2 of 1936 - Vacating Andrew Avenue (formerly Norma Street) between Holland Street (formerly the County Road) to ROLL CALL �+ JA V 0 VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, 193 Goggin 1� ', k,t I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser - - - Lee Mr. Chairman - - - / AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE VACATING ANDREW AVENUE (formerly Norma Street) between Holland Street (formerly the County Road) to Monterey Street (formerly Ehrichts Street) . Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Andrew Avenue (formerly Norma Street) between Holland Sti;eet (formerly the County Road) to Monterey Street (formerly .Ehrichts Street), more particularly described as follows; Commencing at a point 33 feet westerly and 1296.33 feet southerly from the N.E.Corner of Section 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 W., S. L. .3. & M., running thence southerly 66 feej, thence westerly 2567.64 feet, thence northerly 66 feet, thence easterly 2567.94 feet to place of beginning. � � - , li e and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be public ,property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way. 9 said vacation is made expressly subject to the rights of way and easements of the Utah Light & Traction Company and the -5 Mountain States 'Telephone & Telegraph Company acquired under fran- chises from Salt Lake City to maintain, repair, alter and replace K, the electric transmission, distribution of telegraph and telephone �� circuits, lines, wires and poles of said companies, together with the necessary stop cross-arms and other attachments thereon or af- fixed thereto for the support of said electric telephone and tele- graph lines, Tires and distribution circuits as no erected and maintained upon or across the portion of said street to be closed, during the life of the franchises held by said companies, or any extensions thereof. Also subject to perpetual easement in Colt Lake City for the construction, maintenance, repair or replacement of any drainage 2 `, cenal, rater mains, sewers or extensions thereof. N ,CIION 5. In the opinion of the noard of tom-lissioners, it it is necessary to the health, peace end s_.Pety of the inhabitants of bait Lake City that this ordinance become effective :Ln iedi: telyr CFO!iuk 3. -'his ordinance shall take eff, ct noon its I first publication. g.= a Pass ecs y the osro o ,issioner,„ of It `tke City, ! Utah, this 1 //JJ day of J nusxY, .• 1 City ::=:cord.er. 4 ! i }}I i � I I` I i 1 1 — — . , . . , .• , . ,' . . . . . . , . . ...0 ,,,,...„. . ..11,... ... . C__ 7 , 'r› ri X.sm — go . ,. i. t•,:. 1:.1 . • C3- z--- i co-\-i j... - —, 2z, c-3 (c.?•.:; M g ,.„, cz• 5 . Elli\71' .. . .._ .. . . ‘ ,\ 1 Proof of Publicati• minimum on UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake. ( AN ORDINANCE' AN ORDINANCE VACATING'AN- DREW AVENUE (formerly Norma Street)between'Rolland Street(for- merly the County Road) to Mon- terey Street (formerly Ehrich'a I T . P. TT'TOj rn^i, being first duly Street). Be it ordained by,the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake Clty, Utah: sworn, depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of THE SALT LAKE SECTION 1, That Andrew tenue (formerly Norma Street) between Holland Street(formerly the County 'Road)to Monterey Street.(formerly TELEGRAM, a newspaper of general circulation, published every day Ehrleh's Street), more particularly described as follows: westerly and Commencing296.2a.set south 33 erly at Salt Lake City, State of Utah. from the N.E.Corner of Section 16, T.1 S.,R.1 W.,S.L.B.&M.,sun- Sing thence southerly 66 feet, thence westerly 2567.04 feet,thence OR 7I':1PTCE northerly 66 feet, thence eaeterly- That the notic -''. 2567.04 feet to place of beginning, be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be public T J e T T property ty for use as pedestrian as street,avenue,. SALT LA?L CITY O_PO<;i.TION e Said vacation le made expressly subject to the rights of way and easements of the Utah Light&Trac- tion Company and the Mountain States Telephone&Telegraph Com- pany acquired under franchises from Salt Lake.City to maintain,repair, alter and replace the electric trans- mission, distribution of telegraph and telephone circuits, lines, wires and poles of'said companies, to- gether with the necessary stop cross- arms and other attachments there- or.affixed thereto for the support of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said news- of said electric telephone and tele- graph lines, wires and distribution circuits as now erected and main- tained upon or across the pbrtion ofl�t?7 TaTlllar ••••• 19, said street to'be closed,during thei paper in its issue dated the day of�.......Y. life of the franchises held by said companies,'or shy extensions thereof. Also subject to perpetual easement'. in Salt Lake city for the construe and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on tlon.maintehance,tepair orreplace- ment of any drainage canal, water mains.'sewers or extensions thereof. SECTION 2,In the opinion of the Tamanr7T 9t1'�.o for Board of Commissioners,it Is'penes- eery to the health,.peace and safety of the inhabitants of Salt.Lake City (� that this ordinance become effective Or insertion 1 SECTION 3. This ordinance.shall mediately, thereafter, the full period of take effect'upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commis- sioners of Salt Lake City,Utah,this 28th day ofJanuary,A.D,-1926, the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the .2,9.th E.B.ERWIN,Mayor, (Seal) ETHEL MACDONALD, City Recorder. F ILI.NO.2, J:anti>ary A. D. 19..... PUblished Jalivary 29th,'1926. day of 2 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th day of Jenuary A. D. 19 36.. • ✓ .. . Notary Public, �jUJY�/ 37 . My commission expires9 Advertising fee, $ • 2 ) Proof of Publication From The Salt Lake Telegram . . . . . ( County Entry No.