20 of 1935 - Amending Chapter XXVIII, relating to licenses for cleaning and dyeing establishments. ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY .b i' Salt Lake City,Utah, 193 Goggin li ✓ .. - I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser Knight Lee Mr. Chairman � ( Result AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER XXVIII, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to licenses, by adding in and to said Chapter a new Section to be known as Section 731. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Chapter XXVIII, Revised Ordinances of ' Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to licenses, be and the same is hereby amended by adding in and to said Chapter a new section to be known as Section 731, to read as follows: SEC. 731. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to manage, conduct or carry on a plant, factory or establish- ment for the cleaning or dying of any garment, fabric, sub- stance or article by any process of washing or immersing in a volatile or inflammable oil or liquid without first obtaining a license so to do and paying a fee therefor. 20 1. The license fee therefor shall be $10.50 p4r year or any part thereof which shall permit such plant, factory or establishment to use not more than two vehicles in collecting or delivering said garments to and from said plant. 2. For each additional vehicle so used for the purpose of collecting or delivering such garments, fabrics, substances or articles, ttte license fee for such business shall be $5.25 per year or any part thereof. (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to manage, con- duct or carry on the business of collecting any garment, fabric, substance or article by means of a vehicle or vehi- cles to be delivered to a pot described in sub-section (a) herein without first obtaining a license so to do and paying n9_ the license fee therefor which shall be adcording to the fol- lowing schedule: 1.. For each such vehicle so used $5.25 per year, or any part thereof. (c) It shall be unlawful for any person to manage, con- duct or carry on any agency or business of collecting any garment, fabric, substance or article to be cleaned or dyed when no vehicle is used in collecting such garment., fabric, substance or article witho&t first*`o'bt�x ing i license so to .x do and paying a license fee 'therefor, o $2.0O per .year. SECTION 2. In the opinion of thelloard. of Coimis;ioners, it is necessary to the peace, haalth and'saf ty of the%7nhabi.tante of 'Salt Take City that this ordinance shal4. , ke�,effcc ammed.iate-- ly, SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect at once upon its first publication. Passed by BoardCommissioners of Salt Lake City, jj��"- the . of Utah, this Jk day of j litwa, _ h:d 1935.,..,g'1,n Mayor. 1 (/l,Q C y Recor ,I 1 I 24:10 ORDINANCE • Presented to the Board a/tommissioners AND PAsseD IS.L5 Utte,trikfti."44.49101.01 CITY RECOVER rust Publicati7LLt. • IWILrk • t • APR /7-1935 CITY RECORDER roof of ?'iu irutirni Iona Sitifrs Af Auttriro STATE OF UTAH . SS. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE .AN ORDINANCE <An-ordinance amending.Chap- • ter•XXVIII, Revised Ordinances H. P. THOMPSON • 01 Salt Lake City.Utah,1934,re- lating to licenses, by adding in ' -and to said chapter a new section to 94 lo$Qwn as Section 731. S1minus Odin ofbyattt Lak Board--of being first duly sworn,deposes and says,that he is the Principal Clerk Utah: Section 1.That Chapter XXVIII,Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper published in City, Utah, 1934, relating to li- censes,be and the same is hereby amended by adding in and to said Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, State of Utah. chapter a new section to be known as Section 731,to read as follows: Sec. 731. (a) It shall be un- lawful for any person to man- That the NoticeAN_.ORDINANCE. age,conduct or carry on a plant, factory or establishment far the cleaning or dyeing of any BILL.NO....20 garment, fabric, substance or article by any process/of wash- ing,or immersing in a volatile or inflammable oil or liquid SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION without first obtaining a license • so to do and paying a fee therefor. 1. The license fee therefor shall be$10.50 per year or any part thereof, which shall per- mit such plant, factory or es- of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said news- , tablishment to use not more than two vehicles in collecting or delivering said garments to er in its issue dated the 17th and from said plant. pap 2. For each additional vehicle -so used for the-purpose of col- April 5 ..>. JpatinL-or delivering such gar- day of p , 193 , Meats,fabrics,substances or ar- ticles, the license fee for such business shall be$5.25 per year and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on I or any part thereof. (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to manage,conduct Aril l7th, for or carry on the business of col- p ieeting any garment, fabric, -'at}bstance or article by means of a,behiale or vehicles to•be de- Hver&I to a plant described in thereafter,the full period of One insertion ,.aub,seetion (a) herein without trot-obtaining a license so to do and paying the license fee the last publication thereof :.therefor which shall be so. cording to the following sched- 'ule: 17th dayof 1. For each such vehicle so being in the issue dated the_ used$$.25 per year,or any part thereof. April (c)person m shall unlawful for ,A.D.193_.._ any,person to manage,conduct or.carry on any agency or busi- ness of collecting any garment, fabric, substance or article to be cleaned or dyed when no - - • vehicle is used in collecting such garment,fabric,substance or article without,first obtain- ing a license so to do and pay- to before me this Mg a license fee therefor of $2.00 per year.. ,Seetiop 2. In the opinion of the 5 Board of Commissioners,it is nec- Aprils,.D.193 essary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City. that this ordinance .shall take effect immediately. • - y Section 3. This ordinance shell Notary Public. take effect at once upon its first . - - pUblioatlon. YPeeped, by the Beard of Com. miavifters of Salt Lake City,Utah, • this.loth or of April,A.D.1935. LOUIS MARCUS,Mayor. (Seal) ETIONL MACDONALD, - City Recorder. • Bill-No.20. Patiljahed Apri1,17,1935. Advertising fee $ ti(` PROOF OF PUBLICATION FROM c�l�e 'ttl# Ea a Irihnne r County Entry No