191 of 1977 - Amending sections 18-13-1, 18-13-2, 18-13-3, 18-13-4, 18-13-5, 18-13-7, 18-13-12, 18-13-13, 18-13-15 _CALL 1
VOTING 112312111 Salt Lake City,Utah, November 2 ,19 77
Mr.Chairman 111■
I move hatth• Ordinance be --4assed.
Agraz .� _"r _.....
MOM� b
Phillips ®.
Result ■■ �T
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sections 18-13-1, 18-13-2, 18-13-3, f L`L'1
18-13-4, 18-13-5, 18-13-7, 18-13-12, 18-13-13, 18-13-15, 18-16-4,
18-17-1, 18-17-2, 18-17-3, 18-17-6, 18-17-11, 18-17-12, and
18-21-5 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965,
all relating to health regulations.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Sections 18-13-1, 18-13-2, 18-13-3, 18-13-4,
18-13-5, 18-13-7, 18-13-12, 18-13-13, 18-13-15, 18-16-4, 18-17-1,
18-17-2, 18-17-3, 18-17-6, 18-17-11, 18-17-12, and 18-21-5 of the
Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to health
regulations, be, and the same hereby are amended to read as follows:
Sec. 18-13-1. Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter
the following phrases, terms and words shall have the meanings
herein given:
(1) Day Care Center. Children's day care center shall
mean any nursery, person, association, corporation, institu-
tion, or agency which provides care and supervision for three
or more children under 18 years of age in lieu of care and
supervision ordinarily provided by parents in their own homes
for periods of more than four hours in any one day with or
without charge.
(2) Hourly Care Center. Hourly care center shall be any
nursery, person, association, corporation, institution or
agency which provides care and supervision for three or more
children under 18 years of age in lieu of care and supervision
ordinarily provided by parents in their own homes for periods
of less than four hours in any one day with or without charge.
(3) Preschool. Preschool shall mean any person, association,
corporation, institution or agency which advertises itself to
be a preschool and which provides care and educational facili-
ties for children under 7 years of age with or without charge
for less than four hours.
(4) Exemption. Nothing in this section shall apply to care
given to children in the homes of parents, legal guardians,
grandparents, brothers, sisters, uncles or aunts or as part of
the program of an educational institution regulated by the boards
of education of this state or as part of the program of a
parochial educational institution.
Sec. 18-13-2. Permit required. It shall be unlawful for
any person to conduct, operate, carry on or maintain a day care
center without having a license issued by the State of Utah; it
shall be unlawful for any person to operate or carry on an
hourly care center or preschool center without first obtaining
a permit from the Salt Lake City-County Health Department to
do so.
Sec. 18-13-3. Application for license. Every person desiring
to obtain an hourly care center, preschool or day care center
license shallmake an application therefor to the license assessor
and collector of Salt Lake City. The application shall include
such information and data under oath respecting the hourly care
center, day care center or preschool for which the license is
requested as the license department or the Salt Lake City-County
Health Department may prescribe, including a description of the
center and services and a statement of the personnel programs
that are to be used therefor.
Sec. 18-13-4. Fees. The license fee for an hourly care
center, a preschool, or day care center shall be $15.00 per
annum or any part thereof.
Sec. 18-13-5. Referral to health department. Upon receipt
of such application the license assessor and collector shall
refer the same to the health department.
* * *
Sec. 18-13-7. Duration of license. The licenses provided
for in this chapter shall run from the original date of approval
to December 31 of the year in which it is approved. All re-
newals shall run for a 12 month period starting January 1 and
ending December 31 of each year, unless sooner revoked.
* * *
Sec. 18-13-12. Plan approval required for new or altered
facilities. Applicants or licensees proposing to build new
buildings or facilities for or to make any major alterations of
an hourly care center, preschool, or day care center shall
submit plans and specifications for such building, facilities or
alterations to the Salt Lake City-County Health Department.
The same shall be built or made in compliance with the ordinances
of Salt Lake City and the rules and regulations of the Salt
Lake City-county Health Department.
Sec. 18-13-13. Inspection by Salt Lake City-County Health
Department. It shall be the duty of the health commissioner or
his authorized representative, to visit and inspect all hourly
care centers, preschools, and day care centers for the purpose
of determining the sanitary conditions therein and to determine
whether the same are being conducted in compliance with this
ordinance and the rules and regulations of the Salt Lake City-
County Health Department.
* * *
Sec. 18-13-15. Sanitation requirements. The day care
centers, preschools and hourly care centers shall conform to
the requirements of Sections 18-13-15 through 18-13-34,
Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended.
The Salt Lake City-County Health Department shall inspect day
care centers, preschool centers and hourly care centers to
enforce the sanitation requirements.
* * *
Sec. 18-16-4. License. (1) With the application, the
applicant shall pay a license fee of 50 cents for each machine
which dispenses food or tobacco products. License fees for
vending machines dispensing drinks shall be governed by
Section 20-7-22, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah,
1965. Each machine shall display a tag showing that the fee
has been paid. It shall be unlawful for any owner of a vending
machine to use or permit the use of his machine to sell products
unless the sticker is attached to the upper left hand corner on
the front of the machine. These provisions shall not apply to
any company for machines whose proceeds go to charitable organi-
zations and who have provided a list of said machines to the
license department. Any machine not having the license sticker
on the machine nor exempted by this section may be confiscated
and sold at public auction, with the costs allocated first to
license and penalties for the years the machine has been in
operation without payment of the fee, costs of advertising
auction, cost of auction, attorney's fees, if any, with the
remaining proceeds, if any, distributed to owner of the machine.
(2) The owner of each machine shall be responsible for
the edibility of any food products sold through his vending
machines and the sticker contained on the front of the machine
shall contain the words "Notice to the Public--the owner of this
machine is required to maintain food in an edible condition
when dispensed in this machine."
* * *
Sec. 18-17-1. Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter
the following phrases, terms and words shall have the meaning
herein given:
(1) Nursing home. Nursing home shall mean a building or
facility used for the lodging, boarding, or nursing care on a
24 hour basis of more than two people, but shall not include
hospitals or government operated mental or correctional insti-
tutions nor shall it include care by relatives.
(2) Residential facilities. Residential facilities shall mean
a facility operated to provide room and/or board services for
two or more persons unrelated to the owner or provider.
(3) Provider. Provider shall mean an individual or corpora-
tion or association who owns the residential facility.
Sec. 18-17-2. License required. It shall be unlawful for
any person to conduct, operate, carry on or maintain a nursing
home or residential care facility without first obtaining a
license from the Salt Lake City license assessor and collector.
Sec. 18-17-3. Application. Every person desiring to
obtain a nursing home license or residential care facility
license shall make application therefor to the license assessor
and collector of Salt Lake City. The application shall include
information and data under oath respecting the nursing home or
residential care facility for which the license is requested,
including a description of the home and services and a statement
of the personnel and programs that are to be used in connection
therewith, and such further information as the license assessor
or Salt Lake City-County Health Department may require.
* * *
Sec. 18-17-6. License fee. The license fee for a nursing
home shall be based upon the maximum number of beds allowed in
the facility by the code and/or the board of health regulations,
whichever is the more restrictive; the fee shall be $3.00 for
each bed so allowed.
* * *
Sec. 16-17-11. Daily operation without a license is a
separate offense. The operation of any nursing home or resi-
dential care facility without a city and/or state license
shall constitute a violation of this chapter and a separate
violation shall be deemed if committed on a day such operation
continues without such license.
Sec. 18-17-12. Duration of license. Licenses issued
under this chapter shall expire December 31 of the year in which
they are issued and shall thereafter run from January 1 to
December 31st of each following year unless sooner revoked or
surrendered. Application for license shall be made annually.
* * *
Sec. 18-21-5. License fee. The license fee for such parks
shall be $5.00: for each trailer space located on said premises.
SECTION 2. this ordinance shall take effect 30 days after its
first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 2nd day of VoValtimv, 1977.
BILL NO. 191 of 1977
Published November 9, 1977
7 01
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Scalene3,18-13-1, MI sh aria D. Palmer
18-113,18-Ilan19-115.8-113-,.I--13-1,.1-11-2,an 18-21netthe
Revisedl Ordllielncces of l5allf Lake Cite.Utah,1965,al1l relating tohealth regulations. '
Be it ordained by the Board of Canmiseloners of Salt lake
On.Utah: Beingfirst duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver-
SEcnon 1.That Sections 1813-1,1&13-2,18-13-3,1.114, p�v� ��p� y'•
4&13-5,18-117,18-13-12,18-13-13,,.i6.1115.19-164,18-11-1,18.n-I, tising clerk of the DESERE' NEWS,S, a daily (except Sunday)
18-11a, 1&it-6, Ill-11-U. 18-i1-12,and 18-21.5 of the Netted
Ordinw¢es f Salt Lake City,Utah,1965,retetkg to health •
eowotluns,be,and the soma hereby are amended to read as newspaper printed in the English language with generalecr-
Sec. chre.Definitions.For the purpose5841se of eu.thls thehapter Me eulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
folhewhg phrases,terms and words shell have mattress
heroin given: County, in the State of Utah.
(11 Dew Caro Center.Chlldrp's day Care center shall mean
any nursery,Person,association,eilon,corporation,institution,or
oY which provides care and supervision for three or more
ronaren under 1a ea s of age In lieu of care and supervision That the legal notice ofwhich a ropy is attached hereto
re men hoer flours in any oonneldayawim Molt-own
w�lChargel, of pY
rrlo(2)Hourly Care Center.Hourly care renter shall be any
nursery, n,association,corporation,Institution a Y
whh Mesa,
care and supervision for three or more children _Pub note amend an ordinance relatill Cgt to
under 18 Years of age in lieu of care and supervision ordinarily -- -- -
lmvided by parents in their own homes for periods of less Man
our hours in any one day with or without charge.
f 3)Preschool.Preschool shall mean any person,essacrat tan, health reCalations
corporation,Institution or agency re whIgt advertises Itself to bee ----------- -preschool
undeer 1 Yearsprovides
r pe wills or without educational
arge for loess than
four hours.
glue d1tExemption.
xe ption.n t¢in In nnlhsfsection shall apply ro care
ants,lapel guardians, - -
grandparents,brother?,sisters,uncles or aunts or as part of the
program of an educetlaol Institution regulated by the boards of
education of ails state or as part of the program of a parochial
educational Institution.
Sec.18-13-2.Permit rewired.It shall be unlawful ler any
center withoutto
ouutt having a licenser Issued by on or likeState of Utah;IIt
shall be unlawful for anyeerson to operate or carry on anhourty,care
ter or preschool center without first obtaining a permit ---_--- -----
tram the Salt Lake Cast-County Health Department to do so.
Sec.lb-13.3.Application for license.Every person desiring to
lecrece tor,PeeKhroltor day
Cahe re ecenter.nc op teas published in said newspaper onsha Nov. 91 1977
collector of San Lake City.The application shall Includemattes,.and
information and data abler oath pecti the hourly.
confer,day rare center or preschool n Caro
for w111ch the Besse is
requested as ttselicsnse department erthe Sad Lake afy-County -- -- ---------._ .. -.----- ----
Health D000rtn,etfl manprescribe,including a description of the
renter end services end a statement of the persdnnei programs
that are to be used therefor. "
Sec ie-3- Fees The license fee for sheerly core center,it
Preschool, day Cora center shall be Sol 00 per annum or any
part 5her�13-5.Referral to health derartelem.Upon fecoirt of C \
such ll n the license essessa mho cvuayta,ha8 referthe `/I' ��._ ' \1 �a '- C- /V'1. L
sole to Me health department. .X _(/�_-�� �_ _.� a-..Y_�
this ecce ern shaDuration 11run from keels.originallis ereate providedof of m Legal Advertising Clerk
December 31 of the year In which it is approved.All renewals
shallDecember n 31 of pitcyear,th nleesss soonerrevoked. 1 and ending
••Sec.18-13.12.Plan approval required farealtered
i facilities. Applicants licensees proposing to ormno 'w
hbuildourly core centerl�preschool,make
cany re alterations
subm of it
plans andspeGtket-Ceetn wilding.care owner
or aBarefimis Ire rile this
14th day of
to the Salt Lske Cf1YcCourde Health Department.The same shall
be bulk or made In°emperor°with the ordinances of Soli bake
City and inn rules and regulatials of tin Salt Lake City-County
Health Deportment. A.D. 19 77
Sec.18-13I13.Inspection by Salt Lake Chty.County Health:--
Department.11[hall bn the rlaly of the health commissioner or
his red representative,to visit and Inspect all hourly care
preschools,and day care esters for the ponies of
determining lie sanitary conditions therein and to determine '
whether the sane are being conducted In compliance withthis ,/ -- /
dlnCMn and the rules andd rou regulollonS of the Sell Lake _
City-County Health Department. - _ —
Sec.18-13-15,Sanitation requirements.The day care centers, Nor(1t'y'Public pros hoots and hourly careesters shall conform to the
requirements of Sections 1-135 through 10-13.3e, Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City,Utah,1965,as arrsalsdeel.The Salt • Sac.111 n.Every person doalrinp to obtain a
Lake City-County Health Department shall inteect day carenursing home ulic rsecor residential care fecillty license shall
centers,preschool centers and hourly care Captors to enterce make application therefor to the ilcmNe assessor and collector of
sanitation requirements. I Salt Lake City.The appllcatlon shell Include Information and
••• t I data under oath respecllna o nursing home or reeldentlal care
Sec.18-164.License.(I)With the eppl{cailon,the applicant facility for which no license is requested,Including a description
sharl pay a license lee of 50 is for each hills which of the horns and services and a statement of the personnel and
ddspenses food or tobacco products.License taps for vending programs that are to be used in connection therewith,and such
chines dispensing drinks shell be governed by Section 20-/-22, further Information as the license assessor or Salt Lake
Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake Cloy,Utah,1965.Each machine Clty-County Health Department may require
shall display a tag showing that the fee has been pale.It shell be •
••unlawful for any owner of avenditg machine to em permit the i mSec.1e-17-6.License fee,The license fee for a nursing home
uses this machine towel products unless the slicker Is attached shall he based upon the maximum number of beds allowed In the
to the upper left hand corner oil the front of the machine.These facility by the cote end/or the board of health regulations,
provisions shall not apply to any company for machines whose _-_... whichever Is the more restriction;the fee shall be$3.00 for each
proceeds go to charitable list of said machine,to the license
ce nse zatioos and who e department. nacrhire not ovided a lead so allowed.
having the license sticker on the machine nor exempted by eils Sec.18-I1.11.Daily operation without a license Is a separate
section may be ceoNsreted and sold at public auction,with lee Wens.The operation of any nursing home or resldentlel care
costs allocated first to license end penalties for M ye a ars the i facility without city and/or state Incense shall constitute
ofchine has been in operation without payment of ttn fee,casts violation of this chapter and a separate viol orlon shall to deemed
advertising auction,cost of°ocflon,attorney's toes,It any, f committed on a day such operation continues without such
with Me remainln proceeds.it env,distributed to owner of the license.
machine. Sec.1617-12.Duration of license.Licenses Issued under this
Ill The owner of each machine shall be responsible for the chapter shall expire December 31 01 the Year In which they are
edibility of any food products sold through his voiding machines issued and shall thereafter run from January 1 to December 31st
and the sticker contained on the front of the macho a shall of each followhn year less sv-revoked or surrldered.
contain the words"Notice to the Public--the o 1 this Application for license shall be made annually,
machine is required to malrneln food In an edible condition yetis '
dispensed in this mechlne." I Sec.18-21-5.Llceose lee.The license fee for such parks shall
•• se be 55.00 for each trailer space located on ski premises.
sec.18-17-1.Definitions.For the purpose of this chapter the SECTION 2.This ordinance shall take effect 30 dove after Its
following phrases,terms and words shall have the mieninn first publication.
herein glvmh. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
/11 Nursing home.Nursing force shall map a building or Uleh,this Ind day of November,1977.
facility used for the tedolna boarding,or nursing rare on a TED L.WILSON
hospitalr s or or ogovemmethnt-operatnn two od modal•w shall not correctional MILDRED V.HIGHAM Mayor
Institutions nor shall It Include care by relatives. City Recorder
(2)Residential facilities.Resdeetlai facilities shall mean a (SEAL)
facility operated to provide room and/or board services for two BILL NO.191 of 1917
unrelated to the owner or provider. Published November 9,1912 (D Cal
I3) Provider. Provider shall mean an individual or
or ration or association who owns the residontio1 facility.
Sec.18-17-2.License required.It shall be unlawful for any
person tore docf,operate,carry on or slalntale a nursing hone
esidenllal care facility wllhout first obtaining a license from
the Salt Lake City license aseoosor end collector. y
,i t f S