19 of 1912 - Reorganization of the Police Department. iu'.f OhIU: CE and re-un oti. Sections 522, 523, 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530, 531, 532, 533 and 534. of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1J03 as amended, providin for the re-organization of t12 delice Department, the appointment of officers, fixing; their sal-tries and defin- , their powers and duties. B , IT O1 12IhLD by the nearu of Cor:uaiscion.ers of Salt La' c City, Utah: r27 5 4. 525, 5 52r 528, 1: Sections �����, �?3, � _, ��6, ���1, �.8, 529, 530, 531, 532, 533 and 534 be and the same are hereby amended and re-enacted to read follows: Section 522: The Police Dunart;ru t of Salt Lake City is hereby re-or :anized and shall hereafter consist of the followin,�pp officers, men, employees and agents, whose duties and compensation shall be as hereinafter fixed: One Chief of Police, who shall be at the head of the Police Depart;eent. One Inspector with Inc rank of Senior Captain. One Captain One Junior Captain Three Desk'Sergeants One Matron. One Janitor' One Secretary to the Chief of Police Ei:;thty-three Patrolmen of three wades to-wit: Plrst rxrade, Second gT ade nn.u. Third prado. Patrolmen. without previous experience shall he ap- noi_nted to the Third Grade only, and may be Promoted anon recoun_.endatioe of the Chief of Police after service of one year, if in the opinion of the Chi-if of Police ticir service and ability entitles them to nrceiueion. The Chief of Police may appoint into the Second Grade ad..ilicants ',iho, in addition to re ular reonirewents, have served at least one year in the Third. Grade in this service or two years in police or detective service outside the Police Department of Salt Lake City or a, 19 - - term of enlistment in the United States Army. The Chief of Police may appoint into the First Grade applicants who, in addition to regular requirements and having had two or more years service in police and detective work, are especially qualified for police service. All applicants ;,lust successfully pass such. examinat- ions as may be required by regulation. Section 523: The Board of Commissioners shall ap- point a competent person to act as Chief of Police, and the Board of Commissioners may, at any time, remove such Chief of Police without cause, without charges being preferred and with- out trial, hearing or opportunity to be hoard, whenever in the opinion. of a majority of the said Board of Commissioners the good of the service •;gill be subserved thereby, and the action of tie 3oard of Commissioners in making such removal shall be final and conclusive. The City Recorder shall forthwith notify the Chief of Police in writing of his removal and, from the time of his notification, the person. so removed shall in no case be entitled to any sal_.ry or compensation whatever. Section 524: The Chief of Police shall, before assuming the duties of his office, take and subscribe the constitutional oath of office and furnish bond to the City in the sum of five thousand dollars. Section 525: The Chief of Police shall a moiat, by and ,with the advice and consent of the Board of Commissioners: One Inspector with the rank of Senior Captain. One Captain. One Junior Captain Three Desk Sergeants One hiatron One Janitor One Secretary to the Chief of Police Eighty-three Patrolmen of three grades, to-wit: , First Grade, Second Grade and Third Crade, —S— and all other men and employees in the Police Department and, in like manner, fill all vacancies. The Chief of Police, with the consent of the -hoard of Cormnissioners, may at any time remove any subordinate employee,, man or agent without charges being preferred and without trial, hearing or o:opor tunity to be heard whenever, in his opinion., the good of the service will he subserved thereby ane such removal shall be final and conclusive. The City Recorder shall forthwith • notify in writing to removed. person of such removal; it shall not be necessary to state any cause therefor and from the time of notification the person so removed shall in no case be entitled to any salary or compensation whatever. Section 526; The Chief of Police Alall deli onate in writing filed with the City Recorder and a duplicate thereof filed with the City duc.itor one Patrolman to act as First Duty Sergeant, one Patrolman to act as Second Duty Sergeant, one - Patrolman to act as Third Duty Sergeant and one Patrolman to act as Fourth Duty Sergeant, not more than five Patrolmen to act as Patrol Drivers, not more than five Patrolmen to act as Ldotoreycle Policemen, not more than three Patrolmen to act as and ieounted Policemen,/three Patrolmen to act as Jailors. The Chief of Police shall also appoint from the First Crude Patrol- mnon for detective service those whom he shall deem most capable for that branch of the service not exceeding eight in I umber, and he may reduce and assign to patrol duty any .etectivc whenever, in his judgment, the improvement of the service recuiros it• provided that, in special cases or • emergencies, he may assign for temporary duty, without extra ,mmy, additional patrolmen from any rrrade to serve in the detective department. Whenever any change shall occur in. the !olive Department by death, resignation, removal, transfer, promotion or reduction. the Chief of Police shall, in like manner, fill all vacancies from among no existing force or from appointments as, in his judgment, ho shall deem best for -4— the good of the service. Section 527: The Chief of Police shall have power at any time to transfer any patrolman from one service to another, to promote any member of the department to any position of greater authority or larger salary or, in like manner, to reduce any patrolman from any subordinate office to a lesser office or to an office pf lessor salary or to reduce any such subordinate officer to the ranks or to transfer any member of the department, except Inspector, Captains, Desk Sergeants, Matron, Janitor and Secretary from one position to another in the department as, in his discretion, shall be best for the good of the service, by notifying the individual affected by such change and by filing a written designation of the change with the City Recorder are the City Auditor. - The Chief of Police shall also have charge or the City Jail; he shall receive and safely keep all prisoners properly committed to his custody; he shall file ,and preserve every warrant of commitment and keen a record in a book ore- vided for that purpose of all persons committed to the City Hall showing date of arrest, offense charged, torn of com- mitment and each prisoner's name, age, place of birth and. date of release. Section 526: The Police Do gartcen.t shall bo under the management of the Chief of Police except as otherwise pro- vided by Law or Ordinance. The Chief of Police shall have t _e control, el n ,:_e t and direction of all members of the department in the lawful exercise of hie functions with full power at any time to suspend any subordinate officer, employee, men or agents in the Police Department for a period not exceed- ing fifteen days when, in his judgment, the good of the service recuires it and, during the time of such suspension, the _person or persons so suspended shall not be entitled to any salary or compensation whatever. In all cases of suspension he shall immediately report the same to the City -5- Recorder, City Auditor and Commissioner of Public Safety thereof in writing. Section 529: The Chief of Police, with the approval of the Commissioner of Public Safety shall make and adopt such rules and Regulations for the improvement of the Department and the uniforms of the officers, employees, men and agents connected therewith as, in his judgment, shall be necessary and most appropriate for the good of the service. Section 530: The Chief of Police, with the advice and consent of the Board of Commissioners, may at any tiee ' appoint special patrolmen to servo without pay from the City said appointments to be made for a period not to exceed one year from date thereof and each certificate of appointment shall designate whether the appointee is authorized to act as such special patrolman throughout the City or at a particular place therein and if at any particular place, the place shall be designated in such certificate. The City Recorder shall keep a book containing tic names of such ap- pointees, the date of appointment. and the date of expiration of said appointment. Section 531: Command shall he exercised by virtue of office and special assi;pnnonent of officers eligible by law and ordinance to command. The officers of the department shall rank in the following order: let - Chief of Police 2nd - Inspector 3rd - Captain 4th - Junior Captain 5th - First Duty Sergeant • 6th - Second Duty Sergeant 7th - Third Duty Sergeant 8th - Fourth Duty Sergeant In the absence of the Chief of Police the performance of his duties shall devolve upon tine Inspector and in the case -6— of absence of the Inspector through disability or otherwise upon the next ranking captain. Section 532: Mounted Policemen must provide their own horses, horse ocui event and hori e feed under the direct— ion and subject to tie approval of the Chief of Police. An allowance of Twelve Dollars and Fifty Cents ($12.50) per month shall be made to each mounted policeman. Tor the main— tenance of said mount. Section 533: The officers, omplo„yees, mon and agent- . of the Police Department shall receive yearly salaries payable monthly, as are the salaries of other city officers, in the amounts as follows: Chief of Police $3000.00 Inspector 1740.00 Captain 1620.00 Junior Captain 1500.00• Duty Sergeants 1380.00 Patrolmen in Detective Service 1320.00 Desk Sergeants 1080.00. Secretary to the Chief 1200.00 Fireman and Janitor 900.00 Liatron 480.00 Patrolmen of the First Grade 1200.00- Patrolmen. of the Second. Crade 1080.00 Patrolmen of the Third Crade 960.00 Jailers, Patrol Drivers, Lotorcycle Policemen and Mounted Policemen shall be graded as Patrolmen of t7e First, Second or Third Grades. Ho member of the Police Department shall be allowed pay for any period for ,which he may have been absent from duty, unless such absence' resulted from sickness or disability contracted or received in the discharge of his duty and incident to the service, provided, however, that the Chief of Police may grant, subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Public Safety, a leave of absence not to exceed ten days with pay to any member of the force who has been in the regular employ of tine City as a member of the Police Depart— ment for at least one year. -7- No member of the Police Department shall receive any fee or any comoonsation whatever, directly or indirectly, from a City, County or State for any service rendered or act done by such member of the Police Department other than ike salary provided by ordinance, except witness fees in Superior Courts; nor shall any member of the Police Department receive any money or eomRensation whatever, directly or indirectly, from any person, firm or corporation for any services rendered, to be rendered or act done other than the salary provided by ordinance, provided, however, that a gift or reward may be accepted by a member of the Police Department only upon the written recom- mendation of the Chief of Police and as proved by the Commission,- or of Public Safety. Any violation of this section will subject the offender to immediate dismissal. Section 534: The Police Department of Salt Lake City is included in the Department of Public Safety under the gener direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. Time Chief of Police shall consult and advise (ith the Commissioner of Public a-nz„(a-e4 'eo a,/,fvr 1777, Safety^won all matters pertaining to the Police Department and shall from time to tine make such reports as the Com- ni.ssioner of Public Safety shall recuire. S 'CTIOIl 2: All ordinances and resolutions or parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith and all amend ments heretofore made to said Sections 522, 523, 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530, 531, 532, 533 and 534 are hereby repealed. SECTION 3: This ordinance shall tae effect iv first publication. Passed by /the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Try I ebruary % = 1912. 161-141--rder. Mayo x•. _. ____- 1_J Preoeetted to the Board of Cos tolssloaers -� ,irso.1..-San a. .,. , . s":_u131 12 CITY RECORDER. R�, y} P • First Publication in FEB?3i" i CITY RECORDER. /J 1 f