19 of 1940 - Amending Section 4709 relating to Zoning changing Norht West corner of 6th South and 8th West Stree ROLL CALL T —9 194n Salt Lake City, Utah, , 193 VOTING AYE NAY Goggin I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser Matheson - - - - Murdock - - - - Mr.Chairman - - AN(9ADINANCE Result AN OEDTilANCE AMENDING SECTION 4709, of the Salt Lake City 1933 Edition, Building Code,Aas, amended by: ordinances passed Ay the hoard of Commissioners of Salt Lake City on Nov. Pl, 1935; June 25, 196C, (bill No. 26); March 16, 1937; February 94, 1939; August 70, 1938; December PO, 1939, (Bill No. 53); December 20, 1.939, Chill No. 54); and March 26,' 1940; relating to zoning, districts. Be it ordained by the Beard of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Section 4709 of the Salt Lake City Build- ing Code, 1933 Edition, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City on Nov. 21, 1935; June 25, 1936, (Bill No. 26); March 16, 1937; Yehruary 24, 1938; August 30, 1939; December 20, 1939, (hill No. 53); December 20, 1939, (hill No. 54; and March 26, 1940; relating to zoning districts, be and the same is hereby amended by adding in and, to Paragraph "B" thereof n new paragraph designated PS Item 23, which shall read as follows: "Item 23. The following described reel property in Resi- dential 5-2 District as shorn on the "Use District Map" is hereby changed to Residential h-3 District classification, and the "Use District Map" descriled in barograph I\ of this ordinance is hereby amended and changed accordingly: All of Lots 1 and 53 to 5C, inclusive, ilk. 1, City Park Sub, in block 21, Plat 'C', Salt Lake City Survey, sTreer, located at the northwest corner of Sixth Routh end Firbth West, That the said "Use District Map" is hereby changed and alter- ed to show the above described tract of lama as a part of Residential b-3 District. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants t:1 I of :alt Lake pity that this ordinance become e '_ective im-.cuiateiyl. P,CTION 7,. this orti-nance shall take of act upon its first publication. i ---6/-r.i....--e-G Passed ,k} the hoero c �;om�.iss i-oners of `;alt Lake City, Utah, this fa of , A..1. 19LO. A ;tyyor� x bt ';- i; s, I I 1 1 I 19 UN ANCE r- tetio AND PASSED MAY• 91940 eiTY itiOORDIO First Publication in MAY-I61nn940 pp `pruti Gt9;Vi�tLe(iC. CITY RECORDER • • Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH County of Salt Lake i---`1 Legal Notice • Leo as Young AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 4100,of the Salt Lake-City Bnuding;Code, Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- 1933 Edition, as amended'by a diaances passed-by the Board or Commies oilers of. Salt Lake City.on Nov.21,1935;Juna 25,- vertising clerk ofTHE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper 1936, (Bill N0.26);March 16,19371 Feb.. t1 Spy 24, 1938:-August'30; 1938; Decem- ber 20, 1930;(Bill No.53);December 20, published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State 1930,•(Bill..No.54); d March 26,11940; y y relating to zoning districts.• Utah. meeiontererofi Salt La•ke e-City.COah:I Cone of Utah. SECTION I. That Section 470B ppi the ' Salt Lake Cliy Building Codes ,1033 Edatom amended by ordinances passe y the 'Soard of Commieeionera.of salt Lake City That the advertisement_..9rdine.rloo.Bi1]..STDa.-lfl ge Nov.21,1935;June 25,1938, (Bill N. �2611 March 16, 1837;_February 24,I 1938: !August 30,1938;December 20,1039 (Bill -No.53);December 20;1239, (Bill NO.54); Relating to Zoning Districts. - Oalt Lake City Corp.) d March 26, 1940; relating to ring diatriete, be d the•same ip Rereby emended by adding in and to P graph "B" thereof a new paragraph deaf Wed as Item 23,which shall.read as.fowe: ..City_Reccrder "Item 23.-"The'-fnDoWing-deer fibreal property.1n Residential. B-2-D;ert' ae shown on the Use District Map;' herby hanged to Residential B-3 arner' classification, ,d the Use District,Map"` described i Paragraphe A of I this or- dinance 1s hereby bya om tided and c anged accordingly) was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the All of Lots 1 and 53 to 56,'1ncIu five, Blk.I,City Park Sub.in Bloch 2, Plat• "C," Salt Lake City Survey. 1 d t iha,northweat me f sixth can and loth dayof May A.D. 1940 Eighth West Streets. That the al ''Use District Map" is hereby change and altered to allow the above describe tract of'land as a part o1 Residential.B(3 Die- iriet. I and was published 1 tine SECTION 2. In the Opinion el the Board of Comminnion(yfl, It is esary to the peace, health id safety 1 the '!inhabitants f Salt Lake City th i this the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the ordinance ;'.'"' .e ordie No kdi ell.• BEt upon it This ublcation.qha' take effect upon obyt the trBost ardblof Conll wieners y� ) f Salt Lake City,Utah,this B�T flay o1 day O f C A.D. 19 May, t D.1B40. AB JEN&Meyer. �"'L- ETHEL MACDONALD, City Recorder. A tZStng Clerk. FRANK A.SHIELDS, Deputy City Recorder.BILL t (SEALNO.19. l j Published May 10, 1B40. ' L_- Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of May I A.D. 1940 Notary bide. 1I Proof of Publication OF 2c i ® - 1g440. Attorney.