2 of 1933 - Amending Section 606, relating to eletrical inspection, fees & permits I WALL CALL VOTING AYE NAY AN21 1933 193 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. V nch I move that the ordinance be passed. eyset .--. • .nigh[ - LEE _ It.Chairman . — AN ORDINANCE esult . AN UADIBABUE AIsE DING SECTION 606, devised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, January llth, 1922, as amended by an ordinance passed. December 28th, 1927, and amending Section 609 Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, and amending Section 610, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners, April 10, 1924, as amended by an ordinance passed December 28th, 1927, relating to electrical inspections and repeal- ing Section 615, of an ordinance passed by the Board of Commission- ers of Salt Lake City, Utah, December 28th, 1927, and repealingdec- tion 1272 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners December 28th, 1927, relating to licenses. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: Section 1. That Section 606 of the devised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners January llth, 1922, as amended by an ordinance passed December 28tn, 1927, relating to electrical inspection, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 606. PERMITS. No alterations or additions shall be made in existing wiring, nor shall any wiring be installed or done for the placing of any lights, power or heating devices, or any apparatus which generates, transmits, transforms or utilizes any electricity, nor shall any alterations be made in any wiring system after final inspection, without first notifying the chief of the division of electrical inspection, and securing a permit .(2) therefor; except minor repair work, such as repairing flush and snap switches, replacing fuses, changing lamp sockets and recep- tacles, taping bare joints and repairing drop cords. Application for such permit, describing such work, shall be made in writing by the person, firm or corporation installing same and permit when issued shall be to such applicant . Each application shall state the location by street and house number and the permit shall be valid only for the location stated. This paragraph shall not apply to wires installed in pow- er houses and substations belonging to electric light or street railway companies operating under a franchise, granted by Salt to Lake City orswiring for appliances and devices operating at less than 25 volts. No permit shall be issued to any applicant for a permit, during the time that he shall fail to correct any defective elec- trical work, after he has been duly notified to correct such de- fective work by the Chief of Division of Electrical Inspection. SECTION 2. That Section 609, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 609, FEES. The fees to be collected by the 3ureau of Mechanical Inspection shall be as follows: (a) For electric light wiring, $1.00 for the first two outlets;, and 5c for each additional outlet; the word "outlet' being interpreted as including a switcg outlet and switch con- trolling same, or a light outlet and the fixtares or drop to be attached to the same, except that for extensions to exist- ing wiring installations of one light, switch or convenience outlet the permit will be ussued for 50 cents. (b) 8'or arc lamps and light outlets requiring 400 watts or more, ; 1.00 for the first two arc lamps or outlets requiring 400 watts or more, and 25c for each additional. • (3) (o) For each motor or generator of more than 1/8 horsepower and not mo:e than 1 horsepower, 50c. For each motor or generator of more than 1 horse power and not more than 5 horsepower, 41.25 For each motor or generator of more than 5 horse- power and not more than 15 horsepower, $2.5 0, For each motor or generator of more than 15 and not more than 40 horsepower, 44.00 For each motor or generator of more tha 40 horse power, 47.00. (d) All special circuits for heating devices or elec- trical apparatus, not included above, that require 660 watts or more, shall be charged for at the rate of 50c per circuit provided that no permit for the installation of a motor or special circuit shall be issued for less than 41.00 (e) For an electrical elevator there shall be a charge of 42.00 for the special control wiring plus the regular charge per horsepower as provided in this section for motors. (f) For insp@sting any electrical wiring fixtures, apparatus, appliances or installation for which no fee is herein provided, a charge of 42.00 for the first hour and at the rate of 41.50 per hour for additional time given in making such inspection shall be made. SECTION 3. That Section 610, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, as amended by an ordinance passed by the hoard of Commissioners, April 10th, 1924, as amended by an ordinance passed December 28th, 1927, relating to elec- trical inspection, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: hLOTION 610. ROLES GOVERNING INSTALL.ATIOQ. (a) Except as otherwise herein provided all electrical wiring installations or electrical fixtures, apparatus, or ap- (4) pliances for furnishing light, heat, power, telegraph, tele- phone, district messenger and other electrical work introduced into or placed in or on -any building or structure in Balt Lake City, shall be in conformity with the rules and requirements of the National Electrical Code, and all fitting and material used in such installations must be sanctioned in the list of electrical fittings published by the National Board of Fire Underwriters, which rules and requirements and lists are here- by made a part of this ordinance. (b) All wires hereafter installed for furnishing light, heat or power in apartment houses more than one story high containing five or more apartments, or in buildings to be used for public or industrial purposes such as churches, stores, halls, shcool buildings, garages, manufacturing establishments and ware- houses, and all wires installed for furnishing light, heat or pow- erin any building in the districts known as Fire Limits No.1, No. 2, or No.3, must be installed in conduit, surface metal race ways, or electrical metalic tubing; provided that by permission of in- spection department short lengths of armoured cable may be used for motor connections or fishing in inaccessible places. SBCTION 4. hat section 615, of an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, December 28th, 1927, relating to electrical inspection be and the same is hereby repealed. SECTION 5. That Section 1272 of the Revised Ordinances of Balt Lake City, Utah, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on Decem- ber 28th, 1927, relating to licenses, be and the same is here- by repealed. Section 6. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabi- tants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective Immediately. (5) SECTION 7. This ordinance shall take effect upon thts publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of dalt Lake City, Utah, this 24th day of January j , 1933 Mayor. ri City Recorder - 7 •. • k . - lib• APP i 2 —.. . #7.,,;(• _ i 1 1 .----4•• : ..,-.;.'". • .).. 0._? ' z„, -0 I ' ..... •-• t. A ..'.) ' I A z9.,..--1 i• ;.'-i' ,:`,, .,„..,..,„ w4.,'-• - , _ ',..., 's• , 1 1) , ..„: Proof of Publication Iiiiii1,11111111 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,) STATE OF UTAH, J( os• • County of Salt Lake. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION. : 606,Revised Ordinances of Salt Late City, Utah,1920, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Com- missioners of Salt Lake City,January 11th, 1922, as amended by an ord1- name passed December 28th,1927,and. 'TARRY WOLFF being first duly amending Section 809 Revised Ordi- I, s of Salt Lake City,Utah,1920, andc amending Section 610, Revised rdtna Ordinances sail Lakanclty, Utah, ce sworn, depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of THE SALT LAKE pars amended by ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners, April 10,1929,as amended by an ordi- M-- nance passed December 28th,1927,re-' TELEGRAM, a newspaper of general circulation, published every day ]sting to electrical Inspections and re- pealing Section 615,of an ordinance passed'by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah,December 28th, at Salt Lake City, State of Utah. 1927,and repealing Section 1272 of the Revised Ordinances ofSalt Lake City, Utah, Utah, 1920,as amended by an ordi- nance passed by the Board of Com-, ' missioners December 28th, 1927, r That the noticma; Capj.7xli:C:i; luting to licenses, Be it ordained by the Hoard of Com- ,^rr�7/'�TI,,�� miesioners ofSECTION 1.Salt aSectioke n 606 ofthe �T rmig �p L T nnnTT3'•'l.4aF•iKW Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, A.14,}•,+.�r 1CS)-"•Q NY.•V Pi 1 Utah,1920, as amended by an ordi- nance passed by the Board of Com- missloners January I1th, 1922, as amended by an ordinance passedDe- • °ember 28th,1927,relating to electrical inspection,be and the same is hereby amended to read.as follows: .SECTION 606. PERMITS. No alter- , additions shall be made in _--. .D�tq�t�afilled o ,h doneforali aety wiring bny'.li shed or for the placing of or anghta power or heating devices, or any apparatus which generates, of which a copyis hereto attached, was first published in said news- transmits;transforms shall any utilizes any e1Qinsi a nor shay system b6 made ec any wiring system after final gd•bphitfOof thewithout fire notify- 19 notify- "trig thc+'6hieP of the division of ale°- paper in its issue dated the ..•85thday of ..Janua•ry• 33, 1 inspection, d securing•a per- therefor;except minor re ajs work, as repairing flush and a ap es, replacing fuses, changing boreloin s and epeiriog'drop tapming and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on Applfoation for such permit.describ- ing such Work,shall be made in writ- ing'by the person,firm or corporation T$nuaxy,Q5t11...,., for installing same and permit when is- sued shall be to such applicant. Each application shall state the location I by lo- catiot and house number n be valid only for a ice ....One.ins ertion i5etlon steed. thereafter, the full period of This paragraph shalt not apply to Wires installed in power houses and substations belonging to electric light or street railway companies operating the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the ..25th tinder a franchise, granted by Salt Lake City or to wiring for appliances ndaevlces operating at less than 25 Volts. i January A. D. 19..4. o permit shallr it issued to any day Of that t for permit,during c the time that he eleshallctrical fail work,o tot any ha Peen yenotifil rectr has, been dulywk by to correct such 100 /. ofEl a work n the on. of Division • of Electrical Inspection. 1' I SECTION 2. That Section 009,R@- — 25t� day of • :need th Or1920,be Cesan f Salt a Ls City„ amended d t$e and the same Is hereby Subscribed and sworn to before me this amended to read as follows: SECTION 609,FEES. The fees bl the collected by the Bureau of Mechanical cal Inspection shall be as follows: (a) For electric light wiring, each January A."D. 1 ch for the first two outsets,and 5c for each / being interpreted Outlet; the ward"outlet" being interpreted ae including a switch outlet ewltch controlling same,or a light ouht outlet and the fixtures p drop G -1 fo be attached to the same,except that Public. for ationafof a existing Wiring in ----_____..-Notary con- venience of one light,switch or cone ened f outlet the permit will be issued for 50°_eats_ My commission expires Advertising fee, $ (b)For arc lamps and light outlets requiring 400 watts or more, e,$1.00 for the first two arc lamps or outlets re- quiring 400 watts or more,and 25c for e$ch additional. (0)For each motor or generator of more than%horsepower and not more than 1 horsepower,52c. For'each motor or generator of more than 1 horsepower and not more than 5 It each e ' For each motor or generator of more than 5lloraepower and not more than JakhOnIalinKaF42.52, or each motor or generator of more -then.15 and not more than 40 horse- power,$4.00. For earl motor or generator of more than 40 horsepower,$7.00. (d) Ail electricalpciacir its for heating de eluded above, thatequireur not required t rate ormorn per circuit.charged ide i the rate pf 50mI per ele pinstallation ta atm er permit for the it shall tof a motor or special 't shell be issued for less than$1.00. (el Fqr an electrical elevatoreithere sial'l Sr a Charge of,$2.0plus for the regular spe- cial' pcontrol ors po, plus the e in charge per horsepower as provided 1n this section for motors. (£) For ins, ping any electrical rwiring fixtures, which apparatus, aee 10 here- inre- of installationproded, for charge no$2.000a forthe first provided,a at ratefor 1.50 first hour and t the i n in per hoarier additionalinspection time given e. making ECT such.n tion shall be made. SECTION 3. That Section 6e0,City, Utah Ordinances of dit Lake erdi- Utah, pane as amended by an Can- n mince passed Aprilb the th Boar1024, of a nt- ed by ordinance nr passed as December by an ordinance passed December spec 1e, relating toc elec sichl in- spection,iben and the same is hereby amended read es follows:GOVERNING SECTION 610. RULES GOVERNING INSTALLATION. (a)Except easc otherwisealwiring herein pro- vided, all e eelectrical mores, parinsta la- us. done or ales fir f fixtures, ghtrheat opower,appliances for telephone, e,light hr pewee, eandtelegraph.oftelephone,work district In- troduced aced me other elpectin l or on into or placed any buildingl orin confture ormity Salt LakeCity. es shall in conformity with the rule- and is l requirementsd the Nfitting Elec- tialalCode,and all n t ally and mate- rial be used such list the of National Board published the Which Board of Fireqe a Underwriters,ensandlists which rules and requirements part tend dinare c hereby made a part of this s ordinance. (b)All wires hereafter etailed for furnishing light,o heat or power in ighapartmentcontaining a houses more thanone art- high,or n dive of more apart- ments, Punta,or in buildingsrobe used fas hur industrial t ,halls,purposes school such a build- ings,garages,churches, etya, t, school bush- men sa manufacturing call Tres ants and furnishses,ing and wires newer n for furnishing i light,heat or power in any buildingin the districts No.3, as Fire Limitsn No.1,No.d. or 3,meet be iraceways. conduit, surfacee metal tubing:pro ide.or tlby oer- metaon ciinsp provided that department hort lengths of a moored cablemaybshort lengths of armored cable may be used Yor ces ill£Places.ens or Slsnf .St[ inaccessible places. an SECTION That SectIona 615,f of an dlnanee passed the City, Utah.Decmbr Com- missioners ,1 2lt7,Lake ng ect De- cember onttb 19 relating to herical eby inspection be and the same Is hereby repealed. 9ERTION 5. That Section 1272 or the Revised s ender a Salt Lake Citynonce Utah,as theamended by an Oo - ce passed by the Board of Com- missioners ,on D of Salt Lake0 City,Utah,on December lath, 1e2 a relating to re licenses. be and the same is hereby -Sealed. SECTION Commissioners g. In the oitlit sv af thnay Board p hn it isty of the to the peace,health and safety o£the inhabitants of welt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immedi- ately. SECTION 7, This ordinance shall take effect upon its publication. Passed by the Beard of Commission- 'era bf Salt Lake City,Utah,this 24th day of January,1933. LOUIS MARCUS, ETHIC.MACDONALD, Mayor. City Recorder.' BILL NO.2. Publleled January 25th,1233. at:L.1j tsb,Z) ‘4444-4i--e e ha, Proof of Publication From The Salt Lake Telegram County Entry No.