19 of 1902 - Ordinance 19 of 1902 – Amending Section 20 of Chapter XXII of the R.O. re: intoxicating liquors. AM OPPTITIOTIF AMENIJVC TION 20 ry r1AJWP7,q1 xni OiP Thv PEVTSWD ormUTANIT1S. De it orrIPAned i,v the City Connoil of Oalt bale City, ne , 74hYt' seetion 20 of ohepter of 7revippfl ordinnee pi' Snit n11,enti6d $o P.s to re,„1. ns":,followe. , Sention 20. Any 1.erson (or 7f.er$3021s) who erta tn t-it. sle o. i LI OW; i!ialt or other intoxiofltinrr lisp.tore, Thorthat retaiL an tholeentle, Selt City,•!mFrk rireirtiint :314ft .t)11.9.1..1L0s11 p enA 1V1i 'bond to the Itmliner pr'ti. I 1 this r!hPpter; 1-rnviftwl, +Milt only,Oei bar tri,In npon raid r,Rid. bum:nese he oond.notealtnder the ARme rooC Ofli upon the enidr, floor. A -fnrther pr'Lv:itee to1:1(-7 , fnt nnr.er for co" Sto-r4.-hniise SPiri Or store-nonee to !!, 4,-„t!e, exoineively for storaryl pnri:of3es. Provid.c.e. fe,rther, that no enoh Lie shnll t. gricite:1 I=Jiy (zet,;.rlinhent, exeot n hotel, loofJed within three Ilnn(Irwi fet.:t of any 1,111,1irl sohoni LiuLlilina (yr ,11111.T.,17; lAtiarlin7 11.Serl for thnt 1pone. L7 ffr,: City, .!dy 7th, 2fld roforree to tree ' ?yer Apprevec thIsihay C.ity gec 9 — . 19 ,2.e.e.v....s.,Z...,0-2-ce • I . .„ . , .„., ._. - Presented "i'd'i he City Ticit, -, _ - and reierrid io tile Ciuniilitio on ze,94...erzed 1 , - c •: , E 8 25 hi.r2 ., ."- •.' ,?sc?! .64:turvii,' ' • .,. aTtepOrt No. . . _ . • . . . . - . : MA11141902 7 • . . .. _. . . , - "} 'r-f *9-.A.141,608,w, '•,- • 7 - ' ' rresentetto the city Cowie% . _ 9 7: 7 JUL 28 leer. - ,if • :- . ., , ..'' .4-i-er.ec.-1- ...„,.,. . . . . . ' i.."0...3italiovwv . .- • - . . , ...... ; _: I . . . -., - • .4P . 41.t.." • ,i,o • !:, ' A'' . IFITWOPF N,- lir-MTEENIONIr 17- 771E—LEMMIL 7--72r7--InineMPIllitr -, -m718411111•11F-7-- .— - -• --- . ,.