193 of 1977 - Levying a tax for the assessment of property in Lighting District No. 47B on 300 South Street, Main 1'IVLL..M'LL
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, November 8 ,1977
Mr.Chairman ...
Agraz I move that the Ordinance be passed.
` r
Greener 1
Result / ANCE 7� �,
/ �� ,
AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of property in
Lighting District No. 10-47B, for the purpose of providing for the
operation, maintenance and patrolling for a period of ten (10) years
street lamps and the furnishing of electricial energy therefor.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City
does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same
upon the property hereinafter described in Lighting District No. 10-
47B, for the purpose of providing for the operation, maintenance and
patrolling of street lamps and the furnishing of electrical energy
therefor, to wit:
AREA: Lots 1 and 2, Block 57 and Lots 5 to 8 inclusive,
Block 52; all in Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey.
STREET: 3rd South Street - Main to State Streets
BOUNDARIES: North - 2nd South Street
South - 4th South Street
East - State Street
West - Main Street
This tax is levied to defray the expense of providing for the
operation, maintenance and patrolling of street lamps and the furnish-
ing of electrical energy therefor, for a period ten (10) years, from
May 29, 1977 to May 28, 1987, and it is hereby adjudged, determined
and established that said property will be specially benefited thereby
to the full amount of the tax hereby levied, and said parcels of land
are hereby levied, and said parcels of land are hereby assessed at an
equal and uniform rate in accordance with the linear foot frontage
upon and to the entire depth of the same ownership back therefrom not
to exceed 330 feet, and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed upon
said parcels of land is $40,657.87 or $30.801416 per linear or front
foot, there being 1,320.00 feet abutting said portion of said improve-
ment and the cost of which operation, maintenance, patrolling and
furnishing of electrical energy and the property benefited thereby is
hereinafter set out, and all within the boundaries of the lots, blocks
and streets above mentioned, which is the total abutter's cost per
front foot of said improvement, for a period of ten years, according
to the contract entered into for the performance of said work and
making said improvements with Utah Power & Light Co., May 29, 1977,
which is the date service began, and the City Treasurer is hereby
authorized and directed to assess in accordance with the provisions of
this ordinance for the purpose herein mentioned.
All of Lots 1 and 2, Blk. 57, Plat "A" Salt Lake City Survey.
All of Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 of Blk. 52, Plat "A", Salt Lake City
SECTION 2. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer,
as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization and
Review, of the property described in Section 1 of this ordinance, in
Lighting District No. 10-47B of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of
providing for the operation, maintenance and patrolling of street
lamps and furnishing with electrical energy, is hereby confirmed, and
the assessment made and returned in said completed lists and the report
of the Board of Equalization and Review to the Board of Commissioners
of Salt Lake City are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed.
SECTION 3. Said tax shall be payable in ten (10) equal yearly
installments, with interest on any delinquent installment unpaid at
the rate of ten percent (10%) per annum, which interest shall be
charged from and after the due date of each installment, to wit: One-
tenth thereof fifteen days after the ordinance levying the tax for
payment of the improvement becomes effective; one-tenth thereof in
one year thereafter; one-tenth thereof in two years thereafter; one-
tenth thereof in three years thereafter; one-tenth thereof in four
years thereafter; one-tenth thereof in five years thereafter; one-
tenth thereof in six years thereafter; one-tenth thereof in seven
years thereafter; one-tenth thereof in eight years thereafter; one-
tenth thereof in nine years thereafter; provided, however, that one
or more of such installments in the order payable, or the whole tax,
may be paid without interest within fifteen days from the date the
ordinance levying the tax becomes effective. One or more installments
in the order in which they are payable, or the whole special tax, may
be paid after said fifteen days and before the next installment becomes
due by paying the same with interest from the date of levy to the date
such next installment is due. One or more installments in the order
in which they are payable, or the whole special tax, may be paid on
the date any installment becomes due by paying the amount thereof and
interest to the date of payment.
Default in the payment of any such installment of principal or
interest when due shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal and
interest to become due and payable immediately and the whole amount
of the unpaid principal shall thereafter draw interest at the rate
of ten percent (10%) per annum until paid, but at any time prior to
the date of sale the owner may pay the amount of all unpaid install-
ments past due with interest at the rate of ten percent per annum to
the next installment date, together with all accrued costs, and shall
thereupon be restored to the right thereafter to pay any installments
in the same manner as if default had not been suffered.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect one day after its
first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 8th day of November , 1977.
Lighting District No. 10-47B
BILL NO. 193 of 1977
Published November 8, 1977
(Certified copy sent to City Treasurer's Office 11-15-77)
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
AN ORDINANCE - '—-`- " Shana D. Palmer
AN O DI NANCE LEVYING A TAX end for the assessment
of prone In Lighting District No.10.1/13,for the purpose of
ovldl for the operation,maintenance and patrolling for a
I eperiod r ton f101 v street lamps and the furnishing of
leciricl Ytherefor.
Bel etlalgirlbu�no8°bMofCommisslondrsofSaliLake Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal
CitySa i° •ylet,the e°do,videitorp$as'exs;;nlof advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily
the u the progrty herelnaI ter described In Lighting
District No.ia1/B,for the purpose°,providing g sr the operetta (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English
IntenaneaJpatrolling of street lamps and the furnishing of
electrical ene29Y there...,la wit; language with general circulation in Utah, and
ARe,Lots I and I,Block 5/and Lots 5 to a Inclusive,Block
h e;itySurvey.n to are5haes published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the
BOUNDARIES:North-_]red South Street;South__Ph sown State of Utah.
Street;East Iv State Street,West--Main Street.
This fax Is levied to defray the expense of providing
ovidina for the
furation,maintenance and netr°Illne of streetm laps end bm
rnishing of electrical energy therefor,for n period ten(w)
Yearg�a Matdt andesi May 18,hI .end g Is heuny That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
specially benefited thereby to tie full amount et the tax hereby
11arlcels of end and ore hereby asse reels of end are ssed at n oaevul y levied,
uniform f ate
In accordance with the linear Riot frontage anon and to the eni„ Pub notice of an ordinance levying a tax: Lighting
'de nth of the sanss ownership baci,11:e7 91rom not a execwd.a,»
feet,and the tax hereby lovled end tobe sassed nor seal
parcels of land 1284,65zer or S20Wlm per iin:rar or frniTt, gist, #10-47B
there bet. Ind tO0 feet uniting sold portion el said
I naiollino ntd faro hing of aie�frlCsr a frgvl andmtlkrrm CFcrly
benofhred"banally Is hhrelnafler.at out,and an wnhln the.'
I is theI borndatieso8one, ts,block,and sfreat,said Imprnllonen.witch
totalnyear,accocost rding
front foot of said entered
for thy
period of ten years,ercordl ot said work an to MO contract entnrc,d Into ter thy
Utah Power ab 1-Igm Co.,Moo 29,19Y/vvhichrIspthe data''nrvles o
,toga and the Clty Trcasur ur Is hereby aunnrlxed co,dirednd
to assess in accordance with the rnvlslurls of Plot ordinance fur
the'urlw,-e hat ein mentioned.
All at Lots,I:ma f,131k.',1,Plot"A"Snit l aka Clef'Survey.
Survey.Allof Lots S.6,!and B of Wk.51,Plat" Salt Lake City
corrected,ono r• ;aelo:` eted by the e City
was published in said newspaper on....Jiovember 8 r 1977
of W1'.i�rtlon and eview,. 1del ifr crinM In Seetlun
1 of this Ordinance,In I_Inht 'a DID ICI 1 .1P1)B of Solt Lakc
C''d'(oc liTliP °f n'Cnhlg tic ra ion,mainlonance
and p mIs hereby confl lamps e f letting wile elect rebel
Is hereby h/ _ fl- d f l ode.n,i .. .."... ..' ..'
returned do I d Il t report of o Board°f
Equalization and Re t to B f i t 1,ar
L k ECCit ti here
T10N 3 5 1 dp eel and
d confirmed. -, i��,� �,.... 'Vim-tie/�-_ ___
SECTION hog!.payable 1 1 (ig) I early ./ -
installments, i 1 delinquent imtallonenteunpaid Legal Advertising Clerk
be h _d front,.ai
d .d I f 'h I r 11 n to
If:Geo, lh there f d after th rdinance lowing
Y 1 t b fit ti-r 1 he 1 I 6 1 f i the f l Iwoyears t ran -I I Ih Y thereatt
-r ire f n. fl -1 thlac,.E 'ore me this lath. day of
fiveY s to r 1'h. I I I° thereafter;
eit 0 the ! Cd t. O,flr anti tharenl 1,
ight years °after;Ye t int:/d,aln nine year
11 ft I dpayable.pr w h 1he, we 1 fi 10 1 - b. .d A.D. I9..78...
{installment,without irdores dthinfifteen der,from the onto1hordinance
levying the 1 .rc a D I f II
the d in which 1 x,I may 1
1 Pb -n M special t /
1 m it id u t I l,er m
I t l f ed -d n yl th with interest from C /' - 1/_
the date I levy t the the
h I tII tl (tin or •
dbre Instant-needs 1 to ord., h1t It^ bl or tole ( l /
1 whole duelt may be Id t o fltothe - /ems.{ ,CL lI ,. //lCl!�/((%
defence due by paying fed amount thereof and Irtiere=t to the
fault in t the payment of any such Installment of prinrinm Notary fublic
andnterr:.t when due:.ball cause the whole of the unpaid principal
Interest to br:conic doe and payable lmn,rdlatoln and the
vhrolo mg nt of the Lear. buinol shall thereafter draw
Interest It therto of ten rr,reent(IOy)per nnnum until paid,but
i aamount titre
of all unpaid stclirne the dole,ts paf sttdueovwithr may infa ref at the
rote etton percent p. n to the nod Innrolhnent darn,
together with Ott accr000 cask,and shall hmreopon be restated
to the right mareahs,ton r,,thnmeins In the same
ma a If Ilotaun hod not nay
s ll'ryd
SEC t'ION 4.this ordinance shall fake effect one day alter its
nest publication
Passed by the Board of r,lobe darter•,of Salt Lake Cily.
fenUtah,this fen day of lvey,.v"Iww,lobe
T r_D L.WI LMuva sior
v fearer.,
I l..h'I O.
011 I.N .loom g,,,
Publlsnetl,:uverr�in•r 9,I9// (12.56)
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