19 of 1959 - Creating a Special Fund in City Treasury to be known as 'Forest Dale Golf Course Fund' and providing ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, IVIAR-'74.1959 , 195 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the Ordinance be passed. Burbidge . . . Christensen . . Geurts . . . Romney . . . V Mr.Chairman AN ORDINANCE Result . . . AN ORDINANCE CREATING A SPECIAL FUND in the treasury of Salt Lake City to be known as the "FOREST DALE GOLF COURSE FUND" and providing that all proceeds of the sale of Forest Dale Public Golf Course shall be deposited in said fund and further providing that said fund may only be withdrawn and expended by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City for the acquisition and construction of additional public golf courses and improvements incidental thereto. WHEREAS, the City of Salt Lake City in the County of Salt Lake, State of Utah, is a municipal corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Utah as a city of the first class; and WHEREAS, the City has conveyed all its right, title and interest, with the exception of the right of occupancy and possession until 1961, in and to the Forest Dale Public Golf Course in Salt Lake City for a valuable consideration; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has determined and does hereby confirm that a special fund be created for the deposit of all proceeds from the sale of said Forest Dale Public Golf Course, which said special fund shall be used solely for the purpose of acquiring and constructing T. new public golf courses and improvements incidental thereto. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of to Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah: SECTION 1 . That there be, and there hereby is, created a special fund in the treasury of the City of Salt Lake City, Utah, under the control of the City Treasurer, to be known and designated as the "FOREST DALE GOLF COURSE FUND," hereinafter referred to as the Golf Course Fund. SECTION 2. That all proceeds from the sale of Forest Dale Public Golf Course shall be deposited in the Golf Course Fund and shall be disposed of only as hereinafter provided. _._ 19 -2- SECTION 13. The amounts so paid and deposited shall be held by the City Treasurer separate and apart from other funds in his possession and shall be secured by his official bond or bonds. The money held in the Golf Course Fund shall be used solely for the purpose of acquiring land for additional public golf courses and the construction of Improvements necessary and incidental to the use and enjoyment thereof by the public as public golf courses. SECTION 4. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the Inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become; effective immediately. SECTION 5. ThIs ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 24th day of March, 1959. Efa wee:«//� ity r \ ( S E A L ) BILL NO. 19 of 1959 Published March 27th, 1959 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake AN oaaaeaANOr I n D M Ockey AN ORDINANCE CREATING 'tor Af of Set fl UND n the eeasu ny ch f.Salt Lakc -ity%be known ns g End the 'FORET Dn LE GOLF'Friday VrVii. FUCD" tl o idiots to sett f°•ore't riale Pou�co,"conr, sal Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising .'Tall '' d p It n m a,d fn�d "Tie clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE-'- d further dI b providing a„a c 7c. GRAM, a daily Sunday) news apex rinted in thf E ii dad b m Board f Ca,n. Y (except P t P I147- f Salt Lake City for GSi{I t h d ¢ structio„Joh,,.( fish langtwge with general circulation in Utah, and published in 4r zoloye nos s Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, of T nha im000vements nc°Itlenta)patlkp' in the State Utah. llerelo. grad tg in the the County o of al Salt Lake jntu'.nr City in the County u Salt Lake, ..al aver;on Duly,o'a municipal cl➢ai nor-a That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto duly organized e is tinK under the laws f tM1c State NFL °i vtan as a city of the first class; i .{l Salt Lake City Bill no. 19 of 1959 and u77ev IVHEFEAS, Lhe Clty hat c 7 ti - ed with is is c title and�' Rev- eret.wH the and possession of ion Fy''-g An Ordinance Creating a Special Fund n¢ht of°ccunancv and posessim, ,X ''fill, d to the Forest ' F, Dale Public r a Course In Salt rich. - ----- erap°,nl an f01 a valuable corgi,.A G£ WHEREAS.the Board of Coon- AP "Forest Dale Golf Course Fund". dIssioners has determined and Be,I uet belch,, confirm that a'' £A.. Pitt fund be created for dace de- ]ta, n tt f llproceeds tom the Tr°„k sale Coosirse,X'ur,It Dad public olio 1, fundoshall be un°d so]eic fore the Q�a' J v anu irinc n c -im�',ti 4AI.., v m'a¢s Ii ere tl l on p r oov e m e n t s Incidental Idatl thereto. NOW, THEREFORE,be it or tvilt do f Commis-innh domed by the Hoard March 27, 1959. Lakc� of Salt Lake Ctty, salt ❑m Was published in said newspaper On Countr.Uteh: frorq SECTION I. That there be,a d R1 flrere henhby ie,created a e➢^cal teelb find the treasury f the City. Salt Lake City,Utah,under tl,e Nt +benkol of the City Treasurer tot Ferr. d designated floe 12:30. FOREST DALE GOLF COURSE,Font FOND," hereinafter r ferred Io Mun ' as she Colf Course Fund. 6.8 ii vs£CTION 2. That [1 proceeds.Z�tet -1.-/i'li�-,�-� __ _fine le of Forest Dalc Pub. Fun /L� e- h)c Golf Cours¢.shall be tle➢osl[ed^--3 A' ,- c - 2 In the Golf Course Fund and shall Ntegal Advertising Clerk he tlleoosed of only a hereinafter F tel S idTI. betel ei lSECTION ndep ositeaesha'll betheld .5li by the Clly Treastn'er morale F tr 0 and anion'mom mob nmds In big nt d shall be bonds. he E—"a money[�c dal bond r hentls iae p ndY held m the Cult Course Flo,Fund shall be used s and foe the Ittiroost', ^oud One ad-Fun' e con tctioni of, all 6}=f 'eess construction.fimprovements: " 30th day of nth n m°iti' nothe t° to before me this nunlle d¢ eat thereof by the tern s uublic solf c tery �uSECTION 9 I,t the 7=,° of 59 ,e ena,�l'd of commiseinnera,it is r3sz A.D. 19 I a(o'.ssanf thehlnhabttartsaoe Salt Jph. Lalce Clty that this ,dina„ce be.`vhr cSe effective immetliately. boo EC'TION This ordinance C't chnll tok-c effect upon its that s ' ut• Passed by the Hoard of Coon. Cc, � t f l f i• f Salt Lake City.Utah,_T in'ss�zatin shay of ttar¢b,font. Mai . Notary Public ADIEL F.STEWART, 'Sal HERMAN J.•HOGENSEN,Mavor.'pt City Recorder, Ea (SEAL) (B-15) Sah Pnbiiehed Marc'107th,tang e Parn My CommfsoV E Cgires1961.