20 of 1932 - Amending Section 1353, relating to Coal Dealers. ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City Utah June 13, 1932. Finch V I move that the ordinance be passed Keyser -- Knight Lake Mr Chairman Result AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCL AMLNDING SECTION 1353 of an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utan, on December 23, 1931, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commission- ers of Salt Lake City, Utah, on March 1st, 1932, relating to dealers in coal and coke Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah ShCT1ON I That Section 1353 of an ordinance pa^sed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on December 23, 1931, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on March let, 1932, relating to dealers in coal and coke, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows SEC. 1653 It shall be unlawful for any person to en- gage in the business of a coal dealer without first obtaining a license so to do The term "coal dealer" for the purpose of this ordinance shall be defined as any person who buys, sells and/or deals in, at wholesale or retail, coal, coke or charcoal The application for a coal dealer's license shall state the full name, the location of the place of business or the resi- dence of the applicant The license fee for engaging in the business of a coal dealer shall be $50 00 per year, or any part thereof, which shall entitle the licensee to the use of one delivery vehicle in said business ,9` 'i'r Said license fees shall be in addition to any and all other license fees of any kind or nature imposed by the ordinance_ of Salt Lake City90 'Every licensee hereunder shall deliver with each delivery of coal, coke or charcoal a delivery ticket and a duplicate thereof, on each of which shall be in ink or other indelible substance distinctly expressed in pounds the gross weight of the load, the tare weight of the delivery vehicle and quantity or quantities of coal, co,-e or charcoal contain- ed in the vehicle used in such deliveries, with the name of the purchaser thereof and the name of the dealer from whom purchased No license shall be transferable and no license shall authorize more that one firm, individual, corporation or partnership, named therein to operate thereunder and no person shall be relieved of the provisions of thi, section by reason of association'temporarily or otherwise with any local dealer or in the name of any local dealer SECTION 2 Any person violating any provisions of this ordinance shall be punished by fine in any sum not exceeding two hundred ninety-nine dollars ( 299 00) or by imprisonment in the city jail not longer than six months, or by both fine and imprison- ment SECTION 3 Tr the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of "alt Lake CJty that this ordinance become effective immediately SECTION 4 This ordinance shal - effect upon its first publication. Pas^ed by the Board of Commissioners of bait Lake CJty, Utah, this ,,, 9thday of _ Tiny , 1 0, LiMayor City Be.cordex I J t. ` a 00 4 it'll N V Cs' ,„dt F4-i , . . ..4 .. IlikIV. li '' g i\D %1l' f4'* Y 4. Yi1 .. , .c,T. - 051 w N N '� N )14 1 ft l 1 -1.) 1 . Proof of ihthltrttfton 33mted States of Amelia' STATE OF UTAH ss COUNTY OF SALT LAKE 1 AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC TION 1353 of an ordinance passed by the Board of Commtesienere of Salt Late City Utah on Deeemb r 23 1931 H Arm Y /OLFF es amended by an ordinance paters by the Board of Commissioners of Solt Lake City Utah on March 1st, 1932 relating to dealers In coal and coky 1t ordained by the Board of being first duly sworn deposes and says that he is the Principal Clerk Commissioners of Salt Lake City Utah SECTION i That section 1353 of of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE a newspaper an ordinance passed by the Board ofpublished in Commission ra of Salt Lake City Utah on December 23 1931 as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commisefoner0 of salt Salt Lake City Salt Lake County State of Utah Lake City Utah on March let 1932 relating to sealers in coal and coke b and the same is hereby amended to read as follows That the Noticdt SEC 1353 It shall be Unlawful for any person to engage in the business of a coal dealer without first obtain Mg ^_'license so dealer I1 Y CF ., �I, LAK14 The termerm d do C.coal dealer for the pur pose of this ard door nce shall be de fined as any person who buys sells and (or) deals in t whol sale or retail coal ok o charcoal The application for a coal dealer e license shall state the full hem the j location of the place of business or the residence of the applicant 1 The license fee for engaging in the business of a coal dealer shall be $50 00 per year or any part thereof which shell entitle the licensee to of which a copy nee of one delivery vehicle in is hereto attached was first published in said news said business Said llcenee fee shall be in addition to any and all other license fees of any kind or nature len posed by the ordinances of Salt Lake paper in its issue dated the 20th Every licensee hereunder shall de liver with each dells ry of coal coke dduplicate thereof lion eachket and a of which day of J sly 193 2 shall be in Ink or other indelible sub stance distinctly expressed in pounds the weight gross weight the ldeliveryloveehid cle caeia and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper on quantity or quantities of cool coke or charcoal contained in the vehicle used In such deliveries with the name Ju],y L0 th a of the purchaser thereof and the for name of the dealer from whom pur chased No license shall be tranaferable and ills ills,art is n no license shall authorise more than thereafter the full period of one firm individdai corporation or partnership named therein to operate th rernder and no person shall be relieved Of the provisions of this eec Ron by reason of eseociration teen the last publication thereof p r rily or othehwiee with any local dealer or In the name of any local dealer 20 t h SECTION 2 Any person violating being in the issue dated the any provision of this ordinance shall day of be punished by fine in any mini not exceeding two hundred ninety nine dollars(929900) or by Imprisonment l ids A D 19 2 In the city jail not longer than ix months or by both fine and fin prisonment SECTION 3 In the opinion of the Board of Commleslonne It 1s races awry to the peace health and safety !!!. of the inhabitants pf Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately SECTION 4 This ordinance shall Sworn to before me this take effect upon its first publication a'a�` day of Passed b the Board of commle toning of by Lace.C1ep,VOah'this 19th day of July 1932 LOUIS MARCUS Mayor j my A D 193 2 Ethel Macdonald Clty Recorder Bill No 90 Published July 20 19a1 '_ Notary Public Advertising fee $ I PROOF OF PUBLICATION FROM #ttit Eake ributir County Entry No