187 of 1977 - Adding section 23-4-13 providing for overtime compensation for court appearances. • ROLL CALL
/VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, October 18 ,19 77
Mr.Chairman ... ,
Agraz :: I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Wogensen 04""' 0/jV'j
Phillips ,
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Chapter 4 of Title 25 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, by ADDING a new Section 13 relating to
overtime compensation for court appearances.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Chapter 4 of Title 25 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to overtime compensation for court
appearances, be, and the same hereby is amended by ADDING a new Section 13
as follows:
Sec. 25-4-13. Overtime compensation for court appearances.
(1) A member of the Salt Lake City police department shall
be entitled to receive compensation for a criminal court appear-
ance made during his or her off-duty hours as a witness under
subpoena by Salt Lake City or the State of Utah as follows:
Felony and class "A" misdemeanor cases Four (4) hours of
hourly base pay
All other misdemeanor and traffic
cases including juvenile court and
drivers license cases Three (3) hours of
hourly base pay
(2) Compensation shall be provided by authority of this section
only if:
(a) The time of the required appearance and of the witness's
release is noted on the subpoena and initialed by the prosecuting
(b) The witness is required to appear more than one (1) hour
before commencement of a duty shift or is released from the
appearance more than one hour after completion of a duty shift.
(c) A copy of the witness's subpoena complying herewith
shall have been delivered to the witness's supervisor within
seven (7) days following the court appearance.
(3) Compensation shall be provided hereunder for no more than
two (2) appearances per day. A second appearance shall be compen-
sable only if it is specified to occur:
(a) More than four (4) hours after commencement of a witness's
appearance in a felony case; or
'.LJ 1 (b) More than three (3) hours after any other appearance
compensable hereunder.
� (4) The prosecuting attorney shall have the right and the duty
11 to refuse to initial the subpoena of any witness who through tardi-
ness, absence or neglect fails to appear in compliance with the terms
(� of the subpoena. Any employee failing to appear in compliance with
,��NJQ the terms of a formal notice or subpoena shall be subject to
disciplinary action.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commission it is necessary
to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that
this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect September 1, 1977.
Passed by the Board of Commission s of Salt Lake City. Utah, this
18th day of October , 1977.
MiBILL NO, 187 of 1977
Published October 22, 1977
Affidavit of Publication
Jj ss.
County of Salt Lake
eN OitDI01NCr AMENDING Chapter I of Title 25 of the
P_evi=nd Drain:n+ces of Snit Lake City.atoll,19L5,by ADDING a 8hana U-s Palmer
Inv,s8lim,12 rclailoo.to overtire.cwnicmaHan for court `—---_----- - ------.. .----
at vi ordain,'by the Float-0 of Commissioners of Salt lake
CC Ot:p+:
ors a T+�m 1.That ChaC11nter rt Title 15 of iM Revised Beim;first duly.sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adx-Cr••
ry for cowl.appearances,be,and trig sane hereby is NEWS,"n'M1" using clerk of the DESF.RET,�EIG A, a daily (except Sunday)
allele dhv All UiNG anew compensation
as cows_
a t .>,S em member
of the cat Lake City
for ceder a department
Sec.l nl to n of the soh pens cuv police a,naolna/ aloe newspaper printed in the English language with general errs
arance fo r TeiM compensation ofn for Iasrad inert
aoflySaltL ke itherofwate arti awHnesa culauon in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
undera ilia ena usMf misd me the cases:Foil I Moors o
treatyb:sepry.ea"A"mieaerneamr asps:Four a)boors of County, in the State of Utah.
All otner misdemeanor and traffic cases Including Imenlle
court mid drivers license lases:three 15)hours of hourly base
pav'(4)compensation shall be provided by authority of this That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
ixfion only if:
s thn^+H hie rpllirod appearance and of the waness's
Ir•iea�. + r+mwonmasobpcmn and mnilodbviheprosecprb+a Pub notice to amend an ordinance relating to
ai�p10"v. ---- ----------
Kao1et comrocncem*an required uly to thilt or Is re earl from the
aplmnrance inure than Coss hear after completion of a duty shift.
Lc)A cony of tic wlinets s soMUuna comnlYirlp herewith overtime compensation for courtc a_p_pearances
shsll have bran delivered to the witnrA's supervlrir within ------ - -
seven(')days following the court appearance..
(3)Con manse-Nan.haft bit provided hereunder far no more
Man two(s)appearance.s her day.A second appearance shall be
conInsnb'r only if It Is necltled to occur(
+)N:ore than fear Id)hours after commencement of a
witness's appearance is a felony case;or
(b)0 re titan Hate(l)hood,alter any other appearance
.able hereunder.
(di The pto initlint attorney stern have the right ark!the
duty to roh,se to initial the subpoena of any witness who ihro+r
ir.dimes,absence or neniect falls to appear in compliance with
no,terms f the lth tile
i terms Any formal notice tailing
iuor subpoena shall
M.iricrrtoi a In
i�Cl'10"vi 2.In Me minion of the Pvard at Commission It Is
�sisiv fo!fie pnin:e,hea till-.ru1 we Hare of H,e I5M1c rd1 is of
ezceitr mat ihsormmyn�.da�n,n nrrertwo lmmedlalaly- Oct22, 197
6C'cnON 3.'rid`,,p/arlil+cc snau take erfeol September 1, Teas published in said newspaper on Oc 7
by the 0 of Co•nrnisslolk.rs of Salt Lake CITY
Mail,this Islb day or1 0cliairs
d vnr
toilily LD 51 NIGiHANI
City fir.+iirtl.::,r
f llsi,edOei ob^r n.11, IGn+i f _
Legal Advertising Clerk
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th _ day of
oct. - A.D. 19 77
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
Juno 1, 1981