19 of 1942 - Amending Section 927 Revised Ordinance 1934, minors not allowed in billard or pool halls ROLL CALL y "c' ,
A)/e NA Salt Lake City,Utah, Arm —'`' 142 194
I more that the ordinance be passed.
I(eyser - - - .rr,'
Matheson - - -
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Mr.Chairman - AN INANCE/
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Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to public
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 927 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to public offenses, be and the
same is hereby amended to read as follows:
HALLS. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any
pool or billiard hall in Salt Lake City where games of cards
are played or permitted, or beer, as defined in Section 1641
of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, is kept, sold,
or consumed, without first making a regulation and enforcing
the same and keeping posted in a conspicuous place terms of
such regulation which shall read: 'No person under 21 years
of age permitted in these premises.'
(b) And it shall be unlawful for any person in charge
of or employed in such pool or billiard hall to permit any per-
son under the age of 21 years to enter upon or remain in any of
such premises, or for any person under the age of 21 years to
enter upon or remain in said premises for any purpose except to
make deliveries or carry messages to the proprietor thereof and
depart therefrom immediately.
(c) Pool and billiard halls may be kept open to minors
over the age of 18 years where no beer, as herein defined, is
kept or consumed, or card playing is permitted, or devices of
any character which may be used for gambling are kept. In all
of such places regulations shall be maintained and enforced
which shall read !No person under the age of 18 years allowed
in these premises,' and notice thereof posted in a conspicuous
place at all times.
(d) It shall be unlawful and a nuisance for any per-
son to permit the consumption of beer, any gaming, card play-
ing, profanity or any indecent or disorderly conduct in, upon
or adjacent t such prm4ses, or to permit any person under
the influence f liqu :under 121 agile of.fl years to enter
upon or remaixsl 4tch ces. - j
nion of Se ' d 01 Commissioners,
t is necessary to Jk ppc Lath an'4Safee ly oe inhabitants
rof Salt Lake City t t4i+is o finance b' ontt 4'ffe 4e immediately.
SECTION 3 This o Lice shay. tq ke upon its firs
Passed by the Board of •ommissioners of Salt Lake City,
tah, this 71. day of /,.oi . �' , A.D. 1942.
41.44. 1.. //
City Recorder.
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Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
3 . ANUfi>S13N. ., Lee° -•-_-Young
9dT.a1 the:xa�ieftdi,,���o'dfnanaee-of San Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
Lakd City Utati,' 934,. lade[to public
ee'It:ordained by the Board of com• vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
m SECiTION,1.That Section i921 oft the the. '
Mood OOrdinances of.salt ake City,Utah, published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
1934, relating to public offenses, be I ' [' y J
the same 1s hereby amended.to rend as
follows: of Utah.
shall be unlawful for any person to oper-
'Ate•a➢e pool or billiard ball in Salt Lake
i where aemee•oY ears are played- That the advertisement Ordinance Bill #19
'pl4permuted; beer, ae rOrdin 1n Sec- ---
tion 1941-of the Revised Ordinances of
.Sala Lake City. is kept,'Bald, or con:I
mimed,without first making regulation, relating to Public offences--Billiard &
,Add eabereingp tbe:came and keeping poet-
e'1n cone➢icnous--Glace terms of such r
regulation which'shall read: 'No person
n a 21 yeare of age permitted in these' PQ.O.i-. lla etc.
(bl And 1t shall be nnlosfof 2or any
pereen..in charge of or employed in ouch pool or bllbara hall to permit any per- 5l, City Recorder
eon under the age Di 21 years to enter
dpon or remain in airy of such premises,•
or for any person under the ago of 2t
•years to enter upon or remora in said
qrems for any' menMimosa except to make, was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
gelfter t or carry messages to the pro.
-_madiar thereof.an4.]pRar{�:LherOlront 1m•
(n)Pool and billiardr e,as may be kart 3Ti1 day of April A.D.19.42..
open to er over the efi f 18 YEept
nobeer,as fie playinf is permitted,ie kept
or b evices do or card aracte is ichno.
br needaa f y rharare may and was published Qne-.t-mime
be-used for g rea ing are kept.tIn a e.
of led d ceseni Tceed hie shall be/pain-
tatnea and`nm e`e`g which shall
reed'No the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
per ton apron se age 1 18
on there enpaapi00'and place
at all rim s,
ed dl a shall.be unlawful
at all times.
(d) IE aball,Person
unlawful and a pnfs-
anew fur any person to a permit the can. day of "� A.D.19
s mptlan of beer,any gaming,card play•
ing,erl pcov°ty any indecent Adjacent
or diem,to
surly dries for Don e8 aeen4 to ,
such premises,•o t0 permit aril person
der the influence b1'Bouor or Haar dvertising Cie
the:age;of 18 years to enter upon or re
main 1n such places. '
SECTION 2.In the opinion of the Board
'et Commissioners, It is scary to the
Peace. hed0th.and safety of the inhai•
•tante of Salt Labe Amity that this ordi-
mace become effective immediately. '
SECTION 3. This arainanct shall take
eftpet upon its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commleefonere
f Salt Lake City,Utah, this 2nd day of'before me this Sixth day of
April, A. D 3942. AB JENKINS
Ethel Macdonald Mayor.
City Recorder,
A.D. 19--4<^.
(SEAL) '
• BILL NO.19 ,
Notary Pu 'c.
CA p 14,40