196 of 1910 - Ordinance 196 of 1910 – Paving Extension No. 67, Second Partial Estimate. a AP r;i a' AN ORDINANCE . An ordinance levying a tax and fir the assessment of the property hereinafter described on Seeead West Street from Third South Street to the Warm Springs, in Paving District We. Ai, for the purpose of providing for the grading, guttering and curbing, and paving thereof.) Be it •rdMped by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: MOTION 1. That the City Connell dies hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment if the same *den the property hereinafter described in Paving District We. 28, for the purpose of providing for! the grading, guttering aid curbing. and paving of a portion of said distrift, te•wit; , • In Lets 4 and 5, Bleak 60; 1 and d. Bleak 66; 2, 3, 4 and 5, Bleak 67; 4 and 5, Bleak 76; 1, 6, 7 and 6, Block 61; 1 and I, Bleak 84; 2. 3. 4 sad 5, Bleck 65; 1, 6, 7 and S. Bleak 151; 1, Block 156, abutting on the oast side of Second West Street between Perth Temple and Third South Streets; and en the west side of Scout West Street between Sixth Worth and Eighth Worth Streets; between North Temple ant South Temple Streets. and between First South and Third South Streets. This tax is levied to defray the expense of grading. guttering )ant curbing with cement, and paving with asphalt (said asphalt pave- ment to be eighty (60) foot wide between curls and nine and 1/2 (9-l/2) inches thick between Third South and South Temple Streets, and seventy- , one (71) feet wide and nine ant 1/2 (9-1/2) inches thick between Santa Topple Street and the Wars Springs), the portions of said Seoend Westl Street hereinbefere sad hereinafter described to be ISpecially affeo4d and benefited by said improvement, and it is hereby adjudged, deter- mined and established that said property will be especially benefited thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby levied, and said parielsl if land are hereby assessed at an equal and uniform rate in a000rdan4 with the linear feet frontage upon said portions of said street frentj- iag open and to a depth of twenty-five (25) feet back therefrom, and 1 the tax hereby levied and to be assessed upon said paroels of land is -2- sixty-six thousand five hundred twaity-four and 70/100 ($66,624.70) dollars; forty-three thousand four hundred ninety-four ($43,494.00) dollars, or thirteen and 16/100 ($13.16) dollars per frost or linear foot of abutting property for resdway 60 feet wide, there being 3300 foot of abutting property within the boundaries of the lets, bleeks aid street obeys mentioned ix said district; fiftocs thousand two hundred nineteen and 60/100 ($16,219.60) dollars, or *level aid 63/100 ($11.63) dollars per front or linear feet •f abutting property for roadway 71 feet wide, there being 13=0 feet of abutting property with' ix the boundaries of the lots, blocks sat street above mextioied is said district; and coven thousand eight hundred eleven and 10/100 ($7,611.10) dollars, or seven bleitsmOs and 69/100 (47.66) dollars per! (frost or linear feet of abutting property for roadway 71 feet wide, there being 660 feet of abutting property within the boundaries of the lots, Mocks aid street above Meatiessd in said district, which is tht total cost and most r front feet of said per pavement, asoerding to the contract entered into for the performance of said work and making sai& improvement with P. J. Mersa, dated the 6th day of August, 1910, and 1II the Treasurer is hereby authorised and directed to assess in a000rdan(S• with the previsions of this ordinance for the purpose heroin mentiexell.: Alig$102'Mt ,R•adwu. A11 of Lets 4 and 6, Bleak 60; all of Lets 1 and 6, Block 66; al of Lots 2, 3, 4 and 6, Block 67; all of Lots 4 and 5, Block 76;all of Lets 1, 6, 7 and 6, Block 61, Plat "Ail Salt Lake City Survey. Seventy-ese Foot Resl, wsi. ($11.63.) All of Lots 1 and 6, Block 64; all of Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 0i, Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey. Seventy-one Foot Roadway. ($7.69) All of Lets 1, 6, 7 and 6, Block 161; all of Lot 1, Block 166,ai4 ix Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey, as the same are sh•wi upon the effieial plats of said city to a depth of twenty-five (26) feet back from said street, and to collect said tax. -3- S'QTIOS E. Said tax shall become and be delinquent in tea equal yearly installments, with interest on the whole sun unpaid at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable at the time each installment is deo, te.owit: Ono-tenth thereof one year after the approval of thel ordinance confirming the levy of the tax for the payment for such im- provement; ens-tenth thereof in two years after such approval; sae- tenth thereof in three years after such approval; one-tenth thereof In four years after inch approval; ene-tenth thereof in five years after such approval; one-tenth thereof in six years $ftervaneh appro- val; ens-tenth thereof in s.ven years after sash approval; •te-tenth thereof in eight year. after inch approval; sae-teeth lhireef in nine; years after such approval; ant ens-tenth thereof inlet years after sash apprreval. Oa* or more of said installments,_ Lathe order in *Loh they are payable, en the whale special tax maybe paid at say time within thirty lays after the approval of the ordinance confirming the levy of the tax, without interest. In the event of any install- ment or the interest aforesaid, net being paid on the late the same bosoms due, the whole amenet of the special tax unpaid at the time sail installment and interest are due, shall became due and parable, and shall draw interest at the rate of sight per cent per annum until the isle of the property assessed; provided, one or more installments, in the order in which they are payable, or the whole special tax un- paid may be paid on the lay any installment becomes due, by paying the .meant thereof and interest to said date. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. Paving Ixteasion ye. 6T. $wend Partial Estimate. Passed by the City Council of Silt Take City,Utah,Decomber 19, 1910, and referred to the Mayor for his ar,p eco de . Approved this day of Deco bar, 1910. r i Mayor. - _ !saps set di 1sespatteb •d bra .Naseeat Ilado sat bta$ .a to;?tue •d1 to btagsa sire *gods rdt. a ts•selst Oka .atsastlatest %limo% taemllst•rt dos• emit •at *a oriels' Amos x•q rose Yet xis to sties e41 to lave qqs edt totta Ise% ern tooled, dtwt-os0 :*kw-et owls et -mt dome t•t ts•maq edt sot ma ads to ret odt tstssttsee •osasibte r ... . -ore lstotgq•,a doss Y**a s Ames say�t9� laetedt tdtxset •iw ;tavotggs dew tests stse% • * at tow sd j! ate Tit ! -sdt dtart-eso ; a rum %set -07gga t • i- . 9K :tie st Z::M:•dt ;• ;41ivelqqa torn tarot- dose sotto oust s!.7.7 [t duet' ;flair eats al s -ems• ;latetq a d _ 4;3 *tat• . mend*of d* dtast+ei ' 4 �� Assn It t rt 1141 sdt st�,stsssiIatsat blab is saes .Ian qa sire is bla% ed sat Damao lapis edit $s . don" eta t do bstmatlaoo eapatbte lid* le lasezg a ad* lM3s eseb Wad* Ridttw as t -ltatart '%ma to taw* ad* ml .taaxetat tiedtlw oast odd to pet edt email edt eta edt w btaq gated tea .btases.ta taotstat ads so sass emit •d1 to limps sat Mittel' sdt to *swiss •lods edt .cab aeseeed ,•ttat.sq Ass sob sanest !Lids .sib eta **metal ism taeatlatast Use !hems maids meg Saes t•q *dale to etas eft to taese'st watt Ilade Asa - .atssmilatarl omen to aso .bebllel% ;besaoees q►wtewq edt to •lss edt -au xi* labels stew ail To .sLdi aq eta Rood* denim si ',Axe edt st gmlTog sd .eat mammal tseallataai pa s* edt me blaq of gas Lisa .stab Disc of teesstal ban teet•dt tssrosa edt .Iat•agta sego Mottle edit Ilsdo eesasibtc aid? .4 tti?08E .14 .ed Mtssstsa gals% • .otssttst Lotttat Yeoei •