2 of 1946 - Amending paragraph (h) of Section 138 relating to employee's pension-defining 'employee' VOTING gra Salt Lake City,Utah, 194 I more that the ordinance he passed. Ke ) yeer - - - - Matheson - - - V ikC=1 ITr1. 13:a4i:ns n - - - - • AN ORDINANCE R.uk AN OPLAIC:-.J;. fit 07DT—A:ON (h) of Coo ion or ti c Oriinancen of City, Uir-lh, nElosed lot tlte flonra of Cominnionorti of Colt La:. CUy, Utah, on the r,Oth 0')y of 7Uovell:or : 10ff, relatingto pensions. lie it ordn,1"ned by tho Board of CommiPnionern or Colt Ln%o That ronra,roph (h) of Section ICC of t'io 01.'113:ear:es of L!-*E City, it'h, tie 17NNSed by iCcNoord of Cokunissionors oC Snit Late C it v N';'-.6t, on the M3th day of Novwber, 1 CCC, -oortrini)F2to p'.?,11S10112.1 be znien(lod to road an follows: (h) ?No term nom,-loyee en uned in tiLt orOinnnce nny :On, officers —la bendy of dernrtinentn, othar th-o elecLe6 ofricers unr1 those in no ol''ssifiud civil i'ervice hcve boon continuously opo,loyed by ;Thlt Lobe C't_t7) for: n eerie'', of one yenr or boo or. 2'4C2I011 2. In tic cinioer of tOo ';our-1 of Co'riieioners, It in necone-ry to poco, honith nd ',e1e1,7 '-,to lihebiLeot of it t. c) (iinnnee ";ocolle offeet've ii om'io 'ilre e:et13 tr=1-n or Con Imon itc ou''] Ientien. tz- b7 7,onr0 of Coi1, en; or 'iN-11, of 2 51. 1N6. 'di/mane Cit7 -to'cor'Thr -_ 2 Presented to the Board of Commissioners AND PASSED JAN 1171946" 4 T. /1E OSTY HU:ORDER .Frst Publication xa ,✓�. /Sr-/9 11G Affidavit of Publication STATE OF,UTAH, ss County of Salt Lake AN ORDINANCE .D---. --Cols®-y PARAGRAPH(hi tlof Seo Iona el Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- lho Crdln.7 [ 931E Leke Clty. Utnk,Daeeed M the'Board v[Com• Cite, vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper ' Uteh, ho 2eth day of Novem. belle IIE48`t t B all bv°thevHo"pptl Commleel°onara of Salt Leh° ult,, published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State U lnofedg9r aniBento 1311 That of of Utah. Salt oard of C Utah,ae Deeeed It the D City of al,on etheera L Salt If kNovembe,E°1S16�Dertalnins ate Dew"'°"°'"amended to reed ea,°,. lows: That the advertisement "A Too term"employe"a aed to Lhla flinenceo m aofficersy hers °tl fi atleainf f4oTe'a°rTs 'Lg Ordinance Bill No 2 than elo°trd otflcore c, thoeD 1n h°e13amR<d.°iou eer iee.whn harp Corporation IbPOek:cFFn>"i°°rnt9nem°'°ianne i"eut Salt Lake City LheEBoa a of Commiedov ue1O tt 1e n eery to the ppa ea hoaot7r d 4atet9 1 the t oitente t Snit Lake Ctty tbot this atet be- eo a ttertivo Immediately, 9ECTICN9,Thte orPinaane ehali take edlent upon Its Aret Dublletr was published in said newspaper,in its issue dated, the lion. tr Ae°a by tine Baarel r Comm*,.. 46 tint" 19thordayitOfJ jgnvn y.An ' lathJanuary A.D.19 leas. day of MARL J.GLADH. aRMA F,BITNHR,. M690y BILL Rat.'SR°°°rdar, and was published 1 time Pobtlehed Sasser,IS. IBa. the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the 18th day of Januaaarrryy A.D.19 46 Advertisan Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of\ January A.D.19 46 �. Notary blic 6 \ w \Y "