2 of 1972 - Levying a tax for assessment of property in Lighting District No. 32-C in the area of 11th West and RVLL \.HLL
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah January 11 2
Barker . . . .
Catmull . . . / I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Garn v z :vul /Ss .,l
Harrison . . . `'
Mr.Chairman . J `'- ' '
6` ,r
AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of property in
Lighting District No. 32-C, for the purpose of providing for electrical
energy in said district.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same upon
the property hereinafter described for the purpose of providing for the
operation, maintenance and patrolling of incandescent lamps and the
furnishing of electrical energy therefor, to-wit:
Area: Lots 3 to 6 incl., Block 91, Plat "C", Salt Lake City
Survey and part of the N.W.4, Sc. 35, T1E. R1W, Salt
Lake Base and Meridian.
Streets: llth West Street, east side - north 515.97 feet from
5th North; 5th North Street, north side - Ideal Street
to llth West Street; Ideal Street, west side - 5th
North to Briarcliff Avenue.
This tax is levied to defray the expense of providing for the
operation, maintenance and patrolling of 8 - 10,000 lumen incandescent
lamps and furnishing with electrical energy on the all-night schedule
for a period of ten years - from August 29, 1971 to August 29, 1981;
and it is hereby adjudged, determined and established that said property
will be especially benefited thereby to the full amount of the tax
hereby levied, and said parcels of land are hereby assessed at an equal
and uniform rate in accordance with the linear foot frontage upon and
to the entire depth of the same ownership back therefrom not exceeding
330 feet, and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed upon said parcels
of land is $4,132.13 or $3.93517 per front foot of abutting property,
there being 1,050.05 feet abutting said portion of said improvement,
and the cost of which operation, maintenance, patrolling and furnishing
of electrical energy and the property benefited thereby, is herein-
after set out, and all within the boundaries of the lots, blocks and
streets above mentioned in said district, which is the total abutter's
cost and cost per front foot of said improvement, according to the
contract entered into for the performance of said work with Utah Power
& Light Company, dated November 9, 1971, said levy to date and be
effective from October 29, 1971, which is the date service began. The
City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to assess in accordance
with the provisions of this ordinance for the purpose herein mentioned:
Fronting on the East Side of llth West Street
Beginning 52.08 feet west of the southwest corner of
Lot 4, Blk. 91, Plat "C", Salt Lake City Survey; thence
north 515.97 feet, Lots 4 and 5, of Block 91, Plat "C"
Fronting on the North Side of 5th North Street
Beginning 22.92 feet east of the Southwest corner of Lot 4,
Blk. 91, Play "C", Salt Lake City Survey; thence east 176.08
feet, Lots 3 and 4, of Block 91, Plat "C".
Fronting on the West Side of Ideal Street
Beginning 109.0 feet east of the Southwest corner of
Lot 3; Blk. 91, Plat "C", Salt Lake City Survey; thence
North 358.0 feet, Lots 3 and 6, of Block 91, Plat C .
SECTION 2. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer, as
corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization and Review
of the property described in Section 1 of this ordinance (Lighting
District 10-32C of Salt Lake City) for the purpose of providing for the
operation, maintenance and patrolling of incandescent lamps and furnish-
ing with electrical energy, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments
made and returned in said completed lists and the report of the Board of
Equalization and Review to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed.
SECTION 3. Said tax shall be payable in ten equal yearly install-
ments with interest on any delinquent installment unpaid at the rate of
ten percent per annum, which interest shall be charged from and after
the due date of each installment, to-wit: one-tenth thereof fifteen
days after the ordinance levying the tax for the payment of the improve-
ment becomes effective; one-tenth thereof one year thereafter; one-tenth
thereof two years thereafter; one-tenth thereof three years thereafter;
one-tenth thereof four years thereafter; one-tenth thereof five years
thereafter; one-tenth thereof six years thereafter; one-tenth thereof
seven years thereafter; one-tenth thereof eight years thereafter; one-
tenth thereof nine years thereafter; provided, however, that one or
more of such installments in the order payable, or the whole tax, may
be paid without interest within fifteen (15) days from the date this
ordinance becomes effective.
Default in the payment of any such installment of principal when
due shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal to become due and
payable immediately, and the whole amount of the unpaid principal shall
thereafter draw interest at the rate of ten percent per annum until
paid, but at any time prior to the date of sale or foreclosure the
owner may pay the amount of all unpaid installments past due, with
interest at the rate of ten percent per annum to date of payment on
the delinquent installments, and all accrued costs and shall thereupon
be restored to the right thereafter to pay in installments in the same
manner as if default had not occurred.
SECTION 4. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is
necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt
Lake City, Utah, that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
11 th
this day of January 19 72
BILL NO. 2 of 1972
Published January 12, 1972
Affidavit of Publication
AN axulxaxc Lake
TAX(end for the assessment of p2-C,
Tor thepurpoostenof proVldingNfor elec-
dritol ieneomomec81i disttrice t. OS -------- Betty-Phelps
,Commisslonars of Bait Lake City,
Ut h:
h,mo.IN.1: That i'P'l6 aitl of
afif4r hence lee rn" Dice"N Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver-
ry dpon140,,p p rty.h manor rising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
�)ii 16�tlieo;`y Br s p Of i nanlce
d msp{I;Inn R,t Incandescent electricaleacna lamps newspaper printed in the English language with general cir-
agY therei9urnlsnmg I otter. culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
Pllat¢acl ton
Ctc'SO Block
and County, in the State of Utah.
1,KIW,Salthrogey Band Merlclan.E.
f Streets:Ilttl west Street,a st side
nort 515.Y7:feet frdm,5th North;
f sth of Sd street;norm tee _heel That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
;Street iwe t side
— 5 N Ideal
,Street, West Sue.— 5th North fo Ac4P Scmatl+.
Briarcliff Avenue.le: �_t��an3 f9s f21�.Tor 1 l p levied r defray the _An_Qrdlna 5oa_leyyir _ —
pellse of prpvltli y} the opera•
flan i t Dan a n i p t ,ling of e
WOO Ibmen into tl <e t lamps
'on fur Shi With ch electrical energy
o tn¢aji-mgbr schedule roe a period of property in LiglLtipg District .No_._32�_B.i.l.l..
toAuguSf 29,.7951 a dgIt Is2hereb
l5phsetlgllvetbtsatdeSrinrr ined byilald trnel _No, 2 of19?2„
full amount of theatax hereby levied,
end said parcels.f land a hereby,
aatessed,at .equal and uniform,
rate In,accordance with the linear'pan ani to the tire -- '-'-
depth of the same ownership back.
therefrom not tten 330 feet,.
and the tax hereb levied d to be.
IISsed upon said parcels of land Is abu54 tting
or$3.93517 per front root of _--
1butting pa0perty, there beinn
,050.05 feet buttlna.sald portion t
ihichmope ation, aint maintenance,the
s of
pa- was published in said newspaper on JanuarX ,2-,__14Zz___
thergyyy'a ail arolneftor se.benefited
all Within,theeaol,ndarlee of the lots
blocks a d streetsabove ennoned'In Id district, Which is the t tel
'abutter's Last'and coat per oraht foot
at'0dld Irpprovement, ding the'
the ContrSoe entered Into for the
performance or sold work with Ufal ---""
Pow &Ligght Company,dated No
ve bar 9, 1ctiv s Itl levy b date
G be Affective from October ice __
1971,,Which is the date-service --_
'b0 y The Clty Treasurer Is sesyeby •
accordance withlithe dpravlslons'of legal Ad've•ttsntg Cler
ithis ordinance for the purpose herein
Fronting•on the East Side,of 11th
.West of they southw Beginning or erOBf et Lot e4,.
Blk. 91, Plat"C",corner
Lake City
Survew thence north 515.97 feet,'
Fronting one the8Norh91Side of 5th1t ].,l.tg _._ day of
North Sheet.
Sh ebotBBeginningthwest 22.922er feellLotsworn to before me this
.east4,elk.91 Plat"C",Salt Lake City
auroevu ahenc t 176.00 teat,Lots
3 d n oh 10ck 9f: Plat 'c". ___ A.D. 19-72__,
Frt. Godwin,44"the IN t Sool a sf of
the S thwt00 te9. feet t f St leI n 3, Said fez shall bet
ill.Southwest corner of Lot east
B payable in ten 1 yearly install-,
'91•Plat orth 358.Lake CLots3Survey; ill with Interest t any atedel ofuten! /-
ihenc'e north 356.0 feet Lots 3 an Installment p3000 at the ate of ten, _
Sot Block 91,Plat"the percent par hich Interest
SECTION 2. a Ci the assessment hall be the each from a e ff o.the' /'/,/
list made by the City Treasurer, due date of each installment,}oa ie / /(r/I //'/
corrected, approved and completed ne-tenth thereof fifteen days tier���.. / "x"t �'-�L`��'���>-�
by the BOartl f Ey lization d the ordinance levying the tax for the-
Setion f tin¢prordina desctlbeain paymnt f the improvement NotaryPublic
Section 1 f this ordinance ClO'S for becomes effective;one-tenth thereof
District 10-32C of Sax Lake City)for one year hreafter; -tenththere-
ine purpose of providingfor the Deer- f twoeyears tare fter; one-tenth
Won,maintenance and patrolling of thereof tree years thereafr; one-
.Incandescent lamps ana furnishing tenth thereof four years thereafter-
with electrical energy,is hereby con -tenth thereof five Years thereat-
�.ilrmed,and the ssecsments de, ter;one-tenth thereof Six years there-
and turned In said ompletedr"l lots- after;one-tenth thereof' e ears
and the report of the Board of Eq hereafter; -ten thereof eight
lization and Review to the Board aft Years thereafter; one-tenth thereof
Commisioner of Salt Lake C nine Years thereafter;aegVltletl,how-
,Expires hereby ratified, pprovedand e ,that of h M-
Iconfirmed. IExptreS tallments In themore
the whole tax,may be paid without
Interest within fifteen(15)days from
February 12, 1974' the date this ordinance becOmea ef-
I fective.Ihlstallmeefe fa princmalf When
1 due hall c us the whole of the
unpaid principal to yyb come dui d
'amount Immediately,
principal shall
thereafter dra unpaidnterest at the orate,
.butof t any timercent e¢r prior"um to theail date l of
le or foreclosure the ownermay
pay te amount of all unpi insall-
ratets f atend percent Intper an at the
n ftallments,and all yment on the derued"
and shall thereupon bec restored coststo
the right thereater to Da InInstall-
ments In the same mannerif,
default hatl of Daurr ,
Board of Cmmisstoners lit OIs of the
ta a of foe inhabitantsalttf Salt Lake
Cifm, eifebfivae ImmetliafelVnance pe-
take effeOct u3PonTig tlrtl1oubiicailon.
sioners of by
Lake Board
11th day of January.
Pubilshetl•Jenuatr912,1972 (A-25)