19 of 1972 - Amending Schedule 2-c, Section 117, relating to 40 miles per hour speed limit, by deleting Parley's f1VLL t.MLL
✓VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, March 14 19 72
I move that th'.Ordinance be passed.
Harrison V/
AN ORDINANCE'AMENDING Schedule 2-c referred to in
Section 117 of the Traffic Code of Salt Lake City, relating
to Forty Miles Per Hour Speed Limit.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Schedule 2-c referred to in Section
117 of the Traffic Code of Salt Lake City, relating to Forty
Miles Per Hour Speed Limit, be, and the same hereby is, amended
to read as follows:
Refer Section 117
When signs are erected giving notice thereof the
prima facie speed limit shall be forty miles per hour
on the following streets or parts of streets:
Beck Street from 8th North Street to a point 400
feet north of Victory Road.
Twenty-first South Street between the Jordan River
Bridge and 2,000 feet west of Redwood Road.
Twenty first South from 250 feet east of 21st East
Street to 23rd East Street.
Highway 40 from 13th East and 5th South southeasterly
to the south city limits via 5th South, Foothill Drive,
21st East and Foothill Drive.
North Temple Street between the Nordan River Bridge
and a point 1,000 feet west of Redwood Road.
7th East Street between 9th South Street and the
south city limits.
6th South Street, from 1st West Street to West Temple
5th South Street from 13th East Street to llth East
Twenty-first South Street from 13th East Street to
23rd East Street.
8th West Street, from 9th North Street to 5th North
Guardsman Way between 5th South Street and
Sunnyside Avenue.
13th East Street from 21st South Street to Parkway
Sunnyside Avenue between 14th East and the east
city limits.
Pioneer Road, 15th South to 17th South Streets.
And all other streets or parts of streets posted with
appropriate signs or zoned according to this section.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 14th day of March, 1972.
BILL NO. 19 of 1972
Published March 17, 1972
Affidavit of Publication
Jr sS.
County of Salt Lake
Schedule vc referred to in section, Betty Phelps
117 of the.Traffic Code of salt Lake]
C tV, r l tin t Forty Miles Per
Sp d Limit.
-mods died by lth Lake Board of
uthmla i of Salt L K City; Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver-
I sECTIO i That Schedule 2 r•
ferrea,m Im L ITIt nr lithe Traergg- using clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
bI YI iilea LPei Mtour roSpeeP
ammit��p nd the same hereby la;:; newspaper printed in the English language with general cir-
epdetl ySCHEDULE follows: 'i culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
II ReferSection In
'F,ORfV MILOES PER HOUR County,in the.State of Utah.
Wh`eh Io erected giving
Ii co�ihe of theprima facie peptl
lmlt h l b f rty II p n
n ena t Ire I q art + p r ar{ That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
I ireet
Beck S t i n nor h th St tt
IJRoe pq r 400 feet fh of Victory
1 Twenty:Ff rs)South street.between{ _ Oriinnr_e relating,to Forty Miles Per Hour Speed
the Jordpn River Briage d 2,000,
feTwontu of Re oath Road. 'I
Twenidflrst South from 250 lest
mt 1215l sneer 3t 23m East, Limit. Bill NO. 19 of 1972•
h eyuthY ou from 13th Easy a tl1 -
Sih South s viaea5sterl to the s in
'D ive,l Slot East end FoothillFDrivlel',,
North Temple Street between the.
�Jorpdan floor Orldne and point
;1�Rh East Street hetween�9th South
Strict and the south Ily limits.
61h South Street, tram:let West "-----"'
St t 1 West Temple Street.
5€h S ih St t-f 13th Rout'
S�TWe t'flt f SouthSSt tt from 1othF
East Stu t 1 29rd Foot St ef.
sib id f St det, f 9th North
Wee id 511 North Street.
Mud aim Way between 51h South March 12, 1.7
swreat and sunnvalae Ayenge. � was published in said newspaper on
treet Parkway from 215t South!Street 1 Parkway Avenue.
1 Sunny ids Avenue between i4ih,I
Eas+an the east city limns.
Pions Road, 15rh South to 17th --"-
i5ouih Sr
rests.. l
And II other streets orpp parts of,
fhattth horn'inncegoille TI 111%nfe¢ve -_---" -"-__---
a posted Bh ppro to sl
S oCT ON 2.In the opins f the ,� �tisL
BoSyy�d f Commissioners It Is
of the n-ordin nces. P Salt Lake City
Immea av9 u Legal Adv wising Cie
S#C.'ON 3. This ordinance hall
fakCo5t0C} till lis arsf of-Cu amiu'
ie by the Board f Commis"!
f Salt La Ke Cify,Utah,this]
ton da f March,19aa,
Mavor I
Cliv RRcorder (A.67)1
s ii ND.19 ar 19)a 20th day of
Si Ppmlaaea Margin v,Isaa ,� before me this
_..14rch___ A.D. 19__7z_.
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
February 12, 1974
F ty'1
I AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Title 32,of the Revised Ordinances of Sal
ke City,Utah,1963,relating to Public Offenses—Peace Morals and Coln.
Be It ordained by the Board of Commissioners f Salt Lake City,Utah:
Utah.E965 OIs hereby ThTat
ded by addi of the ngvthere o ai new Chapteol9 refmina t
Noise Control,to read as tatioW.:
32-9'(Defamation of policy •
• 32.92.Definitions
32.9.3 Noises prohibited—standard
32.9.4.Stationary machinery,equipment,fans,and air conditioning appi
32-9.5.Em its/ment standards '
32.96.Reureaflonal vehicles
vel measurement
32.99.Enforcement reepon bility.
329.10.Public t t inm t enclosed t
32.9.11.Application for special permit II
32 9.12.Violation penalty
329.13.Additional remedies,inlunctions
Sec.32.9.1.Declaration of polity.N Is hereby declared to be the balky of
!Salt Lake City to prohibit the making,creation or maintenance of excessive,
unnecessary,unnatural or unusually loud miff es which are prolonged,unusual
(or unnatural use and are a detiment to the public
health,comfortIn chonven convenience,safety,eir time,Mace dwelfare,prosperiityrand peace and quiet
of the residents of Salt Lake City.
(a)doiA)level."DBA Nye"shell mean the total sound level of all noise
red with a sound level meter using the"A"weighing network.The
it Is the decibel.
• (hi Decibel."Decibel"fdB)shall mean a.logarithmic unit of amplitude
• which denotes the ratio of two(2)quantities.
(c)Sound Pressure Level."Sound Pressure Level"(SPL,Lel is expressed
In decibels and shall be'tWenty(20)times the lo0i:01On to the base ten G01 of
the raffia of the effective sound dresser!to the reference sound pressure.The
effective sound pressure shall be the root-me are of the instantaneous
be 20
sound pressure.The reference pressure shall be 20 micro-Newtons per meter
'id shalt!be Me sound pressor; Wh level eh IS freaVenit oW¢ighlediln a co crds
ce with an A welahting network.
Meter.(e)Sauna-level Including a microphone,an amplifier, meter"shall mean an 0utputmeteand frequency tweight-
Ina networks far the measure of noise and sound pressure levels In a specified
an• (IlrAmbient Noise."Ambient noise"sh0ll mean the all encompassing.
ner01 background noise associated with a given environment,usually being?
<9mpslfe of Sounds with many sources near and far.
(g)Emergency Work."Emergency work"shall mean Wdrk mode neces,
ry to restore property to a safe condition following a public calamity of
orrkk required to protect persons or property from an Imminent exposure tq
(lie Penan."Person"shall mean a person,firm,association,edrinershipf
atilt venture,<oregration or an entity,public or private In nature.
111 Recreational Vehicle."Recreational vehicle"shall mean env snow,
• bile or(1)Use!Districts.vehicle
district""shall/mean those districts"established byu
Salt Lake City toning ordinances(Title 51),Revised.Ordinances of Soli
eke City.Utah,lees,(as amended).
Set.32+3.Noises prohibited—standard.The fallowing acts,among
wall not be deemed to be e In actuslee,The this
enumerated aalf shall nor
construed as Igniting or oreCluding entorcemin(et any other provisions of
is chapter. ,
(a)Horns,sign line devices,etc.The sounding of any horn or signaling
device onany as mobile, motorcycle, bus or other vehicle on any
strew or Nails Pm 01 the city,except as a danger Warning,and the souna-
Inp of any such deja for an unnecessary and unreasonable period of time.
(b)Hawkers aPeddlers.The sole by outcry within any area of the.city
coned for reilden1 uses,The provisions of this section shall not be can- la)ProvidetlthatanyPerson.USingSucheOVlpmentWhicA exceeds the(rued to prohibit 1selling by outcry of merchandise,ethe and beverages al nidsa level rs of hO0brdsoatuned above,shag only use sale!aulpmenl eafweanlpublice end rtem000I events,nor ton circuses,and
sellin0lof r similar
by Orton using eaunmenta indicated ated In subsection(al provided
t this sectionfurther
any area zoned residential,shah use such equipment only between the hours
pukIc)ry. of 8:00 A.M.and 9:00 P.M.of any one env,and between h hours may
(o1 Animals an fowl.The person,anyg ni upon now P tterwle owned, to the maximum noise
o more
bp ek Ot which,controlby e00d or any animal or]owl otherwise or dl 00mtrtpermitted to �n 10 dB(A),but then only f„ree period not set forth lt0 excn eed 15 minuon tes ofy nowe one
re kept reasonable
person a V Soma or cry,lies. .se annoYOn<e or dHc0mforf to a tour period. •
5 able 1 whisles,sensibilities. (b)Subiect to the provisions of subsection(a)Of this setllon,.DOV eguip-
aso Steamsi or Ir ommen.The bowled withinw the too limits of o r-v went which is the sublect of regulation as provided In.this section one which
whie.lThe section onl o tom,elcons of d as forbid wort,er set any other purr, is menufaotured prior to Jan.1,1974,may be exempted from the noise levels
wdote.esaalarms all is i be se of
a410rbin0l or ter i m nenm Or air M cified herein
ists deed Impossibleawd sufficient
ho ing can be made 0 modify
hlstl<s Loading,ding,s loads g,open of(bons.The Otns other Imminent dnoser� such equipment ni to to be In nth•
Ind seio u loading, loading boxes.The Crea n hf c loud and noses, A written statement hair the manufacturer Indicafinp that such a ctntli-
cod noise of On f tiles withx ,crates
or unloading any vehicle or the opening•
and.destruction of des,boxes, osandl The creation
Lion exists must be,presented to the Board of Commissioners or their author-'
(II se Schools,oc ee,adlantchurches,hospital,soh.The institutionof a lard and churchdices. lied representative before an exemption will be Granted.Such statement shall
ive noise on any syI eel ant in ate,any school, nhoe 01 learning, be buttressed by a written statement iron the manufacturer's representative
be court while the#ame are in use,Or adlaceni to any n,SPitai,which Unre05 that such eguiD,Mt is enul090d In oil Other respects 5.0 as to minimize to the
bly Interferes ysnh theh of it f <h In tit fib 01 which disturbs or maximum dear¢ possible theobi fl I noise.
ioog1Y annoys patients aire hospital. Sold exemptionmay b granted Ifshowing 1 madeabove provided,
fgl C nslr ntl repair of building.The ntl0 (including and provided further that theto emitted i not f such nature as to
he I demolition,1 11 ,repair I n e except
i ssother than between the require Its total prohibition.
be seer-
hours nt A.M..M 9 ho P ant f s day,e%c<th inonly with d e l Ito Sec.32-9.6.Recreational vehicles.No unusual or excessive recreationalnoise or which emirs
In the Irdot c 1 bile bebitha d safety,and thenonly permission i pled Within the t which makes
Me(h)boa Poe drivers,
hams. obnoxious fume Any h.Vehicle hick produces tl maximum sound of
.e dl le M.elany
pnterrielf.The operationel, between the hours of eohtY.two(92)decibels or more at fifty feet,shall be deemed to make an unu-
RM,orM Cr bob 91 any her construction
steam equipment,
pneumatic and tc hammer,der. Seal or excessive noise:
rick, edwei boll too to muffling onndevon equipment,arid then only when On or after January 1,1973,no new snow mobile shall be sold in the city
epulIll G with an fleotino hecol notondevice. for use In Salt Lake City unless such vehicle is certified by the manufacturer
(In in any
a c hconen.The n collection eec 0f between
waste or refuse 0V any as being able to conform with the sound level limitation as set out above.
and 9;in any area zoned residential extepl apt e s the ottoscreate a bud Set.32-9.7.Sound level measurement.Sound level measurement e shall be
and xnea ive 1 V day and then only nil b m o made ith a sound level t using the"A"weighing le In accordance
ell elhi I With those ondp ds p d lg fed by theAmerican National Standards lost'.
or excessive
Vehicle 14:Thar 0 I b IIOI 9 1 V for vehicle witoln' tuts with any otherproceduresadapted and tested by the city departments
any residential or a of the city between the hours al 9 P.M.and 7 A.M.In such charged with entorcing this chapter.
a manner that a r a doable person of normal sensitivities residing in the area rg a w.9.8.forcineminl resp 11tY.The Salt Lake City Police the Depart'
Is caused E hauatr art or annoyance. steam mentt and
of a Salt
altoLfee Said departmeCounty ntth s pep rtment equippedshall
(kl Exhausts.The discharge en into them open der of the exhaust hoicleyor dis •-
g e,f internal r gles engine,motor boat,or 'visions
sound level meters es provided In Section 32.8.7for the purpose of
charge fair or iher gases ¢opt through aa,antler or otherdevice which f f 1 g tail chapter.
Ill effectively pI'event buid or s,Nooe noises therefrom, Se 32'9-9.Exemptions.TAB f II WI buses andactivities shall a- of
(I)u00 build
of bi lldln04.N0 person owning,or In possession or con' froth i level -pressure
t I f y buila'dime
o or too is es,shall us!the sam9•permit the use of the (0)Noise 1safetyioon01 warning'devices, d emergency p
same,emeet ih h ur°roe used b any business or employment or 1,by tn- reldel 1 eI fh0 I ad emergency hill When r@-
•tt I noise ne fora Y purpose Of p urb or M recreation,if such use shale ne Thal (b)N Ise Itin0 f M eY
generated heap rb or Interfere with the peace of the neigh- sco dI g t O n emergency II acting I timed emergence.
b hood 1 hi such building or premises Is situate„. ())Noise resulting} emergency k•
• ( )Loud,u cesn i or unusual noise Notwithstanding any other pro. /01 N I e resulting f lawful.'1 arks and IS m k r ta0 h011tl Y
to cele.
vision Of this c ter,and in addition or thereto,05a a mad unlawful fur any oud, b to d pentl DOY Pioneer oy New Year'sDon any
towilfully r bra or Continue,or Cause to be made or continued, v loud; 000 etl for Celebration by theBoard 1 City Co missi 5
son cod ore or Unusual disc which,fort dirtannoyo pence quiet of any neigh. (el'Any noise resulting from11 iti oftemporary dU atf n permitted
at o normalo whit Causes(ding In orannoy t0 Y r bl p rson by law end for hi h li sea D rmltlh ef0 h b n grail d by th City
Mlnl Enginent ralesresidingnt the area. in cOrdanCe ith S ti '32.871 Of t11YYff400Pt
in) rakes ies 1 "Jacobs brake"p 5 V engine broke S 32.9.10 Public pt rtai m nt cloned The-Salt Lok City C tY
within the city Imlis unless Used tor the manifest PUrpos i which If Is HIteelmd t protect'1 Ih nearing0to Ilse level
tsindaa The places of
i g•s001011,d-
Intended. dshall entertainment 1 effect title f ne ni o f ty told t Idi•g.The f o
( Restrict byChregarding7 the mechanical i amplification Of Sountl Bh011 beds lbe In I vein di Id byY edit S n Pib9e r pent entertain.''(governed by Ch pt is of Tilde 20 of iher!district.It s n ll b
d r not I I 1 in ma ating It Shall be unlawful to streets a met.IncludI 9 but not 1f iotl t egaurant b f OPo dlscpth a dance
l sound or ann 1 droili level
emanating rttng from propertyer vehicles another a ithin the h ll.anv omplit a ec l t$40 I e s of,95 doll)I r mor than the fv(30
bou V aof dole r0 w slh ex from oneaximuto ile within the s Ondt. Osu 1 of obit Such sound dr poi is} be etl by a
boundary of us a districtueat the exceeds the maximum noise levels set forth
(MIILMef M t f oaf any eS towhich n pubis 1 n etl ohned„b en.
tin below in Tabl measured o contiguous owners property line; in mUl- 010 Plae) i Elioentertainment. i
clone dwellln9 Ugts,from the Otlloi TABLE I y<d
1 MO%Imam $ec;32.911 Apple ONd„f0 SO i Permit Appel ti ns fore:P r it for Zone Time - Nola@ Levels rend tramthe Idolseecsirictio s designated IM1 Me ordl ant o the oasts''
10 P.M.to 7 A.M. 55 f undue hardshlp may be mod to1h City C missi b Or th 1 eufh9 lire
R-4,R-2,'R•2A 7 P M to 10 P.M. 60 ep sentatiY Any permit granted by the City C i Ian then thor-
lied ePreseni tIV sholl,cont0l 11 conditions p n hich id Pe if Ins
RJ 85 bl time thdi tee Pe m11 hill b et.
7 A M to 7 P.M. beM granletl and moll SxaifY
• 10 P.M.to 7 A.M. 60 tech e.The relief <a e51,<o aV b granted don aped-and Itlele t how-
RS,CO.03, ! 7A.M.tt10 P.M. ^g:
R-D,e•3,A-1 65 (a)That additional time I necessary 1•theppincaht toalter or,edify
C 1,,c-W 70 P.M.to 7 A.M. 70 his activity operation to comply with the Ydth e,hr
C•3A,G 7 A.M.10 10 P.M. (hi The activity,operancin or noise source will Oe Of tempodary duration,
Annv Clew 75 Ad cannot be done in a man that would comely ifh,sections of this ch •
80 ter r
MO - (S)Thal n0 Other 5epiaP bee oiternative I4 available to the aPPll o t and
de(ed ne�<Ss1 b11 to Minim.der eueifed4 uponiremente mtheay 0 e Pm0dltyech'when_
10150 Is eroiieC It,lshalll^Ot:xleea ineiiimiio 1 the dl frlets In o wM1i A the rounding'nelghberh0 of the P blia l the ein tbubil9.ie t if Iheco Ovl-
nolse Is drolec ed. 7291R Viol Cqq p olty-Any p a b upon.
Sec 32.9-A Stationary Machinery,equipment,Ipeno and al o nditi ing sIO S of tots ftll n<shall b d<metl g 111Vt f not_ Istle�i 9 n249 00 u b
apparatus.11 s all, ump,fad for any Pelson to operate any Immobile ad conviction thereof Ord be fined in n am
Minn,Mule nf,pump,fan,air property
ortOtn a noisea5,or simile toed imprisoned Iehh9„119,C0 0 i antl ton period not eO exceeding
sll Co)JF OnthS it
Monica]dov In any manner so as to create any noise which would cause On boy m Ce0 t 511feod ish II CO stlluo o dd t qff ns d h Il,b!pun-
the mail level OO "Y portion to u prongs dliescribed
any ore.Prorty vo exceed -gent .
the ed to
1 levels H in the use zones dInth above.Provided that lShOble as lacea a`Jntleei
MI5 section 1Wi t apply to temporarily placed equipment which shall be doe 32913 Ad 1nMnCnde at„00 JeVilcr nit dos ht,vehiiil 01 machinery t
iublSec. 2. Ie 10ment standards.5landartls 01 per o In Me] orl ale,sect or the ration 0fo
9f t„e Wowi„e equipment Intended for use In Salt Lake In violation of ibi)Y belsib f thlf chapte shall b deem tl a is'd cla etl
Sec.32 o Es a ma iunoiselevel
person shall sell or lease,or offer o be,a public s l ce t some May be s blest to obatemlmisummaril Oby
It,Sale orany 0 dr 1 COmp< Paragraph
City that prod ter a maximum else level exceeding the following noise Ilm-' areSnalnng deed erabIll NI 'shied.d by F
Its at a dittoof SO lees under testB procedures Os established by SectionS<c papt1d or
inn h prods.,me d clause,sentence
yJ.g.7, of mis rnamer or me applicationthereat t to Y P 5 n or I to shall
TABLE II be held to be.invaild,such invalidity shall n0t affect the other provisions or
T e of¢aulpmenl NOISE LIMIT bppllcafiond 01 this chapter which can be given effect without the Invalid pro-
(1)Construct on or industrial rriachlnery visions or appllcgtlon and,to this end,the°divisions of this chapter are here•
such as c aveMr-tradors,dozers, by declared to be severable.
augers,dr lls and loaders, SECTION 2.loth¢opinion of the Board dt CO habIt0 oners it IS necessary i
power shopppvels,crane.,derricks, to Me pmcedhealih,safely and welfare of the Inhobltonis of Salt Lake necessary
motor or e ,paving machines,off-
Mat MI ftli t<beGom io ti a Imm di 1 lv'
ompoy rucks,tlitchers,trenchers.. Passed by theeBoard t Commissionersff t Salt Lake City,U Utah,this 16th
• compact
kern r�ampr compressors,antl NUM • anv of Au9us1,1972 E J.DARN
benumbs c powered equipment.etc., M0Y0r
but not beading pile driver. HERMAN J.H000NSEN
Maniac c d after 1 Jan.1973 91 dO(A) City Recorder
Man f u ed after 1 Jon.1974 • 88 dBIA (SEAL)
Manuf red alter I Jan.1975 86 dB(A)I BILL NO 90 of 1972 lA-BSI
Manutac Ured after 1 Jon.1980 80 dB(A) • BILL .August 2 1972 �, sh
(2)Aortcultrol tractors and equipment
Manufactl ured after 1 Jan.1973 88 delAl
Manufa uretl otter 1 Jon.1975 86 d5(A)
Manufacdlfure„after 1 Jan.Ilea 80 dB(A)
(3)PowereQ o teal equipment of 20 HP '
or less
eeeihhhhhhtended for infrequent use In
Nal are,such chain saws,
' power
t breakers,log chippers,
A d tools etc.
Manuret' d after 1 Jon.1973 - 88 dB(A)
Ma...red after 1 Jan.1974 • 84 MIA)
Mb f t d alter l Jon.1980 91dB(A)
III Powere
eV n Io ertres Intnllal do or
aec tltl y reas.Such equipment includes i
lawn towers,small down and gar- '
don too s,riding Udder,snow
removal equipment .
Mbnulricnred otter 1 Jan.1973 • ' 74 dB(A)
Manuf ttured after 1 Jan.1975 70 dBIA)
Mtlnol�<turetl offer 1 Jan,4978