19 of 1978 - Ordinance 19 of 1978 – Adding Chapter 24 establishing the Salt Lake Art Design Board. . , y. . � - .... ,,..' /�L...? ROLL CALL ,,,) ' February 2 78 /VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, ,19 Mr. Chairman . . . ; .g th �'�, Agraz v I move at the Or mme be pLA. / Greener / /.a-e -it C_i� Hogensen i' Phillips Result (((`--'l AN -'ORDINANCt- - / Pr AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Title 25 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, by adding thereto a new Chapter 24 relating to capital expenditure appropriations to be set aside for works of art in and around public buildings, the creation of a Percent for Arts Fund, and the creation of an Art Design Board. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Title 25 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to Officers and Employees, be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding to said Title a new Chapter 24, relating to capital expenditure appropriations to be set aside for works of art in and around public buildings, the creation of a Percent for the Arts Fund, and the creation of an Art Design Board, to read as follows: Chapter 24 SALT LAKE ART DESIGN BOARD Sections: 25-24-1. Purpose 25-24-2. Definitions 25-24-3. Funds for 'Works of Art 25-24-4. Orgainzation 25-24-5. Placement of Works of Art 25-24-6. Percent for Art Fund 25-24-7. Meetings 25-24-8. Jurisdiction Sec. 25-24-1. Purpose. The Board of Salt Lake City Commis- sioners declares it to be a policy of the City that a portion of the City's appropriations for capital expenditures in those ' construction projects designated be set aside for the acquisi- tion of works of art and ornamentation to be used in and around public buildings. This chapter is enacted and intended also for the purpose of establishing a Salt Lake Art Design Board, hereinafter Design Board, the primary objectives of which shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (a) To assist the Salt Lake Council for the Arts in pro- viding the means and the development of a comprehensive city- wide plan to encourage and strengthen artistic and cultural resources. q -2- (b) To provide assessment of the- artistic needs of future individual City construction projects. (c) To be responsible for recommending the nature and type of acquisition and placement of works of art and orna- mentation to be used in and around said construction pro- jects and to implement the decisions of the Board of City Commissioners with respect thereto. (d) To foster cultural development, creativity of local artists and craftsmen. Sec. 25-24-2. Definitions. (a) "Council" means the Salt Lake Council for the Arts. (b) "Construction project" means any capital project designated by City and paid for wholly, or in part, when such an expenditure is authorized by any other entities con- tributing funds for such construction, by Salt Lake City to construct or remodel any buildings, structure, park, or any portion thereof, where such expenditure is authorized by the Board of City Commissioners, within the limits of Salt Lake City. (c) "Eligible fund" means the source fund for construction projects for works of art are not precluded as an object or expenditure. (d) "Works of art." For the purposes of this ordinance, all forms of original creations of visual arts, including but not limited to (1) sculpture in the round, bas-relief, high relief, mobile, fountain, kinetic, electronic, etc., in any material or combination of materials; (2) painting: all media, including portable and permanently affixed works such as murals and frescoes; (3) graphic arts: print making and drawing; (4) mosaics; (5) photography; (6) crafts: in clay, fiber and textiles, wood, metal, plastics and other materials; (7) calligraphy; (8) stained glass; (9) mixed media: any combination of forms or media, including collage. Sec. 25-24-3. Funds for Works of Art. (a) All City agencies and departments shall expend, only when so authorized in writing and only in the amount author- ized by the City's Board of Commissioners, as a non-deductible item out of any moneys appropriated for construction projects, an amount of up to but not to exceed one percent (1%) of said appropriations for the acquisition and installation of works of art and ornamentation. All requests for appropriations for construction projects from eligible funds shall, when so authorized, include an amount up to but not exceeding one percent (1%) of the estimated cost of such project for said works of art, and shall be accompanied by a request and specific recommendations from the Design Board for authori- zation to expend such funds. When the City Commission approves any such request, the appropriations for such construction projects shall include the appropriation of funds for works of art. Such funds shall be expended by the City Commission upon recommendation of the Design Board. (b) In addition to the cost of works of art, said appro- priation shall be used to provide administraction costs and expenses for the Design Board in administering individual projects. Said administration costs shall not exceed ten per- cent (10%) of each such appropriation for works of art. 19 -3- Sec. 25-24-4. Organization. (a) The Design Board shall consist of the following: five members, all of whom shall be appointed by the City Commission from a slate of ten qualified candidates sub- mitted by the Salt Lake Council for the Arts. Not more than two members shall be professional artists or arts administrators or art teachers involved in the administra- tion or teaching of art at a recognized institution in Salt Lake City. One member shall be an architect. The remaining members shall be citizens who are actively interested in the visual arts and civic improvement from the Salt Lake City area. Of the members first appointed, two shall be for a term of 3 years, two shall be for a term of 2 years and one (the architect) for a term of 1 year. Thereafter, as terms expire, all appointments shall be made for terms of 3 years each. (b) The Director of the Salt Lake Council for the Arts shall serve as an ex-officio member, to coordinate and direct administrative responsibilities. (c) No member of the Design Board shall be permitted to receive or authorize any contracts for any work of art, nor shall any member of the Design Board have any financial interest in or benefit in any way financially from any work of art which is recommended, or from any firm or person which receives any contract for such work of art from City. (d) The Design Board may adopt administrative rules, by- laws and procedures necessary to accomplish its purpose. (e) Members of the Design Board shall receive no com- pensation for their services, but they may be reimbursed from time to time for proper and necessary expenses incurred in their duties on the Design Board. The Design Board shall have such funds, facilities, assistance and employees as may be provided from time to time by the Salt Lake City Commission. (f) The recommendations for selection of artists for works of art, by any reasonable method, together with the reviewing of design, execution and placement, and the acceptance of works of art and ornamentation shall be the responsibility of the Design Board in consultation with the architects for the project, and subject to final written approval in each instance by the Salt Lake City Commission. Sec. 25-24-5. Placement of Works of Art. Works of art selec- ted and implemented pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance, and any amendment hereto may be placed in, on or about any such project. They may be attached or detached within or about such property and may be either temporary or permanent. Placement of such works of art shall be authorized by the Design Board, and City officers responsible for the design and construction of such projects shall make appropriate space available for the placement of such works of art. The Design Board shall advise the department responsible for the particular construction pro- ject of the City Commission's decision regarding the design, execution and/or placement of a work of art in connection with such project. For any proposed work of art or ornamentation requiring extraordinary operation or maintenance expenses, the Design Board shall obtain prior written approval of the Depart- ment head responsible for such operation or maintenance before submitting a proposal for such to the Board of City Commissioners for approval. 19 -4- Sec. 25-24-6. Percent for Art Fund. There is hereby estab- lished in the city treasury a special fund designated "Percent for Art Fund" into which shall be deposited funds and appropria- tions as contemplated by Section 3 hereof. Separate accounts shall be established within the Percent for the Arts Funds to segregate receipts by source or when so directed by the City Board of Commissioners for specific works of art. Disburse- ment from such funds shall be made in connection with projects approved by the Design Board on vouchers approved by the City Commission and the City Auditor shall draw and the City Treasurer shall pay the necessary warrants and make the necessary transfers of funds. Sec. 25-24-7. Meetings. The Design Board shall hold regular meetings, at least once monthly, to review the business of the board and said meeting shall be held at a time and place to be established by said Board. Sec. 25-24-8. Jurisdiction. The Design Board's jurisdiction shall be limited to: (a) Making recommendations to the Board of City Commis- sioners with regard to the foregoing purposes with the final decision concerning such recommendations and disbursements of all funds resting with the Board of City Commissioners. (b) Making operating expendutures subject to prior approval by the Board of City Commissioners. (c) Recommending that the City contract, as needed, with individuals, businesses, agencies, organizations or other groups, to render services to the Design Board or City relat- ing to the Board's purposes. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect 30 days after its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commis ioners of S t La Ci this 2nd day of February 1978. \N� - WAR / / TEMPORARY, HAIMUN /I L i CITY RE 0 R (SEAL) BILL NO. 19 of 1978 Published - February 8, 1978 19 SOM:PM Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake ANOROMA-Her- "- Shana D. Palmer AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Title'25 of rho Revised Ordinances of Snit Lake City,Utah.1965,by adding thereto a new Chanter 24 relating to canital expenditure operant-Laicals to he sat aside far works of art In and around public buildings,the flan of a Percent for Arts Fund,and the creation of an Art Design Board. Beingfirst dulysworn,deposes and says that he is legal Be ordained by the Board of Commissioners or Salt Lake `e eCTIONI.That Title 25of the Rev loon Oedlnncnsof Sall' advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily Lake City,Utah,1965,relating to Officers and Employees,be, red Me some hereby is,amended by adding to sold Title a new (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Englis hh Chapter 24,relating to capital expenditure anpronrlatlons to be set aside of a Percent for art the Arts Fund,around public the creat ion lot snA f language with general circulation in Utah, and assign Bndra,,o read aim ihWeCapi'er 24 published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the SALT LAKE ART DESIGN BOARD State of Utah. Sections: • 25-24-1. Pun rose 5-24"3. FFundstfor Works of Art 25-24-. orenlge That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto 25-24-5, Placemenntt dl Works of Art 25-24,7. Meeting for Art Fund Ts21-8, Meetings ' sac. 25-24-1. PurPoso The Board f belt Lake City Pub notice to amend an ordinance relating t0 Commissioners declares it to bee policy Of the City that a portion at the City's appropristIons for capital expenditures In those oconstruction wed°of ar and rnaa°m`enttat be be aside eea In and aracquisition und peuen2 capital expenditure approprations buildings.this chanter is enacted and intended also for the purpose CositlnlBoard the primary obioctIvoLake Art ns of whicgn h shall Include,but not ho limited to,the rollowina; (a)To assist the Salt Lake Council for the Arts In providing the means and the development of a comprehensive city wide plan to))encaurage and strengthen artisti and cultural resources. inmvidn i City provide protectsiha aRiatic goal of Mince of acquisition and placement of`works ofiart arid ornamentation I to ho used in and ground said construction pralRCis and to Im w nlennt the drrclsfons of the Board of City Commissioners with, respect thereto. I esntall To foster cultural development creativity of local artiste Sed craftsmn. .25s42.Windt., Feb, 8, 1978 hi"Council" meansthe Solt Lake cnnehfor the Arts. was published in said newspaper on dcclgnofcd by City and ction mild lfor wholly,or ims n part,rwhen al suchnh expenditure Is authorized by any other en lit les contributing f ds for such cans,ruCtlon,by Salt Lekc City to construct or remodol any buildings,structure,park,Or any pardon thereat,where such C.- / \ I expenditure Is authorized by the Board of City Com -I \ j \ within the limits o/Salt Lake City. ` � l /�Y�,� (c)"Eligible fund"means the source fund for construction' T / ' __ ..1 E.?— ' h protects for works of art ore nut aroclutlsa ea a obi t r S" \�" ~ ex diture. Legal Advertising Clerk (d) Works of art."For the puriwses of this ordinance,nil farms of original creations of Visual arts,Including but not limited to(1)sculpture In the round,bus relief,high relief, mobile,fountain,kinetic,electronic,etc.,In any material or coportablefion a dopermanently (2) dlntirlks all such trussding and dayof frescoes;a(3)graphic arts: print works uenda dravine; (A) before me this lath mosaics;(5)Mhntooraphv;(61 crafts:In clay,fiber end taxilles, wood,meter,plastics rind-other metorinls;(7)calligraphy;(8) stained Mao,(9)mho)medM:any combination of forms or media,Including collage. A.D. 19 78 Sec.25-24-3.Funds for Warkc of Art. (o)All City aeendes and departments t a II expend.only when so authorized In Fur ItInM and only In to f authorized d by the Clty's Board of Commissioner itl d tibl item out of up moneyst nut tolMcd for'construction I 1 - % /i y amount of up to but t d t(1 M) said appropriations for the acquisition d t t 11 ti at k. f 1 - nd ornamentation.All i'1 to 1 appropriations t 1 - /A 1/, / 'N '/ �,',/,is / tin eixis from eligible funds shill, h authorized 1/ /) . Include an amount up to hut notexceeding percent(1%)of AAA Me m cast ifs colprotectfs said k f .and chap 1 Notcary Public be accompanied by guest and ,specific mendttads. / frank the Design Board request authorization 1 expend simh funds d I 1 'wad I i f k f t I a, ' When the City Commission aietroV V h .t,ih^ - iprovision; 1 I Ind nriatins for such conseeks of protects shall include the y a en or about arm - aropriation of funds far works of nrl.Such funds shall tie and any protect.Thy be atlaefi d or,_lemon within or about Da expended by the City Commission anon recommendation of the such property and may M_either temporary ia o nL Dashp Board. Placement of loch works of art shall he authorized by the Design' (n)In addition to the cost of works of art,said appropriation Bird, and City officers One ecoign and Mall be used to provide admMistrat ion Costs ntlexnnaces for the construction of such protects shall make appropriate 'pace Design Board In administering Indlvi dual protect,. tech. Said j available for the placement of such works or art.The Design administration costs shall not exceed ten percent(10,)of each Board shell advise the department responsible roe the particular :volt Appropriation for works of art. flee traction peel f1 of the CityFee issl declsi regarding arding Sec.d The Droolo,lion. connection With such protect.Far a worka in (a)The Nolo,adnn nerd shall consist of the City Cwlnni.flue any proposed work of art or emthars,to of ten n shad ouriiiied candidates by Ma i to by he, an ornamentation the Deing gn Board extraordinary operation r against Lenin until of ten Arts.Not c tore titan submitted by she Salte expenses,aMe Daeo,5 ed rd shah le obtain 0 for written Lake Council Mr thy orls more istr hue members shell rs Or maintenance approval c before sub tread responsible far such such ne rofesslonal artists arts or administrators or art teachers d of Cato before ner,tar en ar ua➢o'xal for such to lire involved In lice adminisirallon or teaching of art at a recognized or of is-ity Commissioners for approval. institution in Salt Lake City.One member shall be an architect. Sec. 25-24.a. Percent for Art Fund There Is hereby The remaining th embers snail be citizens who are hllvoly established in the city treasury special fund designated Interet In the visual arts and civic Improvement from the belay t "Percent for Art Fund"Into which shal e deposited funds and Lake City area.Of the members strutemalad,two snarl be fora apnroforlatlhns contemplated by Section 3 hereof.Separate term Si 3 years,two shall be fora term of 2 veers and ono(thy < p Is shall be established within the Percent for the Arts architect)for a terra of 1 year.Thorcaffer,a. o,rc expire,all Fundshto segregate receiols by source or when so directed by the appointments shall be made far terms of 3 years ouch. City Board of Commissioners for +pacific works of art. (b)The Director of the Sail Luke Council for the Arts shall Disbursement from such hinds shall be mode In connection with serve as an -nfflcio ember, to coordinate and direct protects approved by the Design Board on vouchers approved by administrative resronslbliniSco. Me City Commission and the City Auditor shall draw andlho City lc)No member of the Cosi.Board shall be permitted to Treasurer shall pay the necessary warrants and make the receive or authorize any contracts for any work of art,nor shall r frees/ors of fords Y meber of the Design Board hove any financial Interest In or necessary 25-24-7.Meetings.T wo The Design Board shall hold regular b m enefit in any wa tlnancIll from env work of art Mitch Is meetings,at least once monthly,to review Me business a the recommended, r from env firm or person which renivm any board and sold meeting shall be held al a time and place to be contract for such work of art from City. established by sold Board. (d) The Deslon Board maY Odeon administrative Po tin .25-2.8.Jurisdiction.The Cosign Beard's iuriedic by-tofu and procedure:,necessary 10 accomplish its purpose. shall be limited to: (e) Members of the Design Board shall receive n (a) Making recommendations to the Board et City compensation for their service;,but they may be relmbursod Commissioners with regard to the foregoing pUrPand with the from time to time for proper end necessary expenses incurred In final decision concerning such r he Board _datlons and disburse- such lanids,afaciLiltan assistance and etpgrfo eeesdoh shall hove meths Making operetiea exrhetdittu esdsobtextt to Prior approval provided from time to time by tyro Salt Lake City Commission. by the Board of City Commissioners. (f)The recommeodetlans for selection of artist;for worlf:iot (c)Recommending that the City contract,as needed,with art,by any reasonable method,torelher with the reviewing of Individuals,businesses,agencies,organizations or other groups, design,execution you placement,end the acceptance of works of to render service,to the Design Board or City relating to the art and ornamentation shag be the resptnsibllilics of Me[On ion hoard's purposes Board In consultation with the architects Inc file oriel,and SECTION 2.'this ordinance shall lake effect 38 days of ter Its subject to fleet writ ten aninstancerevel In ouch instance by the:Still Ls. first publication loy Commivin. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utalo,this 2nd day of February,1978. • Jf_NtTNnnvriraryLClhahshn e MILDRED V.I31Gr to:5 City Recorder (SEAL) BILL NO.19 o1 1978 Published-Fobruar/a.12, (MOO aI