19 of 1937 - Amending Section 1400, relating to refusal or failure to comply with any order of a Traffic Officer. ltet.108 100 37 ROLL CALL Jul.e lltlI VOTING NikY AYE Salt LakeCity,Utah, ., 193.__ Coggin I I✓/ I move that the ordinance be passed. SS —— /„^l Keyser _� I,-' /,' ' ' Matheson Murdock - - - - 1 _ Mr.Chairman - - - - - AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1400, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to traffic. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt'-La.ke City, Utah: SECTION I. That Section 1400, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to traffic, be an the same is hereby amended to road as follows: SEC. 1400. COMPLY t'ITH ORDER. 01 TRAY V'IC OFIICER., . It shall be unlawful for any person to refuse or fail to comply with any lawful order, signal or direction of any traffic or police officer engaged in the direction, con- trol or regulation of traffic. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health an safety of the inhabitants of halt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. -Jfv2 Passed by the Board. of Commitoners of Salt La7-ce City, Utah, this __17 Ct day of ZL``o_-, —.-, (l.,ka. ', .Mayor. _-Zailli VI1'-..CSL — �p-s City Recorder. ( 1 ) 19 9 oRgiNAN g ( • f resented to the Board of Commissioners AND PASSED • JUN 1 71937 CITY RECORDER First P>,171* lion in JUN /9 1937 alttiterhttdMIA. Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lake 1} Ay(ORDINANCE a Leo H.Young An orainane, di�a saeoa334a9,. �vtaed O[dinanbea oY"aalt Iake CrL9,than, 03a,r satins to traifiLe Hoard 1 com- 7fe it ordained b9 Utah: mis 5,7 f aalt Lake it, o[einvic�ae luf eeii iew"a°tes;B�ta,�1004: Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the advertis- farTg to de19.1 relad s„,}10 ifama k. or a'A11e" ingclerk ofTHE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper published in 1.2Ni iiv x. Alen=e3nnlagOF i So[any Demons oY law'1n1°B reier, ela o!„or 'DIY i" ofa"7 train'oe cro g'uler engaged In the direction,eonirol nr[eanie Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah. engaged uaffi' a innoh of thetootli sEcVeie x.In thi`a OCe,aarT tnbani. Ordinance Bill No.19 of comm..ai°nor°. ,th,t tn4e ore- That the advertisement 0 peace, Health nnd.eaj��ty pope tame ohari itai affect,immedlIdel:iake '"a"fe relating to traffic (Salt Lake CityCorporation) aECTION 7. Thie ord�4aace e // p ef1°t 9°n the,tite Bo111 eommladty oa 4' paeae6 bT ilteh tyd,17th day of f aalt L ka City, , dune,A.D.,3B3T.. '&. D. EAw AN• yl M 9or. Ethel Macdonaid. 19EAL1 city Eetordet. Bill No. i Publlehed dune 194h I937.__ — was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the 19th day of June A.D.19 37 and was published 1 t ime the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the day of A.D.19 �'� duertising Cleric,., Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd. day of June A.D 19 c7-.. ,y 1)1 tary Public. 1:9 -....,,_ .,....-, r © r- c:'•-• 1.1% ('. © t:".. ...st, : ....-', "11 s.,.;.::„ _ \I ',,,, ,, MI• ,,,) 4 f.N3 Imi• 0 Z /-;..'...