19 of 1947 - Amending Section 121 relating to salaries and organization Finance Department. J JLL I.HLLv City, :4P -44 r9 •,194
VOTING Aye NaySalt Lake Utah, i,.4
Affleck / I move that the ordinance be passed.
Matheson . . .
Mr.Chairman . .
nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by an ordinance
passed by the Board of Commissioners on February 26, 1946, relat-
ing to administration; amending Section 2103 of the Revised Ordi-
nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, and Section 2109 of the Revis-
ed Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordi-
nances passed by the Board of Commissioners on March 16, 1944, April
4, 1944, May 24, 1944, June 21, 1945, and February 26, 1946, relat-
ing to City Recorder; amending Section 3602 of the Revised Ordi-
nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances pass-
ed by the,Board of Commissioners on May 24, 1944, June 21, 1945, and
February 26, 1946, relating to licenses; and amending Section 140
of Chapter 1 of an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners
on January 23, 1947, and designated as bill No. 8 of 1947, relating
to administration, which ordinance amended each of the above sections.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 121 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by an ordinance passed by the
Board of Commissioners on February 26, 1946, as amended by Section
140,of Chapter I, of an ordinance passed by the Board of Commission-
ers on January 23, 1947, and designated as bill No. 8 of 194'7, relat-
to administration, be and the same is hereby further amended to read
as follows:
FINANCE. There is hereby created the office of chief clerk in
the department of public affairs and finance. The board of com-
missioners of Salt Lake CiAy may appoint a competent person to
the office of chief clerk in the department of public affairs
and finance, who shall receive a salary not to exceed two
thousand Four Hundred Thirty ($2430.00) dollars per annum,
payable monthly, and who shall perform such duties as may be
prescribed by the board of commissioners and the commissioner
of public affairs and finance."
SECTION 2. That Section 2103 of the Revised bydinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, and Section 2109 of said Revised
Ordinances as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commis-
sioners on March 16, 1944, April 4, 1944, May 24, 1944, June 21,
1945, and February 26, 1946, relating to City Recorder, and both
sections as amended by Section 140 of Chapter 1 of an ordinance
passed by the Board of Commissioners on January 23, 1947, and de-
signated as bill No. 8 of 1947, relating to administration, be and
the same are hereby further amended to read as follows:
"SEC. 2103. SALARY. The city recorder shall receive a
salary not to exceed $3300.00 per annum, payable monthly, as
are the salaries of other city officers."
The Board of Commissioners may appoint in the office of the
City Recorder of Salt Lake City the following deputies at
salaries not to exceed the amounts named.
One chief deputy city recorder at a salary not to exceed
$3300.00 per annum.
In the absence of or during the disability of the City
Recorder, the chief deputy city recorder shall exercise all
the functions and powers of the city recorder. He shall give
a bond to the city in the sum of $1000.00.
One chief clerk at a salary not to exceed $2430.00 per
One deputy city recorder, who shall act as a deputy clerk
of the city court at a salary not to exceed $2820.00 per annum.
One deputy city recorder, who shall act as a deputy clerk
of the city court at a salary not to exceed $2310.00 per annum.
Five deputy city recorders, who shall act as deputy clerks
of the city court, each at a salary not to exceed 62190.00
per annum.
Two deputy city recorders, who shall act as deputy clerks
of the city court, each at a salary not to exceed $2130.00
per annum.
The Board of Commissioners may employ such clerks, sten-
ographers and other employees as may be necessary for the pro-
per conduct of said office at such salaries as may be desig-
nated by said board."
SECTION 3. That Section 3602 of the Revised °rdinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by the
Board of Commissioners on May 24, 1944, June 21, 1945, and February
26, 1946, relating to licenses, and as amended by Section 140 of
Chapter 1 of an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on
January 23, 1947, and designated as bill No. 8 of 1947, relating
to administration, be and the same is hereby further amended to
read as follows:
There is hereby created in the department of public affairs
and finance the office of license assessor and collector. The
Board of Commissioners may appoint the following officers and
employees at not exceeding the salaries named:
Per annum.
One License Assessor and Collector $3300.00
First Grade Inspectors, each 2580.00
SecondGrade Inspectors, each $1770.00
Third Grade Inspectors, each 1650.00
And such assistants, clerks or other employees as may be
necessary for the proper conduct of the license department, at
salaries as the board may designate.
The license assessor and collector shall give a bond to
the city in the sum of $10,000, conditioned upon the faithful
performance of his duties and the proper accounting of all
funds and money coming into his hands or under his control.
The Board of Commissioners may require any employee of
the license department to give bond in such amount as it may
SECTION 4. That Section 140,of Chapter 1 of the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, an ordinance passed by
the Board of Commissioners on January 23, 1947, and designated as
bill No. 8 of 1947, relating to administration, be and the same is
hereby amended as set forth in the foregoing three sections.
SECTION 5. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effecct *8 immediately.
SECTION 6. This ordinance shall t e of upon its
first publication.
Passed by the Board o -mm sioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this y-(4— day of , A. .0 49' :
City Recorder. /
V /
Presented to the Board of Commissioners
Karst Publication in
• 74/I /7
441TY Recommit
Affidavit of Publication
} es
Legal Notices D la Ockr_'y
SECTION 121 f the Revised, Utah, Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
s end Lake ity, Utah,
passe a amended by anordinance
stones on the Board ` 46, re
- vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper
sioners February 26, amen
to pmof thetfRe amending
H,<ttaa 2403 t the Revise, tah-
ea 1 Sect Lake City, Utah, published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
lass,and Section2100 the Re-
Cited Ordinancescesof -Salt Lake
as amended
passed by the Board bf of Utah.
Commissioners on March 16, 1944,
April 4, 1944,May 24, 1844, June
21, 1945, and February 26, 1946,
relating to city Recorder; amend- That the advertisement
ing Section 3602 of the Revised Or-
dim City,ness of Salt Lake Utah,
1944, as
amended by rdinances
passed by the Board i commis- Ordinance ill No 19
stoners on May 24, 1944,June 21. ,
1946.-and February 26, 1946,
lating to licenses; and amending
anane 140 ofd Chapter
by tha Board.orf halt Lake City "ornora.tion
Commissioners on January 23,1947,
and designated as bill No. 8 of ,
1947, relating to administration,
Which'ordinance amended each of
the ab6ve sections.
Be it ordained by the board of
Utmmiselonera of Salt Lake City, was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
SECTION 1. That Section 121
,, the._Revised Ordinances of Salt
' ed by anaura' passed by da o
Bbard:of Commissioners an Feb-
ruary tJ. f /-r A.D. .9.._.....
1946, amended ban
Section 2140, of Chapter�I, f
ordinance passed by the Bears 1 and was published March`6,, 1947
Commissioners on January 23,1947„ I
and designated as bill No. S of i
1947,relating td administration,be
and e same ,s hereby further ...the lastpublication thereofbeingin the issue dated the
' amended to read follows:
AND FINANCE. There 1s hereby day Of
rested the oeflce oP chief clafrk in fairs I yl: A.D. 19
the department of public
and finance. The board of com-
appoi t a o[ Sett Lake City may Advertising appoint a competent Lake
Ci.to the
office of chief clerk in the depart-
ment - ---- ---"-"/'-""'
'of public affairsalaryt finance, Clerk
who teed two thousand four hundred
thirty ($2430.00) domes per an.
payable monthly, and who
shall perform such duties may
e prescribed by the board of co
flnencecommissioner of
public.',5.ECT;ON 2. That Section 2103 8th f the revised ordinance. of ;worn to before me thisdayo
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, d
Section 2109 of said Revised Ordi-
nances f
by ins°H Ar by t`commis'- • 47
on March 16,1944,April 4, A.D. 19
1944,May 24,1944,Jure 21, 1045,
• and February 26, 1946,relating to
City Recorder, and both sections
as amended ded by Section 140 of Chap-
ter 1 of an ordinance passed by the •
Hoard o[ 997, a Commissioners on Jana-
y 23, 1997, d desfgnatea as
mil No. t p1 thews to are NotaryPublic
ministration,further be
andns the me are
hereby further amended to red
"Sder hall SALARY. Ther clot
corder hall 00e a salary not
to exceed $3y as
payablefother monthly,of officers."
re the teasels!
of EC. city ofllc
DEPUTIES,Board f Commissioners
Thepp Board f Comce the y
in the L of the City
Recorder of Salt Lake City thee
following deputies at ealarleeoamed net
to a teed the'amounts arced.
One chief deputy city'recorder
at a salary not to exceed 83300.00
OeI et nhe absence of or during.the
-disability of the City Recorder.the
''ebief deputy city recorder shall
exercise all the functions and pow-
ers of the city recorder.
e corder.'He shall
e a bond to the city in the
sum.of $1000.00 ..
One chief clerit at a Salary not
'to.exceed 82430.00 per annum.
shall deputy clerk f the
city salary courtat a not to ex-
cited 00 per ann One
deputy city recorder, who
shall act as a deputy clerk of the
city court at a salary not to ex
teed 83310.00 per a
Five deputy city reorders, who
shall act as deputy clerks of the
city court,each at a salary not t0
exceed $2190depot 00 per a hall deputy city recorders, who
shall act as deputy clerks of the
city court,each at a salary not to
exceed 22130.00 per anm.
The Board of Commissioners may
employ such clerks, stenographers
and other employees as may be
necessary for the proper conduct of
said office at s salaries a may
be by designatedsaid by s id board."
SECTION 3. That Section 3602
of the Revised ordinances of Salt
Lake.City,Utah,1944,as amended
by ordidances i Commissioners onassed May theby➢24,Hoard 1944,
June 21, 1945, and February 26,
1946, relating to licenses, and as
amended by Section 140 of Chapter
1 of an ordinance passed by the
Board of Commissioners on January
23, 947, and designated
1947,relatinga too adminis-
be and the same is here-
by further amended to read-as
MENTS.There is hereby created in
the department of public affairs
and finance the office of license as-
seor and collector.The Board of
Commissioners may appoint the
following officers and employees-t
not exceeding the salaries named:
Per annum
One License Assessor and
Collector $3300.00
First Gr'ede Inspectors,
each 2580.00
Second. Grade Inspectors,
each- 21'170.00
Third Grade Inspectors,
each 1650.00
And such assistants, clerks or
other employees
the proper conduct f be o c
ary for hthe
license department, at salaries as
the board may deelonate.The license assessor and e-
lector shall give a bond to the
city in the sum f$10,000,condi-
tioned upon the faithful perform-
ance his duties and the prop-
er of all funds and
oney ocoming into his hands or
under his control.
The Board of Commissioners may
P of the n-
cease eredepartment s Lo give bond in
such h t asit y designate."
SECTION 4.That Section 140,of
Chapter of Salt Lake Revised
nances City, Utah,
1944, ansordinance passed by the
Board of Commissioners on Jan-
' nary 23, 1947, and designated as
m 'be47,relatingand the s to ad-
hereby a ended as
set forth 1n
the foregoing three sections.
SECTION 5. In the opinion el
the Beed to the peace,
ace,Ohealth It isd
safety necessary of the inhabitants of Salt
Lake City that this ordinance'be-
come effective immediately.
.SECTION 6.This ordinance shall
take effect upon its first publics.-
Passed by the Board of Commis-
loners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 4th day of March,A.D. 1947.
City Recorder.
Published March 7th, 1947.