193 of 1910 - Ordinance 193 of 1910 – Amending Sections 3, 11 & 19, relating to intoxicating liquors. AN ORDINANCE . An ordinance amending and re-enaoting Sections 3, 11 and 19 of an ordinance repealing Chapter XXIV of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1903, relating to intoxicating liquors, and enacting a new ordinance relating to intoxicating liquors, to be known as Chapte XXIV of the Ordinanoes of Salt Laks City, passed by the City Council April 5, 1909, and approved by the Mayor April 7, 1909. Be it erdainsd by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Sections 3, 11 and 19 of an ordinance repealing Chapter any of the Revised Ordinance of Salt Lake City of 1903, re- lating to intoxicating liquors, and enacting a new ordinance relating to intoxicating liquors, to be known as Chapter XXIV of the Ordinance of Salt Lake City, passed by the City Council April 5, 1909, and ap- prevet by the Mayor April R. 1909, be, and the same dos hereby amend' and re-enacted so as to read as follows: SECTION 3. TERMS DEFINED. A manufacturer, as contemplated in this ordinance, is a person, firm. association or corporation who from raw material manufactures any spirituous, vixens, malt or other intoxicating liquors, and sells the same in kegs, casks, manufactured barrels, bottles or oases; but no suchAartiolo shall be sold or ttherwise disposed. of to be drunk en the premises of the manu- facturer. A whelesale dealer, as oentomplatet in this ordinance, is a person, firm, association or corporation who sells or otherwise disposes of spirituous, Tinous, malt or ether intoxicating liq- uors in any quantity of five gallons or more, or ens dozen bottles or more; but no such liquors shall be sold or disposed of to be drunk en the premises where sold. A manufacturer's agent, as contemplated in this ordinance, is any person, firm, association or corporation, who, as agent or ropresentative of a manufacturer or manufacturers of malt or beer outside of Salt Lake City, sells the same in kegs, casks, bakrols, bottles or oases, at wholesale, to wholesalers or,tor,., -2- tailors doing business in said city. A retail dealer, as eontemplated in this ordinance, is a person, firm, association or corporation who sells or otherwise disposes of such liquor is any quantity of less than five gallonr, and also by the glass or dram, to be drunk en the premises where) sold. ♦ druggist, as contemplated in this ordinance, As person, firmsooiatioa or corporation who makes the (pomp nding of medicines bial. the salt of drugs and medicines hi , their or its chief oeoupati, , and who, upon ocoasion, eel intoxicating liquors by the bo- le or package, but nevo mooting five gallo s ' in quantity in any en ale; nor to be assumed upon the premise in any form. or in mineral' .ater, da water or soft drinks or soft beverages of any kind, or ' erwise; previdod, that any sal+ of intoxicating liquor by pay druggi' in quantity of five galloIa or more shell be deemed o make of him a W Baler, and subject, I him to the payment a whole-saler's license ash is ordinance provided. A restaurant keeper, as contemplated in this erdinanoe, is a person, firm, association or corporation who sr which conducts a general business of cooking and serving meals to the general public in a restaurant, oafs, boarding house or hotel, where such I meals are socked and prepared. A club, as oontemplated in this ordinance, is an organization or asses n of persons duly incorporated for fraternal, sooial, baae44e#e1 or ether lawful purposes. SNCTION 11. AMOUNTS TO BE PAID FOR LICENSES. The following amounts shall be and are hereby established as the quarterly charge for license under the provisions of this chapter, to-wit: ; As manufacturer of beer for all beer sold in Salt Lake City 0.00.00 As manufacturer's agent for all beer sold is Salt Lake City 100.00 In case said manufacturer or manufacturer's agent shall.ai ll -3- barrels mere than L000p4g=maxof beer per quarter, such maanufaoturerl or manufacturer's agent shall pay into the Treasury of Salt Lek barrel barrel City, the sum of ten dents per raga for eaoh g of beer sa�ld barre in ssoese of said 1,000 All barrels of beer shall be figured as containing thirty- *** gallons, and eentainers of loss quaatit*es ix proportion, i sat when beer is sold ix bottles, quart bottles shall be figured as oontalning one-fifth of • gallon, and pint bottles one-tenth of a gallen. The applicant for a manufacturer's er manufacturer's agouti* license shall file *ith the application an affidavit stating thej 'Lumber of barrels of beer, figure* as aforesaid, that said appli{lI - cant sold ix Salt Lake City during the quarter preceding the quarter in which said proposal Itemise is to be used. As retail dealers $376.00 As restaurant keeper 375.00 txxlexmgdiad As a club aao-J4. isessex As wholesale dealer » 100.00 A11 said sums shall be payable strictly in advance. In no ease shell any payment made or license issued s .tAk entitle the licensee to conduct more than one place of business thereunder. Nor shall the payment for, or license issued for one kind of liquor livens* entitle the licensee to carry on any business thereunder requiring another kind of liquor lioense; that is, a Worsts license shall be obtained to parry on each kind of business as defined in this chapter. SECTION lt. INTERIOR OF SALOONS TO 9E OPEN TO INSPECTION FROM THE EXTERIOR ON SUNDAY, A* FROM 12 0'CI QH MIDNIGHT TO 6 A. M. All blinds, curtains and sermons shall be withdrawn from the doors and windows of all saloons, bars, wine rooms and ether places where intexioating liquors are sold, and all interior doors. screens, blinds and curtains shall be so opened that an unobstructed view of the interter of such places may be had fro the sidewalk or exterior of all such saloons. bars, wine rdma. -4- er other places where intoxicating liquors are sold, during all of the tins on the first day of the week, commonly called Sunda , and between 12 o'clock midnight and 6 o'clock A. X. every day e the week. And it shall be unlawful for any person, firm, asseo - ation or oorporatloa liosased to sell intoxicating liquors at each saloon, bar, wine room or other puss, or the manager or ether person having temporary or permsaeont *barge thereof, to fail to oomph with the previsions of this section; provided, that the prevision of this section shall not apply to restaa- rants or clubs duly liensed. SZOTIOI !. ,1L1:*rdinaaosa and rosolntienr, or parts of ordinan- I lees and resolutions iajoafliot herewith, are hereby repealed to the l extent of auoh oiifliet. SEOTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon apprival. Passed_ by the City Council of Salt Take City,Utah, ecember 19, 1910, and referred to the Mayor for his ^4- i.y , coa*7 e, Approved this / day of December, 910, May r. / 1 f .4- Ila aatsub ,btoa ova esevptt sattaotzetat etodo aeoalq sedfo 70 simile belled %Isomeoo .Meow edt to tab }fastt edt so oat* edt to i! e dab `sets .l[ .A doeio'e b his, tdalsii dooto'o Si x. wted baa -looses .astt .aoasoq Isis sot tdt+ivalsa fiE 'tads tt bag .ddo.w odt to mufti gattaet*etat Ito24 et baaaoetl aeltasogsoo so sotto w seIaaat edt so 4004141 s its se awn eels.vai .else dens of ,Zooisdt ttaaasar !as *7/tosoet some t.dt. .b b• !test[ ;ao ee e t aaoteloo . ed o et Its! �, -oatus of !tq a.ttooa a "% a k-;.o sq edt tad! I ura& :o etaav �j -aamIbso to at tampon bee 0 ;fa .i WITO�EF2 I edt at Mia. .I. o`I gdtlw�frd tla40- ttoloao: Asa o E I m .toy o dose to tsetse .tattscia aole testis edit 'gods Sigggilk.10 4 .s ionou 7 J i . obi