitution of an authorized
vehicle under repair, maintenance or breakdown; provided, however,
any such vehicle shall not be used as a taxicab other than as
a replacement or substitution as herein provided.
Sec. 43-2-16. Minimum use of taxicabs required. No certifi-
cate of public convenience and necessity issued in accordance with
section 43-2-1 of these revised ordinances shall be construed to
be either a franchise or irrevocable. It is the intent of the
board of commissioners that all taxicabs authorized be actually
used for the transportation of passengers for hire. In order to
implement that intent, the board of commissioners hereby impose
the following requirements:
(a) Each taxicab authorized under a certificate of conven-
ience and necessity must be in service a minimum of 75 cab days
during any calendar six months.
(b) Within thirty days after the end of each calendar six
months a holder must file a report with the city license asses-
sor's office. Such report shall be in writing, signed by the
holder or by some person authorized to sign the same on behalf
of the holder and must be properly verified. Said report shall
contain the following information:
(1) A list of all vehicles licensed during the preceding
calendar six months showing the serial or engine number, the
state license plate number and the city business license
plate number for each vehicle. Such list shall include any
vehicle which has been salvaged or otherwise removed from the
fleet as well as the replacement thereof.
(2) The number of cab days each vehicle was in service
during the preceding calendar six months.
(3) The holder may also file with such report a written
statement of the circumstances that caused any taxicab to be
in service for less than 75 cab days.
(4) A statement that the information contained in the
report was obtained from the company records and that all
statements contained in said report are true and accurate.
(c) In the event any taxicab licensed under the provisions of
this title is not actually in service for the minimum required
75 cab days during any calendar six months, the right to operate
that taxicab may upon at least 10 days notice to the holder,
and upon the hearing had therefor, be revoked by the board of
commissioners. The holder may appear in person or be represented
by counsel at such hearing to show cause, if any he has, why the
right to operate said taxicab should not be revoked. If, at the
conclusion of the hearing, the board shall find that the holder
has shown extenuating circumstances, the board may grant con-
tinuance of authority. Upon revocation by the board of commis-
sioners of such authority, the certificate of convenience and
necessity shall be modified to reflect the number of taxicabs
actually in service for 75 cab days during such calendar six months
and the unused portion of the license fee will be refunded.
Unused portion, for the purposes hereof, shall mean any remain-
ing calendar quarter in the calendar year in which the revocation
takes place. Said refund shall be one-fourth of the fee paid
for each such calendar quarter. Such forfeited right to operate
any vehicle may be reissued only upon application required by
section 43-2-2 of these revised ordinances, and by a showing of
public convenience and necessity as reuqired by section 43-2-1
of these revised ordinances.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect 30 days after its
first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 13th day of October , 1977.
BILL NO, 185 of 1977
Published October 20, 1977
Affidavit of Publication
Jr ss.
County of Salt Lake
r:aor.olewwce Shana D. Palmer
AN ORDINANCE AIAENDI'NO Chapter 1 of Title 43 of the - ----------------.- _
Revised Ordlnaeeea el Sad Lake City,Utah,1965 by ADDING
th reto new sections 43-1.21,43-t-1I 411.22,63.7-13.43-1-24 and
43-2-1a.3,and AMENDING section 412-I4,relating to taxicabs.
ci�u+en°steed by pro Board of comml:elopers of San Lace Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that Inc is legal adver-
Ord a cefSON altLateCfy,,Utah,its5 relating t 43 otalcabs,b Ifsing clerk of the DESEKF,'1'NET'S, a daily (except Sunday)
and the same hereby la mended by ADDING thereto new
4Nci�0'ctioo-221,44111.M'r;;ees'f43oy.24 and/3-2-1o.2,and newspaper printed in the English language with general cis'•
AMEmean a2irouaperiod1 r ,rive: ttomidnight. 'baB (-elation in Utah. and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
lyHuhhlit"Calendar hnallirot Januar1ogMic April quarter"
ounty. in tow State of Utah.
June 30,July 1 through September 32,or October I
through December 31 et each year.
Sec.x11-22.Calendar six rut."Calendar six
h clamber January31 of 1 through June 30 and July That the legal notice of witch a copy is attached het-eta
Sec.411-23.Cab day."Cab day"shell mean eight or
more hours during any telemeter day.
Sec.a11-2A.In service."In service"shad mean that Pub notice to amend an ordinance relatina to
a taxicab is actually In use ref file streets of Salt Lake ----- ------- -----
City, hrs for
avall;.ble for the transportation of a
Sec, 43-2-10.2 Llcrse required for all vehicles taxicabs
authorized.A bolder is required pit have the total number ----- -----------�-
of vehicles authorized under his certificate a Cpn Ie
snce and netessltt and to obtain the license required by
ection 412-10.1 of these revised ordinances for each and
every umber.In VMicleseMroldar does idbeentse ite ------ ------before
e U rf 15,oat an eyHerhes a forf the Mete
born Fvehicle not
of any year,,shall forfeituthozee dolt
automatically o aliyle rot So thecftd,nd the euthriln tepall
cvyirscce nd necevert ssity shell be modified to reflect - ---the total number of vehicles actually licensed before
February 15 of any year.Such forfeited?lent to operate
however,It Mail ny o breissued
re saved exceeet person:
require 0y showing tIon 32--2 ettthes re Public vivis and
and -- ----required by iolea 43-2-1 a there revised ordinances.as Oct. 20, 1977
Irmoothihavinng oehlae'uei herein caset men number medboorll a was'published in said newspaper on-_--
under his certificate for the purpose of replacement or
maaiinteennaeve or an
proVvvided under any
such vehicle stall not be used as a taxicab other than ass --" "--- -
replacement or substitution asherein provided.
' certificate of apobllcction 4ence andicabs totem IStued
'accordance with section 412 1 a them revised oral
trances shel be construed to be either afranchi.se or
Irrevocable It is the intent a the board of mmmisslntors 1 1
that all taxlcabc utherized be actuadv used for the
transportation a passengers for hire. In der to �_)._�',,, ��->' - _ x--�'.
hl+lnnent Tat inlet,`titer Mad of commissioners - - ...\.---
er'eby lmpo5e the following requirements: Legal Advertising Clerk
(ant Each end lln authorized undo-alne certificate of ,� h
minimum of 15 cab days during any calendar six months.
six months Within holdderdmust flle the
with colander
license assessor's office.Such report shalt
ibe In writing,
the canon on the holder
of by mine
holderr east must authorized
vitrified.Said report shall contain the following Informs- 24 th
mom (1h A list of all venmles licensed during the re one this day of
serial r enginelnnumbe�the mate showing
i oennlse plate
tcrxeachavehicm.Such listdsh�all Includee - A.D. 19 77 ,
vehicle which has been salvaged or
otherwise tamoved from the fleet as well as the
replacement thereof.
(21 The number f cab days each vehicle
was In service during the preceding m tteedar six
man(3)The holder mnv also fIte with such report
Itten statement of the circumstances that r
caused any taxicab In be In service for loss then
75 cab days.
tamed)in nSttaatemeott of the Information
meats me the Notary Public
cempane recoo rds end tent all statements
tailed in said report are true and accurate.
(c)In the event any taxicab licensed uder the provislnns of
OM cab dle Is ays during anyly In service calerdar sixtor the minimum nwnths the right to operate
Mat taxicab may obeli at lead 10 days notice to the holder,and
upon the hearing Met aretor,ha revoked be the hoard of
commissioners. The holderaly appear In person or be
represented by counsel at such hearing M show cause,If any he
has,why the right to ape to sold taxicab Resold not be revoked.
If,at slsonn extenuating
the tti rlclrcumstences,the boardfin maythat
grant continuance of authority.upon mvoration by the board of
commissioners of such authority,the cerflllcate of convenience
and mcesslb shell be modified to reflect the number of texicabs'--
actually In service for 75 cab days diving such calendar six
moths and the unused portion of the,,range lee will he refunded.
Unused portion, for the "micro, ionvol. shall mean any
remaining calendar quarto to dec:,.xlar year In which the
revocation lakes place.Said refund v, me-fourth of the fee
paid for each such talenuur twee, Zia.,forfeited right to
operate any vehicle may be reissued oily upon application
t required by seethes 4122 of these re,nsrd ordinances,and by e
showing of public catwalk.,nod • nettle as required be
' section.13-2.1 of these revised orolnanc,^;.'
SECTION 2-Thls ordinance;hall take oftect 30 days after its
first publication.
Utah,file l byi the Bf ardOctab f Commissioners id Sad Lake COY,
City RelivedeeMILDRED r NIGHAM
Publishhed Octoobber 20,1971 1C-lei