2 of 1905 - Ordinance 2 of 1905 – Sewer Extension No. 150. Al • R D I I A N C I . An ordinance confirming the assessment upon the property on both sides of 0 Street from present terminus of sewer between First and Second Streets, one block north, in Sewer District No. 1, for the oenstruotion of a sewer. it ordained, by the City Counoil of Salt Lake City, Utah: POTION 1. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer as corrected ap proved and oospleted by the Eoard of Rquelization and Review, heretofore duly appointed by the City Counoil for that purpose, of the property abutting on both sides of 8 Street from the present sewer terminus between First and Second Streets, one block north, in Sewer District No. 1, of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of constructing a sewer upon said portion of said street, is hereby oonfirmed, and the assessments made and returned in said completed lists are hereby oonfirmed. SZCTIOI 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. Sewer Intension No. 180. • Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, January 16, !, 1905, and referred to the Mayor for his approval. Sty Recorder. Approved this 1 1 day of January, 1 5. Ct Mayor. • • 2 . E 0 1[ ♦ 11[ I C SO 1* no Vlogon &L sow *ram wit balesst%ass sataatbto a* teat nsas•*ed town to outstone* taos.u sent tests# O to mans rood 5 Yo3 ,t .oi tot•ciatt loose at .dttoa Avoid' ono ,oteo7*11 bnoosi bna otowes a Ia aoltaatttsass slit :riatU ,Vt0 art *tail to tlaaos* y; t1t .dt td Ilosotabio tl sit totasa.&T x*ts adt vi temonalleas aft tads .t NOM= not*aatLopi to b'taat sri* vl lststg . Ma isvotgga JaetMTtio M lasif xol itoauSO *ate soil 'pd b.talorip 'tub stolotetOtt .weird! Ma or ,roil aortae a to robes Mod as yst*leids ti1^eogo•aq oci* to .ssoq%44 Yootd woo ,alssYat bn000e bees tstlt aoswtst assitatd towm lass. oq"Wq ociJ Io'2 41.010 ego& 1Le to ,l .oil lotits* lava eel .dteoa ydrsori et .*setto bead to not*log bias raga 'sows. a anitseitsnoo Ia bo*otgusoo btas at boino*at 6aa rim s*nmsessaa aril bra .baurt3noo .b 4, ,laeo rzart eta s* t .tasotctgs now; toollo Eta& .[Xenia ooxyarb !@t!e!e T. oat mesh& tiws# ' Q cD r • • i �y �1� i