194 of 1910 - Ordinance 194 of 1910 – Amending Section 365, re: pool rooms, etc. 1 `•''': AlT ORD I NANCE . 6
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_'� An ordinance amending and re-enacting Section 366 of Chapter 27
of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1903, relating to th
keeping of billiard or pool tables, pin or bell alleys, or nine or
ten pin alleys, without first obtaining a license.
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 365 of Chapter 27 of the Revised Ordi-
nances of Salt Lake City of 1903; be; and the sane is hereby amended
so. as to read as follows:
SECTION 365: -. It shall be unlawful for any person„ firm,
association or eorporatipn to engage ,in the business of'keeping,
4 or to keep or maintain for public, use or hire-any billiard table,
pool table; or any pin or bull alley, or nine pin alley or ten 1
pin alley in or on'which games are played, without first obtain,:
ing a license so to do, us provided in Section 366 of Chopter
27 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1903, as
amended July 6, 1906; provided, that no license shall issue to
keep, maintain or operate for public use or hire any of the
games hereinbefore mentioned, without the boundaries of the
district following:
The-sso-uth side of NIorth Temple Street, the south side of
Fourt AS'eet, the east side of Second East Street, and the wes
side of Sixth ',lest Street.
SECTIOPT 2. All ordinances and resolutions, or parts of ordinan
oes and resolutions in conflict herewith, ere hereby repealed to the
extent of such conflict.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shell take effect January 1, 1911.
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Passed by the City Council of Mali; Lake ,i ,,Utrth,January 9,
1911, and referred to the h:,�.yor !'er his .,
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Approved this �! day of January, 1911,
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