19 of 1932 - Sewer Extention Number 477, 1st and Final Estimate. ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY ftJN Salt Lake City Utah 193 Finch y I move that the ordinance be passed Keyser W Knight Lake Mr Chairman Result AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of pro- perty in Sewer Districts Nos 1 and 2 (Sewer Extension No 477) for the purpose of constructing a sewer Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah SECTION I That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same upon the property hereinafter described in Sewer Districts Nos 1 and 2 (Sewer Extension No 477) for the purpose of constructing a sewer, to-wit Lots 9 to 17 incl of Blk 2, Lots 11 to 21 incl of Blk 3, and Lots 10 to 13 incl of Blk 4, of Seventh South Sub of Blk 8, Plat C, Lots 22 to 31 incl of Blk 2 and Lots 1 to 16 incl of Blk 3, of Butte Sub of Bik 17, Plat C, Salt Lake City Survey, Lots 1, 19 & 20 of Blk 9, 5-Acre Plat b, Lots 1 and 48 to 56 incl of Blks 3, 4, 5 & 6 of Desky1s Second Add , Lots 1 to 4 incl and 51 to 54 incl of Burr Oak Add , and Lots 1 and 37 to 39 incl of Stewart's Add of Bik 9, 5-Acre Plat A, Lots 4, 5 and 6 of Bik 10, 5-Acre Plat A, Lots 24 to 33 incl of New London Sub , Lots 9 to 30 incl of Blk 1 of Temple View Add , Lots 8 to 16 incl and 22 to 27 incl of Blk 2, of Annex to Desky's Second tdd , and Lots 2 to 22 incl of Blk 4 of Richland Add of Blk 10, 5-Acre Plst A, Lots 2 to 10 incl of Blk 2 of Mayfair Park Sub of Blk 29, 5-4,cre Plat C, Big Field Survey, abutting on and adjacent to both sides of 7th South Street from 9th West Street to the Jordan River, and both sides of 2nd Vest Street from 13th to 17th South atre ts, Paramount Ave from 1st to 2nd Vest atreEts, and Basatch Circle north 185 ft from 13th aouth Street 54 1_9 `,ub of Elk 10, Lots 9 to 30 incl of Elk 1, Temple View Idd of Elk 10, Lots 8 to 16 incl and 22 to 27 incl of Elk 2, Iinnex to Desky+s 2nd Add of Elk 10, Lots 4 & 6 of Blk 10, the north 120 0 ft and the south 120 0 ft of Lot 5 of Ll 10, Lots , to 22 rocs) of,Blk 4, Tichland Ida of Elk 10, all in 5-Icre Plat A, Big Field bu*vey Paramppnt_Avenue The east 666 0 ft of the west 726 0 ft of Lot 5, Blk 10, 5-Icre Plat I', Big Bielu h-utvey L asatch Circle The northerly 58 68 ft of Lot 2, the northerly 57 81 ft, of Lot 10, and Lots 3 to 9 incl , of Blk 2, Mayfair Perk _ub of 137k 29, 5-Acre Plat C, ,sig Field buivey FULL EATS 7th South Street Lots 9 to 16 incl of Elk 2, the west 23 0 ft of Lot 17 of Elk 2, Lots 11 to 21 incl of Blk 3, Lots 10 to 13 incl of Blk 4, Seventh South Sub of Bik 8, Lots 2E to 31 incl of Blk 2, the west le 5 ft of Lot 22 of Blk 2, and Lots 1 to 16 incl of Elk 3, Butte .,ub of Elk 17, all in Plat C, Lalt Lake City .,urvey, a.> the same arc shown upon the official plats of said city to the entire depth of the same ownership back from said streete and to collect said tax SECTION 2 That the asses°ment list made by the City Treasurer a- corrected, approved and completed by the Board of iqualization and Review of the property described in Section 1 of this ordinance in Sewer Districts Nos 1 and 2 (Sewer Extension Nol 477) of halt Lake City, for the puroose of constructing a °,ever upon ,aid portions of said streets, is hereby confirmed, anu the assess- ments made and returned in said completed lists, and the retort of the Board of lquelization and Review to the Boaru of Commissioners of Salt Lake City are hereby ratified, aporoved and confirmed SECTION 3 Said tax. shall be payable 3n five equal yearly t 4 -4- installments as provided by law and ordinance, with interest on the wholP sum unpaid at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable at the time each installment is due, provided, however, that one or more of such installments in the order payable, or the whole tax, may be paid without interest within fifteen (15) lays from the date this ordinance. becomes effective. In the event any installment or the interest aforesaid is not paid on the day the same becomes due, the whole amount of the special tax unpaid at the time said install- ment and interest are due shall become due and payable, and shall draw interest at the rate of twelve per cent per annum until the sale of the property assessed. SECTION 4 This ordinance shall take effect one day after its publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, the 14th day of _ June^ , A 1932. !� '\,�v��,�__\ Mayor City Recorder Sewer Extension No 477 '1st and Final Estimate. I1' k r' M it ill II G s S 1 r I , , . ,L. js > : ..i.... c._. z oV o H 1A• q 1-. Ei 3 I t4 � J from of 3nbbttrattnn ' ratted *intro of America STATE OF UTAH ss s�,L�ITsc nF SALT_LAKE 1 AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of property In 1 war Districts N s 1 and 2 (Sew Eat nslon No 477) for the Purl.. of toner ucting a sews B it ordained by the Board of H P LI C7 T.J OAT Comm/ lone s f Salt Lake City Utah SECTION 1—That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City doe hereby levy the tax and provide f beingfirst dulysworn deposes and says that he is the Principal Clerk the eases rrpp at 5f the same upon the 1 property—leer Manor de crlbed In Sone Di trl is N I and 2 (Salve Extension No 477)f th pup se of constructing a ewe to wit of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE a newspaper published in Lot 9 to 17 loci of BM 2 Lots 11 to 21 inct of Btk 3 and Lots 30 to 13 loci of Blk 4 of Se Lots South222 to 51 1n 11 of Blk Pa to d Salt Lake City Salt Lake County State of Utah Lots 1 to 16 mcl of BIk 3 of Butte Sub f Elk 17 Piet C Salt Lake City 9 Ac Lt g1 and 20 of Blk 9 Plat A 46 That the Notice' CRJT_P" to 56 loci of Bliss 3 4 5 and 6 1 and y51geton 54 Add inclLot 1 to of 13u4rinci Oak C OnPOR ['I ON Add and lots 1 nd 37 to 39 Inc) J lI L r ^, CITI of Stewart a Add to Blk 9 5 Acre Plat A Lots 4 5 and 6 of Blk 10 5 Acre Plat A Lots 24 to 33 Intl of N w Lond n Sub L te9t 30 in I of Blk 1 of Temple View Add Lot 8 to 16 Intl and 22 to 27 loci of Blk 2 f Annex to Desky s Second Add and Lots 2 to 22 Ind of BIk 4 of Richland Add of Elk 30 5 Acre Plat A Lots 2 to 10 Ind of Blk 2 of Mayfair Park Sub of Blk 29 5 7t Plat iaend else no io b estiS Hoof is hereto attached was first published in said news Un South Street from 9th both st St e t of which a copy to the Jordan River and both sides of 2nd West Street from 13th to 17th 13th e t to and wet Stie to anwa et n paper in its issue dated the Circl north 185 ft from 13th south 2 The tax is levied to defray the x June 193 , se eight t(8) tolten(10)inches Vitrified i In day of diameter 1n lusting manhol a flu h on tanks and Ye all omplete upon th and was published in each daily Issue of said newspaper po tlons of said et let opp site the prop ty he Haft r and he elnbefo described to be specially affected and ben Sited bl id improvement Tune ]')t h for and It Is hereby adjudged deter `mined and establl bed that said property will be especially benefit d thereby to the full amount of the O n e .,n e T t 10 n tax a e h I bled and sad parcels or thereafter the full period of lat are hereby assessed et a 110 a rate In to ordahce with the ant a foot f omega upon and ne the obtl e depth of the her by n 330 beet thethe last publication thereof and theCOm n t exceeding levied 330 feet and tax levied and b ' eauupdel011.nd wi Thousand red day of Eighty foul and 73 100 ($1268473) beingin the Issue dated the 15th Dollars NIB Thou and Seventy seven and 42 100 (007742) Dol ler or One and 4 3 1000(61423) Dolts a per front or linear foot of June A D 193 2 abutting property for half rate there being 6 379 07 feet abutting said 1m Hundred end Three 31100Thousand 31x Hundred Seven end 346 0 0 ($2 46) Dollars or Two Wnd 89line foot o abutting Dollars per front or line foot re property for full rate there being 1 26nt 50 which s the said abut 15t h tel l C ett which/s the total ofof day of to la eeebo rost a act accd ording torthet cent act and sworn to before me this ant red into fo the p 9 man of said work and making all lmpibve went with Mullin,Sc Wheeler/Cola2 tractor flat d tll 19th fl y oftlisv2111 A D 193 b r 1231 and the Treasu er 1 h rebyl uthorl ed and di led to mewl In 6 co flan a with the provisions of this Drennan purpose a for the purposse herelnj mentioned Notary Public Advertising fee $ 1111 HALF RATE 2nd W st St et Lots 1 and 48 t 56 Mel of Elk 3 Lots 1 and 48 t 56 in I f Blk 4 Lots 1 and 48 to 56 Intl of Blk 5 Lots I and 48 t 56 Intl of Bit 6 De ky e B and Add of Elk 9 Lots 1 to 4 Intl and 51 to 54 lncl Bury Oak Add of Bile 9 Lots 1 and 37 to 39 Inc] Stewart a Add of Blk 9 Lot 19 the north 1200 ft of Lot 20 th southe,1200 ft of Los 20 th north 120 0 bf Lot 1 the south 120 0 ft of Lot 1 of Blk 9 Lots 24 to 33 Mel .New London Sub or Blk 10 Lot 9 to 30 Intl of Elk 1 Temple Slew Add of Elk 10 Lots 8 to 16 Intl and 22 to 27 lncl of Elk 2 Anne to Daffy s 2nd Add of Blk 10 Lot 4 and 8 of Blk 10 the north 1200 ft and the south 1200 ft of Lot 5 of Blk 10 Lots 2 to 22 Intl of Elk 4 Rlahland Add of Blk 10 all 1n 5 Aare Plat A Big Fl Id Su vey P aro sot A ens The east 666 0 ft of the west 728 0 it of Lot 5 Blk 10 5 Aare Plot A Big Field Survey Wasatch Cl of The No the ly 5868 ft of Lot 2 the northerly 5781 ft of Lot 10 and Lots 3 to 9 Intl of Blk 2 Mayfair Park Sub of Elk 29 5 Acre Plat C Big Field Survey FULL RATE 7th South Street Lots 9 to 16 Inc1 of Elk 2 th w et 230 ft of L t 17 of Blk 2 Lots 11 to 21 Ind of Blk 3 Lots 10 to —13 Intl of Blk 4 Seventh South Sub of Blk I Lots 23 to 31 1n 1 of Elk 2 the wet 12 5 ft of Lot 22 of Bill 2 and Lots 1 to 16 Intl of Brit 3 Butte Sub of Blk 17 all In Plot C Salt Lake City Survey as the same are shown upon the official plat of said city to the en tire depth of the ems owne ship back from said streets and to collect said tax SECTION 2 That th assessment het made by th City Treasurer n oor acted approved d completed by the Board of Equalization and R view of the property described In Section 1 of this ordlnan e 1n Sewer Clot lots N s 1 and 2 (8 we Ex tension No 477) of Balt Lake City for the DU poa of n tructing ew r upon s Id portions of Id et e is is hereby o norm d and th asses m nt made and r turned in sold complet d lists nd th rep it of the Bo rd of Squall salon and Ravlew to the Board of Commis 1 n ere of Salt Lake City are hereby latl fled approved and coati med SECTION 3 Said t x shall b pa yable p Sided by 1 lee In f1Siyw aea nd o dl nonce with Int re t on the whole aura unpaid at the rate of 6 per cent p Instalment i payue 1 providedtlh w oh that one or mo a of such Instalment In the o der payable 0 th whol t a may b paid without lnte at within Sift n (15) day from the d to this o din nce be me effec flue In the event any In talment or th Interest aforesaid I not Dald on the day the same become due th whole amount of the special tax un paid at the time aid Instalment and lntere t a du hall b ome du and payabl nd hall d aw int est t the rate of 12 p r cent p r annum until the sale of th p petty as sess d SECTION 4 This o durance eball t ke ffe t one d y after Its publi c Pa d by th Sad of Comml el n r of Salt Lake City Utah the 14thdy of Jun A D 1932 LOUIS MARCUS Mayor ETHEL MACDONALD City Rem der Bill No 19 Sewer Extension No 477 P1 t and final stimate Pub11 hell June 15th 1932 r...- z Y ,. 0 A -I 1 ri 1:14 r. kit --. \ .4 sf r 0 41 z O °' w , o h 3 ����( a N -2- This tax is levied to defray the exnense of constructing I I a vitrified pipe sewer eight (8) to ten (10) inches in diameter, including manholes, flush tanks ana Ys, all complete, upon the port tions of said streets opposite the proocrty nereinafter and hcrein1 before described to be especially afCect-d ana benefited by s-,id Improvement, and it is hereby adjudged, determined and established that said property will be especially benefited thereby to the full amount of the tar hereby levied and s,id parcels of land. arc hereby as essed at a uniform rate in accordance with the linear foot front- age upon and to the entire depth of the same ownership back there- from, not exceeding 330 feet, and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed upon said parcels of land is Twelve Thousand, Sir Hundred Eighty-four and 73/100 (412,684 70) Dollars, Nine Thousand Seventy- seven and 42/100 ($9,077 42) Dollars or One and 423/1000 ($1 423) 1 Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property for half rats, there being 6,379 07 feet abutting said improvement, and Three Thou- -and Six Hundred oeven and 31/100 ($3,607 a) Dollars or Two and 846/1000 ($2.846) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting pro- perty for full rate, there being 1,267 50 feet eLuttin6 said im- • provcment, which is the total abutters' cost and cost per front foct of said sewer, according to the contract entered into for the per- . formance of said work and making said improvement with Mullins & Wheeler, Contractor, dated the 19th day of November, 1931, and the - treasurer is hcreb, authorized and directed to assess in accordanceil ' with the provisions of this ordinance for the nuiposes herein men- tioned HALF RATE__ 2nd Scat Street Lots 1 and 48 to 56 incl of Bic 6, Lots 1 and 48 to 56 incl of Blk 4, Lots 1 and 48 to 56 incl of Elk 5, Lots 1 and 98 to 56 incl of Blk 6, Desky's Second i-dd of Blk 9, Lot, 1 to it 4 incl and 51 to 54 incl , Burr Oak Add of Blk 9, Lots 1 and 57 Lot 19, co '9 incl , Stewart's idd of B12 9,,the north 120 0 ft of Lot a0, the south 120 0 ft of Lot 20, the north 10 0 ft of Lot 1, Londop the south 120 0 ft of Lot 1, of Blk 9, Lots 24 to 33 incl , Nev_/i