2 of 1951 - Amending Section 6714, relating to zoning Items 88 and 89. Salt Lake City,Utah, ,195
Affleck _` .- I move that the ordinance be passed.
Christensen . . .
Lingenfelter . .
Romney . . .
- rIT-012`5INANCE AMENDING SECTION 6714 of the Revised Ordi»
nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances
passed by the Board of Commissioners, relating to zoning.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 6714 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by the
Board of Commissioners on February 21, 1945; April 5, 1945; August
17, 1945; December 18, 1945; March 28, 1946; April 5, 1946; June
4, 1946; August 6, 1946; September 18, 1946; October 8, 1946; Novem-
ber 5, 1946; January 7, 1947; February 11, 1947; March 5, 1947;
March 25, 1947; April 16, 1947; May 27, 1947; June 5, 1947; June
26, 1947; July 22, 1947; October 14, 1947; December 2, 1947; Decem-
ber 18, 1947; April 26, 1948; May 26, 1948; September 22, 1948;
September 28, 1948; October 23, 1948, known as bills Nos. 60 and 61;
March 9, 1949; August 3, 1949; November 15, 1949; February 23, 1950;
March 30, 1950; May 4, 1950; May 31, 1950; September 19, 1950; and
November 21, 1950; relating to zoning, be and the same is hereby
further amended by adding in and to said section two new paragraphs
to be known as Items Nos. 88 and 89, which shall read as follows:
"ITEM No. 88. The following described real property in
Residential 'B-2' District, as shown on the Use District Map,
is hereby amended and changed to 'Industrial' classification
and the Use District Map is hereby amended and changed accord-
The west 33 feet of Lot 12, Blk. 8, 5-Acre Plat 'A',
Big Field Survey.
That said Use District Map is hereby changed and amended
to show the above described tract of land and the whole there-
of as 'Industrial' District."
"ITEM No. 89. The following described real property in
Residential 'B-2' and 'B-3' Districts, as shown on the Use
District Map, is hereby amended and changed to Business "A"
classification and the Use District Map is hereby amended end
changed accordingly:
The northwest corner of West Temple and 21st South
Streets, being the east 10 rods of Lot 1, Blk. 7,.,$-Acre Plat
'A', Big Field Survey.
That said Use District Map Is hereby amended and changed
to show the above described tract of land and the'whole there-
of as Business "A" District."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, heal th and safety cif the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective imme-
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 16th day of January , A. D. 1951.
rary Ccairman
C ty Recorder.
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake f
TION 6714 of the Devised Ordi-
of Salt Lake City, Utah.1944. TT�5 ♦q (v
pa,sed aby nth
en din
Board of ded .Commis- y/r 1��4. OCKEY
sinners, relating e oning.
Be It ordained by the Board of
Commission., of Salt Lakc City, Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
SECTION Re 1, ThaOrdinances
noes 6"4 vertisingclerk ofTHE DESERET NEWS a newspaper
Lake Cry,°Uta'h°1944,as menseid I )
• by ordinances passes�y the Board
1Commissioners an February 21 published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
945; April 5, 1945; August'17
1945;December 18,1945;March 28
1941,: April 5, 1946: Jmie 9, 1946 of Utah.
August 6,1946;September 18,1996
October 8,1940;November 5,1946
January 7,194;February 11,1947
March 5, 1997; March 25, 1947
April 15, June Mar 29,; Jul J That the advertisement
1. J, O June a 149; Joy"be
1!141; 7; 0cce 14, 19, 47; Sae
J, ]99'!; Deeemhm' 19 I949; Aprl ',�^t.^, },
25. 1918, May 29. 1948,SePtemhe An Ordinance Lill No. 2
22,1948, Boptember 28, 1948;Octo-
ber 2d, 1948, known an bill, Nos.
60 and 61,March,9,1099;August 3,
1949; November S5, 1949; February Section 6714
23, 1950; March.:IQ, 1950: May 4,
1950; May 31, 1'4gt; September 19,
1950,and Novem¢gt 21,1950;relat-
ing to coning, be And the same Is
hereby further amended by adding
In and to said section two new Para-
graphs to be known...s 1te.ma Nos.
88 and 99,which shall read as fol.
lows: was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
"ITEM N h to/lowingealdetisi
described d 1 own P the
Use it DItI 0r ni1hs
Use District I t M D`0L.,ha by mead- day of A.D. 19
ed endchanged t0, tl t l I 419
IU d dry and the&UAL District 1$0-
c merely amcnded..anlLehange¢;aT-
TngRYest 33 NWIPibot 12 PA'' and was published on January 18, 1951
8,5-Acre Plat`A1r131IrFielp"Sarve,y,
That,Isald Uab� rat MaP le
showbytheb&eo,a sc de t t the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
land and the pule 445401 as NSA- '
nvstrial' District.'. s n .
'I'1EM No.63 The follown grle.
12 ea andBD D Id es shown day of A.D.19
on the Use DIstrl,Man Is herchy
nd I h t Business
'A cla.ro sification and the Use Dis-
trict Map Is hereby amended and 4 I• r/�!4. 1
char ort west corner
Advertising Cleric
The northwest me of West
Temple and 21st rods
StreLot ts,1, lk.
7 the oast 10 rode o1 Field
1, olk.
�.5-Acre Plat'A',Big Eicld survey. •
That said Use District Map is
heresy amended and changed to
show d the
esorlh1d tract of
land an ti'.e whole thereof as nuns- 22nd
A District," )before me this day of
SECTION 2, In the opinion of
the Hoard of Commissioners, It is
- safety soot to the
h inhabitant, off Salt A.D.19 51
La',re City that this ordinance shall
become effective Immediately.
SECTION 1. This ordinance shall
take effect upon Its first publics-
almsPassed by the Board of Commis-
sinners of Salt Lake City.Utah,this J
16th day%.January,A.D.1151. / 1 1 1-1 v
Temporary Chairman. Notary Public-IAMA A.RITN ER, C
City Recorder.
BILL No. 2
Published JZnuary 16, 1951.