19 of 1945 - Vacating alley running south from Stringham Avenue (abt. 156 feet east of Highland Drive), thence Ea ROLL CALL IVY 15 fl45 VOTING Aye Nay Salt:lake City, Utah, , 194 Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed. Matheson . . . r i Romney % : i�" "r_.c.. ..�. Tedesco Mr. Chairman . . AN ORDINANCE Result ' ~ AN ORDINANCE VACATING ALLEY running so from Stringham Avenue (about 156 feet east of Highland Dry' . , thence east to the west line of alley running north of Ashton Avenue, just east of Highland Drive. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That alley running south from Stringham Avenue (about 156 feet east of Highland Drive) thence east to the west line of alley running north of Ashton Avenue, just east of Highland Drive, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 11, Blk. 4, Union Heights Sub. of Blk. 46, Ten Acre Plat A - Big Field Survey, thence south 50 ft., thence S. 45° E. 8.5 ft., thence South 96.5 ft., thence east 45 ft., thence S. 46° 331 40" E. 7.27 ft., thence North 21 ft., thence West 29.2 ft., thence N. 38° 421 50" W. 8.2 ft., thence North 68 ft., thence N. 45° W. 8.5 ft., thence north 56.1 ft., thence West 15.95 ft. to the point o1 beginning; be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be pub- lic property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way. Said vacation is made expressly subject to the rights of way and easements of the Utah Light & Traction Company and the moun- tain States Telephone & Telegraph Company acquired under franchises from Salt Lake City, to maintain, repair, alter and replace the elec- tric transmission, distribution of telegraph and telephone circuits, lines, wires and poles of said companies, together with the necessary stop cross-arms and other attachments thereon or affixed thereto for the support of said electric, telephone and telegraph lines, wires V< end distribution circuits as now erected and maintained upon or actors the portion of said street to be closed, during the life of the fran- chises held by said companies, or any extensions thereof. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board-of Cohmiissioners, -2- it is necessary to the "Jeace, health and safety of' the ihhabitahts of bait haKe City that this ordinance becoll,e effective lithuediately, 3ECT1Oh 3. This orainance shall taise effect upon its first bublication. Passed by the Board of Co-1,iss1oners oi aait LaKe Lity, Utah, this /(a- day 0± , A. 19 , or. Cit hecci . r.0* _ 4ft, Ar= 13' , • ... ,r, ) -11 , ,.. „,,.., , „„ r --,13.,:74-,.-,- , 11›-' r „ ir. . lc: ,,,....,, _ , _.. y p 1_7 M r STATE OF UTAH, ss. City and County of Salt Lake, I Irma F. Bitner , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, "An ordinance vacating alley running south from Stringham Avenue (about 156 test east of -Highland Drivel, -ttIenee east--to the west line of alley running north of Ashton Avenue, just east of Highland Drive-:`s passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, May 15th, 11AE.1945 as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal 21st, of1 r Yx of said City,this• day May 94 (SEAL) . . ',ti,' B,IIL NO. 19 ` City Recorder. ' A May 16th, x a 1945 Published r 14 I� UT AN ORDINANCE CP AN ORDINANCE VACATING AL- LEY running south from Stringham Avenue (about 156 feet rant of Highland Drive),theme east to the west line of alley running north of Ashton Avenue.just east of High- land Duve. Be it ordained be' the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That alley running math from Stringham Avenue CD W (about 156 feet east of Highland td 60 Drive) thence cast to the west line 1 ` 0 of ;they ice north of Ashton j i Ci Avenue, just east of Highland 1 '-I Drive. nor particularly described ^.�LD Beginning at the northeast cor- ne of Lot 11,Blk.4,Union Heights \ ,,.) , of n . 46.TenAcre Plot A. {t W Big Irinld Survey, thonm south Ith 56 IS HI e CI., them. S. 45 deg. N. 8.5 It.. theme youth 96.5 ft.., thence cast �`-Y. '.d 45 It., thence S. 46 deg. 33 min 49 see I:. 7.2't ft., thence North `�F..1-' 21 ft,, thanes Wost 29.2 fl, thence 'I N. 38 deg. 42 mot. 50 . W. 8.2 �;41` CD It., thence North 68 ft., thence \cb It N N.45 deg. W.8.5 ft.,thence north ( Pl.nc 56.1 it., thee West 15,95 it, to the point of beginning; be and the �i is hereby 1 le and dr .lt 1 ini longer to h.public neu • r i city f t .t avenue, . olley or pedestrian way. 1 t I prone'. .Ill t I. 1 I f ,y and Tractuts of the Utah fight 8 ' tion Company and the. Moue- + ran States Telephone. h'Colegraph 0 acquired under franchises d O from a Salt Lake City, to maintain. N II C palr, alter and replace the chic- td :5tD \� transmission, distribution of rlegrabli and telephone circuits, N win,and poles of said ramY•Ingo her with the - Qt sr 1 e r stop arias-a�n end other at. umlauts thereon or aLIised thore- N to for the support f said else- [d 1 uric, telephone and telegraph lines, O '1",-,and distribution circuits as O C now wires erected and maintained upon Cs' the portion of said Creel _ - g to be during the life of the nclises held by said our- y panics,or any extirnthe thereof, b s� SECTION 2. In the opinion o1 gi3O I the Board of Commissioners, it is O nc aro to the peace, health d m 0 safety f the inhabitants of Salt +S Lake City that this ordinance be. -J P. II come effective immediately, ap SiSECTION 3. This ordinance hall of take effect upon its first puhlfea. bi -' Lion.Passed by the Board of Commis- -16 sioners f Salt Lake City, Utah, 0 this 15th day of May, A D. 1945. EARL J.GLADE, (� Mayor. O IRMA F. DITNER. City RPeorder. N I BILLLNO. 19 7' 1 Published May lfith, I996. I '-' d • Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, SS County of Salt Lake 1 • Legal Notices AN ORDINANCE D PvV Ockey AN ORDINANCE VACATING AL. Avenue running o south from feetStr sheaf Highland Drive),hence toot et the Being.first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- as""n"venue,just east of High- vertisin clerk ofTHE DESERET NEWS a newspaper l a Drive. 9' d Be it CommissionesnBof he althL kea'Cd ity, Utah: published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State SECTION I. That alley running south from en am Avenue (about 158 feet east of Utah.. Drive) thenceeastto the Highland of alley running north of Ashton Avenue, just east of Highland Drive,follows: particularly described as That the advertisement Beginning at the northeast cor- ner Union Heights Sub u1 Lot t Blkl 8.Ten Acre Plat A, Big Field Survey, hence south50 Ordinance, vacating alley south of thence thence 285 ft„g hence 5 east 45 ft., hence S. 45 deg. 33'min Stringham Avenue, East of Highland Drive. 40 sec, E. 2.27 ft., thence North 21 ft. thence West 20.2 ft, thence N.J8 eng.s 4a min, 41 ten. W,e.2 Salt Lake City Corporation N. thence 1 rain, ,, ft..c. then. N.45 deg. W.5,5 ft.,thence north 55.1 ft., thence West 15.25 ft. to the paint of beginning; be and the no hereby vacated and,de. same longer to be publc rop- was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the arty for street. avenue, alley or.pedeatriana.M'a Said atinv ade expressly ' subject"to the right: f way d 16th day of May A.D. 19 45 eats of the Utah Light Traction Company and he Moun- tain State, Telephone &Telegraph 1 time Company acquired under franchises and was published from Salt Lake City, to maintain, repair, alter and replace the elec. Eric transmission, distribution e telegraph and telephone r uita, lines, a d Dotes of .circuits, the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the re ponies, together with the n ' taahmeutts cross-arms affixedhthere- 16th May 45 to for he support f Said elec. day o f A.D. 19 Eric, telephone d telegraph lines, mrres and distribution circuits as now erected d lasted d Gam. or be the portion of said street f th be `]Died' during the life of Advertising Clew pafranchisee held by said cum _ Dames, n2 extensions thereof. t _- ' SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it i /--- th and - ..- necessaryfetyf t thehe inhabitants of Salt C_ Lake City that this ordinance be. corne effective immediately. SECTION 3.This-ordinance shall a.take effect upon its first publics- 17th Hon. day of to before me this Passed by the Board f Commie. sinners ma.Salt Lake City, .' this15h day J, 1945. EARL GLADE 45 Mayor. A.D.19 IRMA F. BITNER, City Recorder. (SEAL) ( `J.\J/// BILL N0. 32 Published May lath, 1046. lk 11‘..'' ''. Notary Publi r t 'l Vd III �. <, ‘ 1 . �,r, " C O �