197 of 1910 - Ordinance 197 of 1910 – Sidewalk Extension No. 155, First & Final Estimate. II p �, �s x- ., e t j 1 AN ORDINANCE . ,«1 "' An ordinance confirming the assessment upon the property herein-j after desoribed on the west side of Glendale Street from Seventh South Street to Indiana Avenue, on the east side of Glendale Street from Eighth South Street to Indiana Avenue, and on the south side of Eighth South Street from Glendale Street to a point 230.72 feet east, in Sidewalk District No. 41, for the construction of cement sidewalks. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer I as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization andi I Review, heretofore duly appointed by the City Council for that pur- 1 pose, of the property in Lots 1 to 18, inolusive, Block I; 1 to 8, int I elusive, Block 3; 11 to 18, inolusive, Block 2, J. H. Whalon's Addi- tion, Section 11, Township 1 south, Range 1 west, Salt Lake City Sur-I vey, abutting on the west side of Glendale Street between Seventh 1 South Street and Indiana Avenue, on the east side of Glendale Street between Eighth South Street and Indiana Avenue, and on the south side of Eighth South Street from Glendale Street to a point 230.72 feet east, in Sidewalk District No. 41, of Salt Lake City, for the purposes of constructing cement sidewalks upon said portions of said streets, , is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and returned in said completed lists are hereby confirmed. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. I Sidewalk Extension No. 155. First and Final Estimate. C------R _ ' - Passed by the City Council of Salt Luke City,Utah,December 27,1910, and referred to the i;lajQT �� ,, �y Approved this g0 day of Decemb r,1910. i li ZA • -r..tered Ttxego7q ent nosh tnemaaeaas sat latm*itnoo •oneatL7o aA rikuo: AtaereG mo72 *write slabnele. !.o •bts ta•w edt no bsotxoaeb Iona mort tes7t2 etabaetD to obis toss ad* no ,sunevA saatbnl of tsexte rit:i tv to able Ulnas edt no btu .enneyA asstbnl of tee7tE dtuoG dtd3ta xi. ,teas teal St'.OES tntoct a ot -tssrtE ao77 *earn gggg dtuou .adfawebte:trcemeo 'to nottarlrtanoo e.lt to tb .01 touts 7I 4*U ,fit Yes ttae to tton o0 •0 tti xd beatrb7o rer T xileAdt rd ebem tall t : •as * *a AT .1 AO r c7 ' Las sw piao b7aoH grit • o s baler b gq ero71 j • 7o pa Cr r • I g toauo0 %tin edt.: } p l�b e7o2 sYe veg. -nt .t 18; diit$ .srteutont o 11.21412 edt -tl A -'not zfW041 .L ,S bolt .fvt float lot tl ; Avoid ,ev, uto -rue att0 si4,I ttaF. ,toew I eWae* ,dt4o11 !. Q uwoT . ! ottoWe. olt dtnereE aeewt•d teerti: etabaeiD to able teOW eat o yslat fa •w .eextt elebneLD to able toss sdt no ,eunev~ aaatbni boa toert.x tract obis dtueo edt no boa ,eunsvL anelbnl bus teettE dttroa dIdla tieswted toe SV.,)ES *nloq a of teN7ta •i baelD mo71 tee-*E tiro dtd5la to eaogxuq 0.dt xot .itt0 oLLL tla& to .IS .08 tatrtaLQ AlawebiS nt ,teas .atsaxta b`na to anotJ7oc; b..*e now/ sLtaw•b:a tomato :.ialtouxtanoo 3o bias at bearute7 boa •boa ataeneaesaa sift boa ,bmsx1 nos xd•7ed al .b•n7ttnoo gdexerL firma stall betetgmoo .Ixiro7gga nogg toslle aria* Iiede eoasatbio etdT .S iiIT EE" .3d! .og aotaletXS itaw•bZE i .elmmtt-f !mon [one te7t'Q