189 of 1910 - Ordinance 189 of 1910 – Sidewalk Extension No. 155, First & Final Estimate. A7 C D1 _. A _. C3 . % c�
An ordiu:nce levyintea tax :r.ncc for the ,.ssescint of proporty on
II -the west side of Glendale Street fro,: Seventh South Street to Indiana.,
Avenue, on the east side of Glendale Street from Eighth South Street
to Indiana Avenue, and on the south side of Eighth South Street from i
Glendale Street to a 'Joint 230.72 feet east, in Sidewalk District Ito.!
41, for the construction of cement sidewalks.
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the City Council does hereby levy the tax end
provide for the assessment of the cane upon the property hereinafter III
described in Sidewalk District Bo. 41, for the construction of cerienti
sidewalks, to-wit.
In Lots 1 to 18, inclusive, Block 5; 1 to 8, inclusive, Block 3;;
11 to 18, inclusive, Block 2, 1. H. I elon's Addition, Section 11,
(Township 1 south, Fenge 1 west, Galt Tyke City Survey, abutting on
the :-lest side of Ilendale Street between Seventh South Street and I
i I
Indiana. Avenue, on the east side of Ilendrle Street between Eirhth
South Street and Indiana Avenue, and on the south side of E'i;.hth South
Street from Glendale Street to a point 2311.72 feet east.
This tax is levied to defray the expenuc of constructing cement
sidewalks five (5) feet wide and four (4) inches thick upon the pro,
erty heroinbefore and hereinafter described to be es5eci,e,l.ly affected,
End benefited ic3uam by said improvement, and it is hereby aid ju.dged, I
determined. and established that said proserty will be ecpccirl'y ben-I
edited. thereby to the full &mount of the tar. boroby- levied, _ocd- said
parcel; of land are hereby assessed r.t an equal and uniform rate in
accordance with the linear foot "rontase aeon said portions. o I said
streets, fronting upon and to a depth of tv;eat -five (25 feet beck
thorefroi end the tax norc o r levied and ,,o b _ of upon said
parcels o, land is one thousand one hundred seventy-five . i d 73/1_00
( 1,175.5) dollars, or 84/100 ( 0.84) dol,._cve per front or linear
foot of abatti>>r, ,,roderty, 1899.72. feet oZ , e tinp pro;c-
erty within the boundaries of t e lots, hlock:u _ ;d streets a'eove m.
tioned in said district, [ hich in the total cost and coat por front
foot of said sidewalks, accorLdinf to the contract entered into for
the performance of said work and makiaL said improvement with J. F.
Johnson, dated the 31st day( of October, 1910, nab the Treacuror is
hereby authorized and directed to assess in accordance with the pro-
visions of this ordinance for the purpose herein. mentioned: II
The east side of Lots 1 to 18, inclasiva, Block 5; the east sidei
of Lots 1 to 8, inclusive, Block 3; the west aide of Lots 17 and 18,
the north side of Lots 11 to 17, inclusive, block 2, J. A. Mialon's
Addition, Section 11, Township 1 south, nantae 1 west, Salt Lake City I
Survey, as the same are shown upon the official. plats of said city tol
a depth of t7onty-five (25 feet back from said streets, eel to col-
lect said. tax.
SECTION 2. oc!id tea shall become rand be delinqaohnt in five equal
yearly installments, with interest on the e'reole sum undeid. at the rate
of six per cent der annum, „xyahle at the time each installment is 1
due, to-wit; One-fifth thereof one year after the Approval of the or[;-
dinance confirminb the levy of the tax for the „hayment for such im- 1
proveheht; one-fifth thereof in two years after such a2provr1; one-
fifth thereof in three years after such aprovi; one-fifth thereof
in four years after such api)roval; and ono-fifth thereof in five
years after such approval. One or more of said. installments, in the
order in which they are )ayable, or the whole specira tex may be paid
at any time within thirty days after the approval of the ordinance
confirminc the levy of the tax, without interest. In the event of any 1
installment or the interest aforesaid not boil-IL: paid on the date the
some becomes due, the whole amount of the special tax unpbid at the
time said installment and interest are don, el 11 bedome duo and pay-h
able, and shall droci interest at the rate oZ foe cent per annum1
until sale of tic property asscaacd; provided, ore or more install-
ments, in the order in which they are paryable, or the YI;o3 special
tax unpaid may be paid on t[ie day any ihtt[ ilhort becomes tan, by
. .
[j.)ayincr, the amount thereof anu interest to said date.
SECTION This ordinance sh 11 t ke effect upon wpj)rovni.
Sidewalk Extension ITo. 155.
First end Final Estimate.
'. Passed by the City Council of Sa3t 'Ace Qity,Utah, December I
5th,1910, and referred to the Mayor fair ]i0: appsroria
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Approved this C0 der of Dec mber,1910.
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