19 of 1943 - Amending Section 98 relating to increasing salaries in Board of Health ROLL CALL VOTING Salt Lake City,Utah, 194 - - - - _ I move that the ordinance be passed. r a<6e2�„ _ - - L l McCon ie I x j7dsco _ _Mr.Chairman - AJ ORDINANCE Rc.,dt - - - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 98 oi' the hevteed Urdin.ances oi Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by ordinances passed by the hoard of Cointissioners on oeptember 8, 19>7; Oct. 5, 1937; larch 29, 1939; March 6, 1944 Feb. 11,, 1942; Sept. 15, 1942; Sept. 29, 1942; and April 29, 1943; relating to the hoard of Health. Le it ordained by the Board of Commissioners oi' Salt Lake City, Utah; SECTION I. That Section 98 of the Revised Urdinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, i334, as aiaended by ordinances passed by the ,oard of Commissioners on September 8, 1)37; Oct. 5, 1937; March 29, 1959; March 6, 1941; tab. II, 194.2; Scot. 15, 1942; Sept. 29, 1`)42; and April 29, 1943; relating to the hoard of Health, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: o_-.uris: "SEC. 98. .shLOISTUENTS. The hoard of Commissioners may as- point the iolloti.i.no ol'Zlce s, assistants and employees of the hoard of health, Who Shari receive annual salaries, payable semi-monthly, not exceeding the amounts a; foli_ous: Health Co zm issionerr i,300.1)0 First Assistant Health Co¢mniscioner 3000.0U Oeconu assistant Health Co,mniesioncr 2200.0U '.L'1e Nealth Commissioner and first and second assistant Health Cormiiissioners shall receive the sum: of 05.00 per month for transportation and expenses. , . Chief Sanitarian, who sha.Lr have charge of the Division of milk, meat and food inspection and Division of sanitary inspoctior N 33UU.00 Assistant Chief Sanitarian ._'SLG 00 1.)acteriologist 2820.00 Chief of Nursing Division 1920.00 Chief of C,uarantine Inssection 1020.UU Deputy Registrar of Vital Statistics 1920.00 first Urade Inspectors, each 1980.00 ( ;bleb amount includes the 410.00 as provided cm Bi..L No. 9, published April 23, 1943) Second. Grade Inspectors, each 1680.00 'thirst Grade Inspectors, each . . .04. . . . 1560.00 "uti rch Grady .Cc.: � c Co_ ;, each ;[U;1Lh.0.00 C ief 'Mitm Iris d Cto.r LOO.UU Chiefeat Ii, Jectoi . . LJJ.oJ L: lip f Huaitation Iris pc I Joe LLOO•oh lef Ica Cream -nepoctor UtUd.oU chief „ staurant .Lns; cctor • 0100. 0 pc 1 noioteJ mirccto • and U1i'ice ';cC1?. ;.;E:1 L) O.'U0 Chic]; of Zlener.eal. Coinic _L,J0J.0U helical Inc tecfor . . . `JUU._JU Lsi '.race Fforse 1/40.00 Cecol.id_ da nCe Oueue . . . t010.'.io nird. dran'e JU.l'::C' J 5'.ro.00 fourth diode Nurse 1000.U0 ▪ tst Gracie U: Lerinary fus,-ector 2460.JU aocotid G tche Vetsrinury "i_iicJectoe 2340.U° • ;x cdet.lo _oainr Ine actor 0220.'JO A isi.t th Uradk utcrlfary Insdocta t 110J.J0 • L 1i-,4er . i1L t').],d;o2 ,_,::ni LC..i".L£1 bi 1,hc 4 StAXli (, J. C_ dud,,acipn ,3 hv,±.._ ie Vc lrc.il.�,.1"tan. "" taco Ins UCcto r3 1 `'Id,o i u a Los o i i a Lr evcd ✓ote i_ic r y ~.th.O ii cda ° wsapc nt ';Ala ilaW;i�l ed au vetorinurians. S]JC i L4._ti• Lii the opi a n o,i!dt 110 kc i J. of Co.�wli_,'J(MO ;_;, it it _ c uu,eary tro the ica1.0 ., -y U: tat i1'i 1 u1 GalitO of Ga_i.t Lake City 'Gnat ordinance snail UL0 O offoct i L.ciliate ly. L,J,:, I ;.ire 3. This oroinoace shall to c o 7 ect upon ita first • • • Pa ud. Cy the 0oarraa ys: 'CO;mu :ulodu S oil La :e 1J'Gr_(1, toll �d` a' Mayor. )l City Uesoracc. F'= • v,_ 5. 'IT .Fjf: .0 ''.-4 ' ' I s Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lake Legal Notice Leo H. Young AN 01En1.NANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC. T1ON 98 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,Utah,1534, as amended Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- by ordinances passed by the Board of p Commissioners n September A 1539: Oct.b. 1939: March 29, 1939: March 6. vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper 1941;Feb.11,1942;Sept.15,1942:Sept. 20,1942:and April 29,1913;relating to theBoard of Health• published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County/,in the State Be it ordained by the Board of Com. [� J / of Salt Lake City. Utah: SECTION I. That Section 98 of the.i Revised Ordinances et Salt Lake cut, of Utah. passed 1934, e oerded by ordinances Mson thb Board1 0: Oct.Ct 5. 1030: 194acy September939: 8. h 9.; 41:5. 1933. 2: l 10 harsh 6.1941:Feb.11. That the advertisement and Sept.i 10 ,relating Sept. the Board o Health,tl a9.30att P sate the erery of amended 1. be and the s is hereby m ,des t0 read asAPPOINTMENTS.to Ordinance Bill No. 19 relative to the a"SEC. 98. Aoners may NTS. The Hoard of Commissioners may aannint the following officers.hB assistants and playas the Board o Health, who shall antreceive annual ding h payable Boars of Health ac owthly,not exceeding the amounts Hitth Co 1.a 1 eatth Commissioner $3300.00 First Assistant Hearth Commis Salt Lake City Corporation sinner 3000.00 Second Assistant Health Corm 2200.00 ThecoHealth Commissioner and first and shall r cevetatt Health Commission. was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the ors anon receive the t a of 8 expo s Chief far otrans who shag and exDCn=cal. ^� month senof the, vhn en o 1 ilk, 26 ave day of H A. D. 10 i charge of the Division of milk, at and food inspection and Division t itary inspection 93300.09 Assistant Chief Sanitarian 2520.00Bacte )� 2820.00 Chiefriologis of Nursing Division 1920.00 and was published OIICO Chief of Quarantine Inspection 1920.00 Deputy Registrar of Vital Slatis- FtrsEsGrade Inspectors,each 1980.00 the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the (which amount unt includes the $10.00 n provided n Hill No.9, published April 23,, 1993). ♦ Seeond Grade Inspectors,each....E1680.00 day of A.D.!J Third Grade Inspectors, each ..1560.00 Fourth Grade Inspectors,each....1440.00 Chief Milk Inspector 2100.00 Lti ' Chief M 1 t.Inspector 2100.00 Chief Sanitation IlinGe1.011 2100.00 Chief Ice Cream Inspector 1 for 2100.00 t' Chief Restaurant Inspector 2100.00 �ldverti,•ng Clerk , Personnel Director and Of lire Manager 1020.00 Chief of Venereal Clinic ',200.,10 Medical Inspector 900.00 1st Grade Nurse 1940.00 • Thone Grade Nurse 0000.00 ird Grads Nurse 1s00.00 Fourth Grade Nurse 1380.00 First Grade Veterinary Inspector 2460.00 Second Grade Veterinary Harp:'- T for crane'Veterinary Znspeo. 2340.00 to before me this first day of or 220.00 Fourth Grade Veterinary Drsnec'to �d ther the Chief Sanitarian or2l0 th0e A. D. 1J-n�-. Ei Assistant Chief Sanitarian shall be a 'sue / veterinarian. V t miles f ay a an ppp approved totors II rinary h al /. and competent and qualified as veterim SECTION 2 In the opinion1 the0 Lek.-. 'as-C�"�-1-- B . f C �/' � sary to the health d safety f Notary Public, the n labtarla of Salt Lake City That- thls ordinance shall take effect Inv- i ncdlatel,v, SECTION 3.This ordinal-ma shall take effect upon its first publication. :sad by rho Board of ommissionrrs ofc Salt Lake City, Utah, this 25th day of May,A.D.1943. AB JENKINS Altar. (SEAL) ETHEL MACDONALD.City Recorder. BILL NO.13. Published May 94th,1943. 9 •1.1 • 14 _ 1.4 C t4m1 0 1-N4 0