19 of 1930 - Amending Section 1925, relating to records of wrecked or junked autos ROLL CALL
Salt Lake City Utah Pair 10, 193 0
I move that the ordinance be passed
Fehr V ---
F1nch Y�
Mr Chairman - AN ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE AT11LSDING SACTION 10,5, Pevisea Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 100, relating to traffic
Be it ordainec by the Board of Commissioners of `alt Lake
City, Ut'lh
SACIION I That ection 195 of the Revised Oroinances of
Salt Take City, Utah, 19ti0, rel^tiny to traffic, be and the same is
heresy amended to read a follow,
It shall be unlawful for any person eneapea in the busine' of
wreckine, buying, seluin , exchaneine or aeallnc; in used oz
second-hand motor vehicles, tire , radiators, magnetos, speed-
ometers, eauioment, stora,e batteries, -parts of such vehicles,
or accessories of '1.11 kinds -nd description, to fail to keep a
record of the purchase, sale, wrecking, exchanee or storage of
such articles, which hall at all times ce open to the inspection
of the chief of police or any offices detailed oy him, or to fail
within twenty-foul hours after the purchase, s le, exch,n«e or
acceptance for stor''e or wreckine of such articles, to make out
and. deliver to the chief of louse a full and complete record of
the purchase, s^le, exch n„e or acceptance for storage or vreckin,r
of such used or seconu-hand motor vehicles, ecuioment, or acccs-
ories anu deliver to the chief of solace or 'any officer detailed
by him, when 'ny motor vehicle oI motorcycle 1" wrec-ced, junked
n r�
or demolished, the ccrtificrte of oiinershio ano/os reri,,tsa-
fan and the license nlstes lost _r^suet, uion redistrntion of
ouch vehicle or motorcycle by the licensin st ae the Grid
report shell contain the none ano aucres o' the Jerson from
,Thom ourche^eo 01 t^'-en in exchange, or for for e, as to
>>hom old, the m:74-e, state license number, motor number, buoy
number, P'eneretor number, carburetor number, in ^neto number,
storsoe batLery number, t;rensmis^ion number, rec..<toi num9es
Ind ^needometer number, ay enj otner r cr'c of iccntificAion,
make, size and serial, numocr of each tire, inclu :n eatr,
tires, style and gentian ca.lac-ty of all secono-h nd oLor
vehicles purcnc sec;, sold, exchan-eu or oloced in -tor -re, a 1 e,
c-ize ono number of secondhand Totor vehicle tires, m-ke ano
number of ^econd-hang radiators, is-netos no a ,eecometers,
ecuipment, storage betterie^, ourts of vcnicle , 071c 11 otner
accec^ories h^vin;^ ^ serial number, end such other information)
concerning said srticles as may he neces.ary to prove ovnersnilp
jl end identity of said used or second-ha-io rotor vehicle, ecjuin-
ment or accesoories -paid report shall be \rritten in the
Enslish languh. e in cl ear ano l e•*ible roan:er,on ,1 n'rs fur-
ni ned by the chief of )olice
SECTION In the o;Lnion of the 3o-r.a of Comm.^^ioner.r,
it 1^ nece.,-ary to the )e,re, hellth and o-fety of' the siiib., nts
of )1L T i' e City that t'v.^ ore]dunce .)ecome off ect i ve ir ,eui^tei g
SECTION 7 this ordinance sh-l° tai_se of-eat a ion it TLrst
,uf lie tion
Yas^ed oy the 'o is of C,omriic.^Ioner� of halt c,,c
s y,
Ut 1h, this \ _,' c'-"y of _A _-, 19'0
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Proof of Publication
County of Salt Lake
CIyUtah 120relating I Li11A .Fveleigh being first duly
tot attic
Be It rdained by the Board of
C molls lone of salt Lake Clt, sworn depose and say that 1 am the Chief Clerk of THE SALT LAKE
sECT10N 1 That Section 1925 of
the Revised Otdinancee of Salt Lake
bet and tah he same is thereby amen to d d TELEGRAM a newspaper of general circulation published every day
to ad a f II w
CARS It shall be unlawful for SAW at Salt Lake City State of Utah
p n gag a In tl o bu in s f
w eking buying selling exchanging
an d 11 Ig it u e 1 second hand
m toi vchi les tires radiators mag
n to ape dumetors equipment stor That the notice An Ordinance Bill # 19
age b tt rle parts of ucl vdlncles
or accessories of all 1 it de and descrip
tins to 1It to Dar cord of theurc 1
scot Igo saale we
log exchange sha
such cuticle which
at all tin a be open to tl a hlepectiot
1 tl el i f 1 poll e or any officer d
to I d by 1 Inc or to rail within twen
ty four hours after the purchase sale
volt 1 g of accepta Ice for Storage or
cl leg of such atticles to mak
out and dolly I tI the chief of poll e
I r complete hange or a record
of the pur
chase salev: ao0eltagoe
fo at age of wre king of such u d
r a cdnd hand m t r vehicles equip
tl otlthl f of polio'a r any oat d and deli t t° of which a cope is hereto attached was first published in said news
tailed by him when any motor vs
hide or motorcycle le meshed junked
1 d n lished the celtlftcates f
ownets110 and or registration and the paper in its issue dated the 14th day of bray 19 30
tic Ise plates last Issued upon reels
tration of rich vehicle or motet cycle
by tit tic nsing state The maid r
I port ofleolname d ad
Mass p rsnfrom m P and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper on
based or taken in exchange of for
storage or to whom sold the make
state license nun b r motor numbs tktktklktklK for ***A**b dy nun b g notate numbs ear
burelor nut bet magneto numb
at age bane y I umber trans id seen
numb r adtator no ribs and speoeodom
t numb t or a ty other mark of
Identtcatlon make size and aortal thereafter the full period of One Insertion
umber of each tire including exits.
tl es tyl and boating caDatlty of
ail cool d hand motor vehicles pu
ha ed s Id exchamg d t plated in the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the 14th.
sto,agd male size and number of
second 1 ,d mot r v Male the a al o
rid numb f e o d hand radl t
n s end speedmnetets equip day of Lay A D 19`30
meat cal o torag batteries mitts of ve
In les and all other accessories hay
t g a se tat nun b t and such or r
m '�%
fotmat on concerning said articles
a may b n ti o to Drove owner
hip and t of f sued used or See c
an motor
d hand motor vehicle aqulpbee m
too accessories Said report shall be Writ
— ton In gib Enga n langu1 b In a dean
aril legible ma n bunts fur
ed by a "i i of Douce Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of
SUCTION 2 In the op(niot of tl
B and of C cum 1 tier It Is n c
ia y to the peace health and safe
y of tl It habits es of salt Lake Flay
City that thl mMimeo become of
f rive I mediately
SECTION s This ordinance shah
take effect upon its that publication
Pas ed by the Host d of Commis
stoners of Salt Lake City Utah this Y
11th day of lON N 1930 N Notary Public
lilt No 10 cloy Recorder My commission expires Nov. 25, 1923
Published Slay 14 1930
! Advertising fee $
` I
)4 f4� t >
Proof of Publication
The Salt Lake Telegram
Entry No.