19 of 1955 - Amending Section 6714 relating to zoning Adding Item No. 133, rezoning property on 2100 South betwe VOTING I Aye Nay
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Christensen -
Nicholes -- ��,,�
x�Aex -
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 6711i of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of
Commissioners relating to Zoning and a public hearing having been held.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah .
SECTION 1. That Section 6714 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of
Commissioners relating to Zoning, be and the same is hereby further amended
by adding in and to said section one new parag aph.to be known as Item No.
133, which item shall read as follows:
"ITEM NO. 133. The following described Teal property, as shown on
the use district map, is hereby changed to the classification hereinafter
set out, and said map is amended and changed accordingly.
"Changing the following described property from Residential "B-3"
to "Commercial".
"Those properties to a depth of 130 feet on the north side of
21st South Street between West Temple Street and a point 156.75
feet west of Main Street, said point being located on the west
boundary of the existing Commercial district; being more parti-
cularly described as follows:
"All of Lots 23 to 34 inclusive of Block 1, and all
of Lots 23 to 28 inclusive of Block 2, South Salt
Lake Subdivision, being a part of Block 6, Five Acre
Plat A, B.F.S."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is
>�,�t,enecessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake
City that this ordinance shall become effective immediately; therefore, this
ordinance shall become effective upon its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt y, Utah this
16th day of February, 1955• 7
� 't� i )I //...t ) yor
City Recorder
( SEAL ) /
Published February 17, 1955 10
Proof of ]Inhliratinn
mired Otatess of Amerita
AN ORDINANCE . -- 11e nOlI,-tr
le al. sro
TION 8714 of the EA4CedOLdlnance.
ie by Salt take
yathe�soa� being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the Principal Clerk of
of Commissioners relating 4o znniny and a public hearing having been held.
Sr uonmissfo e it tern of Solt Lakvtb'CRtyatl to hf SECTION 1.•That seeuon s714 . the DESERET NEWS SALT LAKE TELEGRAM, a newspaper published in
ie COS.BU[and10 ilinanecs of Soil
e naffs so Zoning.a of g.vb Cano Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,State of Utah.
e the i hereby further n
t. by adding a ,I to s'id see ao,ei
paragraph to be known IEc,n No.733,which Item shall read as fol..
lows: (Sc "An. Oa'lintlnCell LLrcnscc'.11t4 `.^.C'ci.ca1
"ITEM No, I33i The fpuo.ying ao.; That the Notice
scribed real property, h
the use district m ,ie h h
oet,the dlassifleatioonlshv i afte and
671�y r) ,I,e 1is'viG^rl Ori1�� :es or tSnli, I tin, Ci.t,gl
v changed said.nslr, amended
"Changing 'the following described
t property from Residential 'B 3' to l ni/,
Those operties to a depth f 130
- feet deer w,th side of 21st South
a E point b156.73 feet st st of MSitnnoStreet,
orU olnt boins toad ted o too west 13'I.Z.l. tt ct 19.
S dkoundt• bench mei., parncularlyrcle��
acirbed as Eallews,ro
All f Late 23 to 34 invlusive of
Bllusivc ofd Block tzo South tSalt of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said newspaper in its
7 Lake Subdivision, being a part of
S Block 8.Five Acte Plat A,B.F.S." '7
BoardT of NCommissiionersniiton ofctee l.r{vl-
t e o the peace,health d safety of issue dated the
the inhabitants Salt Lake City that
this ordinance shall become effective Feihrilaryr
i dlately:•therefore, this ordinance day of , 19
shall become effective upon its first
Passed by the Bpnrd of h this Siam
D dayf S�It Lake eon,.UEah this loth
of renrr,ar ylolr,Glade and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on
tI ci i't7 F Bitore
ty. • for Becarder
P- ublished shed February 17,1955. (B.4)
thereafter,the full period of one time
the last publication thereof
being in the issue dated the 1 7t.},1 day of
,A.D.19 55
Subscribed and sworn to before me this ,g day o p.lt
lie%ruary A.D. 19 5r
Notary Public.
My coiOmis.sion expires.._Most ?r 1451
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