19 of 1957 - Ordinance 19 of 1957, Amending Chapter 9, Title 15 of R.O. 1955, relating to storage, handling and • • ROLE CALL • Salt Lake City,Utah, '.24 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the ordinance be passed. Burbidge . . . • ,;7C, , Christensen . . . Lingenfelter . . . Romney . . . . Mr.Chairman . AN ORDINANCE Result ,Erk— AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Chapter 9, Title 15, of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to Flammable Liquids, Storage, Handling and Use. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah. SECTION 1. That Chapter 9, Title 15, of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to Flammable Liquids, Storage, Handling and Use; be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: "Sec. 15-9-1. Storage, Handling and Use. This article shall apply to the storage, handling and use of flammable liquids as hereinafter defined; except that it shall not apply to the transportation of flammable liquids when in conformity With Interstate Commerce Commission regulations, or regulations lawfully on file with and approved by the Interstate Commerce Commission. "Sec. 15-9-2. Definitions. (a) 'Aircraft Service Station' shall mean that portion of an airport where flammable liquids used as aircraft fuel are stored or dispensed from fixed equipment and shall include all facilities essential thereto. '(b) 'Automotive Service Station' shall mean that portion of a property where flammable liquids used as a'-motor fuels are stored and dispensed from fixed equipment into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. "(c) 'Barrel' shall mean a volume of 42 U.S. gallons. "(d) 'Bulk Plant' shall mean that portion of a property where flammable liquids are received by tank vessel, pipe line, tank car, or tank vehicle, and are stored or blended in bulk for the purpose of distributing such liquids by tank vessel, ' pipe line, tank car, tank vehicle, or container. "(e) 'Closed Container' shall mean a container so sealed by means of a lid or other device that neither liquid nor vapor will escape from it at ordinary temperatures. "(f) 'Commercial or Industrial Establishement' shall mean a place wherein the storage, handling, or use of flammabe liquids is incidental to but not the principal business or process. "(g) 'Container shall mean any can, bucket, barrel, drum, or portable tank, except stationary tanks, tank vehicles, and tank cars. "(h) 'Crude Petroleum' shall mean hydrocarbon mixtures that have a flash point below 150°F. and which have not been processed in a refinery. 19 e(i•) ''Flammable Liquid' shall mean any liquid having a flash point below 200°F. and having a vapor pressure not exceeding 40 pounds per square inch (absolute) at 100° F. Flammable liquids shall be divided into three classes as follows: Class I shall include those having flash points at or below 20°F. Class II shall include those having flash point above 20°F. but at or below 70° F. Class III shall include those having flash points above 70° F. Representative examples of flammable liquids byclasses are: p p q CLASS I. CLASS II. CLASS III. Acetone Amyl Acetate Amyl Alcohol Benzol (Commercial Grade) Fuel Oil Collodion Ethyl Acetate Kerosene Ether Ethyl Alcohol Stoddard Solvent Gasoline Methyl Alcohol Turpentine Methyl Acetate Toluol Naphtha Pyridine When artifically heated to temperatures equal to or higher than their flash points, Class II and III liquids shall be subject to the applicable requirements for Class I or II liquids. The provisions in this article shall also be applied to high flash point liquids which otherwise would be outside of its scope when they are so heated. (j) 'Flash Point' shall mean the minimum temperature in degrees Fahrenheit at which a flammable liquid will give off flammable vapor as de- termined by appropriate test procedure and apparatus as specified below. The flash point of flammable liquids having a flash point below 175°F. shall be determined in accordance with nationally recognized good practice using the Tag Closed Tester. The flash point of flammable liquids having a flash point of 175°F. or higher shall be determined in accordance with nationally recognized good practice using the Pensky-Martens Closed Tester. "(k) 'Processing Plant' shall mean that portion of a property in which flammable liquids are mixed, heated, separated or otherwise processed as principal business, but shall not include plants defined herein as refineries. "(1) 'Refinery' shall mean a plant in which flammable liquids are pro- duced on a commercial scale from crude petroleum, natural gasoline, or other hydrocarbon sources. "(m) 'Safety Can' shall mean an approved container, of not over 5 gallons capacity, having a spring-closing lid and spout cover. "(n) 'Vapor Pressure' shall mean the pressure, measured in pounds per square inch (absolute) exerted by a volatile liquid as determined by nationally recognized good practice known as the Reid Method. "(o) Any manufactured liquid or fluid commodity, such as paint, varnish, dryer, cleaning solution and polishing liquid which contains flammable liquids shall be considered a flammable liquid and shall be classified according to flash point as provided in Section 15-9-2. Also, any flammable liquid which is adulterated or mixed with another flammable liquid or nonflammable liquid or substance shall be classified according to the most volatile or dangr- ous liquid or substance included. "Sec. 15-9-3. Laboratory Listed Tanks and Equipment. Containers, tanks, equipment and apparatus meeting the standards of nationally recog- nited inspection or test laboratories shall be considered as meeting the requirements of this article. "Sec. 15-9-4. Permits Required. A permit shall be obtained for any of the following: (a) Storage, handling, or use of Glass I or Class II flammable liquids in excess of 1 gallon in a dwelling or other place of human habitation; or in excess of 6 gallons in any other building or other occupancy; or in 19 - 3 - excess of 10 gallons outside of any building; except that no permit shall be required for the following: "(1) For the storage or use of flammable liquids in the fuel tank of a motor vehicle, aircraft, motorboat, mobile power plant, or mobile heating plant. "(2) For the storage or use of paints, oils, varnishes, or similar flammable mixtures when such liquids are stored for maintenance, painting, or similar purposes for a period of not more than 30 days. "(b) Storage, handling, or use of Class III flamable liquids in excess Of 25 gallons in a building; or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building. "Sec. 15-9-5. Warning Labels for Containers of Flammable Liquids With Flash Points Not in Excess of 150uF. "(a) All flammable liquids, flammable liquid compounds or flammable liquid mixtures, offered for sale at retail in containers, except as indica- ted in paragraph b below, shall be conspicuously marked or labeled in easily legible type, which is in contrast by typography, layout or color with any other printed matter on the label, as required by the flash point classifica- tions indicated below. The warning herein required may be incorporated with similar warnings of other hazards inherent in the product or may be printed on a separate lable. For the purpose of this section flash point shall be by Tagliabue's open curb tester. "(b) Nothing herein contained shall apply, however, to beverages, articles of food or drugs. Such markings are also not required when the Container bears labels as to hazard in accordance with the requirements of the Interstate Commerce Commission. "(c) For flammable liquids having a flash point of 20°F. or below a label similar to the following shall be used: D A N G E R EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE Keep Away from Heat, Sparks and Open Flame Keep Closed When Not In Use 1°(d) For flammable liquids having a flash point above 20°F. to $0 F. inclusive, a label similar to the following shall be used: WARNING! FLAMMABLE Keep Away from Heat, Sparks and Open Flame Keep Closed When Not in Use th(e) For flammable liquids having a flash point above 80°F. to 150°F. inclusive a label similar to the following shall be used: CAUTION! COMBUSTIBLE Keep Away from Heat and Open Flame Keep Closed When Not In Use "Sec. 15-9-6. Samples to be provided. Any person having in his possession or offering for sale within the limits of Salt Lake City any Class I, II or III liquids shall supply the Fire Marshal with a sample not to exceed one pint, for testing purposes whenever deemed necessary. "Sec. 15-9-7. Exit requirements. In all commercial, and/or business occupancies in which flammable liquids are stored, handled or used, at least two (2) exits shall be provided, one of which shall be remote from the point of storage. "Sec. 15-9-8. Hazardous appliances. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to use any type or kind or make of heating, cooking or lighting appliance using a Class I liquid in any public building, trailer-house, tourist-cabin, home or other place used for living or cooking purposes. "(b) It shall be unlawful for the owner or operator of any tourist- cabins or trailer-camp to permit the use of such property under his control to any person using any type or kind or make of heating, cooking or light- ing appliance using a Class I liquid. - 4 C°Sec. 15-9-9. Tanks General. (a) Used tanks shall not be installed or changed unless such tanks shall successfully pass a sustained hydrostatic and/or air pressure test of from six (6) to ten (10) pounds for fifteen (15) minutes and when for safety, both air and hydrostatic tests are required, the hydrostatic test shall be made first. Any person making such tests shall certify in writing to the Fire Marshal the results thereof. Where necessary such used tanks shall be recovered with asphaltum or other rustproof paint or coating. "(b) Tanks to be steamed. Any storage tank or container for flammable liquids or tank or container of any truck, trailer or other vehicle used for transporting or conveying flammable liquids, whether mounted on such truck, trailer or vehicle, or removed therefrom, shall be cleaned thoroughly with live steam before any person shall be permitted to enter such tank, or before any repairs whatsoever are made to such tank, or before any repairs involving the use of any open flame or the application of heat are made to the vehicle on which such tank may be mounted. "(c) Abandoned tanks. When any tank used for the storage of flammable liquids is abandoned, it shall be filled completely with sand or removed. "Sec. 15-9-10. Miscellaneous Requirements. (a) Where it iydhecessary to heat oil in storage tanks iniprder to handle it, the oil shall not be heated to a temperature higher than forty (40) degrees Fahrenheit below the flashpnint. Heating'shall be done by means of properly installed coils within the tank, using only steam or water. "(b) Flammable liquids having a low flash point shall not be used in oil burning equipment designed and intended for the use of flammable liquids with high flash points, and it shall be unlawful for any person to adulterate or cause to be adulterated any fuel oil with liquids having a flash point lower than that of said fuel oil, or to sell or offer for sale any such adulterated oil. "(c) All tanks, drums and containers immediately upon delivery of Classes I and II liquids into storage tanks shall be removed from the premises. "(d) No gasoline shall be allowed to remain in any open can or receptacle of any kind in or about any building. "Sec. 15-9-11. Inspection and Fee. Before any installatioOr altera- tion of any above ground flammable liquid storage tank and systetyx`is filled or any new or altered underground flammable liquid storage tank and system is covered from sight, a notification in writing shall be given the Chief of the Fire Prevention Bureau, who shall, within forty-eight (48) hours after the receipt of such notification, Sundays and holidays excepted, inspect the installation and give his written approval if the requirements of this chapter have been met. "The fee for each unit as outlined above will be two ($2.00) Dollars and shall be collected when the application is submitted or at the time the inspection is made. A proper receipt shall be given to the person paying the fee and the Chief of the Fire Prevention Bureau shall forward all monies collected to the City Treasurer. "(a) No above-ground tank for flammable liquids shall be allowed in Fire Zones Nos. 1 and 2 or in residential districts, except by special permit from the Fire Marshal. No above-ground tank of more than eleven hundred (1100) gallons capacity will be allowed outside Fire Zone Nos. 1 and 2 and the residential districts, nor shall more than forty-four Hundred (4400) gallons be stored in such manner on any one parcel of land, except at refineries, bulk storage plants and similar places, where greater capacity and additional storage is essential to the operaton of the business. Permits for such additional storage and capacity may be issued by the Fire Marshal when it is found that the applicant has complied with all of the requirements of this chapter and when the erection, construction, instalation, operation and maintenance of said system or plant will be safe for life and property. (, "(b) Where tanks are above ground there shall be a valve located near the tank in each pipe. In case two or more tanks are cross-connected there shall be a valve near each tank in each cross-connection. There shall be an internal or external valve in each tank outlet and automatic valves at the bottom of each dispensing pump, except for flammable liquids, whose chemical characteristics are incompatible with steel, such valves, when external, and their connections to the tank shall be of steel. - 5 • - e(c) Pumps delivering to or taking supply from above-ground storage tanks shall be provided with valves on both suction and discharge side of pump, and in delivering to tanks a check valve shall be installed to prevent flow of liquid from tank to pump. Electric motors, unless of an approved explosion-proof type, and internal combustion engines shall not be placed beneath tanks or elsewhere within the line of vapor travel. No siphon, air or water pressure system shall be permitted. "(d) Location of an above ground tank for storage of flammable liquids with respect to distance from the nearest line of adjoining property which may be built upon, shall be such that the distance between any part of the tank and the line shall be not less than that set forth in Table. TABLE Minimum Distance of Outside Aboveground Tanks of Flammable Liquids Other Than Crude Petroleum to Line of Adjoining Property Which May Be Built Upon. Capacity of Tank Class of Minimum Flammable Distance Liquid 0 to 275 gals. III 0 feet 276 to 750 gals. III 5 feet 0 to 750 gals I and II 10 feet 751 to 12000 gals. III 10 feet 751 to 12000 gals. I and II 15 feet 12,001 to 24000 gals. I, II, and III 15 feet 24,001 to 30000 gals. I, II, and III 20 feet 30,001 to 50000 gals. I, II, and III 25 feet Tanks with capacities in excess of 50,000 gallons and all tanks for the storage of crude petroleum shall be located in accordance with the following provisions (applicable to gas-tight tanks including conservation type tanks constructed in compliance with these or equivalent standards): Distance from line of Product Stored I Tank Protection adjoining property which may be built upon shall- be not less than- 1) An approved Greatest dimension of permanently attached diameter or height of extinguishing system tank, except that such or distance need not exceed Refined Petroleum 2) An approved float- 120 feet Products or other ing roof Flammable liquids not subject to boil- over Not equipped with 11 times the greatest either of the above dimension of diameter or height of tank except that such distance need not exceed 175 feet 1) An approved 2 times the greatest permanently attached dimension of diameter extinguishing system or height of tank except or that such distance shall 2) An approved float- not be less than 20 feet ing roof and need not exceed 175 feet. Crude petroleum* Not equipped with 3 times the greatest either of the above dimension of diameter or height of tank except that such distance shall not be less than 20 feet and need not exceed 350 feet *Or other non-petroleum product, handled in special process and chemical plants, which have boil-over characteristics somewhat like those of crude petroleum. - 6 - "(e) In particular installations these provisions may be altered at the discretion of the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention after consi- deration of the special features such as topographical conditions; nature of occupancy and proximity to buildings on adjoining property and height and character of construction of such buildings; capacity and construction of proposed tanks and character of liquids to be stored; degree of private fire protection to be provided, and facilities of the fire department to cope with flammable liquid fires. "(f) Where two tank locations of diverse ownership have a common boundary, the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention may, with the written consent of the owners of the two properties substitute the distances pro- vided in section 15-9-12, Spacing Between Tanks, for the minimum of distances, set forth in section 15-9-11 (d) Location with Respect to Property Lines. "Sec. 15-9-12. Spacing Between Tanks. (a) The location of a tank fpr the storage of any flammable liquid with respect to any such other tank shall be such that the distance between them shall not be less than 3 feet. "(b) For tanks above 50,000 gallons individual capacity storing any flammable liquid, except crude petroleum in producing areas, the distance shall be not less than one-half the diameter of the smaller tank. "(c) . In producing areas, for tanks storing crude petroleum and having capacities not exceeding 126,000 gallons (3,000 bbls.), the distance between tanks shall not be less than 3 feet; in excess of 126,000 gallons (, ,000 bbls.), the distance shall be not less than the diameter of the sialler tank. "(d) The minimum separation between an LP Gas container and a flammable liquid tank shall be 20 feet. Suitable means shall be taken to prevent the accumulation of flammable liquids under adjacent LP gas con- tainers such as by diking, diversion curbs or grading. When flammable liquid tanks are diked, the LP Gas containers shall be outside the diked area and at least 10 feet away from the center line of the dike. The fore- going provisions shall not apply when LP Gas containers of 125 gallons or 1 ss capacity are installed adjacent to Class III flammable liquid tanks of 275 gallons or less capacity. "Sec. 15-9-13. Foundations and Supports. (a) Tanks shall rest directly on the ground or on foundations or supports of concrete, masonry, piling, or steel. Exposed piling or steel supports shall be protected by fire-resistive materials to provide a fire resistance rating of not less than two hours. "'(b) ANCHORAGE. Where a tank is located in an area that may be subjected to flooding, suitable precautions shall be observed. "(c) Stairs, platforms and walkways shall be of steel, concrete or wood. "Sec. 15-9-14. Dikes and Walls. (a) CRUDE PETROLEUM. Tanks or groups of tanks containing crude petroleum or other liquid having similar bail-over characteristics, shall be diked or other suitable means taken to prevent discharge of liquid from endangering adjoining property or reaching waterways. Where a diked enclosure is required under this section, it shall have a capacity not less than that of the tank or tanks served by the enclosure. "'(b) FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS OTHER THAN CRUDE PETROLEUM. Individual tanks or groups of tanks, where deemed necessary by the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention on account of proximity to waterways, character of topo- graphy, or nearness to structures of high value, or to places of habitation or assembly, shall be diked or the yard shall be provided with a curb or other suitable means taken to prevent the spread of liquid onto other property or waterways. Where a diked enclosure is required under this sction, it shall have a net capacity not less than that of the largest tank, plus 10 per cent of the aggregate capacity of all other tanks served by the enclosure. "(c) DIKE CONSTRUCTION. Except where protection is provided by natural topography, dikes or retaining walls required under the foregoing section shall be of earth, concrete or solid masonry designed to be liquid - 7 - • tight and to withstand a full hydraulic head, and so constructed as to provide the required protection. Earthen dikes 3 feet or more in height shall have a flat section at the top not less than 2 feet wide. The slope shall be consistent with the angle of repose of the material of which the dikes are constructed. Unless means are available for extinguishing a fire in any tank containing crude petroleum, dikes and walls enclosing such tanks shall be provided at the top with a flareback section designed to turn back a boil-over wave, provided, however, that a flareback section shall not be required for dikes and walls enclosing approved floating roof tanks. (d) DRAINAGE. Where provision is made for draining rain water from diked areas, such drains shall normally be kept closed and shall be so designed that when in use, they will not permit flammable liquids to enter natural water courses, public sewers, or public drains, if their presence would constitute a hazard. Where pumps control drainage from the diked area, they shall not be self-starting. "(e) No loose combustible material, empty or full drum or barrel, shall be permitted within the diked area. (f) In particular installations these provisions may be altered at the discretion of the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention after consideration of special features such as topographical conditions; nature of occupancy andjproximity to buildings on adjoining property and height and character of construction of such buildings; capacity and construction of proposed tanks and character of liquids to be stored; degree of private fire protection to be provided, and facilities of the fire department to cope with flammable liquid fires. "Sec. 15-9-15. Design and Construction of Tanks Operating at Sub- stantially Atmospheric Pressure. (a) Tanks shall be built of steel or concrete unless character of liquid stored requires other materials. Steel commonly known as 'mill seconds' shall not be used. Tanks built of ma- terials other than steel shall be designed to specifications embodying safety factors equivalent to those herein specified for steel tanks. Concrete tanks shall be built in accordance with sound engineering practice. Steel tanks shall be built in accordance with the requirements of the following para- graphs. All shop-built tanks shall be tested at a pressure of not less than five and not more than ten pounds per square inch (measured at the top of the'Itank) for a period of at least ten minutes without leakage or permanent deformation. "(b) FIELD ERECTED VERTICAL TANKS. Vertical tanks erected in the field shall be built in accordance with nationally recognized good practice. "(c) SMALL, SHOP BUILT VERTICAL TANKS. Vertical tanks not over 1,100 gallons capacity shall meet the following requirements: Minimum Thickness of Steel Capacity (gallons) U.S. Standard 1 -- 60 18 gauge 61 -- 350 16 gauge 351 -- 560 14 gauge 561 -- 1,100 12 gauge "0) LARGE, SHOP BUILT VERTICAL TANKS. Vertical tanks over 1,100 gallons capacity shall meet the following requirements: (1) For tanks up to 25 feet in height the shell shall be not less than 3/16 inch thick. For tanks from 25 to 30 feet high the bottom ring shall be not less than IT thick and the remainder of the shell not less than 3/16 inch thick. For tanks between 30 and 35 feet high, the first two rings shall be not less than i inch thick and the remainder of the shell not less than 3/16 inch thick. All 1/4 inch thick rings shall be not less than 5 feet wide. (2) The tops of the tanks shall be either dished or cone-shaped and of not less than No. 10 U.S. Standard gauge steel. (3) Tanks shall be welded, or riveted and caulked, or otherwise made tight in a workmanlike manner. The roof of the tank shall be securely fastened to the top ring of the shell with a joint having the same tightness as the joints between rings. The joint between roof and shell shall be weaker than any other joints in the shell of the tank. Joints in the roof shall be welded or riveted or made tight by other process satisfactory to the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Roofs of tanks shall have no unprotected openings. - 8 - "(e) SHOP BUILT HORIZONTAL TANKS. Horizontal tanks shall be constructed in accordance with accepted engineering practice and shall meet the following minimum requirements: Joints shall be riveted and caulked, riveted and welded, or welded. Tank heads over 6 feet in diameter shall be dished, stayed, braced, or reinforced. LB(1) SMALL, SHOP BUILT HORIZONTAL TANKS. Horizontal tanks not over 1,100 gallons capacity shall meet the following require- ments: Minimum Thickness of Steel Capacity (gallons) U.S. Standard 1 to 60 18 gauge 61 to 275 14 gauge 276 to 550 12 gauge 551 to 1,100 10 gauge "(2) LARGE, SHOP BUILT HORIZONTAL TANKS. Horizontal tanks over 1,100 gallons capacity having a diameter of not over 6 feet, made of steel, shall be 3/16 inch or greater nominal thickness. Tanks having a diameter of over 6 feet and not more than 12 feet, made of steel, shall be 1/4 inch or greater nominal thickness. "Sec. 15-9-16. Vents. (a) VENTS FOR NORMAL BREATHING. Tanks shall have normal venting capacity sufficient to permit the filling and emptying of such tanks, plus their breathing due to temperature changes, without distortion of tank shell or roof. Tanks storing Class I and Class II flammable liquids shall be equipped where practical with either venting devices which shall be normally closed when not under pressure or vacuum, or with approved flame arresters, except that tanks under 2,500 gallons capacity for Class I liquids and tanks under 3,000 barrels capacity for crude petroleum in pro- ducing areas may have open vents. "(b) VENTS FOR EMERGENCY RELIEF. In addition to the provisions for normal venting herein required, every aboveground storage tank shall have some form of construction or device that will relieve excessive internal pressure, caused by exposure fires, that might cause the rupture of the tank shell or bottom. In a vertical tank, this construction may take the form of a weakened seam in the roof. The joint between the roof and the shell of a tank 36 feet or more in diameter, if built in accordance with section 15-9-15 (b) of this article, shall be deemed to be a weakened seam for this purpose. Where entire dependence for such additional relief is placed upon some device other than a weak roof seam or joint, the total venting capacity of both normal and emergency vents shall be enough to prevent rupture of the shell or bottom of the tank if vertical, or of the shell or heads if horizontal. Such device may be a self-closing (manhole cover, or one using long bolts that permit the cover to lift Under internal pressure, or an additional or larger relief valve or valves. When emergency relief is provided by other than a ;weak roof seam or joint, the total capacity of the normal breather and emergency relief shall be sized according to Table 15-9-17 Required ;Total Pressure Relief Capacity of Vents. "Sec. 15-9-17. Table. REQUIRED TOTAL PRESSURE RELIEF CAPACITY OF VENTS NOTE: Venting equipment installed for normal operation may serve as emergency relief, provided that it has the requisite capacity under the pressure limitation fixed by this table. Responsibility for selecting the limiting pressure is placed on the owner or operator. CAPACITY Approximate Diameter In of TANK Total Pressure Inches of Free Circular 42-Gallon Relief Capacity Opening for Various Gallons Barrels (Cu.Ft. of Free Pressures Air Per Hour) 3 In, of 1 PSI 2z PSI 5 PSI Water I - 9 - L.,000 23.8 25,300 4 21 2 11 4,000 95.2 69,500 63/4 3 3/4 3 22 18,000 428 139,000 91 54 4,1 3 3/4 25,000 595 166,000 10�4 6 4 3/4 4 56,000 1,33o 253,000 123/4 7i 5 3/4 5 100,000 2,38o 363,000 151 8 3/4 7 6 155,000 3,690 458,000 17 t 11. 9 3/4 7 3/4 62 222,000 5,290 522,000 18i 101 84 7 475,000 11,300 624,000 20 11f 9 7 3/4 73p,000 17,500 648,000 20 111 9 : 7 3/4 Unlimited 648,000 20 llz 91 7 3/4 "Sec. 15-9-18. Bulk Storage Underground or in Buildings. (a) LOCATION. A flammable liquid storage tank may be located, underground Outside of or under a building, if such installation meets the require- ments of this section. The tank shall be so located with respect to existing building foundations and supports that the loads carried by the latter cannot be transmitted to the tank. The distance from any part of a tank storing Class III liquid to the nearest wall of any basement, pit, cellar, or property line shall be not less than 1 foot. he distance from any part of a tank storing Class I or II liquids to he nearest wall of any basement, pit, or cellar shall be not less than 1 foot, and from any property line that may be built upon, not less than 3 feet. "(b) DEPTH AND COVER. Excavation for underground storage tanks Shall be made with due care to avoid undermining of foundations of exist- ing structures. Underground tanks shall be set on firm foundation and surrounded with soft earth or sand well tamped in place. Tanks shall be covered with a minimum of 2 feet of earth, or shall be covered with not less than 1 foot of earth on top of which shall be placed a slab f reinforced concrete not less than 4 inches thick. When underground anks are or are likely to be subjected to traffic, they shall be rotected against damage from vehicles passing over them by at least 3 feet of earth cover, or 18 inches of well-tamped earth, plus 6 inches of reinforced concrete or 8 inches of asphaltic concrete. When asphaltic rr reinforced concrete paving is used as part of the protection it shall xtend at least 1 foot horizontally beyond the outline of the tank in all directions. "(c) ANCHORAGE. Where a tank may become buoyant due to a rise .n the level of the water table or due to location in an area that may be subjected to flooding, suitable precautions shall be observed to anchor the tank in place. "Sec. 15-9-19. Inside of Buildings, Class I or II Liquids.; Tanks for storage of Class I and II flammable liquids shall not be installed inside buildings except as provided in Section 15-9-59. Tanks for Storage of Class I and II flammable liquids may be installed under a building as an underground tank complying with section 15-9-18. "Sec. 15-9-20. Inside of Buildings, Class III Liquids. (a) Unen- closed tanks shall not be located within 5 feet, horizontally, of any fire or flame. "(b) Tanks larger than 60 gallons capacity shall not be located in buildings above the lowest story, cellar or basement, except in commercial or industrial establishments or processing Plants where storage on a higher floor is required by the process. - 10 - "(c) Except as provided in section 31-5-1, tanks exceed- ing 275 gallons individual capacity or 1100 gallons aggregate capacity in an individual building or in a section of a building separated by fire walls shall be installed in an enclosure constructed as follows: The walls of the enclosure shall be constructed of solid masonry units or poured concrete construction having a fire resistance rating of not less than three hours. Such enclosures shall be installed only on concrete or other fire resistive floors and shall be bonded to the floors. Enclosures shall have tops of reinforced concrete at least 5 inches thick or equivalent fire-resistive construction, except that where floor construction or roof construction above the enclosure is concrete, or other fire-resistive construction, the walls may be extended to and bonded to the underside of the construction above in lieu of the provision of a separate top. Any openings to such enclosures shall be provided with fire doors or-other approved closures and six-inch noncombustible liquidtight sills or ramps. Provision shall be made for adequate ventilation of such enclosures prior to entering for inspection or repairs on tanks. "(d) In buildings of other than fire-resistive construction, the nominal gross capacity of tanks shall not exceed 10,000 gallons. In Buildings of fire-resistive construction the nominal gross capacity of the tanks shall not exceed 15,000 gallons. In any building, if in a fire-resistive or detached room cut off vertically and horizon- tally in an approved manner from other floors of the main building, the nominal gross capacity of tanks may be but shall not exceed 50,000 gallons, with an individual tank capacity not exceeding 25,000 gallons. "Sec. 15-9-21. Design and Construction of Tanks. (a) UNDERGROUND TANKS OR ENCLOSED i TNKb INSIDE OF BUILDINGS. Tanks shall be designed and constructed to withstand safely the service to which subjected. Material other than steel, if used, shall be of suitable durability and of thickness providing equivalent strength to that provided by steel. Steel commonly known as 'mill seconds' shall not be used. Steel tanks shall be of a minimum gauge (U.S. Standard) in accordance with Table 15-9-22. "Sec. 15-9-22. Table. UNDERGROUND AND ENCLOSED STORAGE TANKS Capacity Minimum Nominal Thickness of 1°iaterial Not Galvanized Galvanized U.S. Pounds U.S. Pounds Standard Per Square Standard Per Square Gallons Gauge Foot Gauge Foot* 1 to 285 14 3.125 16 2.50 286 to 560 12 4.375 14 3.125 561 to 1,100 10 5.625 12 4.375 1,101 to 4,000 7 7.50 4,001 to 12,000 1/4 inch 10.00 12,001 to 20,000 5/16 inch 12.50 20,001 to 30,000 3/8 inch 15.00 *Before Galvanizing - 11 - j If adequate internal bracing is provided, tanks of 12,001 to 30,000 gallons capacity may be built of 1/4-inch plate. "(b) UNENCLOSED TANKS INSIDE OF BUILDINGS. Tanks of this Cate- gory used for Class III flammable liquids shall not exceed 275 gallons indi- vidual capacity. They may be cylindrical or of a special form which has been demonstrated by appropi'tate tests to possess strength and tightness of an acceptable degree. Material other than steel, if used, shall be of Suitable durability and thickness to provide strength equivalent to that rovided by steel. Steel commonly known as 'mill seconds' shall not be Wised. Steel tanks shall be a minimum gauge (U.S. Standard) in accordance with the following table: Minimum Nominal Thickness of Material Capacity (Gallons) U.S. Standard Pounds per Gauge Square Foot 1 to 180 No. 16 2.50 181 to275 No. 14 3.125 "Sec. 15-9-23. Support of Tanks in Buildings. Inside storage tanks shall be securely supported to prevent settling, sliding or lifting. "Sec. 15-9-24. Tanks Connections for Tanks Underground in Build- ings. (a) VENTS. (1) LOCATION AND ARRANGEMENT OF VENTS--CLASS I or II. Vent lapes from tanks storing Class I or Class II flammable liquids shall be so ocated that the discharge point is outside of buildings, higher than the fill pipe opening, and not less than 12 feet above the adjacent ground level. Ygent pipes shall discharge only upward or horizontally (not downward) in rder to disperse vapors. Vent pipes 2 inches or less in nominal inside dia- eter shall not be obstructed by devices that will reduce their capacity and thus cause excessive back pressure. Vent pipe outlets shall be so located that flammable vapors willnot enter building openings, or be trapped under eaves or other obstructions. If the vent pipe is less than 10 feet in length or greater than 2 inches in nominal inside diameter, the outlet shall e provided with a vacuum and pressure relief device or there shall be an approved flame arrester located in the vent line at the outlet or within the approved distance from the outlet. In no case shall a flame arrester be located more than 15 feet from the outlet end of the vent line. (2) LOCATION AND ARRANGEMENT OF VENTS--CLASS III. Vent pipes rom tanks storing Class III flammable liquids shall terminate outside of uilding and higher than the fill pipe opening. Vent outlets shall be bove normal snow level-. They may be fitted with return bends, coarse screens r other devices to minimize ingress of foreign material. "(3) SIZE OF VENTS. Each tank shall be vented through piping adequate in size to prevent blow-back of vapor or liquid at the fill opening bile tank is being filled. Vent pipes shall be not less than 1* inches nominal inside diameter. "(4) VENT PIPING. Vent pipes shall be so laid as to drain toward the tank without sags or traps in which liquid can collect. They shall be located so that they will not be subjected to physical damage above ground. Vent pipes from tanks storing the same class of flammable liquids may be connected into one outlet pipe. The outlet pipe shall at least be one ipe-size larger than the largest individual vent pipe connected thereto. n no case shall the point of connection between vent lines be lower than the top of any fill-pipe opening. The lower end of a vent pipe shall enter the tank through the top and shall not extend into the tank more than one inch. "(b) FILL AND DISCHARGE PIPING. Filling and discharge lines or Class I and Class II liquids, and for Class III liquids where practicable, ,shall enter tanks only through the top and shall be graded toward the tank. "(c) FILL OPENINGS. The fill-pipe opening shall be located Outside of any building. For Class I and II flammable liquid storage the fill-pipe opening shall be not less than 5 feet from any door or cellar opening. For Class III flammable liquid storage the fill-pipe opening shall be not less than 2 feet from any building opening at the same or lower level. The fill-pipe opening shall be closed and liquid tight when not in Use. Fill-pipe for filling by tank car or tank truck shall be not larger than 4 inches nominal inside diameter and shall not be constricted. Fill-pipe openings shall be identified by a definite color scheme or other means. - 12 - "(d) GAUGE OPENINGS. Gauge openings, if independent of fill-pipe, shall be provided with liquid-tight cap or cover. Where Class I or Class II li vids are stored within a building, such gauge opening shall be protected against vapor release or liquid overflow by means of a spring-loaded check vale or other approved device.' 1 "Sec. 15-9-25. Testing. Before being covered or placed in use, tanks and piping connected thereto shall pass a test for tightness. Where the vent outlet is not more than 15 feet above the top of the tank the test pressure shall be at least 5 pounds per square inch and either air or hydrostatic pressure may be used. Where the vent outlet is more than 15 feet above the top of the tank the test shall be made under hydrostatic pressure with the vent line flooded. In special cases where the height of the vent above the top of the tank is excessive the hydrostatic test pressure shall be specified by the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. "Sec. 15-9-26. Storage in Closed Containers Inside Buildings. Sec- tio 15-9-26 to 15-9-31 inclusive apply to the storageof flammable liquids in drums or other portable closed containers not exceeding 60 gallons individual capacity inside buildings. These requirements do not apply to bulk plants, service stations, and refineries and other plants storing and handling crude petroleum nor do they _apply to fuel oil storage for use with oil-fired heating and cooking appliances. "Sec. 15-9-27. Design and Construction of Inside Storage.Rooms. (a) Inside Storage Rooms shall comply with the following general construction req irements: Walls, floors and ceilings shall be of construction having a fire resistance rating of not less than one hour. Openings to other rooms or buildings shall be provided with noncombustible liquid-tight raised sills or ramps at least 6 inches in height and with approved fire doors with heat- actuated releasing devices arranged to close doors automatically in case of fire. Where other portions of the building or other properties are exposed, windows shall be protected in an approved manner. No combustible material shall be used for interior room surfaces or shelving. Proper ventilation shall be provided. Heating shall be restricted to low pressure steam or hot water or to electrical units approved for Class I hazardous locations. "(b) Electrical equipment used in any room or building in which flammable liquids are used, handled or kept in open containers shall meet thelspecifications of and be installed according to the requirements of the Electrical Ordinances of Salt Lake City and the Uniform Building Code. il(c) Rooms or portions of buildings, affording a type of building construction and other features equivalent to that required for Inside Stor- age Rooms Sec. (15-9-27-(a) (b) ), may be utilized for storage of flammable liquids if not used for any other storage or operation which, in combina- tion create a greater fire hazard. I "(d) Storage rooms shall be located to minimize damage in the event of an explosion. "(e) The quantity of flammable liquid in an Inside Storage Room shall not exceed the quantity specified in this paragraph except as provided in paragraph (f) of this section. If hot protected by an approved automatic fire extinguishing system: 4 (1) 550 gallons total of Class I, II and II)flammable liquids, of which not more than (2) 275 gallons maybe of Class I and II flammable liquids, of which not more than (3) 60 gallons may be of Class I flammable liquid. If protected by an approved automatic fire extinguishing system; I (4) 1100 gallons total of Class I, II and III flammable liquids, of which not more than (5) 550 Gallons may be of Class I and II flammable liquids, of which not more than (6) 275 gallons may be of Class I flammable liquid. "f. The quantity of flammable liquid in an Inside Storage Room may be Increased to that permitted by section 15-9-54 for Inside Mixing and Handling Rooms provided the construction is as provided in paragraphs -13- (a) and (b) of this section, but with walls, floors and ceiling of noncom- bustible construction having a fire resistance rating of not less than two hours. "Sec. 15-9-28. Storage Cabinets. (a) Storage Cabinets may be used where it is desired to keep more than 10 gallons of flammable liquids inside buildings. No individual container shall exceed 5 gallons capacity and not over 50 gallons shall be stored in any one cabinet. "(b) Storage cabinets shall be constructed as follows or built to egµivalent requirements. The bottom, top, door and sides of cabinet shall be at least No. 18 gauge sheet iron and double walled with lz-inch air space. Joints shall be riveted, welded or made tight by some equally effective means. The door shall be provided with a 3-point lock, kept closed when not in use, and the door sill shall be raised at least 2 inches above the bottom of the cabinet. When deemed necessary by the Chief of the Bureau oflFire Prevention, cabinets shall be vented. The cabinet shall be conspi- cuously labeled in red letters 'FLAMMABLE -- KEEP FIRE AWAY. ' "Sec. 15-9-29. Manner of Storage and Limitations. (a) Flammable liquids shall not be stored (including stock for sale), near exits, stairways orlareas normally used for the safe egress of people. ! "(b) The storage of flammable liquids in closed containers shall comply with the following occupancy schedule except that the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention may impose a quantity limitation or require greater protection where, in his opinion, unusual hazard to life or property islinvolved, or he may authorize increase of these amounts where the type ofconstruction, fire protection provided or other factors substantially reduce the hazard. "(1) DWELLINGS AND APARTMENT HOUSES CONTAINING NOT MORE THAN THREE DWELLING UNITS AND ACCOMPANYING ATTACHED OR DETACHED GARAGES. Storage other than fuel oil, prohibited, except that which is required for maintenance or equipment operation which shall not exceed 10 gallons. Such flammable liquids shall be stored in metal closed containers or safety cans. "(2) ASSEMBLY AND OFFICE OCCUPANCIES, APARTMENT HOUSES CONTAINING MORE THAN THREE DWELLING UNITS, HOTELS AND THEATRES. Storage prohibited, except that which is required for maintenance and operation of building and operation of equipment. Such storage shall be kept in metal closed containers stored in a storage cabinet or in safety cans or in an Inside Storage Room not, having a door that opens into that portion of the building used by the public. "(3) EDUCATIONAL AND INSTITUTIONAL OCCUPANCIES. Storage shall be limited to that required for maintenance, demonstration, treatment and laboratory work and shall be in an Inside Storage Room. Flammable liquids stored for such purposes shall be in containers not larger than one quart orlin safety cans or in storage cabinets. "(4) MERCANTILE OCCUPANCIES. In rooms or areas accessible to the public, storage shall be in closed containers and limited to quantities neaded for display and normal merchandising purposes. Where the aggregate quantity of additional stock exceeds 50 gallons it shall be stored in rooms or portions of buildings that comply with the construction requirements of section 15-9-27. "(5) GENERAL PURPOSE AND PUBLIC WAREHOUSES. Storage shall be in accordance with section 15-9-29 b(7). Storage in containers of 1 gallon or larger capacity shall be in fire-resistive buildings or in portions of buildings cut off by noncombustible construction having a fire resistance of pot less than two hours. Noncombustible material, creating no hazard to the flammable liquids, may be stored in the same area. "(6) FLAMMABLE LIQUID WAREHOUSES. Storage shall be in accordance with section 15-9-29 b(7). If storage building is located 30 to 50 feet from important building or of property that may be built upon, the exposing wall shall be a blank wall having a fire-resistive rating of at least 2 hours. If storage building is located 10 to 30 feet from important building or line of property that may be built upon, the exposing wall shall be a blank wall having a fire-resistance rating of at least 3 hours. If storage building islless than 10 feet from the line of adjoining property that can be built upon, the exposing wall shall be a wall having a fire-resistance rating of atlleast 4 hours, with openings protected by approved fire doors. - �4 - i "(7) Flammable liquid containers shall be stored in tiers or piles, separated by main aisle widths of 8 feet and side aisle widths as indicated in Table 15-9-30. "sec. 15-9-3o. TABLE. Arrangement of Container Storage. TABLE ARRANGEMENT OF CONTAINER STORAGE 1 The figures in the column, Total Gallons, represent the number of gallons that may be stored per pile and the figures in parenthesis are the corresponding numbr of 55 gallon drums. The figures in the Width and Height Columns are the width and height of the pile and the s is corresponding number of 55 ga 1 feet llondrumswhen stored gone in endthatewillsproducehe this size pile. j SPRINKLERED OR EQUIVALENT UNPROTECTED ClashSTORAGE PROTECTION OF LEVEL , FLA ABLE Maximums Per Pile Maximums Per Pile LIQU D TOTAL WIDTH HEIGHT Side TOTAL width HEIGHT SIDE Gallons Feet Feet Aisle Gallons feet feet AISLE WIDTH ISLE Feet feet I Ground 2,640 8 6 5 4 3 7 and (48) (4) (2) (12)12 (2) (1) Upper Floors Basemento" 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 II Ground 5,280 8 6 (4) (2) 4 1,329 5 ) (2) (1) and Upper 4 Floors 1,320 4 3 Basement4 (24) (2) (1) 0 0 0 0 Ground 11,000 12 3 ft. 4 2,640 8 12 4 III', and (200) (6) under (48) (4) (4) Upper sprinkler Floors heads 5,500 8 9 4 66o 4 3 4 Basement" (100) (4) (3) (12) (2) (1) *Basement means a story of a building or structure having 1/2 or more of its height below ground level and to which access for fire fighting purposes is unduly restricted. 16Sec. 15-9-31. Fire Control. (a) When the Chief of Fire Prevention requires sprinklers, they shall be installed in an approved manner. Installa- tions shall be made in accordance with nationally recognized good practice. '(b) Open flames, smoking and other sources of igntion shall not be permitted in flammable liquid storage rooms. 1tl(c) Materials which will react with water to produce flammable vapors shall not be stored in the same room with flammable liquids. "Sec. 15-9-32. Storage in Closed Containers Outside Buildings. Sections 15-9-32 to 15-9-33 apply to the storage of flammable liquids in drums or other portable closed contaners not exceeding 60 gallons individual capacity outside buildings. These requirements shall not apply to bulk plants, service stations, and refineries and other plants storing and handling crude petroleum nor do they pply to fuel oil storage for use with oil-fired heating and cooking appliances. (a) "Sec. 15-9-33. Basic Safeguards./ Storage of 100 drums or more of Class I and, II flammable liquids shall be limited to groups of 100 drums, located at lest 60 feet from the nearest important building or line of adjacent property thatlmay be built upon and each group shall be separated by at least 40 feet. Storage of 300 drums or more of Class III flammable liquids shall be limited to groups of 300 drums located at least 50 feet from nearest building or line of adjoining property that may be built upon and each group shall be separated by at least 30 feet. These distances may be reduced 50 per cent if sprinklers and drainage away from exposures are provided. "(b) The drum storage shall be located to prevent run-off or drainage toward storage or buildings. The area shall be kept clear of grass, weeds and other foreign combustibles. Signs shall be posted prohibiting open flames and smoking. Sec. 15-9-34. Piping, Valves and Fittings. Piping, valves and fittings for flammable liquids shall be designed for the working pressures and structural stresses to which they may be subjected. They shall be of steel or other material suitable for use with the liquid being handled. Pipe wall thicknesses shall; be determined in accordance with nationally recognized good practice; except that carbon steel pipe shall not be thinner than standard wall thickness pipe.l All threaded joints and connections shall be made up tight with suitable lubricant or piping compound. These provisions ahall apply to all piping for flammable liquids which fall within the scope of this article. "Sec. 15-9-35. Protection Against Corrosion. All piping for flammable liquids, both aboveground and underground, where subject to external corrosion, shall be painted or otherwise protected. "Sec. 15-9-36. Supports. Pipe systems shall be substantially supported and protected against physical damage and excessive stresses arising from settlement, vibration, expansion or contraction. "Sec. 15-9-37. Valves. Pipe systems shall contain a sufficient number of valves to operate the system properly and to protect the plant. Pipe systelMs in connection with pumps shall contain a sufficient number of valves to control properly the flow of liquid in normal operation and in the event of physical damage. Connections to pipe lines, by which equipment such as tank cars Or tank vehicles discharge flammable liquids by means of centrifugal pumps into aboveground storage tanks, shall be provided with check valves for automatic protection against back-flow. "Sec. 15-9-38. Bulk Plants. No new bulk plant shall be constructed within the limits established by law as limits of the districts in which such plants are prohibited. "Sec. 15-9-39. Storage. (a) Storage of flammable liquids in bulk plants shall, in addition to complying with the provisions of this division, comply(Arith the applicable provisions of division II of this article. n(b) STORAGE -- Class I OR II. Class I and Class II flammable liquids shall be stored in closed containers, or in storage tanks abovegrou-nd out- side buildings, or underground. "(c) STORAGE -- CLASS III. Class III flammable liquids shall be stored in containers, or in tanks within buildings or aboveground outside of buildings or underground. "(d) STORAGE OF CONTAINERS. Containers of flammable liquids when piled one upon the other shall be separated by dunnage, sufficient to provide stability and to prevent excessive stress on container walls. The height of piles shall be consistent with stability and strength of containers. "Sec. 15-9-40. Filling and Emptying Containers. Containers of Class I and Class II flammable liquids shall not be drawn from or filled within buildings unless provision is made to prevent the accumulation of flammable vapors in hazardous concentrations. v4, . ./ .ter ., y — "Sec. 15-9-41. Ventilation. Ventilation shall be provided buildings, or enclosures in which Class I or Class II flammableliquy pumped or dispensed. Design of ventilation systems shall take into acco-the relatively high specific gravity of the vapors. Ventilation may be prov de by adequate openings in outside walls at floor level unobstructed except by louvers or coarse screens. Where natural ventilation is impractical, mechanical ventilation shallbe provided. Mechanical systems for removing flammable vapors shall be designed, installed and operated in accordance with nationally recognized good practice. "Sec. 15-9-42. Buildings. (a) GENERAL CONSTRUCTION. Buildings shall be constructed so that rooms in which flammable liquids are handled or stored comply with the requirements of the zone or area in which located. Class I and Class II flammable liquids shall not be stored or handled within a building having a basement or pit into which flammable vapors may travel, unless such area is provided with ventilation designed to prevent the accumulation of flammable vapors therein. "(b) EXITS. Rooms storing flammable liquids or in which flammable liquids are handled by pumps shall have exit facilities arranged to prevent occupants being trapped in the event of fire. "(c) HEATING. Rooms in which Class I or Class II flammable liquids are stored or handled shall be heated only by means not constituting a source of ignition, such as steam or hot water. Rooms containing heating appliances involving sources of ignition shall be located and arranged to prevent entry of flammable vapors. "Sec. 15-9-43. Loading and Unloading.Facilities. (a) TANK VEHICLE LOADING RACKS. "(1) LOCATION. Tank vehicle loading racks dispensing Class I or Class II flammable liquids shall be separated from tanks, warehouses, other plant buildings, and nearest line of property that may be built upon by a clear distance of not less than 25 feet, measured from the nearest position of any fill stem. Buildings for pumps or for shelter of loading personnel may be part of the loading rack. "(2) STATIC PROTECTION. The following types of tank vehicle loading racks shall be equipped with protection against static sparks during truck filling: -- racks dispensing Class I or Class II flammable liquids into open domes of tank vehicles, and racks dispensing Class III flammable liquids into open domes of tank vehicles which may contain flammable vapors from previous cargoes of Class I or Class II flammable liquids. Protection shall consist of a bare metallic bondwire permanently electrically connected to the fill-stem or some part of the fill-stem piping. The free end of such wire shall be provided with a clamp or similar device for convenient attachment to some metallic part of the cargo tank of the tank vehicle. The bond-wire connection shall be made prior to opening the dome covers. It shall be maintained in place during the entire filling opertion and the dome covers shall be securely closed before the bond-wire is disconnected from the cargo tank. "(3) DRAG CHAINS. Drag chains or similar devices on tank vehicles shall not be deemed to meet the requirements of the preceding paragraph for static protection. "(b) TANK CAR RACKS. Class I and Class II flammable liquids shall not be discharged from or loaded into tank cars unless protection against stray currents has been provided and is used. Protection shall be designed and installed in accordance with nationally recognized good practice. "(c) CONTAINER FILLING FACILITIES. Class I and Class II flammable liquids shall not be run into containers unless the nozzle and container are electrically interconnected. Where the metallic floorplate on which the container stands while filling is electrically connected to the fill stem or where the fill stem is bonded to the container during filling operations by means of a bond-wire, the provisions of this section shall be deemed to have been complied with. "(d) DRAINAGE AND WASTE DISPOSAL. Provision shall be made to prevent flammable liquids which may be spilled at loading or unloading points from entering public sewers and drainage systems or natural waterways. Conn- ections to such sewers, drains, or waterways by which flammable liquids might enterl shall be provided with separator boxes or other approved means whereby such !entry is precluded. Crankcase drainings and flammable liquids shall not - 17 - be dumped into sewers, but shall be stored in tanks or tight drums outside of any building until removed from the premises. "Sec. 15-9-44. Electrical Equipment. All wiring and electrical equip- mentlincluding motors and electrical switch gear for pumps handling Class I or Class II flammable liquids and located within the possible path of vapor travel shall be designed and installed so as to not create an ignition hazard. Electrical equipment designed and installed in accordance with the Electrical Ordinances of Satt Lake City and the Uniform Building Code. "Sec. 15-9-45. Sources of Ignition. Class I or Class II flammable liquids shall not be handled, drawn, or dispensed where flammable vapors may reach a source of ignition. Smoking shall be prohibited except in designated localities. 'NO SMOKING' signs shall be conspicuously posted where hazard from flammable liquid vapors is normally present. 1 "Sec. 15-9-46. Fire Control. Fire-control equipment may be required by the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention where a tank of more than 50,000 gallons individual capacity contains Class I or Class II flammable liquids and where an unusual exposure hazard exists from surrounding property. Such fire-control equipment shall be sufficient to extinguish a firelin the largest tank. The design and amount of such equipment shall be in accordance with nationally recognized good practice. "Sec. 15-9-47. Service Stations. Apparatus dispensing Class I flam- mable liquids into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles of the public shall not be located at a bulk plant unless separated by a fence or similar barrier fromjthe area in which bulk operationsare conducted. so th "Sec. 15-9-48. General Construction. Buildings shall be constructed at rooms in which flammable liquids are handled or stored comply with the requirements of the zone or area in which located. Class I and Class II flammable liquids shall not be stored or handled within a building having a basement or pit into which flammable vapors may travel, unless such area is provided with ventilation designed to prevent the accumulation of flammable vapors therein. "Sec. 15-9-49. Storage and Handling. (a) Class I and Class II flaable liquids shall be stored in tanks located underground. Above- ground tanks, located in an adjoining bulk plant may be connected by pipig to service station underground tanks if, in addition to valves at abov ground tanks, as provided in 15-9-11 (b) (c), a valve is also installed within control of service station personnel. "(b) STORAGE INSIDE BUILDINGS. No Class I flammable liquids shall be stored or handled within any service station building except packaged item , for example: cleaning fluid received and resold in unbroken metallic containers of not over one gallon capacity each, or in approved non-metallic cont iners of not more than one quart capacity each. Class II flammable liquids :Ln closed containers may be stored inside the station building. A container equipped with an approved pump shall be considered a closed container for purposes of storage only. No Class I or Class II flammable liquids shall be dispensed, or transferred from one container to another, inside of a service station building, provided, however, that flammable anti- freele liquids may be dispensed in rooms of a service station building provided such rooms have approved heating devices and provided also that there is no open flame in such room lower than 8 feet above floor level. Clasp I.II liquids may be stored and dispensed inside service station build- ingslfrom approved containers of not more than 120 gallons capacity each. "(c) LABELING. No sale or purchase of any Class I, II or III flam- mable liquids shall be made in containers unless such containers are clearly marked with the name of the product contained therein. "(d) No flammable petroleum product shall be dispensed, transported or stored in any glass, crockery or other similar breakable container. "Sec. 15-9-50. Dispensing Devices. (a) DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION. Class I and Class II flammable liquids shall be transferred from under- ground tanks by means of fixed pumps so designated and equipped as to allow control of the flow and to prevent leakage or accidental discharge. Supplemental means shall be provided outside of the dispensing device whereby the ',source of power may be readily disconnected in the event of fire or other accident. Dispensing devices for Class I or Class II flammable liquids 1 - 1$ - shall be of approved type. Class I or Class II flammable liquids shall not be dispensed by pressureor gravity from drums, barrels, and similar containers. Gear pumps or similar positive displacement devices taking suction through the top of the container shall be used. Class I and Class II flammable liquids shall not be dispensed by a device that operates through pressure within a storage tank, unless the tank has been approved as a pressure vessel for the use to which it is subjected. In no case shall air or gas pressure be used for this purpose. "(b) AUTOMATIC DISPENSING DEVICES. The installation and use of coinFoperated dispensing devices for Class I flammable liquids is pro- hibited. The dispensing of Class I flammable liquids into the fuel tank of al vehicle or into a container shall at all times be under the control of a competent person. The use..of any device which permits the dispensing of Class I flammable liquids when the hand of the operator of the dis- charging nozzle is removed from the nozzle control lever is hereby for- bidden except when using an automatic nozzle as provided in section 15-9-50 b (1). "(1) AUTOMATIC HOSE NOZZLE VALVES WITH LATCH-OPEN DEVICES: In lieu of being held open by hand, an approved automatic nozzle may be used for ;dispensing Class I flammable liquid into the fuel tank of a vehicle. Such a nozzle shall have the latch-open device as an integral part of the assembly and shall shut off the liquid reliably and positively when the gasoline tank is filled, when it falls from the filling neck of an automobile tank, when it is subject to rough usage such as dropping or lack or proper lubrication, or when an automobile is driven away while the nozzle is still in the tank. A competent attendant shall be in the immediate vicinity of the (vehicle being filled by such an approved nozzle. u(c) LOCATION. Dispensing devices at automotive service stations shall be s,o located that all parts of the vehicle being served will be on private property. "(d) All remote control pumping units must be provided with a valve in the line near the pumping unit with an automatic shut-off valve at the bottom of each dispensing pump. °°(e) INSIDE GARAGES. Where an outside location is impractical, dis- pensing devices approved for inside use may be installed inside garage or similar establishment storing, parking, servicing or repairing automotive equipment. The dispensing device shall be located in an area of fire- resistive construction well away from vehicle storage and repair areas and Well ventilated. It shall be protected against physical damage by ve- hicles by mounting on a concrete island or by equivalent means and shall be located in a position where it cannot be struck by a vehicle descending a ramp or other slope out of control. A convenient remote emergency shut- off for electric power to the dspensing unit and the pump supplying it shall be provided. Each pumping unit shall have an automatic shut-off valve at the bottom of the pump. "Sec. 15-9-51. Drainage and Waste Disposal. Provision shall be made in the area where Class I flammable liquids may be spilled to prevent liqUids from flowing into interior of service-station buildings. Such pro- vision may be by grading driveway, raising door sills, or other equally effective means. Crankcase drainings and flammable liquids shall not be dumpted into sewers, but shall be stored in tanks or tight drums outside of any building until removed from the premises. "Sec. 15-9-52. Safety Rules. There shall be no smoking on the driveway of service stations in the areas used for fueling motor vehicles, dispensing flammable anti-freeze or the receipt of products by tank ve- hicle, or in those portions of the building used for servicing automobiles, tractors or internal combustion engines. Conspicuous signs prohibiting smoking shall be posted within sight of the customer being served. Letters on such signs shall be not less than 4 inches high. The motors of all vehicles being fueled shall be shut off during the fueling operation. "Sec. 15-9-53. Commercial and Industrial Establishments. (a)/ Flammable liquids shall be stored in tanks, closed containers or approved saf4ty cans. "(b) Flamable liquids stored in tanks, drums or other closed con- tainers shall conform to the applicable requirements of storage of flammable liquids. "Sec. 15-9-54. Use of Flammable Liquids. (a) LOCATION. Flam- mable liquids in quantities requiring a permit shall be used in buildings, portions of buildings or rooms constructed and designed in accordance with - 19 - the requirements of Inside Mixing and Handling Rooms. "(b) DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF INSIDE MIXING AND HANDLING ROOMS. Rooms shall have at least one exterior wall. Walls, floors and ceilings shall be of noncombustible construction having at least a 2hour fire' resistance rating. Door openings shall be provided with noncombustible liquid-tight sills at least 6 inches high and provided with an approved fire door of the self-closing type. Adequate drainage to a safe location shall be provided. Adequate natural ventilation shall be provided or if mechanical ventilation is provided, installation shall be in accordance with nationally recognized good practice. Heating shall be by low pressure steam or het water or by electrical units approved for Class I hazardous locations. Lighting and electrical devices shall be approved for Class I hazardous locations. All equipment such as mixers, filters, pumps, motors, and shafting shall be permanently and effectively grounded. Electrical installations shall be made in accordance with nationally recognized safe practice. Compliance wtthlthe standards of the National Board of Fire Underwriters known as the "National Electrical Code' shall be deemed prima facie evidence with nationally reco nized safe practice. "(c) STORAGE LIMITS FOR INSIDE MIXING AND HANDLING ROOMS, An Inside Mixing and Handling Room not protected by an approved automatic fire extinguishing system shall contain not more than "(1) 1,100 gallons total of Class I, II and III flammable liquids of which not more than, "(2) 550 gallons may be of Class I and Class II flammable liquids of which not more than, "(3) 275 gallons may be of Class I flammable liquid. An inside Mixing and Handling Room protected by an approved automatic fire extinguishing system shall not contain more than, "(1) 11,000 gallons total of Class I, II and III flammable liquids of which not more than, "(2) 2,750 gallons may be of Class I and II flammable liquids of which not more than, "(3) 550 gallons may be of Class I flammable liquid. "(4) These amounts may be increased to not more than one day's supply where daily consumption exceeds the above limits. "Sec. 15-9-55. Dispensing. (a) Class I or Class II flammable liquids shall be dispensed only in an Inside Mixing and Handling Room. "(b) Class I or Class II flammable liquids shall not be drawn from or dispensed into vessels or containers within a building except by means of al device drawing from top of the tank or the container. Gravity discharge within a building of Class I or Class II flammable liquids from tanks, drums, or containers other than safety cans, is forbidden, except where the nature of the manufacturing process requires gravity flow. Upon approval by the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention such gravity flow shall be permitted only from vessels storing flammable liquids sufficient for :lot more than one day's operation. "(c) Class I or Class II flammable liquids shall not be dispensed within a room or building which normally contains sources of ignition within the possible path of vapor travel. Dispensing devices shall be pro- vided with iron or steel valves where compatible with the flammable liquid handled. Where practicable, there shall be, in addition to the outlet valve, a secondary control device or valve outside of the immediate area, by which the Flow may be stopped in the event of fire or other accident at the outlet. Outlet valves, where practicable, shall be of the self-closing type. "(d) CONTAINER FILLING FACILITIES. Class I and II flammable liquids shall not be run into containers unless the nozzle and container are elec- trically interconnected. Where the metallic floor plate on which the con- tainer stands while filling is electrically connected to the fill stem or where the Fill stem is bonded to the container during filling operations by means of a bond-wire, the provisions of this section shall be deemed to have been complied with. "(e) Exit facilities shall be provided to prevent occupants being • - 20 - trapped in the event of fire. "Sec. 15-9-56. Ventilation. (a) Buildings or rooms or other en- cldsures in which Class I or Class II flammable liquids are used or stored in 'open vats or dip tanks shall be provided with ventilation sufficient at all times to prevent accumulation of flammable vapors. Where natural ventilation is insufficient under all conditions to prevent the accumulation of flammable vapors, mechanical ventilation shall be provided and used. The accumulation of flammable vapor within the combustible or explosive range under normal operating conditions, as determined by an approved fl mmable-vapor indicator, shall be prima facie evidence of the violation of this section. "(b) Design of ventilating systems shall take into account the relatively high specific gravity of the vapors. Openings to the outside for natural ventilation shall be at floor level and shall be unobstructed except by louvers, or coarse screens. Mechanical systems for removing flammable vapors shall be designed, installed and operated in accordance with nation- ally recognized good practice. °Sec. 15-9-57. Sources of Ignition. Open flames, heating devices and processes employing temperatures capable of igniting the vapors of the;' flammable liquids used shall be prohibited in buildings, rooms and other confined spaces in which Class I or Class II flammable liquids are used in the open, or in which Class III flammable liquids are used for the purpose of Saturating, coating or otherwise treating goods or materials. Artificial lighting shall be by electricity only. Electric devices located within the possible path of vapor travel shall be of a type approved for such locations. Compliance with applicable provisions of the Standards of the National Board of Fire Underwriters known as the 'National Electrical Code' shall be deemed prima facie evidence of compliance with this section. Smoking shall be prohibited and suitable signs to that effect shall be displayed. "Sec. 15-9-58. Fire Control. (a)Where flammable liquids are used or dispensed, first aid fire appliances shall be provided. The number and typ,e of appliances shall be in accordance with nationally recognized good pra'lbtice. "(b) Whenever flammable liquids are stored in containers, provision shall be made and maintained for the detection of leakage. Leaking con- taihers shall be immediately removed or made tight. "(c) Access shall be provided by unobstructed aisles whereby first- aid fire-control apparatus may be brought to bear on any part of such flammable liquids storage. !'(d) In buildings, rooms or other confined spaces in which flammable liquids are stored, combustible waste materials shall not be allowed to acclzmulate, except in closed metal containers. !'(e) Crankcase drainings and flammable liquids shall not be dumped into sewers, but shall be stored in tanks or tight drums outside of any building until removed from the premises. "Sec. 15-9-59. Processing Plants. (a) Flammable liquids shall be stored in tanks, closed containers or approved safety cans. "(b) Flammable liquids stored in tanks shall conform to the applicable reqairements of storage of flammable liquids. k"(c) Flammable liquids stored in drums or other closed containers shall conform to the requirements of Sec. 15-9-26 15-9-31 of this article or -caragraph (d) of this section. F'(d) Storage of flammable liquids within rooms or buildings not meeting the requirements of Sec. 15-9-27 shall be limited in accordance with the following paragraphs: (1) Within wood frame buildings, storage of Class I and Class II Flammable liquids shall be prohibited; storage of Class III flammable liqUids shall be limited to 60 gallons in any tank or container unless installed and constructed in accordance with Sec. 15-9-27 of this article. "(2) In other thaOrood-frame buildings, Class I flammable liquids maylbe stored in closed containers or safety cans of not more than 5 - 21 - 11 gallons individual capacity and not exceeding a total of 25 gallons. Class II flammable liquids may be stored in closed containers or 'safety cans of not more than 5 gallons individual capacity, and in barrels, drums or tanks of not more than 60 gallons individual capacity. The total quantity that may be stored in this manner shall be limited to 220 gallons. Class III flammable liquids may be stored in closed containers of not more than 5 gallons individual capacity, or in barrels, drums, or tanks not exceeding 120 gallons individual capacity. The total quantity stored in this manner shall be limited to 220 gallons. "Sec. 15-9-60. Blending and Mixing. (a) Mixing or blending rooms or buildings shal3, meet the design requirements of section 15-9-54 (b). Mixing Orblending rooms or buildings shall be provided with natural or mechanical ventilation that will prevent the accumulation of flammable vapors in hazardous concentrations. Design of ventilating systems shall take into account the relatively high specific gravity of the vapors. Open- ings in outside walls for natural ventilation shall be at floor level and shall be unobstructed except by louvers, or coarse screens. Mechanical systems for removing flammable vapors shall be designed, installed and operated in accordance with nationally recognized good practice. "(b) Vessels used for mixing or blending of Class I flammable liquids shall be provided with self-closing tight-fiting noncombustible lids that will control a fire within such vessel when applied thereto. Where such devices are impracticable, automatic or manually controlled chemical or ' othier fire extinguishing devices approved by the Chief of the Bureau of Firiie Prevention shall be provided. "(c) Open flames and other sources of igniton shall not be used within the possible path of vapor travel where flammable liquids are mixed or Tended in open containers. "(d) Vessels shall be electrically connected by bond-wires, piping, or similar means, where differences of potential could otherwise be created by (accumulation of static-electrical charges. "Sec. 15-9-61. Dispensing from Containers Within Buildings, (a) Class I or Class II flammable liquids may be dispensed from approved safety cans, provided that there are no open flames or other sources of ignition within the possible path of vapor travel. "(b) Class III flammable liquids may be dispensed from containers not exceeding 60 gallons in individual capacity by means of a pump or similar device taking suction through the top of the container. "Sec, 15-9-62. Sources of Ignition. Open flames, heating devices and processes employing temperatures capable of igniting the vapors of the flammable liquid used shall be prohibited in buildings, rooms and other confined spaces in which Class I or Class II flammable liquids are used in the open, or in which Class III flammable liquids are heated above their flash point in open containers. Artificial lighting shall be by electricity aiy. Electrical devices located within the possible path of vapor travel shall be of a type approved for such locations. Electrical devices meeting th applicable Standards of the National Board of Fire Underwriters known as the'National Electrical Code' shall be deemed prima facie evidence of co pliance with this section. "Sec. 15-9-63. Housekeeping. (a) Wherever flammable liquids are stcred in containers, provision shall be made and maintained for the detection of leakage. Leaking containers shall be immediately removed and the con- tents transferred to a tight container. "(b) Access shall be provided by unobstructed aisles whereby first- aid fire control apparatus may be brought to bear on any part of such flam- mable liquids storage. "(c) In buildings, rooms or other confined spaces in which flammable li uids are stored, combustible waste materials shall not be allowed to ac- cu ulate, except in closed metal containers. "(d) Crankcase drainings and flammable liquids shall not be dumped into sewers, but shall be stored in tanks or tight drums outside of any build- ing until removed from the premises. - 22 - "Sec. 15-9-64. First-Aid Fire Control. Where flammable liquids are stored, or are used in open vessels, or are dispensed within buildings or'iother enclosures, first-aid fire-control equipment shall be provided in such quantities as public safety shall require. The number and type of ap- pliances shall be in accordance with nationally recognized good practice and shall be acceptable to the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. "Sec. 15-9-65. Refineries and Plants Storing or Handling Crude Petroleum. No permit shall be issued for the construction of a refinery or plant storing or handling crude petroleum until approval has been given for the proposed location with respect to topography, nearness to places of assembly, residential or mercantile occupancies, and adequacy of water supply for fire control. "Sec. 15-9-66. Manner of Storage. (a) Crude petroleum shall be stored in tanks aboveground or underground, in accordance with Storage of Flammable Liquid of this article. "(b) Other flammable liquids shall be stored in tanks aboveground or underground or in containers, in accordance with storage of flammable liquids of this article or section. `Sec. 15..9-67. Storage Tanks. Tanks for the storage of flammable liquids in tank farms and in locations other than process areas shall be located in accordance with section 15-9-11 (d), Location with Respect to Property Lines, and section 15-9-12, Spacing Between Tanks. "Sec. 15-9-68. Unfired Pressure Vessels. Unfired pressure vessels shall be constructed in accordance with nationally recognized good practice. "Sec. 15-9-69. Location of Process Units. Process units shall be located so that they are accessible from at least one side for the purpose of fire control. Where topographical conditions are such that flammable liquids may flow from a processing area so as to constitute a fire hazard to property of others, provision shall be made to divert or impound the flow by curbs, drains, or other suitable means. "Sec. 15-9-70. Fire Control. Water shall be available in pressure and quantity sufficient to provide cooling streams for any unit or any tank in the processing area. Hose and hydrants shall be available in sufficient number to provide application of cooling streams as required in this section. Fire-control chemicals and suitable application devices shall be available suJfficient to extinguish a fire in any tank in the processing area, other than approved floating roof tanks. "Sec. 15-9-71. Tank Vehicles for Flammable Liquids. (a) 'Tank vehicle' shall mean any vehicle other than railroad tank cars and boats, with a cargo tank mounted thereor,6r built as an integral part thereof used fq'r the transportation of flammable liquids. Tank vehicles include self- propelled vehicles, and full trailers and semi-trailers without motive power and with wheels carrying either part or all of the load. "(b) 'Cargo tank' shall mean any container having a liquid capacity in excess of 100 gallons, used for the carrying of flammable liquids, and mounted permanently or otherwise upon a tank vehicle. The term 'cargo tank' does not apply to any container used solely for the purpose of supply- ing fuel for the propulsion of the tank vehicle upon which it is mounted. "Sec. 15-9-72. Tank Trucks Restricted. Tank trucks or trailers making deliveries to storage tanks at service stations, garages or other places within the City shall do so over the routes and within the hours prescribed by the Salt Lake City Traffic Code or under the special permit provisions of Section 181 and/or paragraph (c) of Section 180 of the Salt Lake City Traffic Code. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this Section are repealed. °Sec. 15-9-73. Tank Vehicle Construction. Tank vehicles shall be designed and constructed in accordance with nationally recognized good p actice as recommended by the National Board of Fire Underwriters, and/or the National. Fire Protection Association. "Sec. 15-9-74. Tires. All tank motor vehicles shall be equipped with ribber tires on all wheels. "Sec. 15-9-75. Static Protection. (a) Cargo tanks and vehicle - 23 - I chassis shall be electrically bonded. "(b) Provision shall be made in the tank structure of the vehicle for the bonding of the vehicle to the fill pipe during truck loading operations. I`"Sec. 15-9-76. Protection Against Collision. Draw-off valves or faucets projecting 'beyond the frame at the rear of a tank vehicle shall be adequately protected against collision by bumpers or similar means. "Sec. 15-9-77. Lighting. No lighting device other than electric lights shall be used on tank vehicles. Lighting circuits shall have suitable over- current protection (fuses or automatic circuit breakers). The wiring shall have sufficient carrying capacity and mechanical strength, and shall be se- cured, insulated, and protected against physical damage, in keeping with recognized good practice. "Sec. 15-9-78. Full Trailers and Semi-Trailers. (a) Each full traiiler, and semi-trailer, shall be equipped with reliable brakes on all wheels, . and adequate provision shall be made for their efficient operation from the driver's seat of the vehicle drawing the trailer, or semi-trailer. "(b) Trailer connections shall be such as to prevent the towed ve- hicle from whipping or swerving from side to side dangerously or un- reasonably and shall cause the trailer to follow substantially in the path of the towing vehicle. "Sec. 15-9-79. Fire Extinguishers. Each tank vehicle shall be equipped and maintained with at least one approved hand fire extinguisher of a type suitable for extinguishing flammable liquid fires. Fire extinguishers sha l be kept in good operating condition at all times, and they shall be looted in an accessible place on each tank vehicle. "Sec. 15-9-80. Operation of Tank Vehicles. (a) Tank vehicles sha l not be operated unless they are in proper repair, devoid of accumulation of rease, oil, or other flammables, and free of leaks. `(b) The driver, operator or attendant of any tank vehicle shall not leave the vehicle while it is being filled or discharged. Delivery hose, when attached to a tank vehicle shall be considered to be a part of the tank vehicle. `(c) Motors of tank vehicles or tractors shall be shut down during mak•ng and breaking hose connections. If loading or unloading is done wit out the use of a power pump, the tank vehicles or tractor motor shall be shut down throughout such operations. "(d) The cargo tank shall be bonded to the fill pipe when loading. The bond-wire connection shall be made prior to opening the dome covers. It (shall be maintained in place during the entire filling operation and the dome covers shall be securely closed before the bond-wire is disconnected from the cargo tank. f"(e) No cargo tank or compartment thereof used for the transportation of any flammable liquid shall be loaded liquid full. The vacant space (Outage) in a cargo tank or compartment thereof used in the transportation of flammable liquids shall be not less than 1 per cent; sufficient space (Outage) shall be left vacant in every case to prevent leakage from or distortion of such tank or compartment by expansion of the contents due to rise in temperature in transit. "Sec. 15-9-81. No Smoking. Smoking by tank vehicle drivers, helpers, repairmen or other personnel is prohibited while they are driving, making deliveries, filling, or makLng any repairs to tank vehicles. "Sec. 15-9-82. Protection Against Intermixing. (a) CONVERSION. No tank vehicle, nor any compartment thereof, which has been utilized for Class I or II flammable liquid, shall be loaded with Class III flammable liq.aid until such tank or compartment and all piping, pumps,meters and hose connected thereto have been mmpletely drained. `A tank, compartment, piping, pump, meter or hose which does not drain completely shall be flushed at the loading point with a quantity of Clas III flammable liquid equal to twice the capacity of piping, pump, meter and hose, to clear any residue of Class I or II flammable liquid from - 24 - the system. "(b) SEPARATION. Tank vehicles transporting Class I or II flammable liquids in one or more compartments and Class III flammable liquid in another compartment or compartments shall be equipped with separate piping, pumps, meters and hoses for each class of product. Exception: Exilsting tank vehicles may be continued in use without being so equipped if:I "(1) Lines to the common outlet or manifold are provided with inter- locking selective valves which will permit only one compartment at a time to be emptied; "(2) The common outlet is provided with drainage facilities and shall be drained of any Class I or II flammable liquid before being used for a Class III flammable liquid; and "(3) The aggregate volume of the common outlet or manifold shall not exceed one gallon. "Sec. 15-9-83. Parking and Garaging. (a) No tank vehicle shall be left unattended on any street, highway, avenue or alley, provided that this shall not prevent a driver from the necessary absence from the truck inlconnection with the delivery of his load, except that during the actual dis- charge of the liquid some responsible person shall be present at the vehicle, nor shall it prevent stops for meals during the day or night if the street is weld lighted at point of parking. "(b) Tank vehicles containing flamable liquids shall not be parked out.of doors at any one point for longer that one hour, except off the streets, and at least 25 feet from any building used for assembly, institutional or residential occupancy. "(c) Tank vehicles shall not be parked or garaged in any buildings other than those specifically approved for such use by the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. "Sec. 15-9,84. Liquefied Petroleum-Gases. This article shall apply to all storage and handling of liquefied petroleum gas and the installation of all equipment pertinent to systems for such uses. "Sec. 15-9-85. Definitions. (a) 'Liquefied petroleum gas' shall mean any material which is composed predominantly of any of the following hydrocarbons, or mixtures of them: propane, propylene, butane (normal butane or iso-butane) and butylenes. I "(b) 'Liquefied petroleum gas equipment' shall mean all containers, ap aratus, piping (not including utility distribution piping systems), and eqipment pertinent to the storage and handling of liquefied petroleum gas. Ga consuming appliances shall not be considered as being liquefied petro- leixm gas equipment. "Sec. 15-9-86. Permits and Reports of Installations. (a) A per- mit shall be obtained for each installation of liquefied petroleum gas em- pldying a container or an aggregate of interconnected containers of over 2,OOO gallons water capacity, and for each permanent installation, irrespec- tive of size of containers, made at buildings in which people congregate for civic, political, educational, religious, social or recreational purposes. Such buildings shall include schools, churches, hospitals, institutions, hotels, ant., restaurants, each having a capacity of 20 or more persons. Prior to making such an installation, an installer shall submit plans to the Bureau oflIFire Prevention and if compliance with the requirements of this code is shdwn'by said plans, a permit may be issued. "(b) Installers shall maintain a record of all installations for which a Permit is not required by paragraph (a) above (but not including instal- lation of gas burning appliances and replacing of portable cylinders) and ha\e it available for inspection by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. "Sec. 15-9-87. Storage of Re-Sale. Storage of liquefied petroleum ga es shall conform to Division 5 Sec. 2 of National Fire Association Pa phlet No. 58. "Sec. 15-9-88. Installation of Equipment. All liquefied petroleum ga equipment including such equipment installed at utility gas plants, shall I 1 ' . ' - 25 be. installed in accordance with nationally recognized good practice, except asotherwise provided in/this article or in other laws or regulations legally i effect. "Sec. 15-9-89. Location of Containers. (a) Within the limits es • - tlished by law restricting the bulk storage of liquefied petroleum gas for the protection of heavily populated or congested commercial areas, the aggregate capacity of any one installation shall not exceed 2,000 gallons waiter capacity; except that in particular installations this capacity limit many be altered at the discretion of the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Pre- vention after consideration of special features such as topographical con- ditions, nature of occupancy and proximity to buildings, capacity of proposed tanks, degree o , private fire protection to be provided, and facilities of th;e local fire department. it0kb) Multiple container installations with a total storage water ca- pacity of more than 180,000 gallons (150,000 gallons LPGas capacity) sh�l1 be subdivided into groups containing not more than 180,000 gallons in each group. Such groups shall be separated by a distance of not less th n 50 feet, unless the tanks are (1) buried or mounded in an approved ma ner, or (2) protected with approved insulation on such areas that may be] subject to impingement of ignited gas from pipelines or other leakage or (3) protected by fire walls of approved construction, or (4) protected by an approved system for application of water, or (5) protected by other ap roved means. Where one of these forms of protection is provided, the „„se aration shall not be less than 25 feet between such container groups. °°Sec. 15-9-90. Parking and Garaging. The parking and garaging of to k vehicles used for the transportation of liquefied petroleum gases sh 11 be in accordance with section 15-9-83.ti SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, this 24th day of April , 1957. AID ( SEAL BILL NO. 19 of 957 Published May 7, 1957 1 19 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake D. M. Ockey Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is ad- vertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a newspaper published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah. That the advertisement Salt Lake City Bill No. 19 of 1957. An Ordinance Amending Chapter 9, Title 15 of the Revised Ordinances, 1955 relating to Flammable Liquids, Storage, handling and use. was published in said newspaper on May 7, 1957 Advertising Clerk ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of May A.D.19 57 ✓;fi7ti/�c�C� 7 � <f 1� Notary Public r '�e "Sec. 1514. Pmanils Itequiled. A ^'— --""�"' ""'—""`�' the nfollowell be obtained for any t AN ORDINANCE (al Storage, handlutg. or use of AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Chap- Class I or Class II flammable liquids ter 8, Title 15, of the Revised Ordi- inexce s of I.gallon dwelling c of Salt Lake City,Utah, 1955, other place ofo human habl habitation; a relatng to 'illuminable Liquids, Star- f 6 lion other bond- age,Handling and Use. e g or other oecupannv;or inf af�Be it ordained by the Board f Cnm- 1 gallons outside f . buildig;e- ssioaers of Salt Lake City,of cent that o permit shall be required n SECTION 1. That Chapter 9, Title for the following: lfi,of the Revised Ordinances of Salt "(1)For the orage or of firm- Lake City,Utah,1955,relating to Plum- liable vehicle, inthe fuelu use m a able Liquids,Storage,Handling and motorpower�pla ire opt,{motomobilrboat, mu- Use;be d the same hereby is amend- bile blunt. ad S read 0- follows: (2)For the storage or use f paints, ':Sec.is art Storage,Handling and oils, varnishes, o similar flammable sUse. This article shall a ply to the i1.-turest when such linuids a stored forage,handling and u' f d; exceptmable -for maintenance, painting, n similar liquids 11 l not uprlr defined; exeunt i pies for a period of not more thou that f'shall t ly to the traen in iddays. t t il fl Ile liquids when ce i h)St 1 il' of • f ris t with Intestate egulmeons CI III flammable hl 1' id la i regulations. r approved of 20 gallons in a i air t o aces. tie ,I of fain with and ommissi by of 0 gallons outside of obuilding. the Interstate Commerce i C.taiss'Ai cess Sec.15.9..5.Warning Labels "Sec. vice. Definitions. (a) 'that Containers of Flammable Liquids with for raft Service airport'shall mean able Slash Points Not in Excess f 150 deg F. liportion of a nit t suet arestor d al All flammable liquids,llamma- oryuids nsedit-s fixed fuel i stored file(liquid compounds or flammable n dispensed d from fixed cat anal hook' n toffered f sale el hall include all facilities t- essential retail urn t L indicated thereto."lb 'tut tivr .Service Station - a it b below.shall b c ns le- •heIt mean that portion of aerty 11011SiY marked labeled easily leg- Where flammable iquids used a i rotor 'e tip which contrast tiv uels are stared and disaensedi tram typography, layout for calm with a.s fixed equipment into the fuel tanks of ;Eger printed matter o hie.Gabel,a rd Srthe hash t. lassifido Motorl vehicles. shall mean a volume lions i indicated below. Tile warning of 42 U.S,gallons. herein required may i incorporated "(d)'Bulk Plant' shall an that with 'niilkr warnings of other azards drlion of a property where flammable inherent in thee 01 duct or may be liquids arereceived by tank vessel,pine printed o a s na'ate label. For the line,tank ear,or tank vehicle,and are u use f this section s n flash point shah alored r blended in bulk for the n 'be by rtht auboe's pen tester. (nose of distributing such liquids by "(b)Nothing herein contained shall tank vessel,pipe line, tank car,tank - apply,however, to beverages, articles -Vehicle, twiner. of food or drugs. Such markings are '(e)'Closed Container' sh 11 mean also not required when the t l • nt lei h _ of a b- 's labels -t hazard accordance lid orotherl that neither liquid with therequirements f the Inter- nore will esc e from it at ordr. l Ls C C v (.,F• flammable 11 liquids loving ha"( temperatures. flesh I t 21 1. below t (sl C In .alndace w re- 7 b i an la, In the full ..:halt�be In the nbltsh t shall PI where- similar not the flammable liquids incidental t eandling, or usc u. DANGLH not the Principal shall m n EAu-u fromELY'FLAMMABLE.eapark, "k t'Carrel,dr shoo n r le tank, Keen Away from Neat C sed a,ts and bucket,Cation Arum,m irk vehicles, Not Open Flame Keep Closed When or e,L 'tatims. tanks,tank vehicles, Not in Use "tu For flammable liquids having and lank c hash point above 20 deg.F, o AO (h)'Crude mixPettures shall leg. F., inclusive, a label similar to hydrocarbon i i tires that have a flash the following shall be us i, have below 150n ls, E. and laewhichANING.FLAMMABLE h not been c ssio in l steal' keen Awl✓ from Heat. Sparks and "(i)liquid blehaving Liquid)shill Open Flame. Keen-Closed When any liquid having flash paint below Not in Use. cur ticg.F,and having a ono'Ares- ",e)Fm' flammable liquids having re not, exceeding 40 pounds per a flash point above II dog.F.to 150 more inch n (absolute) atal 100 dividedd deK,P. deg. F.,inclusive, a label similar to Into time classes as follows:Flammable liquids Mows: the following shall be used: ash points I shall r ludo those hap, CAUTION! COMBUSTIBLE flash Iat or include h egg. F. Keep Away C from Heat and Open Flame. Class II.shall i dude those having - ec.1 Closed When Not in Use, flash point above 20 deg.F.but at of "Sep.son 5.Samples is be provided. belowClue Ins F. Any ngf having in hispossessions of Class III shall Include dog those having triLK for ale within the,II or of Shish points toa'r ex due. s Salt Lake City a Chess I,II ar III Ree:'liquids mules of fivm liquids shall supply the Fire Marshal ma Cl SSI.by examples a with asample IMI ot to cud one deemed CLASS I. CLASS eI. ne testing'purposes whenever deemed - Acetone Amyl erciale necessary. 15-9-7. Exit requirements. In Cnnod Eth(Coyl Acetate Grade) all commercial,.and/or business n Collodion' Ethyl Acetate limner which flammable liquids are Gasoline Ethyl Alcohol ',alleles han in led or used,at least two(2) Mnilioi Methyl AlcoholIts shall be provided,o f which Methyl Acetate Teh,ni shell be remote from the point of stor- Naphtha Pyridine CLASS III. ''''Sec.15-9-0. liazardmis appliances. Amyl Alcohol 1 1(shall be unlawful for soy person Purl Oil to ti v tine o'kind or makeof Stu using a any W. lighting r tauic Turpentine Solvent a Class I liquid r Pubis, T e»tine building,etrailer-house, f ivingi o. When 't F' i]lo heated to than their 1 n Ili 1 used f ]'wing or flans moist to or II and III their e0pkinr`ipurposes. -slash h its. Class I[ and III liquids re- quirements be aubao Class the applicable she provisions for Class I or 11 liquids. The nr ie o at this flash point shall also be appliedoherwise h wouiai eoint ide ds of Iwhich otherwise ,ay be veld,of ts 'i when oier a heated. 'imumlaah er Point' shall degrees n The minimum temperature in flammable lunod Fahr- enheit ill fiue off flammable v alblir. n de- termined by appropriate test procedure and apparatus li15 specified below. Th flash point of flammable liquids Sieving a flash point below 175 deg.I shall be determined in accordance with u sice the Tagr Closed T stei, Dractice t The flash point of:Ilaminable liquids having A.flash point of 175 deg.E.or higher shall be determined f accord- ance with nationally aped good actice the Pensky-Mtens Closed Tester. "(k)'Process ar sing Plant' shall ea that portion o nerty 'n which flammable liquids a mixed, heated, annarated or ntherwiso eased us oni business,but shall not include PP o Plants defined herein as refineries. "(I)'Refinery' shall mean a plant In Baum-table.Baum-table.liqu scale ids e from un rude petrol i a eum, natural gasoline, or Other hydrocarbon sources. "(m)'Safety Can'sh i an- Proved to, having a tspetover 8 closin gallons an;lt';iq'vanoov Pressureshall mean the Pressure, Pell wed in o n ds per ehuare inch (absolute) exerted by a volatile liquid as determined by nation- ally recognized good practice known as the Reid Method. (`Any nuf.ctnred liquid or fluid /audits,such a paint,varnish, dryer,ocleoieco elution and poising liquid which contains flmn,nald0 liquids shall be considered a flammable liquid and shall be classified according to flash point as provided in Section Also, ribr flammable liquid which is - lulterated • mixed with another flammable liquid r n a classified liquid n substance shall be ssified • ording u,d ibstance in Idded. ra t�A,ne,aabortory hilted Tel ks "Sec. end 'Equipment.u Containers, tenths. recognized the standardslonequipment test laboratornn el in- spection asider linglhearl shall ire/ne Its siis sot a meeting the ienuiicm n considered arl.lcle. /q 9 DESERET NEWS AND TELEGRAM,4c. (hi It Hull bunlawful for the adjacent to Class III flammable liquid 1 id. el ll be equipped ve operatorOWlienor f ourist cabins tanks of 275 gallons or less t. tica l with either venting dev.ces whic h] r trailer-cann, to permit the s of Sec.15913 Foundations and Sup halt be n m ]211Y closed n not such property under his control to any port, (a)Tanks h ll rest directly dwith -• Person using an type or kind make the ground foundations proved flame. 't t ti t of heating, cooking or lighting lc-p its £concrete, l' t 1 under.2 00' allcapacityfor ance aClass 1 liquid steel. Exposed i1 r steel supports Class I liquids d tanks under 3,000 'Sec 1599 Tanks Genet al.(a)Used shall be p rot t d b fire ei a- b "1 icit f crude t:]emir tanks shall not be installed or changed t 1 to 'd Sire [ at- .Y 3 en I uunless such tanks shall successfully i f tress than two.hours, vents. a p sustained hydrostatic�acd/or' it n"(b)ANCHORAGE. Wherelerotank "lb)VENTS FOR EMERGENCY RE- ill)a en test of frone six ()) to ten is located In 0i a,a that Mall-be sus LIST. In additioni to the provisions RE- .and ends for safety, (1 i minutes s tea to flooding,csuitable precautions far,normal venting herein rth:ha vi and when for alee re both a and ho- shall I airs,platforms a oorer form storage tionik r de droic to tests required,the. i, ale b Stair ,aconcre and walkways nave some form of construction) r de- g Person t t to Shall be moat f l t A. shall e. £steel, erete r o il tot IL 1 's L 1 king such test shall certify Sec 16914 Lk d Walls. (a) caused i Ines, writingib t0 the here Marshal theCRUDE PETROLEUM . I e that. tit t f the It. thereof. Where n h groups of tanks t crudes tank this t bottom. I 't I LI` used tanks shall be d with boleum a liquid h 'l tank, 11 construction, take alb,. Y asphaltum or other rustproof t b lcharacteristics, h 11 b diked f f weakened the I1) coating. ther puitable means taken to pre- The t between the f and the ( T ks 'a be steamed A t discharge f liquid fromd shell f tank 16 feet ld re t tank or container f fl bl gadjoining' t 1 t_ 'f built d .with liquids r r tank o containerf t WI ilkd 1 t l 915 Oil f th tl 1 Il truck, trailer or other vehicle used is required under this section,it shall be o nea to be a weakened sea for for liquid transporting r conveying'n flamma- have a caoac ty of less than that of this p Where elelte dependence chose. ale liquids,whether canted or removed the lo tank or tanks served by the en- for such dlotionl elief is placed h'uak, trader r yeniaie, or rano•.a do e aevele other tom a elk with live shall beof cleaned thoroughly shall THAN FLAMMABLE tO LIQUIDS OCHER roots city o h gut, the total venting with live steam before any ran hall THAN CRUDE PETROLEUM.tanks. here vents shall ll both normal and r_n t run- be permitted to enter such toe re edual tanks or groups the tanks,where acute Hall be rough top L run- before a0Y repairs whatsoever are matte deemed ire•ssa by the Chief of the ture of the shell or bottom of prevent tank to such tank,or before a ales - Bureau of Fire n Prevention o eco rat n vertical,or Su sir the shell or headslif I olving the use f a y open flame roe F proximity to waterway sham ter to sang i< hole cow ie , the application of heat are made to the. f topography, p nearness r v ql vehicle on which such tank may be t f Egli value. or t placescf.long bolts that permit the c t lift rated. habit• r assembly,shall be deiced nder internal pressure, or an adr- It♦mounted. Abandoned tanks. When y or the yard shall be provided with a {tonal or larger relie vlve or al yes. II w tank used for the storage f flammable curb nt other a table liquid s taen to When emergency wp relief is am Ot eel by tC completely 1, abandoned,it shall be filled Prevent the spread of liquid onto other other than a Talc a scam 'Jot t, lately with one r removed.Re rc arty of waterways. Where diked Ore total emergency of thenormal breath, e eats.1(a)W Miscellaneous Require- pin,it shall is h ore e e der tuts sc t er and emerge y eeli15 shall be sired !1 ee ts. (a)\Vhere et n cgs de to less,et a required t a net capacity of acco U re tr'eRebic 15-9c5 of Vents. hen{oil in storage tanks in a heated to less than that of the largest tank,plus 'Total Pressure Relief Capacity of Vents. handle it the oil shall t b 1 t l 10 Her cent of the t t 6 ] 91'1 Table. to a temperature higher than forty(40) of an other tanks served b the RFQUIRFD PO PAS PRF55i1RF es Fahrenheit below the fl.h t Closure. NOTE V t _ n t t Il iI Heating shalt be done b. f (c)DIKE CONSTRUCTION P 1 f d 1 tl t it has II er1Y installed steam coils within thecent here t t _ d t b 1 't t f 1 1 th t bl R tonic,using only steam of t- natural topog h a 1 t c rs pl tl n the (b)Flammable liquids h ] watts e u d d f g II flash point shall of be.used 1 sectionishall b t _ mane_h, t Total PreSslire burning equipment designed and in- olid m s e be, to be liquid Canoe ty 42 (Cu,0 Lanacie tended for the use'of flammable liquids tight and to withstand full hydraulic f Tank Gallon (Cu.Ft.of II'ree with high flash points,and it shall be head,and. constructed stop de Gallons Barrels Air Pr,Hour) I unlawf for•a •v r'son to adultetatl the required protection. Earthen r dillies cause to be adulterated any fuel oil 3 feet ormore in height hall have 1,000 23.8 25,300 orrith liquids having a flash point lower flat section r.t the top of less than 4.000 95.2 60,500 1, than that of said fuel oil, r to sell 2 feet wide. The slope shall be con- 18,D00 428 139,000 offer for sale a such adulterated sistent with the angle of repose of the 25,000 595 168,000 II ojl any s atcrial of which the dikes are con- r6,000 1,330 253,000 "( All tanks,drums and a{singes or exd. UNesp me er Ire available 100,000 2,380 363,000 immediately upon delivery f r lasses for' ertiep el rles a the in tank 155,000 3,690 458,000 I I and II liquids into storage,tanks shall containing crude petroleum,dikes a 222,000 5,290 522,000 11 be removed from the premises,s walls closingsuch tanks hall be 475,000 11,300 24,000 1 1 "(d)No gasoline shall be allowed to provided at the op with a flaarebacic 6 'l35,00i 15�500 648,000 r facie t dsegned to turn b k boil- Unlimited 646,000 g of any kind in o r about any building. roveded how th Y "See 15 911 inspection d Fee Be to b 1 section ball of b required "Sec 15 A 18. Bulk Storage Under 1�fore any installation or alteration f f dikes and walls enclosing approved ground ' i Buildings (a) LOCA pp9ff soave mound flammabie liquid floating f tanks. TION. A flammable liquid storage f� any tank and system is filled o nil)DRAINAGE. Where provision tank 0 be located orldtnr0und oat- r� m altered u derground flame- to de£et•draining roan 'ter from side iP�or under building, e£ ucln • ableeliquid storage tank d system diked eep such deahrs shall normal- stallati0n meets the r u'c ants f i{ iis covered from sight, notification in lr be kept closed and shall be ire- cote action. The tank stall be lo- q writing shall beg •n the Chief of the signed that when use,thee 111 t sage nth res act to existing hbuilding given permit flammable in to nice oak- tounda{iona and supports that the Londe • F Prevention Bureau, h i Il. .s, ewers withinforty.eight(48)h after the ur 1 water eau public s a i d by the latter pan of be Iran, I receipt f such notification, S d s's public dram if there presence would matted to the tanik The dretance ftain died holidays nxce bed,in t the o atitute a hvsard Where �t E t k t Ll t IlI all t d h written al t l d• of thedied they ] tl t th l .lei f 1 ifth requirements of this chapter haveshall)�bloself-starting.ose b combustible I 1 t t 11 t' ] shall bmet. t• full barrel, b b t1 ti ]foot The dish - Th f. f h t outlined f p L L t l t (1 ' abovewill b t he tiro Dollars and tt d to eked I lI 1 d t th t ll shall b collected h the application (f)I particular these b rat, t Ile h ll b it is submitted 4 or t the tine the b altered t thed a t I.. th n 1 toot, rd f ir . ton 1 d A receipt shall t- f theChief f t1 B f t l th t b built , b.R t theay ire he fee MI P afterd t f t...th o f t 2 d the Chief £the Fire ePi Prevention 1 features o ctopographical n1 DEPTH AND COVER Eye, II Buie shall forward all monies col ndrtiot to mat b I] f nco d n st on to .dug o d storage tanks leeted to the City Treasurer. noxemn Y sl 11 b d with d t d' ( )N above-ground tank f fl 't d h tit h i t I n d R f f tl t [ t bl ii ds shall be all d F t' t f 1.6 II Rparityt t Underground tanks, 9 N1 d2or d tl d construction f dt k d shallb .t f foundation d1 districts,except by special o f character f liquids t lstored; de surrounded tl ft earth oi• sand. ll F Mashal No b _g dg provided. dtf flie it o the fie he e de Well U l 1 1 till be t Ic o,f o e than ale h Bred t t to and with flammable boded covered with 2 2 feet [ • outside sallona cep ity ill be allowedearth, shall be covered with 1'1 utside Foie Zone Nos I and 2 and the f '1 915 Design d Construe ah 1 I t [ th t p t h'h adentiel distreots halt me t f Tanks Operating at Substantially shelf b placed slab f £ e d • • than ass tour Hundred mar 'lid'gallons Atmoepheri Pressure, (a)'Parks-shall re ate of less than 4 incheso felt. t cone naerar d tin i. I £in such .xce manner tc as necfinenes be built f;steel r concrete untess likely to be n fed t t ff they • bulk storage plants nil similar laces, character of liquid store requires other shall be protected a t damage from • n-hare greater a ity ono additional materiels. St21 om iS known s vehicles passing overJae them b?et least) • torage is essential to the operation o f ill seconds's 11 not be used.Tanks 3 feet of earth v op 18 inches of; • the business. .Permits for such adds- built of ,aerials ther then steel well-tamped earth,cover, 6 inches of {tonal storage and capacity ay be halt be designed to speeifieations f d r•ate 8 inch f s bodying safe{ f t i v lent W rl It cone When as 1 It fissued by the Fire Marshal when eta those herein It d f teal tanks P r ound that the.applicant has complied those he tan) .h fied built ee accord 1 d net ate pave.„ • d cwith all of the requirements of this Concc with sound engineering practice. p t f•th r tecl.ian t sh o extend. hanter and when he erection, con- e rat least l Yoot hoe isontaIIY beyond the struction, installation, operation nil Steal tanks shall be Built in a rdance outline f the tonic i ell directtonrs. with the requirements f the following maintenance of said stem or Plant narooraohs. All shop.butlt tanks halt "yc)ANC34ORAGS� Where a.tudc will b f f life d ropmty b tested t f n t t than1 1 t d t (b)Wh t l bove ground f d t thant d per th l 1 th t tat_ tl t II thereshall b 1 located near scam,inch (measured t thet f I •'t in that y b b I atilt ail d one_ to II thetank h cross-connected case two or the tonic for d of t oleast t shall tanks are valvene ach k ere minutes without leakage or permanent h II be bservetl to hoe the tank each cost actions Thereshall b d f(b) FIELD ERECTED VERTICAL S 1 A-19 Inside of B ]d g tinternal et. xleenel 1 h TANKS. Vertical tanks erected in the cl I 'II Liquids T ilk I U ank outlet and automatic valves at f. l I d II fl. bl liquids thebottom f each des. g p inn, Field shall be bunt m accordance with s nationally g d good t h Il t binstalled de buildin t £ flammable liquids, whose )SMART SHOP BUILT VFRTI t ...sided- Section 1 9 s._ h 1 ch t t tVerticalTanks f t f CI I d II bl 1steel, h 1 ee CAI TANKS t 1 of o „a„,, 11 I h • t 11 d, tH 1,and theire i connections to the tank I f0ljowingIt'll requirements)h Il n get the Iunderm building d ground, tank c nbuine wall a n inn 1 A 1R I. � 4 f I ,."(c)Pumps-achvering to or taking Mknmlum Thickness _.;',,Sec. 15,9-20. inside tit Btitldines, suply from above-ground storage tanks Capacity (gallons) of Steel Class III',minds.(a)Unenclosed tanks shall be provided with valves n both U.S.Standard shall t be located within 5 feet,hor- 0 o tally,of an fire flame. y n n e discharge ink of c ip, 1—60 10 gauge x"(b)Tanks larger than 60 gallons 7 and in and be irit le tanks heck 61—560 14 gauge capacity shall not be located it build- of shall be installed top t flow 351—560 14 gauge I of liquid from tank to ppro prevent 661—1,100 12 sage ass above ice lowest smercal or u- motors, f type, of approved c blo- basement, in • cr fro or rn- roo£type, and interned e ce bbe- (d)LARGE,SHOP BUILT VERTI.,100 plan sslestablishments511aoas or ghenasaincl 'math pengines shall enot lsewhere thin the CAL TANKS. Vertical tanks over L100 chats wherequired by t the process.ion s higher floor eath tanks or aril within the gallons irement shall meet the follow- „(e)u Except as rovifled in section one water r travel. NaN shall siphon, cu ing requirements. i n- ter pressure system shall be per- (1)For shall up to 25 feet in height nividi tanks city or rf 1,100 gallons e m rtted r nc shall . P s 1 than o 30 L t oindividual build-(d)Location fabove-groundiqsincht thick. For tanksi 5 t 0 or in section P building tanh for seat to f fl Die liquids ess than the inch r shall e t araled b t wall I ll b t Il d war t distance ..1,no the less than / thick d 11 and in an 1 a t. t 1 f 11 nearest 1 f d t der t the1 11 tot 1 th S/ar nnelt vt ich ma De bi It em sh ll b h th cl i t b t 30 11 5 The walls F ih t I TI k that the dlst'rnce between y 't f t i, h tk, 'st t - sh B b :eructed F concrete]I t t, l C s or 1 the tank and the line shallabe not le..., nut less than h thick a d the Poufire r lore rating of not less than thanthat t faith Table. TABLE three hours.. Such enclosures ehall 1e Minimum Distance f Outside Above-ground Tanks of Flammable Lidoids installed.onlyt n tler Other Than Ci. e Petroleum l - 01 dioining Pinneity V,htcl M f'.resistive Doors d shall b bonded Be Be •i hi -halt Class f t f reinforced t t least construction, l 1 equivalent f . Ill I Capacity I Tank FlLiqui h e Distance Miehnurn inches t tr t t that where floor 0 to 275 Is. III 55 feet the to enclosure t f concrete.t construction otherabove I 290 to 750 gals. III 15 feet. resistivethe wallsn I1 5 to 000 gals. I and II 10,feet extended to and bonded to the wader- R51 to12,000 gals. III d f theI r lieu • 001 t 14,000 gals. I- d IT 15 15 feet f the f to top.Anv 12 001 t 24,000 gals i II and 1III11 20 i nt openings t h 1 shall be( rI 24 001 to 50,000 gals 1 II and'Ill 80 001.t 50 000 gals II and III 23 tact provided d closures tl f and I six-inch n Tanks tl capacities In excess of 50,000 gallons and all tank, __ .h b.t bl I d t gl t ll I�' storage f de petroleum shall belocated accordance with the followingP shall b,made for adcouate Provisions (applicable to gas tighir tanks including conservatism.typo tanks tilt f henclosuresrre L' constructed in compliance with these or equivalent standards). entering for inspection o pairs onI III tanks. Distance from Line of Adjoin- (d) In buildings of other than • g Property Which May Be fire-resistive construction,te nominal Product Stored Tank Protection Built Upon Shall Be Nat Less grass capacity of tanks shall not exceed 1 Than 10,000 dons. In buildings,of fire- Refined Petroleum 1)Ana ro d perms-Greatest dimension f dram- resistive construction the nominal glees Ili Products o other neatly attached extin- ter or height of tank, eat capacity f the tanks hull of d Flammable r liquids 'fishing system o that such distance need t l 000 gallons. 1 D ill K f y P. t I t I_ll L It not subnecC to boil- 2) An approved float exceed 120 ice[ vertically rind horizontally 1 eau ap- ing f '- I' other floors If.. t ,. p teat i 11 i D t1 e I either Nio 1 I ed t 1t 11 f 1 ) D I I,II t 'then 1 the above tank t that 1 1 1 UUl1U 11 1 oc i I 11 need [ 1'1 feet .d 4 i l , t t I P, i 10 gallons. 11 --- yen Sr 1 9 1 D d construe-1)And 2 t the greatest d' ElY attached _tf diameter height of tank t f'I- i.e. ( ) UND'1A(i)U IIID guishing systemt that such distance shall IAMBS OR YNCIOSLD PANICS IN i Crude petroleum` 2)An approved floating not be less than 25 f et and SIDE OF BUILDINGS. Tanks f ill 11 roofnee d not exceed 17 f t b d d d t 1 1 1 th stand safely the to i I h Il 9 limes theg test d led Material otherh ill 1 f Net distance of tmeguese 1 d n f diametert th I h and art e mink m•accordant,icomrshall only w1rtl ST13111 150121I fIartli�I eitherf the b i need h i than exceed 1 0 1 1 d strength l II I provided h steel.Sf I O le t 1. product,handled d special P f U nown as Tull Noon,' 1 I Plants, which have bo 1 ova, h sctenlsac somewhat like those Petroleum. Sec. I59 U Table. ) i - -- _ UNDERGROUND AND EN I '(e I In particular .t 11 tons these r, d f the h 1l t 1 th M, lProvisions may b altered t the disc re- ;lilt 1 thick. All / 1 thick Not Gail 1 ion of the Chief f th B u of Foe --sr—b t 1 tl f e°t de' U S Prevention cuethe h t h 1 they niched cq shaped ntl f Gallons Gauge41 conditions; naturef d t 1 th oNo 10 US. Standard i Proximity td h It buildings d h adjoining t_)g a t l 1 t 2fln 34 g o f t £ I buildings: t (1)Tanks shalll welded, riveted 80 t 00 12 51 d construction f p I I tan!. d d ll d tl '1 t i t I t ]l00 70 ' ch t f l 1 t I [ d d k l l II F f 1,1111 to4,000 '! Di the tank:Moll besecurely fastened to4,001 to12,000 i/4 huh f t P t.t to1 the i p fill l 11 tI i t 11(Pal t 20000 /If Inch, irl ,1 nr flat l It P thef l I t tightness ll 200111t 10000 /6 I I g ilt e a t to cope e with l national.,limed l Pal shell shall IU 1 111 itli f If ededriato filler.]b I (1)Where t tank locations-4 other t the , 11 Y tl t d d -Calks 1 '12 001 t 30,000 11 l diverse1 I + 1 I the shall be welded Or enniillity maybe built. f 1 t ,t b d tl Ch f f tl B P L d d t i t b ther 1 (b) UNl NCLOSIti TANKS A IN File Prevention with tl tt t f t t th B f F SIDE,OF BUILDINGS 115 a'r' It. f tl ' consent of the f the two prop- vention. Roofs of tanks shall h t d# CI III flammable sr. eftsubstitutethedistances dunprotected d p 1 i d shall t d 275 gallons in tin 15912, Spacing Between ()SHOP BUILT HORIZONTAL dundual canned,. They he i Tanks,for the minimum f distances TANKS. Horizontal tanks shall b al f - 1 i 1 11 h set forth section 11 (dr L L u t tl in accoidancewith he t d bdemonstrated by anpronriatei t Mon with ReSpect to Property Line, engineering practice and shall meet the to possess strength and tightness t f an'yl' 1 912 Spacing III following i my t acceptable degree.g . Material otherthan Tanks.1 ( II location o1 tank f Joints shall riveted d caulked, steel, t used,shall be of suitable clur12, the t f any flammable horrid riveted and welded.or welded, Tm,k abilityd thichnom to I with respect to h other tank heads 6 feet A,diameter shall b strength l t l tl 1 d 1 b shall b 1 th t 1l .d'1 b t dish d stayed,braced. - .I .d steel St 1 I II I them•lb)lFor ntanks loss bovethan 50,000 Met. ll PONTAL TAINKS.IOH BUILT I ItRI hall besha a -minimum ll t b d gaugSteee (U.S.MI individual capacity t y Hamma not over 1,100 gallons capacity shall Stand dt cord with the f I i4f bl 1 d except d petroleum n meet the following requirements: lowing table:,Minimum Nominal TI Ic d, producing the distance shall be Ma Thickness t less than one-half the diameter of Capacity (gallons) of Steel nem of Material Pounds d tl- 11 t i U.S.Standard Cana l St Standard d p uq 10)I d for tanks 1 to 60 IS ✓ (Gallons) C Cot !• storing d petroleum d having fir to 2'15 14 gauge 1 t 100 No.1f1 250 texceeding 12e be eel 216 t 550 12 181 t 275 No.14 its to (3,000 shall bri )be distance between L to1100 10 age S 15 9 23 Support f Tanks 1 i tanks b 11 t 1 than 3 feet: in excess P 126,000 gallons (3,000Bee "(2)L TAN .BOP BUILT Hove Buildings.Inside dstoragetanks shall b I than ) the ti t shall b not less ZONTAL PANKS it t l tanks securely t-I t p t settling, th thediameter nr the separation tabp of no l 11 t, h diameter'sliding lifting.Y "10).The minimum se Imrl b f t 6f t d P steel, I'll S 1 9rg Tanks Buildings. far II cr Id G t e U b r.T h t 1 thick- 1 Underground d 1n Bvddmt. (a)y. a el liquid tank shall b 20 feet.lSuit- Tanks having diameter of I VFl l able shall betake.tot feet 1 not _than12 feet, d-of (1 LOCATION AND ARRANGD tl e accu nut t n f fI mm bl liquids steel,shall be rA inch or great. n MEN1 Of VENTS CLASS I IL 4 under adjacent LP gas containersh I th k Vent f tanks 't Cliiii5 T as by diking,diversion curbs ol grad- See 15 9-16. fat VENTS mr II PI i bl liquids 1 Il he inN 1 fl i+ble liquid tanks FOP. NORMAL BREATHING. Tanks to t d tl t thedischarge i s t t diked, l 1I Gas containersshall be shall ha vc noinial ventmxe f outside f Id' higher illthe outsiI-thediked and t 15 f t - ntl fillingt fill pipe opening,and nor less thrUI 12 I reef aw2y'POI,ihe cent, lino of the f l.'s, I their breathing Met t the d', t Neel dike. The foregoing l�due to E :n wells, Vent»Mos shalld I 1d upward t apply whenLP Gas container, fI distortion f tank I ll nr roof Tar, or horivontally (not downy'n tl 123 gallons ns or less capacity are installed sto'lng Clase I and Class IL flammable i order to d'snvr'e vapors. Vent pines j i. I' . k 1 • It Lake City,Tuesday,May 7, 1957 tads- ---. yelp. : t h 1 1 d S 15929 M t St g d above.g dd t' f h ld I1 f t I 11 tv 4 P et e 11 t b bat (ed b d L' t t ( Pl b. 1 d � • d tivie tl 1 11 d th t h 11 t I t d( 1 d g [ I ()'CCU 1GL OF co,,,,,,..,,,,. t t II - b I) t G t [ b] 1 d. t t t LI III] bl "IT it V t tit h 11 b 11 d{ th 't. 1 I l I' 1 tl t b .l located ii to building flammable b jumped ll p 1 t d b d ti- tl f ih`I b d tl t t b Lf• A t(b)Th t f£1 bi ]tl d 1 t b l ty a t p t 1 d th b t lio If closed t shall 1 th I t walls. Theheight be q considered1 I Idcontainerfor the vent pipe is ices than lb f_t in the following upancy schedule ex- of piles shall be consistent with stA purposes of Mull, length or greaterthan 2 inches in cent that the Chief ef the B f bl.L d strength f t Cl li fl bl 1 1 shall be I all nominal d diameter, theoutlet Fire Prevention ma ,of b 15 9.4D Filling d Emptying d' d t - I one e provided with and limitation r requireeater motet' Containers. Containers f Cl I d 1 t another, d u —pressurerelief device orathereushall be here,in his 10 n unusual hazard II flammable liquids shall o b d station building, provided, however,Ice an d£1 sun ter locat d t lie or property cis iinvolvea. i he from or filled ilhiv b ]d I th t fl bl t f 1 'd 1 1Df{eUM t] t the outlet o withinauthorize increase f t h 1 to t the be dispensed f I.� the approved distance from the t is where the itvpe of construe- 1 t a flammable hale lion build I el ▪1 have let. I hall a flame arrester'lion fire protection provided or otheri concentrations. 1 INVIbe located more than 15 feet fromthefactors substantially reduce the hazard. Sec.15941 Ventilation.Ventilation alsporthaeyet there d flame d :dclo outlet end of the vent line (1) DWELLINGS AND APART shall be d d f all build s low tl 8 feet b Sl c• (2) LOCATION AND ARRANGE-•P MEND HOUSES CONTAINING NOTgs ii o eprovided 1 es r h h Cl ss I level CI III liquids b stored 9 MEN OF VENTS CLASS.III Vent MORE THAN THREE DWELLINGT or Class II flainmahle liquids d dispensed inside service blaliOn nn from tanks storing Class III Slam UNITS AND ACCOMPANYING AT- pumped dispensed. Design f t' buildings f approved of III table hmsds shall terminate outside TACHED OR DETACHED GARAGES. lotion systems l u take into account ant more than 120 gallons capacity li of buildings d higher than the ill Storage otherthan fuel oil,prohibited, the relatively high specific gravity [ each. g Vent nutlets shall be excePt that h l h s required for art the Ventilation t 'LABELING. Nole above i level. Theyt t t Which vnaea by adequate.openings in I N I t (I I If III Ham-be fitted with t bends, - shall t d 19- y4gg5 Such£lam galls at fl level b t d t I l. tiquids sh, he a d. screens in 5 tl_ devices to miniinize manic liquids h It b 'stored in petal by lout/ 1 hailers l 1 t i I..i II ingress f f material. closed t fie r ry natural ventilation t,o abl 1 marked d with the thed-'(3 SIZE OF VENTS Each tank (2)ASSEMBLY AND OFFICE OC mechanical tl t h 1l be t contained therein. II fall be vented through DibillO ad. SUPANCIDS, APARTMENT H RE voded Mechanical t f ( ) N fl b1 p t 1. mod- coats E.r size to prevent blow back of CONTAINING MORE THAN THREE rag flammable vapors shall be designed, or liquid at the fill opening}shale THEATRES. DWELLING UNITS, HOTELS AND installed and operated t shalt 1 dispensed,ctransported Ambit y lass,crockery or other to to being felled. Vent P shall THEATRES. Storage prohibited, Co vith nationally fxecognlzed good accordance brae- maim breakable nlnincr'. I or II be of less than 1% inches pipes cept that which,isrequired for mar tire. n•Sec.1 0-50 DI sprinsing ors ode diameter teneanace and operations of building and "See.15942 Buildings.(a)GENER (a) DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION.(44)VENT PIPING Vent pipes shall t f t Such Storage AL CONSTRUCTION Buildings hall Class I and Cl II flammable l liquids'flee lard,s to drain toward the tank shall b keptmetalaclosed centaincrs be constructed o that rooms in which hall be transferred f underground without sags Theyrashall hs in elich located uid so stored or r an Iaggede Sint r an0mfn,1 flammable liquids see handled m,ni d tanks'l t fixed des- that they will not be subiectcd to ohys having a door that opens into that r Ulv area the is Class st t I I t t 11 sone or h h located 011I trot L to How. I t t leakage cal damage hove ground.s. Vent pipes lion )the used by the bhc not he IIrflammable liquids shall accident.1 discharge. S e h 1 0 from tanks storing the class f (3) EDUCATIONAL AND INSTI not be .tilled or handled within1 11 b Provided outside t the j lI flammableliquids y h connected TUTIONAL OCCUPANCIES Storage building having e basement pit t i P E d h 1 the[o outlet Theoutlet pipe shall be limited to that d or which flammable v travel, (I b readily disconnected RELIEF CAPACITY OF VENTS maintenance, demonstration,t'atinent unless such area as pap d d with the t f 11 other accident. normal and t k d shall be tit d dt prevent the DispensingI G1 I Class t requisite t d hDraw- I d st g R EI bl I t f{I bl tt_ Il fl I I 1 1 h 11 b f liquids stored f such shallgilt)EXITS R 1 fl d t (Casa I Cl II fl ISOonsb]t f selecting the1 k b t t i or in safetyoc largerns or than one bl 1 d h l I 1 I1 liquids l ,1 t d 11y III A to Diameter buret. 1 handled b shall t I d bar- Approximate h f Free Circular rooms(4)MERCANTILE' OCCUPANCIES oc up save exit t ilug J g ns t c t I d s 1 t G r 111 ant b I trnpn d U e t 1 t d 1 t. Opening Pressures or s in]c 110109er Shall been el ed contain,b E£ o t kl t h' h it_t p nd limted to t t d d ( HEATING. R 1 which t the shall b d Class II 3 to f 1 PS/ 21/4 PSI 5 PSI Is Cl I Class dl flammable heated liquidsI I ClassII fI b et/ d. h.1- Plater Pti noses. he n e l merchandising stored in n handled shall b 1 t e t b dispensed b device that 4 2's 2 only byurea not constituting ar t through n 6% 3 o 2 2v ion of additional 1t-e stock exceeds gar f ignition, uni a.team r hot wet t 1 the tank 1 been II 10 9/ .5(a 4�/a 3%a lots it shall b stored in rooms or p of containing g heating ep]lane o I f the 10°a 6 495 4 bons of buildings g that comply lv with located Nang f o pre shall betowhich it is b t_e in no 1255 T SY 5 the construction requirements f section hated and d to prevent entry case shall air or gas 15'/a 857 •! fi 16 9 2'I. of flammable for this 1 6 .d Ia/a 9% Toe 6y •(5) GENERAL PURPOSE AND "Sec.1 043 Lading and Unload "Oa)AUTOMATIC DISPENSING DE- 4 181/. 10/x 81/4 0 PUBLIC WAREHOUSES Storage shall Facilities. (a) TANK VLIiICIE VICES. 11installationd f .. I 2f1 11 Y. 9 T-va be n accordance with section 15929 LOADING 'RACKS t d tldevices D�'20 11 Yv 9'ta '!/y b(0) Storage in containers of l gal ,(1LOCATION Tank vehicle 1 d Cl Ifs I1 liquids p020 11Va 9Y rysA ion r larger capacity hall be in fire racks dispensing Cl I Cl Thedig f CI, I flammable resistive buildings r 0 portions f II flammable liquids shall b separated liquids t theI tank of vehicle S buildings t off bynoncombustible from tanks, warehouses, other plant l shall at all times ,„,shall than11 thee. least bee pipe size larger construction h fire resistance f buildings, d nearest 1 t t be 1. thecontrol f competent largest • • individual vent i t less th. ,h . Noocombu t that y b b It o b 1 TI f d h.I 15 etd th t In ease shalt bee mat 1 t g no hazard to th a t of t'I'"th 25 f t it th d C Cl L Il t t lion between t theaaml 1 d, may be atoned fill stem. B Id g f p f bl l 1 h th h tl f tl Opines be1 thanthe top of any Pill the same area shelter f loading personnel may be Onelutor1 the diseharging novzle „P ine Thelower end of a vent (6)FLAMMABLE LIQUID WARE part of the loading rack. -d f the1 t 1 lever „I shall enter the tank through the HOUSES Storage halt be in accord- (2) STATIC PROTICTION The h 1 I 11 t 11 1 a d 1 II tent d to the tank Ha a ith t 1 9 29 b( . {ll types f fail 1 I 7 t L n,t Ic as d d l tl h, H eta to I located 30 t 1 shall be equ d th t 15 9 0 b • R INCb)Filling I ANd discharge'DISCHARGE, PIP- 50 feet f Propertyor a that. t t berlbuiltoe l t. t format static I d "(II AUTOMATIC HOST NOZZLE 9 I ,se I d Class II liquids, a £ thesing Wall shall be a belt uw 11 truck luting t aks d 1 g Cl. VALVES S WITH I APLII•OPl N DE- l or having a fire resistive t l: t teas( CI II ak vehicles, k Id flammable liquids t VICES:I l f b held. Op Ih t III liquids here Practicable. doines t approved d automatic1 2 Ile t tanks only through the top 2 honrs If storage bending' S located dispensing class III fiantinable liquids he uSed tor disimnsMg Class I 1 shall be graded toward the tank. 10 to 30 feet from imPOrtant building t n domes of tank 11.which flammable liquid t the fuel tank of "If,FILL1110 OPENINGS The fill-mpe or line a psopert 1th t b built may cont flammable p { vehicle. Such .l shall have opening shall be located o ts1de of on, the xposl wall shall bea previousf closeI CI II the 1 t 1 o d integral any building. P Class I and it{lam blank wall having a f' t at lammale liquids. P't t shall 't f the assemblyd shall shut off I bee lici dstorage the fill-pine g f at least 3 ho Itstorage consist of b 1 it c bond-wire the l d 1 b] d t' 1 h en hall bent less than5 feet f building is less than 10 feet f the be ntly 1 t 0connected totl the1 tank (lj d h It£ll do 11 For class l of adjoining Property that be Lilt stem 't of the fiRstem from the'filling.nec1 E an automobile III flammable liquid t thefill. 0 It p n.the ex hs.g all shall be pining, The { d f 1 t l h_ t sub t.t husage shall be not less than2 wall having a fire resistance rating hall be 01provided with 1 h d 1 k f ] 4 f_ frombuilding opening at theC at least 4 hones with g Pro jar devic fconvenient attachment b. t hautomobile sante or l level.The l nine open tected by approved fire doors. to some metallic t f the tank d while the 1 i stilt shalt b closed and liquid tight ) Flammable liquid containers of the tank h 1. Th b d thet A _ 1 1 toHendont when t Fill-pipe for filling shall be stored in tie' tiles _ connection shall b d 9 t - shall t the drhtc 't f the by tank tank truck shall be not Hated by main aisle widths of 8 feet mg the dame covers, It hall be unarm- Vehicle being filled by such a largo than 4 inches nominH inside d side aisle widths as indicated in tabled in place during the t filling Provednozzle. d -to and shall not be constricted. Table 15930 operationd the1 shall ()LATION D devices ,Fit rings shall be ient f d s .15 30 TABLE. Arrangeme t b 1 1 d b f tl b d t t t t.t I II b tit I bymeans.pdefnute color 1 or otherof Container Stooge. - located that all t f the vehicle TABLE ARRANGEMENT OF CONTAINER STORAGE being served will be private pro (d) GAUGE OPENINGS. Gauge The figures in the column,Total Gallons, t the b f 1 t p tame f i d p d C f t1I-p - that mall be stored 1 d the£ parenthesisthed (d) All te t l shall b provided with] d t tit mbar of 55 gallo d Thefigures the Width d Height t Columns t t beprovided With value cover. WhereCI I Cl II thewidth and height f the1 feet and the fag th i - the line ' the -t "liquids stored withinbuilding, the corresponding amber of 55 g 11 n drums when stored n end that ththb n a tf o to 1W ff 1 t III against h gaugep openingrelease be p rafted will produce ethos.size pile. p aliquid heel • ___ () INSIDD GARAGES Where nit flow• s g l c d check EQUIVALENT I VALERED OR outside location is bar f impractical, d' 1 otherp d.d EQUIVALENT UNPROTECTEDapprovedf 'i ' See 16 0 2b Testing. Before being PROTECTION binstall, 1 C •covered placed tanks and - - - - ,- 1establishment L p 1 Piping connect, theretoshall Maxnnums Per Pile Maximums r-r Pile servicing or opairing test f tightness. Wherethepass Class moot. The I automotive ti shall t •tl t i t th 15 f t bhve f LEVEL w located f t t r th t o f th t k tl t t isle Flammable STORAGE t t well. fvehiclet shell b t least 5 d e Liquid 6' and aand 11 t h and eitherhydrostatic pent I'., g g O '5, 6 E r, T t d It shall bprotected L • sure m O v,F l outlet is b the iwf t b the I Off, Q W 0�a Fq :.:1:'''' e� h Ld, tb ihll bt '_ ro, t d rf hh tank t tth test shall b ode NO �W ,'-0W vid W F(5 Co I xWrod3 I t I li 11 i 1 t d. m W Pr with the - - --- - - t I t t l struck by j vent II flooded. I '1 s I Ground 2,640 8 6 3 660 4 3 R lint descending other here Incheight f the t above the d (48) (4) (2) (12) (2) (I) slope t f control. A Iconvenient iet t .of H t IS excessive u 10 hydro-_ t. i ; (f felectric pe t t UPower G n.,inei Chief,i£s then Bureau of Five Basement'. 0 0 0 I) 0 0 0 0 t k lit gimp b unit i the —____.._ --- -. .vunp lirovJdctl..., I 1. pY . ute- "e i U Ground -.2a9 8 4 ].329 4 5 -maimshut-off iv shall t th b t fie "5 Inside doings in Closed Con a lain I d Buildings.So tl,r storage d lA6) (41 (2) (29) (2) (l.) e. to 15 9 31 elusive apply to the storage Upp th Sec.s15 9 51. Drainage and Waste of flammable liquids in drums or other Floors M1 '1 4 Disposal.a Provision 1 ll b d Mg e00le dosed containers not exceed- Basement* (24) (2) (L) 0_0_0 0 the h CI I B nominal, • g 60 gallons individual capacity inside III Ground 11,000 12 3 ft. 4 2,640 a 12 4 lienia3 ma,be anille8 to Prevent liquids • I buildings These requirements e do not d (200) (6) (48) (4) (4) 3 flowing t t [ fay l ply to bulk plans,service stations, Upper under station buildings..Such provision and .fineries and other r plants storing Fa0e05 sprinkler be by grading driveway,raising door and handling crude etroeum nor do Basement' heads • sills,o other equally0effective they apply to fuel oil storage for u 5,500 8 9 4 660 4 3 4 C' 1 cis d gs d 'fl name f Illoil-fired heating and cooking ap (100) (4) (3) (12) (2) (1) ]iq 1 but ]ll it 1 bt stored tanks'or I Ira 'Basement 'S 1 927 Design and Rooms. (a) 0 mein tiny l b Id' t t h P / t ht d t ,. t h ,ding side C I d St ins coiny`In of itsunduly height below ground level d t which +s for fire fighting Ugrp l removed 3 the) side of R shalt ply with is unduly restricted.ss "See.1no , Safety Rules. There the following ageneral construction- shall seervice 1 the d t Walls,it d 1 S 1501 F Control.( )When f stations 11 d I hi Y construction having f the Chief P P Prevention a �t d f th t k £ i t t 1 1 d r resistancet f t 1 thansprinklers, theyshall be (3)DRA( CB AINS D 1 In,. 4 tlf e ,h t f { hour. O t otherd I t 11 shall it d t t 1. 11 1 I. t o tank vehicle, those buildings�Yshall 1 Provided whit 1 ape Ida with nationally L be deemed tot thel f thebuilding i fse," ,enb I.bl 1 dtght d it 1 d t' hl f the d h P t t t t internal I rh t] t o h height d (b) Open. flames. 1 and static protection. t t Conspicuous witt d l d th h t th f t .h IL not be (b)TANK CAR RACKS Cl I hb't 1 1 ll b. D to a to d 1 d arranged t permitted in flammable liquidstoraged Cl II flammable liquids shall within sight C it t being gas tlautomaticallyf a. b tlsh dfr loaded t ft ) .ill 1c fire Where other Portions f the (e)Materials which will t with tank I t t against t l than-4 h. high.Themotors builds other t f t0 produce flammable t t h b provided d l, all vehicles b fueled shall be Posed d shall b protected shall of stored the Used. Protection i B b d d i t ff th F I ti be d -listened d Ui S 15953 Commercial. 1 Iri- an approved pr shall b d f N interior b t bl ith flammable Ii d t lly 1 g d t' d t 1 1 t bl i -t. !) Il i- art h l Proper room "See.15932 Storage Closed C ()CONTAINER FACING FACIL bi 1 d h II b, t ( 2 I s. g tailless's Outside Buildings. Sections I1I1.5 CI I d CI II flammable I .d t o 'approved f tv lion shall be hided Heeling halt 15 9 32 to 15 9 33 1 t the. t 1 d shall t b 1.containers be t t il t low Pressure sP. f flammable hqu,d d th 1 the1 d t fh) Flammable liquids stored in I0t t t lectrmai rill.. table dosed containers t d I t Il t. t it Wh.' the tanks. tl I t tn- nv d f Cl I mum 10 t C 60 g Mons indT d 1 t t t lit' fl a ll i h tl h ll f t lb li..bier "(1)1Electrical t d de buildings These t t L d.while fill 1 t0 ll t f storagef fl hla building which R shall not apply to hulls plants,service Led to te fill t 1 'the liquids. „viable pliq erns are used,]iandl d t •t n a d refinerand other simile fill stem s bonded tothet Oce,15-9 4 Use of Flammable Lirl- kept in itameI hall t the storing s d haindlin1 crude Petroleum during filling operations by means of ins. (a) LOCATION. Flammable e ifications of and be installed r do they a ly to fuel oil storage bondavirc,the Provisions's a of this sties- ]inuids quantities I' filing .a per= cording to the requirements f the for use With oil-fired heating and cook- Electrical lion shall be deemed to havebeen corm- nil.shall ibe used 1n buildings,portions Uniform Ordinances00 F Salt Lake City ing appliartcesl plied ithe of buildings o -rooms construced and and tile Uniforu Building ocode. „Sec.15-9-33. Basic Safeguards. (a) '(di DRAINAGE AND WASTE DIS- esigned'in accordance,with the re- (c)Rooms portions F beuindings.. Storage f 100 drums or more of Class POSAL. Provision shall be mile to grin eats of Insitle Mixing and IIan- }ffordlitd type of building trot- I a d II flammable liqis sall be prevent flammable liquids which ay tlling Rooms. ' ion d other feature.¢Storage Rooms to limited to groups of 100 drums,located beet/'pilled at loading or unloading fbl DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION I that d{ (hside StorageuI'll 4 at least 60 feet From thet moo' Points fentering publicd OF INSIDE MIXING AND HANDLING 5 c (1 92R( ) (b) b tlli9cd rnt b ltll g 11 F d- t p 3 d 0 t natural t ROOMS R 1 Il h t least one P t E flammable liquids E t t tl t b l IL d I C t t 7 d' ter lI Walls,fl d s `.red for 1 any tithes bt Lg l g p l 111 separated het least t. b which flammable liquids shall be 1 noncombustible construction t i I 'd 901 et St f 300 d might t shall bedal h 1 'I 1 17 r t 1 e '(d)Sl 1 lib ideated of Class Ill ' bl liquids 111 I ) In l L 1 1 I II b d d to ,. den a .n the cs t f l u least t ,0 W [' ne I t - 1 I ' 1 t J L ll l bl. 1 a r t pl t Its •III II t Ofeet Y' Lb 11 (.' k 1 - L11 1( ti_ tl I )1.} i 1,d )11 quantify of flammable 3 I .d B t 1 d-shall t 1 1 I with I Nye F the self- ;liquid inside St R shall b bi tt and 1 'h Il b t l I1 b [ d bails, t i t t A t i t a •lqt d the quantity specified t t b t a t 4o f t• fl 'outside £ a building ill f -location shall 1 provided. Ade- h t ov'd d o d,stan b a d d 50 ,. removed t thet naturalventilation shall i a l p 1 o1e f tl. t if apt Al d d,annage away f S-.15 9 44 11 t e ] t 1 d Iventilationt. evaded All d electrical t did., till( fall be in ace I to Et t t t It dgb h g t d (b)The od' storage shall b l d n 1 to ti I t l t7 550 gallonstotal r Class I IL eaten tot ff d M. in, numbs hand, g CI c fii I p I ]i ul. L 11 b layyew en land RI flammable liquids, of which 'd i buildings. The Cl II fl bL I d ei 1 t d ilnl than 1 11b k.-t 1 E d' d dim,t bl tl [ t 1 t aI units dismayed tf II 111 .I 1- (2)27 1I c b f CI'" I ll i - b 1.b1 S hall I 11 b it d d t 11 d T locations. Lighting Aldelectrical and II flammable liquids,ds, of which be abated prohibiting open flame d t t ignition h d Meal, d 1(1 t f (I E cot equipment d.signed tinstalled h d 1 I. ll n t na, II 1 than smoking. in accordance th theElectrical O d f It 1 lid all 60 g It ns b C 91 I Se. 1 9 4 P 4 1 and ante f Salt Lake City d the U flammable liquid. Filling, P. i d fittings form Building Code. ff itt l I Ll d d Electricalfinstall,LSProtected by approved for flammable liquids shall b-d i ned Sec.15 9 45 Sour I I....,i t Amu b made I 'd with Class L r Class II flammable liquids t '11 g aril f lice. I OSI1D STORAGE TANKS t is tresses t which they d a tr be shall. of be handled, drawn, of 1 '� Nominal Thickness of Material subjected. They shall be of steel iced where 'flammable vapors C I' B Llie 1 d d C the a i d other material suitable for use with reach - f ignition Smoking N t 1 Hoard i I" Underwriters a n Pounds Galvanized he liquid being handled. Pipe wall shall be prohibited except in desrg- shaltv be_a as the deemed Piling Electrical evidence Code' Per Squara U.S. Pounds thicknesses shall be determined led localities. 'NO SMOKING'.'gna 'lnilh nationally recogini>ed safe Foot Standard Per Square accordance with nationally recognized shall be conspicuously posted where tic, Gauge .Foots good practice except thatcarbon isteel hazard f flammable liquid vapor (.)STORAGE iEMITS FOER INSIDE 3.125 16 2.50 hall not be thinner than standard normally MIXING AND HANDLING ROOMS. 4.375 ]4 3125 wall thickness pipe All threaded joints p,See.15 146. Pyre Control P An Inside Mlsmg and Hanmmb ROonr b 6o5 1L 4.375 d connections shall ll h 9 o tight control t b required i t „„0„,,,,, b U d L0- 7 50 with suitablelubVicant or piping the Chief of the Bureau of] f 1 t t I 't 1 ell ,, 11010d ' Pound. II Shrill imply t venoms i a pink f than i tl t pit f f7 bl q which 0000 gallons t II) 1100p l .11 CI I l i 0 'BeFOrdVanzg Its within the -c f this article. t. class [ Class II fl.ni, I -dII FI i] 1' 71 f 1'ch S= 150 Protection Against liquids d whore an unto.,exposuren ot mar Ii t gu i K I m Corrosion,ii bo ll Allb ground d ion-unable de hazard ty. S I exists it 1 siirsounding rat a 111 r piping "(2) 0bs 11 1 b f Class I • (4)1100gallons total I c .. I II d t ibieet to -ternal cm be sn£f I L textinguish 5' the I Ci lI fl b'1 liquids of • and III flammable liquids,of which t n hail be painted or otherwise largest t The d. 1 t i d, f tl than protected. of such eat shall be to ,. d (a) 75 II racy be o[Class I more than 550 gallons may be of Class I sec.15-9-36.Supports. Pipe systems a with nationally recognised c good nlammable llqu,d9 it and II flammable liquids,of which not shall bsubstantiallyt d and practice.rA I de Mlx,ng nil Ii d] g R n niore than protected t physical d d "Sec 16947. Service Stations. An, Protceted by air approved to ti; I • fl(a)275 ]11 a b f Cl I stresses nanngn from settle- t e dispensing Cl I fl ll f.• extinguishing to shall t - t b t t 1 d i t IS fuel Tanks Imotort 11a(1t o0 gallons 7 I l of Class T.102 t t f flammable liquid ti h l f the e( shall t l It d III(I. all liquids f which n a Inside StorageR 1 s 1 937. Val P t l tad l a hulk plant le lad 1 r0 FI d 1 that permitted h t shall t sufficient b f by t '1 b t. the 15954£ Inside M d H ill' valves t te thet pro thewhich bulk operations i ,12R0 'JI f(t Booms Provided the constructiond protect theplant. F stem conducted. III flammable l d f 1 .1 rotii provided paragraphs (a) and lb) t with shall contain ' ec 1 048 General Construction. ini -a)U 0 ga.„ b f Cl I F thist but with walls,floora sufficient 1 t 1 t Buildings shall bconstructed that fl. ahi I q 'd and ceiling F comustible construe- trot p P 1.the flowf liquid which h flammableliquids ' t on g l resistance rating f 1 t d thet f h h ill d stored ] t1 the 'pit 7d toese amounts t than be n4 t l than t hours. I damage. Connections t p 1 t f thea T lcreasy 1 d'1 t' "Sec. 1 9 28 Storage Cabinet ( ) b which equipment h tankwhichlocated. CI I d Class IL x- Storage Cabinets may be used where't tank veices discharge flammable flannnable lima&..hall of•be stored Setl.1 r 9 05.D coons g r. f a) Llass I• I 1s desired to keep more than 10 gallons liquids by mean. of centrifugal pumps r handled within buildng having a r Class II fl:amm:tble liquids shill he i f flammable.liquids inside buildings. to abo,e-ground torage tanks,shall or orit into which flammable dispensed only in an Inside 3fixing and No individual container shall xceed be Provided with :heels valves fora a01 travel,unless such areas dispensed ise;Rooin. gallons capacity and not over 50 gal- tommicProtection against back-flow.0 vapors with ventilation designed to Ioils hall be stored in a l cabinet Sec. 5-9-38. Bulk Plants. No w event the accumulation of flammable 'Obi Class IClass II flammable '(b)-Storage.cabinets a shall be con- hullo plant shall be strutted within vapors therein.ur liquids shall not ore drawn from or ills. hutted as follows or built to equtva- the Brats established by law s] t Sec.15 9 49. Storage d Handling, d t 1s or containers within rr lent requirements. The bottom, top, of the districts in which such plants (i Class I and Class II flammable drawing f an lop, f the tank d the I:� door and des of cabinet shall be at areprohibited. liquids shall be stored in tanks located awiiner. Gravity discharge 'thin a • least No.13 gauge sheet it and dou- 'Se.I5-9-39. Storage. (a) Storage underground. Above-ground tanks,ln- budding of,Class I r Class II flam- bee availed With lib-inch ear space, f flammable liquids la bulls plants ated in adjoining bulls plant may enable liquids from tanks, drums, or I��' Joints shall be riveted,welded or made shall,no addition to complying with be c acted by piping to s ta- contain ink olio' than .safety c �I tight Or some equally effective means. the provisions of this division,comply lions underground tanks if,in addition forbidder,except.where the nature 0f The door shall be e provided with ease. with theapplicable f divi to vle t bove d Mobs, the manufacturing pout lock,kept closed when not in use,sI n II f thisarticle. m0vrded 15 9 11(h)() I es jest 2he ins- above oor sill thebottom e raised the I'and ClasssII flammable ,ids II.shall alsst lioinstalled 01. control of so Chief broadoff the Bureau of E Prevention. Upon approval b Joe cabinet, 1t1 deemed b b stored. 1 d 1 bl STORACi I S1DF BUIE DIN US I 1 tl h II t 'lied '.. the chief f theB f P P' storage t' I above aroundoutside Nn(.la. 141 bl l d ha h. I. t 'I ble. e,t 1 Ls shall be vented. ill bP'lr, underground. e, haunted th 1 I.I' not ran o th.1n nab calm shall be sl"labeled STORAGE—CLASS III. (I t 1 M t packaged e Ioperation.' - d lotion 'FLAMMABLE—KELP lit 0 i le 1 hall be stored I a: h fluidd ClassI el, If fl. h19 l FIFE AWAY.' ,m containers,or in tanks within builds and resold in unbroken metallic con- liquids shall not be dispensed wtthfn li :Ji Il 1! • • ti • • 11 above theta flash point In o 1 11 b t t l during the rb ld P h h 11dome t f t th th t A t f lFl gtht;6 d 11 b 1Q t fh 11.b. t'l ti1dt1 bciol bl path f travel.D g I t' , d hll b dd with' pled withinthepossible path f th b d sL 1 hI h- t bl with thetravel ll shall b Electricalof a type aporove d oftot ()Omit Made t t fI able liquid handled.Wherethe .applicable St d tl E thethereof d thet t t f • fi able there shall be. da addition toSI r I1 1 1 hail b looted the cutlet aloe, a se control National Board of F Underwriters, device or valve outside of the rmmediat 1 the Wallop..Electrical Code1 a cargo d£11 tank. t t (Outage)1 area,byewl h theflow may be stopped h 11 b d d d thetransportation f PI bl I 1n the event f fire or other accident of„Sec p15 9 83 lit•.'tl ep g ()'Other-1 d h Ill t 1,s th a 1 t at the,sheoOutlet valves here flammable liquids stored n sufficient.space (Outage)r ie 1e b ski ft inable,shall be of the self-closing type containers shall 1 d 1 t l (d)CONTAINER FILLING FACIA t d f th I t t f] 1 f t tiby t f f th t.t TIES ClassI d II flammable liquids L k gcontainersh 11 b d t iy hall not b t c f le, remove s t 't t '1', 1 the nozzled tine l tr .la,to a tight coma nor contents transferred d d Sec 159II1 N S 1 R S 1 , interconnected Where the metal) floor '(b)Access shall be provided by n by tank vehicle drivers,helpers, tail Plate which the container stands obstructed aisles„herebyf�lt 'd„re other 1 nakrag dolly. 1 1 f llelectrically connected control t bebrought towhileoh, d [, t i, fill t h re the fill.stembear oat P 1 fl bl idling, making i bonded ttbth t oeE dubond filling 1 d t t tank h 1. s.S 159CL P l t A 't I the v fee section shall b „nod f,l buildings.b fl biler con-',quidst () CONVLI SIGN N tank r deemed toh b complied with. stored, t materials h ! Y P t t tl f kl "(el Exit facilities shall be proved d shall t beallowed t I t IIh PI h ti liquid.tl ihfll �I loaded• ry to prevent pants being trapped in cot closed t 1 ,t 11 W III flammable liquid t 1I €I the event of fire c"(d)n Crankcase d g d fl li t 1 t t d 11 p' 4 "See.15 fl 56.Ventilation closuBsrld enable liquids shall P�be dumped into pumps, t d h connected but shall rid tanks o f h�h=CI I CI ss II flammabtn l t lit d, t E building thereto 11. beencompartment, L t 5 .d t liquids a' used stored in open vats t l n d f the r din tanks shall beprovided ! so 5 16969 First-Aid P' Control. t- h which d t l Wh fl n 1- d stored, completely shall 1 fl hod t th l d- ventilation m t a o ll times 4 nsed 1 die. t [h t t E CI III as accumulation of flammableased within ha1111nngs o otbed c flammable 1 d c 1 1 t t th I vapors.Where natural ventilation n is re closures first sad fire control a meat t Ppining, t d sufficient under all conditions to shall he provided h quantities1 t to d f(l I, I� t the accumulation of flammable hIle safety shall RI II flammable.L liquid f lisystem. echmaical trlation shalt be number a d t p Y l 1 11 h (b) Sl PAlIAIION 1 k h'1 • vapors, es provided d used The sec mutation a ar ordance With nationally t i s, Cl I B. flammablejl f flammable,vapors within the con-in good pt'o rice and shall be a,..liquids i rtments of oe znlostve ange under e ntabin to the Chief of the Bureau of and Class IIIsflamnvble liquid n an- other hen' mal o .rating conditions, as de-Floe Yxeventioo. ether c mpartment r coin artinents vapor i by an proved flammable- Sec. 15-9E6. Refineries d Plants shall be en ipped 'th.y crate nog, I evidence coil t shall e P facie St g B ill g C 1 I°L 1 p t I li f li l t I, ev dance of theviolation of this t Nopermit shall 1 i f thef l t l t I "t t k "an Design of tl t g t „ruction Y t' l t storing h l h. t d 11 hall tad i t t theor handling d petroleum until. t b g d'f 1 high specific gravity f theo nroval h beenf theproposed (1) I )t th, Pullet11 Openings to the outside Sac n rural location vith yes ct to topographymanlf<11 - d d 'thinter- orall beinn ha11 be at floor level and •ss to places bf a scmbie,redden- locking selective valves hi la ill shad coarse ucted except by louvers, alai or mercantile cis nc s and permit onto "net.compartment at a 1I screens.or Mechanical systems adequacy not water suppii°foe afire con- time to he emped; for removiggflammable v shall ro. f2)Tlic h0lnanml outlet is providedII be designed,i tailed a d operated S 15 9 66 Manner of Storage (a) 'tl drainage facilities l shall be accordance with nationally recognized Crude Petroleum shall be stored I d of Ct I II PI bl II good practice. t I b veground or undergnouna, liquid bed b d i Cl s. "Sec 15967 'Sources of Ignition. accordance oath Storage of Flamrnabl III 3 ,fhchlaggregate tome £the lid cesses()pen flames,heating devices and pro-Liquid of this article. ono)n outlet r manifold shall not employing temperatures capable "Ib) Other flammable liquids shall c eed o gallon. il Edigniting the vapors of the flammable be stored in tanks aboveground or un- e c of used shall be prohibited in build-derground r in containers, n ec "Sao.]6-9III3.Yur)cinR d Garaging, I�ings„hit'o and other co fined spa!a e teil']r or of flammable liquids (a) No tool!vehicle shaft be left un- wch Class I o Close II ilammaUle of this article or section, attended on any street,highway,avorue liquids are used in the open,or in which ••Sec. 15-9-f,R. Storage Tanlcs. R'anlls^r alley, provrded ihdt this�ccclsnoY I Class III flammable liquids are used£or the storage of flammable liquids in prevent driver from the r r for the purpose of saturating coating tank forms and locations ether thanb' E tl t k mention �I or otherwise treating goods or materials. areas shall be located I accord- th th d 1 Y F h 1 d t Artificial lighting shall be by elect,ioitY process ce with t 15 9 11(d),Local that 1 Um actual discharge f the, only.Electric devices located within the with Re„)„, t Y rty Imes, and liquid o sibleR shall be li { Possible Path of vapor travel shall be section 15 9 19 S esetwecn Tanl t a'G 1 1 shall t - f a type approved for such locations. Sec. 18.9.8g.0£' d Pressure V t't s f i Harlan the day o I, Compliance with applicable provieibns Bela IInfircd p u vessels shall b lit 'f it t t well lighted at of the Standards of the National Board c?totstiucted in c dance with nano t E 'i k f Fire Underwriters known the arace ed good pn actue (I) Tank 1 l containing fl - • of Electrical Code' shall be Sec 16969, Location f Processbj l I shall t 1 I d t 1 deemed p tame evidence of Units. 'e is t )1 be l t d Y L t Y t f 1 r plranee with this section Smoking shall so that they sib. f t 1 t tI• h t ff tile be prohibited and suitable signs to shall one side for the f fire control, d at least 25 feet.f blinding effect shall be displayed. Whale to g 1 1 1 t' I I f I t i t I Sec.1595II.Fire Control.(a)Where that flan bt ] d it f d L 1 ,1 flammable hqurds are used or r isa eased, a processing t t t i Cl( q 1 t'1 1 11 t bparked' III Pest and fire abe innches shall be pie a Fire h d tot £ the '1 b ld ti th s bided. The number and tops of a hall b de to divert t tl s sp i ll. r I E ht. lnances shall beaccordance with u1borund the Fl by curbs,drains, b. tl Cl f £ th B f 1 'el nationally Whenever good practice ns. P t n (b)Whenever flammable liquids a°t"Sec.15970 Eire Control. WaterS. I5969 Liquefied I I et 1 stored i containers,provision n hall a be mall be available in pressure and qu G.' This article '1 ill apply t 11 I ode and maintained for the detection titY sufficient to Pcovrde!oolong str'ca t d h ill 9lio f d t - { £leakage Leaking containers hall be for any unit or anytank in the process- I d tun t]l l' l 11 • imnedi!ed 5 remove o made tight ding area.e1{ose sil hydrants shall b 1 l nt p t neat'Cos tans for such "(c)Access shall be provided by u available in sufficient niumbcr to Pro-iascSec.15-9-t15.Definitions. fee'i,ique- ' obstruct d 1 hereby,first and free vine a I t' f cling tieams i U t of hall n ny oriel pb 2 y be b=ought to re nrretl tog, taco Iiie cent I t- 1 h 'sod pr demi- bear o 't of such flammable chemical d t bit a„,cation „ettlY E- f tt PollowmR hydro- liquids torage vices shall beavailable sufficient t b o t E thcnr 1'tpa (il)In buildings,rooms or they con extinguish 1 n as rn.!in th 1 e b t ( 'mad butane no fined spaces in whichoflm nmable liquids Processing g th than apnFov d iso-b t ) d 1 t i • • are Cored,combustible waster materials floating f t k (I) I P' 1 t 1 shall not be (lowed to accumulate,ex- Sec is A 71 Tank Vehicles for liana- molt' hall 11containers, cecpt in closed metal containers. enable L d () Tank vehicle'shall. "(e) Crankcase draruings and Elam mean vehicle other than railroad 1.t tb tr c 4 too lid' d t111 mate liquids hall not be dumped Ito yank an 1 hoe,with tank t t t' to th 't ad_ s but shall be stored in tan. fed thereon btu, t 1 1 mill ,of 1 q frail pot I get.Gas sewers, any build g uni • fight drums outside t t thereof a ed for the transportation . - - until removed from the premises. - • I • 1. `I t • • • 1 1 I ad not be con-) "Sec.16 9 69 Processing Plants I l 'd .i h liquefied hPetroleum ' Flammable liquids hall be stored 1 d n i-evehicles, t h e equipmc It traders and tiadle�s without motive Sec. 16-&6E. Permits and Report • tanks, closed emdtalners or approved power safety c art Tanis ftH wheels1 d g £installations. () A rue nit shall be (b) Flammable liquids stored in p••(h) 'C. t I 1 II thti Ieach. 1a list name. tank shall conform to the applicable container h _ liquid capacity p meats of sto.g of flammable f 100 gallon., d i the t t [ t ..t.l 1 d E l lit 1 l 1 t t t [ (111 ll t. (1 Flammable liq d Mere, i h Ha t l t I f l f I drums or other closed t hell l't The t t d - -t t 11 t 1 _ t f form 5 the requirementsef 4 _ I t L d solely S Ili 'e thou h h r conch,15 931 0£tis article o par the p f lying[ .l feethel t tpolitical. IL,I graph (d)of this section. Propulsion of the tank vehicle upon .d c tiom 1. I or:,so l od e. ea Id) Storage f flammable 1. fd which t ismounted. t I S 1 1 'ld C h Il • • tl rooms •o bud di•n t ti S 15972 Tank Truk R t t.l l d 1 I 1 1 1 t l t the requirements of se, 15 9 27 shall Tank trucks m'Hailers making ell t t h t I t '.t t h • b limited in accordance with the f l t storage tanks at sstations, l t f e rr lowing paragraphs' g or other laces within theCity I ti 1 g 1 t Il t s (1) Within wood frame buildings, shall do so over the routes and within 't I1 h)1 b t I t lire storage of Class I and Class ed flaw-the hours prescribed by the Salt Lake Bureau pp Inc Pleventron and iP c - mable liquids shall be prohibited; tor- City Traffics Code udder the and/or al ccee e with the r ements of this age of Class III flammable liquids hall ermdt provisions of Section180 p code s shown by sMdr plans,a permit i� be limited to 60 gallons any tank pa.graph (c) f Section 180 of the may be dssud. or plainer unless installed and - Salt Lake City Traffic Code. (b)Iasinll°rs hall maintain a recce . atructed in accordance with Sec.15-9-27 All di parts £ordinances °rl of all installations for which a per- oSthis article. in rflictawlth°this Section are re-above (but notedeludiOerogir:oallatnit ion '(2)In other than wood-frame build-pealed. of pus bucniug appliances d replacing ' 1ngs,Class I flammable liquids be "Sec.15-9-73.Tank Vehicle Conctrue- stored i lOsed containers r safety lion. Tank vehicles shall be designed of po tnblc cylindcre)and have it zvail- of in more than 5 gallons irrdi-.and constructed in a ordance with n b1e for r ectlon by the Bureau of cans capacity and not axe exceeding a tionally recognized good practice as sec 1 1 C total of 25 gallons Class IF closed able) m C dcd by the National Board of S Billie SL g P R S I 4t li . liquids May be stored in closed E Underwriters,'t and/or the National f 1' .d t f 1.dl) r tanicrs or safety cans of t e than.Idre Protection Association. t' t D S l i Net al • 5 gallons individual capacity, nd in Sec 15974 Thor All lank motor -Association lamph ,N ,i.. barrels drums or tanks of not vehicles shall be Typed with rubberd.c. Li-9,el I 'talratien nF Bgwp • than60 gallons individual capacity,The ires on allwheels: L All , 1 1'd r t 1 total amity that e h t .d 0 Sec 15 76 St t c Protection. (a) equipment I l t' gallons. es hall be]united to 220 Caren tank 1 I dole chassis shalt i ll:l eatn t It n pl T h 11 b I� iClass III flammable liquids m ,belectricallybonded. 1 Il e d thnationallyh be stored tha ingal closed rddd individual capacity,not b) P shall b d the .-d A t e r tank structure f the vehicle f riprh 1 n: r1t 1 �t or n barrels,drums, r tanks net en- bpeddng of thet the fill Hor laa gulrtiors legally in'! oeeding 120 gallons individual capacit. during truck loading operations. ff L .' The total quantity stored in this manner ssec.15 9 76 Protection Against Cot. Containers.S 15-9A9 Location f shall e. limited to 220 11 Nylon•Draw-off 1 f 1 ()W'lh the loutsestablished 1 I Sec 15960 Blend d M going beyond theframet the f t t th b Ik t f 1 .T'dl tat Mixing or blending build- a tank Leh 1 hall b 1 .L 1 t l I tl C• t P' inns shall t H design' requirements teeted against collision byb t ,I t lh t t dp l l Lf section15954(ce M blend- similar means. ag room b ld cl h II b ) dcd s"Sec l 9 77. Lighhnp N ]ght f L 11 L 1 Ll L s -.d( ill with natural l mechanicalventilation device other than electriclights shall all b 2 000 I r E L / that will prevent the accumulation f d tank vehicles Lighting tl t t 'l 'f ll t this flammable vapors n hazardous co e shall have suitablet t l' L he.11 1 t the Nations.Design of ventilating systems fuses o automatic t t cr tint of tl C 1'f f tl B F 1i hall take into account the relahv 1breakers). circuit fire Pr c t ft 1 L 4i high specific gravity f thes in t h d h c t I art h t 1 l i� Openings in o tside 11 f torsi strength,carrying d shall b L and insulated,mechanical st t dl ventilation hall be at floor level and and pretectced against Physicaldamage, ty t b 1d [. c, t f shall be unobstructed except by louvers, 'n keening with recognized hood prac d tanks d of pr Ati fire p - or coarse s. Mechanical steme tire. tection to on ovided,,PA facilities of, for removing installed leomabie vapors shall be 'Sec.15-9-78.Full Trailers and Semi-the local fire,dcnartment. designed,installed and crated in a- Trailers.(a)Each full trailer,1and song "(b) Multiple container installations' {� ordance with .nationally recognized trailer,shall be equipped with reliable with a total storage water c 0e'ty f' goo I r lice. n tluel or "(bl aVessels used tel mixing brakes o all lima and their efts e tiros capacity) gallons e subdivided ub i ed, blending Class I flammable liquids shall c seciOn shall from made for oei's seat ton Lgrou capact)ashall be urele than he provided with self-closing tight- p t operation enrol the driver's seat e1 groups containing not more Such, {II norm-t chicle drawing the troller,or groups shall ho i x ed group. Such control a e within s lids that will s 'ib)Tr a. s shall than n r separated feet, ua le s' the i ontrol £ire within such v set when ,.[b)Trailerc ectiod shall ie uch of nut less Lhanrp 60 e unless thel applied thereto.Where such devices are asc to prevent then towed vehicle from tanks (1) buried ended i ' impracticable, automatic r manually whip il, f 'd to side approved (2)m protected)h°lied chemical or other file danger°rues I1 d shall with approved insulation on such areas , Chicohing devices approved by the cause the trailer tofollow substantially lly that subject t impingement P Chief f theB P Fire Prevention in'the path f thet vehicle. t l t l other shall be provided. 15979 F' Extinguishers.Each ,leakage (31protected be fire )l ),' of 10,it posh ilames ll not be and dhw'tl'mseuree the tonic vehicle I.11 be i I f oval construction, (k) Possible o paths f vapor Havel ,eh. of d H t Nast d tooted,1 d t F or am flammable liquids a zed or blended h 1 oe t ''1 C 1 [ I' t f t () Protected be r antainers re r ..ablef extinguishing flammable bl liquid tl orms l x, Y Pi 6 °di Vessels shall be 1,trica110 c fires. e extinguishers h shall b-kept these n F t t provided, fleeted by hood Wires,pipe similar i goodoperating d'ti t n it separation IL t 1 l than 25 A here difPerenc te'drp°Scut I times, nd11 05 shall b l .t I foot between such containerp Lair b createtl by ac .Bible lace on acL t k 1 1 S Mir 00 1 k R d G g mutationk. • fstatic-electrical charges. .Sec 15 I BO OVd t f 1 I Vchdcles (a) Tank h l h 11 t 6 j Icy use so the transportation 1 of"Sec, 16 9 61 Dispensing from Con be operated unless they re r prop a tainers Within Buildings. (a) Class I repair,devodduof accumulation oP grease, 1 fled p v 1 t,as 1 all be in r Class II flammable liquids may be oil,o ether flammobles, and free of cordaddco ith seliceue 15-0-88." dispensed from approved safety c 1 1 eSLCTION 2 I the o f the provided or that then are e openflames (b)The driver,operator or attendant the es or others e f ignition within thep any tank vehicle halt Cleave the too tl e pea h lth a n t f t Y the d • possible path f vapor travel hide while it is being filled r des dnhabdt¢ddts f Salt Lake COlthat this, • "(b)Class III flammable liquids may vharged.Delivery hose,when attached ordinance shall became effective r be dispensed from containers not ex-io tank chicle shall be considered niedlatcly. in edtng 60 gallons do rndivdual capacity to be part of the tank vehicle. POTION 3.This ordinance shall take 6 • by m f a inn similar of (c)Motors f tank vehicles or from effect upon is first ublication ,taking suctionthrough or top f the tors hall be lint down during .Jain P, d by the Board of Cormnissioncis ac container, and breaking those eo nections.If load- f Salt Lake City, this 24th day of C "Sec. 15-9-02. Sources o[ Ignition. wig or unloading is done w thout the April.196']. Open flames,heating devices and - e f a rower primp,the tank vehicles Adirl E.StewerC' nP'thing temperatures c.nPble us tractor motor shall be shut down MAYOR L o PsigniHug the vapors of the flammable throughout such operations. Herman.S.He IIII1 / liquid used shall be Prohibited in build- ••(d)The cargo tarok shalt he bonded CITY RECORDER Inns,ro and • other confined ryas to the fill 1 ie when loading. The (SEAS,) 1 which Class s o Close , flanmablc Classs are used in the open,or to which bond-wire connection shall be xna I1 Yubltshed May£791957 tC-58) Class III flammable liquids are heated Prior Lu o e-ifnn�the dome covers, o. C�,��.- I I t III