20 of 1907 - Ordinance 20 of 1907 - Amending and re-enacting an ordinance passed March 4, 1907, repealing Section Ai •
An ordinance amending and re-enacting an ordinance passed by the
City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, March 4, 1907, and approved by
tithe Mayor March 6, 1907, repealing Section 355 of the Revised Ordi-
nances of Salt Lake City of 1903, and enacting a new ordinance to be
known as Section 355 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City.
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 355 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City of 1903. ae created by an ordinance passed by the City
'Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, March 4, 1907, and approved by the
layer March 5, 1907, repealing Section 356 of the Revised Ordinances
lof Salt Lake City of 1903, and enacting a new ordinance to be known
as Section 355 of the Revised Ordinanoes of Salt Lake City, be, and.
the same hereby is amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows:
SECTION 356• The Land and Water Commissioner shall have
power, subject to the approval of the City Council, to appoint
the following named deputies and assistants:
Ono office deputy at e. salary of $900.00 per annum.
One patrolman, with horse for City Creek Canyon at a sa4ary
of $2.75 per day, whose duty it shall be to keep the Canyon
clear of all rubbish end refuse, and to patrol the same each
day to the Divide.
One patrolman, with horse, for Parley's Canyon, et a salary
of w2.70 per day, whose duty it shall be to keep the Canyon old
Creek free of all rubbish and debris, and whose duty it shall be
to live at the station in 7arley's Canyon from the first day of
March until the first day of December of each year.
One patrolman, with horse, for Sig Cottonwood Canyon, at a
salary of ;2.75 per dny, whose duty it shall be to keep the Can-
yon and Creek clear of all rubbish and refuse, and to patrol tie
same daily, from the intake of the Big Cottonwood Conduit to00. r.
miles above said intake.
I One ranohman, with horse, to live in the Canyon and look
after the ranches and buildings in Parley's Canyon and Mountain
IDe'll..-.,a tO keep the Creek open during the winter in the upper
;u pal t cf the 'Oanyeh,°-,p.t a salary of $2.76 per day..
J1 One foreman, at:a salter of 13.00 per day, and two men with
i `hors'es, Tor Jordan and dalt'Lake Canal, at a !Paltry of $2.75 per
I fey a aob:
4ny additionallabor thb:,emergene#us may require.
.0uoh salaries Shall be paid as are the salalriers of other
MOOT 2. All ordi anoea and parts of ordinances in conflict
:herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of snob conflict.
S OTIOp 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval.
Paetted by the City Counoil of Salt Lake C?.ty,tltah, ;4ar7h)5,
1907, and referred to the i,:ayor for his approval.
Approved this z 7 day of ;lareh,1907.
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