2 of 1943 - Amending Section 1702 relating to zoning, change of zoning Residential 'A' and 'A-2' to Residential c.roe n.J ozn•o - _
VOTING 3fiEty�� Salt Lake City, Utah, 194
- - - - I move that the orcljpei e be passed.
Katbeeoa - ✓ ` a '�
vIcConkie f
T2—de_ —
Nis.Chairman - --i-- AN ORDINANCE
Result - _
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
on June 11, 1941, designated as bill No. 26, relating to zoning,
as amended by ordinances adding thereto Items 1 to 15 inclusive,
and as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commission-
ers of Salt Lake City, Utah, on November 5, 1942.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 1702 of an ordinance passed by
the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City on June 11, 1941, de-
signated as bill No. 26, relating to zoning, as amended by ordinances
adding thereto Items 1 to 15 inclusive, and as amended by an ordi-
nance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
a) on November 5, 1942, be and the same is hereby further amended by ,,)
adding in and to said section four new paragraphs to be known as
Items 16, 17, 18 and 19, which shall read as follows:
"ITEM 16. The following described real property now zoned
as Residential 'Ay and Residential to-21, as shown on the Use
District Map, is hereby changed to Residential to-31 district
classification, and the Use District Map is hereby amended and
changed accordingly:
All of the property shown on the "Use District" map of
Salt Lake City as being classified Residential 'At and Resi-
dential to-2" between a line 100 feet west of 3rd East Street
and a line 100 feet west of filth East Street and extending
from a line 125 feet south of 9th South Street to the north
boundary line of the Residential 1B-3, and Commercial District
abutting upon the north side of 21st South Street, excepting
therefrom the following described property: commencing at the
S.E. corner of the intersection of 9th East Street and Garfield
Avenue, thence East to Lincoln Street, thence south to a point
150 ft. south of Garfielc. Avenue, thence East to the West side
of McClelland Street, thence southerly along the west side of
McClelland Street, and a projection of the same to a line 125
ft. south of Hollywood Avenue, thence west to the east line of
9th East Street, thence north to theplace of beginning, being
part of Blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
20 and 21, Five Acre Plat 'A', Big Field Survey.
Also all of the property shown on said 'Use District' map
as being classified Residential 'A', west from 9th East
Street to the City limit line near 5th East Street and ex-
tending north from 27th South to Simpson Avenue, being part
of Blocks 42, 43 and 44, Ten Acre Plat 'A', Big Field Survey.
That said Use District Map is hereby changed and altered
to show the above described tracts of land as a part of Resi-
dential *A-3' District.
ITEM 17. The following described real property now zoned
as Residential 'B-3', as shown on the Use District Map, is
hereby changed to Residential 'A-3' district classification,
and the Use District Map is hereby amended and changed accord-
Commencing at a point on the east line of 5th East Street
and 125 feet south of 21st South Street and running thence -
east to a point 125 feet west of 7th East Street, thence south
to a point 125 feet north of Wilmington Avenue, thence west
to the west line of 6th East Street, thence south to a point
115 feet south of Wilmington Avenue, thence west to 5th East
Street, thence north to the place of beginning, being part of
Block 43, Ten Acre Plat 'A', Big Field Survey.
That said Use District Map is hereby changed and altered
to show the above described tract of land. as a part of Residen-
tial 'A 3" District.
ITEM 18. The following described real property now zoned
as Residential 'B-3i° and Commercial, as shown on the Use Dis-
trict Map, Is hereby changed to Residential *B-2' district
classification, and the Use District Map is hereby amended
and changed accordingly:
Commencing at a point 125 feet south of 21st South
Street and 125 feet east of 7th East Street and running
thence east along a line 125 feet south of 21st South Street
to a point 125 feet west of McClelland Street, thence south
to the north line of Fairmount Park, thence west to 9th East
Street, thence north to Wilmington Avenue, thence west to a
point 200 feet west of 9th East Street, thence south to
Simpson Avenue, thence vest to a point 125 feet east of 7th
East Street, thence north to the place of beginning, being
part of Blocks 44 and 45, Ten Acre Plat 'A', Big Field Survey.
Also commencing 100 feet crest of 13th ',ast and. 165 feet north
of 21st South Street and running thence west to the west line
of. Elizabeth Street, thence north 485 feet, thence east to a
point 100 feet west of 13th East Street, thence south to
place of beginning, being a part of Block 1-A, Five Acre
Plat 'A', Big Field Survey.
That said Use District Map is hereby changed and altered;.
to show the above described tracts of land as a part of
Residential tB-2t District.
ITEM 19. The following described real property now zoned
as Commercial, as shown on the Use District Map, is hereby
changed to Residential tB-3t district classification, and the
Use District Map is hereby amended and changed accordingly:
Both sides of 7th East Street and to a depth of 125
feet back therefrom, extending 240 feet north from the north
line of Simpson Avenue to the south line of the Residential
tB-3! District, being part of Blocks 43 and 44, Ten Acre
Plat 'As, B g Field trvey.
That si.d Use ,trict Pap ;is herebyy_banged and altered;
to shove the,ollbve de" ibed tract•.rof _and 40 a part of Resi-
dential t,� *t 1Di&tricp`
SECTIOt d� In t op•inion o = the $oalkl of Commissioners,
!it is necessary ta`°the pea4; health and safety d ?the inhabitants
of Salt Lake Cit '.that tl' crdinance'become e €tive iuunediately.'s
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
;JUtah, this f 1- iay of Q ����/ , A.D. 1943.
Li lew�G6
City Recorder
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
1702 of an ordinance passed by the Board Leo 'Young
ot Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah,
on Juno 11.1941.designated as bill No,26,
relating to zoning, ametidett,by
- thane. adding filmset.Dents 1 to 15 iti- Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
clu.14, anti as amended by a,i ordinance
passed by Salt L the BoarUtah,d of Commissioners of j vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
ahe C on November 5,
I3e It ordained by tilt Board of Com. published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
missioners et Solt Lake CIty. Utah: j
SECTION 1. That Section 1702 of an
ordinance passed by the Board of Commis-
sioners at ball Lake City on June 11. of Utah.
1941, designated as bill No. 26, relating,
to zoning, amended by ordinances adding:
thereto Items 1 to 15 inclusive, and as
arnended by an ordinance passed by the: 0 rdino IllCe Bill
Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,' That the advertisement
'Utah, on November 5, 1242, be and the
same is hereby further amended by adding
in and to said section four new pars• rel in6. to z
mph.to be known as Items 16,19,18 and
it.which shall read as follows;
'ITEM 18. The following described real
PropertY now zoned as Residential•A'and
Salt Lake City C orp or, t ion
Residential Al as shown on the Use
District Map,is hereby changed to Resi.
dentist 'A-3' district classification, and
the Use District Map Is hereby amended
and changed accordingEll
All of the property shown on the 'Use
District"amp of Salt Lake City at being
classified Residential 'A' and esidential •
'A-2'between a line 100 feet west of 3rd was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
East Street and a line 100 feet west ol
Ilth East Street and columnlle from a
, line 125 feet sou of O South Street 29 Janunry19 3
t.th.north th th boundary line of the Ethi- day of A.D.
dential 13-3'.cl Commercial District abut-
ting upon the north side of 21st South
Street. excepting therefrom the following
described nroperty commeocing at the and was published Q11C0
S.E. corner of the intersection of 9111
East $thert and Garfield Avenue. thence.
East to Lincoln Street,thence south to a
point 150 It. south of Garfield Avenu, the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
thence East to the West aide of McClelland
Street, thence, southerly along the meat
side of McClelland Street,and a projection
of the same to a line 125 ft.south at Hol. day of A.D. 19
ly*Ood Avenue, thence west to the east
tins of 9th East Street; thence north
to the place of 2, 3,beginning, being14.part
of Blocks 1, 4. 5, 12, 13, 15,
18,17.18,20 and 21.Five Acre Plat'A,'
iltig Field SurveY. .Ad erasing Clerk(I\
Also all of the property shown on said
'Use District map as being classified Rest-
dential'A,,west from nth Dist Street to
IS,City limit line near 5th East Street and
extending north fr.,'27th South to Simp-
son Ave., being part at Blocks 42. 43
and 44,Ton Acre Plat'A,'Big Field Sur.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3 day of
Eebru,--3 ry A.D. 19 43
Notary 13 Wbl'
root a ald Use District Dian-la herebyI
changers and altered to show the above[
described tracts of land as a part of
Residential 'A-3' District.
ITEM 17. The following described real,
property no sorted as-Residential 'B-3,',
as shown the Ilse District Map, i
he n hereby changed to Residential ' -3' dies A
filet classification, and the use District
Map Is hereby amended and changed ac
Commencing at a point on
the east
line of 5th East Street and 125 feet south
of 21st South Street and running thence
east to point 125 feet west of th
East Street, thence smith to a point
125 feet north of Wilmington Avenue,
thence west to the west line of 6th,
East Street, thence son lb to a point 1151
feet south of Wilmington Ave., thence
west to 5th East Street, thence north
rtlr to:
the place of beginning, heing art oft
Block 43,E Ten Acre Plat 'A.' Big Field,
Theo said tar District Man Is hereby.
changed and entered to show the above
described tract of land as a part of
ITEM 18. The follnwiue described real
propand erty now Commercial,O 1ad as Residential
shown err the Rhea[
Disletet Man, is hereby changed In Res.
identlel'B-2'district classification,and the
Use District Map Is hereby amended and
changed a rordingic:
Commencing at a point 125 feet south
of 21st South Street and 125-Seel east of
01h East Street and running thence east
alone line 125 feel south of 21at South]
Street to a point. 125 fent west of Mc-,
Clelland Street.thence south to the north'
line of Falrntount Park, thence west t
tilt East Street. thence orth to %II.
rington Avenue. thence west to a point
200 feet west of 9th East Street, thence
oath to Simpson Avenue, thence nhst
to a point 125 feet east of 7th East
Street, thence north to the Plate of he-1
ginning. heir part of Blocks 44 and 45.1
or Plat A.' Big Field Survey. I
commencing cing 100 feet west of 13th1
East and165n feet north of 21st South.
Street and running. thence west to the
west line of Elizabeth Street,thence north
485 feet, thence east to a point 100 feet
west of 13th East Street, thence south t
place of beginning,being a part of Blocks
1.A,Five Acre Plat'A,'Big Field Survey.'.
That said Use District Men 's hereby,
chm.eed and altered to show the above.
described tracts of land as a part 1'
Residential ITEM 19. The Thee following described read,
roperty zoned Commercial.
she. the Use District Map, s here-
hv efrcatto to Residential 'Bate dl.+mot''
rlasherestann, and Um less District Man
is hereby accorded and changed accord.
Ig lot.
Dons,aiet 125 feet es of la East
ck therefrom,extend-
ing a deg I
im feet north ue oot the north line
of Simpson Avenue to the.District, it. hoe of
ofe Blocks nt41 cod'44 Te Acre Part
'A.' Big Field Survey.
That said Use District Map le hereby
'Clanged and altered to show the above
described tract of land as a part of Rest.
denital '13-3'District. '
SECTION 2. lit the opinion of the.
Board of Commissioners, it in necessaryll
to the ca health and safety of the
Inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this
ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take
el feet upon its first publication.
Passerby the Board of•Commissioners
of Sail Lake City.Utah, this 27th day of
Ethel Macdonald,
City Recorder.
BILL. NO. 2.
Published January 201h, 1943.