19 of 1931 - Vacating 'N' street from 7th to 11th Avenue, 8th and 9th Avenue from 'M' to 165 feet east of 'N' Str •
Salt Lake City,Utah, duns...22, , 193..1.
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Mr.Chairman _ V - AN ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE VACATING "N" Street from 7th to 11th
Avenues; 8th and 9th Avenues, from "M" Street to a point 165
feet east of "N" Street; 10th Avenue from a point 165 feet west
of "N" Street, to a point 165 feet east of "N" Street, in Salt
Lake City, Utah.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION I. That "N" Street from 7th to llth Avenues;
8th and 9th Avenues, from "M" Street to a point 165 feet east of
"N" Street; 10th Avenue from a point 165 feet west of "N" Street
19 ,d) to a point 165 feet east of "N" Street, in Salt Lake City, Utah,
;and more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the southeast corner of Block 112,
Plat "D", Salt Lake City Survey, and running thence North
330 feet, thence west 330 feet to the N. WI corner of said
Block 112, thence North 82.12 feet to the S. W. corner of
Block 113, Plat "D", thence East 330 ft., thence North 330
'�,V' "pr\5 .� \ ` ft.113, thence West 330 eet o he N.
W. corner f a id Block
thence North82.5feettotheS. 1W. cornerofBlock 140,
Flat "D", thence East 330 feet, thence North 330 feet, thence
West 165 feet,to the N. W. corner of Lot 4, said Block 140,
Flat "D", thence North 82.5 feet to the S. W. corner of Lot
1, Block 141, Plat "D", thence East 165 feet, thence North
330 feet to the N. E. corner of said Block 141, thence East
99.22 feet, to the N. W. Corner of Block 88, Plat "G", Salt
Lake City Survey, thence South 330 feet, thence East 165 feet,
tjnence South 82.5 feet, thence West 165 feet to the N. W.
corner of Block 73, Plat "G", thence South 330 feet, thence
East 165 feet, thence south 82.50 feet, thence west 165 feet,
to the N. W. corner of Block 72, Plat "G", thence South 330
feet, thence East 165 feet, thence South 82.05 feet to the
N. E. corner of Lot 3, Block 57, Plat "G", thence west 165
feet, thence South 330 feet to the S. W. corner of said
Block 57, Plat "G", thence West 99.22 feet to the place of
beginning and being located in the N. W. 1/4 of Section
32, 1. 1 N., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M.
be and the same are hereby vacated and declared no longer public
'property for use as streets or alleys.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt I .ke City that this ordinance become effective immediately.`
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication.
Pas-ed by the Board-of Commissioners`.of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 23d _day of y,7une , A. D.
City recorder.
I �
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L 2 � yaa
R x w
'' v
Proof of Publication
County of Salt Lake 1}
t front
nt lthsto Ilth Avenues;
W td" tr Sth
a point'166 teat•eat of M'"N8 Street;
loth Avenue from a point tot feet we a point 185 feat st
. "Ng Street to Sat Lake City,'Utah. being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the advertis-
Be It ordained by the Board of-Com,
raleatoners f.Sale Lake C1ty, Utah:
Avenues. 8th and act, ing clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper published in
Avenues Irom •Tf" Bereet to yoint
196 feet okaet at •'N'f Street; i0oh
Avanue from r'polnt 163 feet west of
N"Street to a paint 166 feet e t c Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah.
•11" Street la Salt Lake'City, Mag
M. more'particularly dtscribed /
f a
�aoneMm: ,
•aetnmenomo at the southeast cornerThat the notice.- ���
Metof Bleak 112,-Plat"D".Batt Lake City f�//L//.�//
, t;and weal 9 thence North'3N 2'.'^C/
Met, thenne wea 930 teat M the N: Fa/�/-v
2762th Baer of said the 1W thenne _ _ `/-" ""I"""'"
Of Block
69.11 teat to the 8. en corn.
Of B t., thence
Plat D3 thence Easte
f 2 Lfeet the 800 ft., thence
sold lOc feet to enc N.W.North
coenereet I
bad$a El. 115.thence North 83,6 Seat
le the tt ce- rear 8 nook ice,tPlat
ort,thence t,t 980 feet, thence
North 3In feat, thenne West 14, feet.
to the N.
feet 140, W.
CD'.,thane of L 82`6
010to the. S. W. corner of Lot 1,-
Block thence
Plat. 33 thence East Ili
feet cheace North Sao teas to the N. of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said
E.corner o1 maid Black 141,thence Est
99.22 feet, to the N. W. Corner of
thenoet South Salt3 feet, them. newspa er,in its issue dated,the � Z day of
East{66 feet. thence South 88.6 feet
thence West 166 feet to the N.W.con•
nee of Block 73, Plat 0", then. A. D. 19�5-.-.
South MO feet, thence East 166 feet, •
thence south 82.60 feet, thence waist
166 feet to the N.W.corner ot Block ___
Plat 'a", thence South 330 teat. / /
thenne East les N.
E. thence fSouthLet nd was published "`-----����...���ffl__JZZZ------
8, l feet ,o the '0 E. a of lion
S. Block ce, out 110 to
feet,thence South Block feet
to the W.
corner f amid slink67.a let r.of the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the.
thonce Weend hob feet the place t
W.beginnIng Sena.being T.
the N.
W.st of Section 32,T.1 N:,R.I E.,S. A.D. 193.1
L.B:&M.bet d the ea me are here,
by fed and declared o longer pub,
day of -
lie property ty for use as strafe or alleys.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the
Hoard of Commissioners, It le ne ee.
eery to the peace. health and safety
of the Inhabitants of Salt Lake City _
that tale ordinance become etreelf Advertising Clerk.
immediately. shall
SECTION 8. This ordinance shall
take effect upon its first publication.
passed by the Board of Commiealon•
ore of fete A D. 1
Lake City. this, 23d
y of
City Recorder. t, >•v'
Bill No. 19. 'ore me this v day of
Pualleped Jane Ompl.Ms, • ,.
A. D. 193/
Note Public.
4 .
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