2 of 1949 - Levying a tax, Lighting District No. 22 ROLL CALL 1
,ltiiV 4 i:,49
Salt Lake City,Aye Nay Utah, ,194
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Matheson . . . i
Romney �.
Mr.Chairman . .
AN ORDINANCE LEVYIN A TAX a for the assessment of
property in Lighting District 2-A, for the purpose of pro-
viding for the operation, maintenance and patrolling of incan-
.1 descent lamps and the furnishing of electrical energy therefor.
� v Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of
the same upon the property hereinafter described in Lighting Dis-
trict No. 22-A, for the purpose of providing for the operation,
maintenance and patrolling of incandescent lamps and the furnish-
ing of electrical energy therefor, to-wit:
Lots 15 and 16 of Blk. 28; Lots 1 to 13 incl. of Blk.
1, and Lots 7 to 12 incl. of Blk. 2, Yalecrest Heights Sub.
of Blk. 28; Lots 1 to 13 incl. of Blk. A, and Lots 1 to 13
incl. of Blk. B, Yale Gardens Sub. of Blk. 27; 5-Acre Plat
ICI, Big Field Survey;
abutting on both sides of Yalecrest Avenue from 18th East Street
to 20th East Street in Salt Lake City.
This tax is levied to defray the expense of providing
for the operation, maintenance and patrolling of incandescent
lamps and furnishing with electrical energy on the all night
schedule for a period of ten years from November 30, 1948, to
November 30, 1958, twenty-one (21) ornamental standards, each
standard equipped with one 4000 lumen incandescent lamp, and it
is hereby adjudged, determined and established that said property
will be especially benefited thereby to the full amount of the
tax hereby levied, and said parcels of land are hereby assessed
at an equal and uniform rate in accordance with the linear foot
frontage upon and to the entire depth of the same ownership back
therefrom not exceeding 330 feet, and the tax hereby levied and to
be assessed upon said parcels of land is Four Thousand Two Hundred
Seventy-six and 80/100 ( >4,276.80) Dollars or One and 407564/1000000
($1.407564) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property,
there being 3038.44 feet abutting said portion of said improvement
and the cost of which operation, maintenance, patrolling and fur-
nishing of electrical energy and the property benefited thereby is
hereinafter set out, and all within the boundaries of the lots,
blocks and street above mentioned in said district, which is the
total abutters! cost and cost per front foot of said improvement
for a period of ten years, according to the contract entered into
for the performance of said work and making said improvement with
Utah Power & Light Company, dated the 24th day of August, i948,
said levy to date and be effective from November 30, 1948, which
is the date service began, and the city treasurer is hereby author
iced and directed to assess in accordance with the provisions of
this ordinance for the purpose herein mentioned:
Fronting on the north side of Yalecrest Avenue.
All of Lots 1 to 13 incl. of Blk. 1, Yalecrest Heights
Sub. of Blk. 28, and all of Lots 1 to 13 incl. of Blk. A, Yale
Gardens Sub. of Blk. 27; 5-Acre Plat !C!, Big Field Survey.
Fronting on the south side of Yalecrest Avenue.
The east 236.11 ft. of the west 269.11 ft. of tne south
Lots 15 and 16
128,19 ft. of Lot 15 and the north 118.55 ft. of Lot 16,Aof Blk.
28; the east 165.0 ft. of the west 434.11 ft. of tne north 123.37
ft. of the south 128.19 ft. of Lot 15, Lot 15 of Blk. 28; all of
Lots 7 to 12 incl. of Bik. 2, Yalecrest Heights Sub. of Blk. 28;
and all of Lots 1 to 13 incl. of Blk. B, Yale Gardens Sub. of Blk.
27; 5-Acre Plat !C!, Big Field Survey;
as the same are shown upon the official plats of said city to the
entire depth of the same ownership back from said street not ex-
ceeding 330 feet, and collect said tax.
SECTION II. That the assessment list made by the City
Treasurer, as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of
Equalization and Review of the property described in Section 1 of
this ordinance in Lighting district No. 22-A of Salt Lake City for
the purpose of providing for the operation, maintenance and patrol-
ling of incandescent lamps and furnishing with electrical energy,
is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and returned in said
completed lists and the report of the Board of Equalization and Re-
view to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City are hereby
ratified, approved and confirmed.
SECTION III. Said tax shall be payable in ten equal year-
ly installments, with interest on any delinquent installment unpaid
at the rate of ten per cent per annum, which interest shall be
charged from and after the due date of each installment, to-wit:
one-tenth thereof fifteen days after the ordinance levying the tax
for the payment of the improvement becomes effective; one-tenth
thereof in one year thereafter; one-tenth thereof in two years
one-tenth thereof in four years thereafter;
thereafter; one-tenth thereof in three years thereafter;,,one-tenth
thereof in five years thereafter; one-tenth thereof in six years
thereafter; one-tenth thereof in seven years thereafter; one-tenth
thereof in eight years thereafter; one-tenth thereof in nine years
thereafter; provided, however, that one or more of such install-
ments in the order payable, or the whole tax, may be paid without
interest within fifteen (15) days from the date this ordinance be-
comes effective.
Default in the payment of any such:. installment of prin-
cipal when due shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal to be-
come due and payable immediately, and the whole amount of the un-
paid principal shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of ten
per cent per annum until paid, but at any time prior to the date
of sale or foreclosure the owner may pay the amount of all unpaid
installments past due, with interest at the rate of ten per cent
per annum to date of payment on the delinquent installments, and
all accrued costs, and shall thereupon be restored to the right
thereafter to pay in installments in the same manner as if default,
had not occurred.
SECTION IV. This ordinance shall take effect one day
after its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 4,Li, day of , s- D.
1 Mayor.
• City Recorder.
Lighting District No. 22-A
2nd and Final Estimate
Presonte,d to the Board of Commissioners
AND PAc:43F0
JAN 411
First Publication in
orrir Riooftorot
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake J
f , .
, ices
Lego! Not
... . . ..
. : _...„,, . .-
!!,1141,.Ioytthe itlaelltitititt'of,prene y . ii. 1,..
4 IR-A-Trgfe DonteStgisP.Piere"':111: '-
peration, maintenance ants pittral.'•.
ling of.Incandescent lamps and the -• Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
furnlehing of electrical energy,thsre- '
N"Vt. vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
cotb'1,:f4liit'°111,714- -
Utah: • ''SECTION 1. That Oho Board'of. published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
Commissioners of' EWA Lake:City
dose hereby,levy the tax'and prO- '
vide for the'hisesernent of.Use soma • of Utah.upon the property hereinafter de.scribed in Lighting District No.12-A, '
for the purpose of providing for the
operation, mitintenanSe and patrol-
ling of inetindescen't lathes and the • That the advertisement
• furnlitlng of elecirICal energy there- .
Late 15 And It of Mk. IS;Lots .‘
1 to;13 Incl. of Stk. 1, and Lots i'llbil_1,Ali.r Grctirlance '.11.1.....,ic.
- 7 to'12,inol, Of 131k 2 Wastes
lieights•Sub.of SRC 28t'Lots l'tot
13 incl.Of/311t.A,arid Lot.1 CO 13
Incl.of 1311,S,Yale Gardens Sub,of "fin Ord ii_rianoc Levvin y ..,
Blk.27; 5-Acre Plat.c.,Big Field '
. Survey• '
abutti4 on ban sides of tales"et
20th Nalt&feetSalt
. Avenue froth 18th EastLake-Streettyto LiFhtdnp. ):Li ',.o. 22—A"
in Clt
ThIS tax is levied to defray the ex,
riWO m011tilltigeVanrlitteollgrer
Incandescenitfi t lamps a energynd'ftE915.4 was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
e let bal on Nie a
'Fig VOIdngiVI130er"V°1140:
. • OVoinbk, 4108,_oitigi-opc isn• day of A. D. 19
. Ahonomo bandesiettqlettch''stand.an d mints, with one-4000 lumen
thormseeeentt mem,aria-it is hammy
' Vittifil i'ioNgefelrff-seism'!ally,. and was published L'n ,l cil., :5 t5h]`)/.9
. .hessfities:t ereby to the'ash Amount.
Of the tx hereby levied,,and said
Pe$14-Orland aro herebY
.atr;an equal and ailment rate.is the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
accordance with the ;linear foot •
- frontagi upon and to'the entire
' depth of the same ownerehip beet'
' therefrom not exceeding 330 feet, day of ,,,;,-,' .,,,_-' A. D. 19
and the tax hereby levied and to be
assessed;upon said wools Of land
13 Fait Thousand TwO-Illuldred `Si
' ;Seventy-six and 80/100 f$4,976.80)
Dollera or One and 407554/1000000
(91.407584) Dollars per' ftont or Advertising Cle
linear.foot of abutting property,•
there being 3035,44 feet abutting
said portion of mild Improvement,
and the coat of which operatiOta
.11,1111nallirar7gr011ins and 1Talot
dtaPetaY benefited thereby to he's: _--
muter eat out, and all Within the
boundaries of the lots,blos ck*A before me this
nd 1.9 bh ddayo f
street above mentioned.in aid
trial which to the total abutters.
coot and cost Co;pr front loot,of,eald
• 'Velsrf,vm'eTr'dinfio/toathperiodt of t"
iv!.ZO.for the redOrnmrge e':i
..'.:•..'.,6.th and malting said improve-
-:-!,,'.',,dth "Utah Power & Light \
',-,t tia.i:t, dated the 24th day of
1,,,,,,i;,;4-:1948,said levy to date and 4,1
;': ''''.Atild tiireete:i foh:Xgr'iunthre;
• -'
Notary Pu a=
,. ,,,e MA with the previe1011.ot thie. ,
:iliAlleied,tar the purpose heron •
Proof of Publication
13A Lk #
•-F.rating en the north side of
• Yeleoreet Avenue.
All of tote 1 to 19 Incl.of Blk.
1. Yulecrest Heights Bub. of 81k.
, god b. p Yele Got of heq.to l 3 Mot.
of Bib. of Bk.
27; 6-Acre Plat'C' Big Field Bur-
, Yq a sat A Ate—elha.eealb,.Sig e..of
The east 238.11 ft. of the west
269.11 ft. of the south 128.19 ft.
• of Lot 13 and the north 118.66 it.
of Lot 14,Lots 15 and 16 of BD.
28; the eget 165.0 ft. of the West
434.11 ft. of the north 123.37 ft.
of the a uth 128.19 ft. of Let 16
Lot 16 of Blk. 28; all of Lots 7
to 12 incl. of Blk. 2, Yaleoreat
Height. Bub, of Sik..28; and all
of-Lots 1 to 13 incl.of Bk.B,Yale
Gardens Out,of Blk.27;3-Acre Plat
'C',Big Field Survey;
o the e are hoWn upon the
tfficial plata of acid city to the en-
ire depth of the same ownership
boob from said street not exceeding
330 feet,and collect Said tax.
1BOTION II.That the aeeeeement
Bet made by the City Treasurer,at
the approvedBoard Equalisation and Rbe
view of he property described In
Section of this
District-No.ordinance oSlt2be 'City for the.purpen of presiding
for the operation,'rgatntenanoe and
t Suing of Ineaeteeaent'limpg.:*hd
confirmed,Ith-el. t-e0 us.la...
a and the- wet
mints made'and reurned In et&
completed lists and the report of
the Beard Of Equalisation and Re-
view to the Board of elopn,ere •
df Bait Lake City are.hereby hereby ratlfibd,
ap Ovid and o_Onfirmed. -
ll payable in en Waal yearly lnetall-
mente, with•Intereeb on any delft.•
ofORM tonensta perlltentt Dep Unpaid She.,the rate
lntereet shall be need from and
after the due date of each install-
ment,to-wit,one-tenth thereof fif-
teen the tax after
or the ordinance levy-
InsImprovement becomeepeffective;of the
tenth-thereof In one year there-
after;one-tenth thereof in two years
thereafter; one-tenth thereof he -
•thrte years thereafter; one-tenth
thereof In four years thereafter;
She-tenth thereof five .yers
thereafter;one-tenthin thereof 1h ale
Bs seven
thereafter; one-tenth thereof
6hesevef in
years thereafter;
one-tenth thereof In nine years
thereafter; provided, however, that
one or more ofouch inetelhnente
in the order payable, or the whole
taxafl1teen P7161 daysntfrrang
drag In
to this ordinance beeves of---
Dlfeoet In the payment of any-
u installment b principal when
due id principal
cause the come of the
payabl Drm edil toel become due Ole
at immediately,and the Mholll
amounteaf of the winter it principal shall
thereafter draw interest at the until
Of ten ter Bany perm shown'until
held, but t any time prior to the
own of at
or foreclosure the
owner oil pay the et du of h
interest aid ]at tthemrate of ten per centwi
perannum to date of payment or
mod�chali thereuppon
be restored to the right thereafter
t0 pay In inf edtt In the me
manner as If default had Oct oc-
SECTION-IY,This ordinance Snail
take effect one day after JW drat
• Paned tall Beard of.Commis
Borten off OA Lake DV,'Gish,
Rite 4th,ally Of 1pnuary, A: D.,
EARL,d OLAD9,.' -
f9BALi IRMA P.e['L_'ittpc
BILL NO.2. • pity Bpdorder•
Lightiny.Distant NO.-.91F-A (Op-
eEatlo6l 2nd area Finn Betimele.
•Published aansery eth, 1649.