20 of 1936 - Amending Section 651 and repealing Section 165X, Chapter 7, relating to meat inspection. ROLL CALL
VOTING AYE NAY Salt;�L1ce City. Utah, MAY PCs 1536 193
Go5,gin _ I more that the ordinance be passed.
Murdoch g G%:�z��rt%/
'amogkxxx - - - h' i
Lee Viz
Me. Chairman - -
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 651, Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to licenses, and repealing
Section 165X of Chapter 7, passed by the Board of Commissioners of
Salt Lake City, Utah, on August 27, 1935, and known as bill No. 39,
relating to meat inspection.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION I. That Section 651, Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to licenses, be and the same is
hereby amended to read as follows:
SEC. 651. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to
engage in, conduct or carry on the business of slaughtering,
slaughtering and selling, or selling or delivering fresh meat
or meat food products at wholesale or retail, or selling or
delivering fish or sea foods, or manufacturing, or selling or
delivering sausage or dressing or selling poultry or game, or 90
selling or delivering prepared, smoked, salted or preserved
meats, or jobbing or brokering fresh meat or meat products,
sausage, fish, sea foods, poultry or game, within the corporate
limits of Salt Lake City, Utah, or to bring into or receive
into the City of Salt Lake City or to offer for sale therein
or to have on hand therein any fresh meat or meat food products
or poultry or game which has been slaughtered outside of the
corporate limits of Salt Lake City, without first making appli-
cation for and procuring and at all times maintaining in full
force and effect a permit and license so to do, as herein pro-
(b) The Board of Health shall designate a suitable
-;--there shall be brought and inspected,
place for meat inspection in Salt Lake City where/the carcass-
es of all sheep, lambs, goats or calves brought into or slaugh-
tered within s;-,id city for sale and which have not been other-
wise inspected as provided by the ordinances of this city, The
Board of Health shall charge and collect a fee of twenty-five
cents for each carcass inspected and approved.
(c) Any person desiring to engage in the business
of slaughtering, slaughtering and selling, or selling or de-
livering fresh meat, or selling or delivering fish or sea
foods, or manufacturing or selling or delivering sausage,
poultry or game, within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City
or desiring to engage in the business of slaughtering outside
the corporate limits of Salt Lake City, where said slaughter-
ed animals or poultry are intended for sale within the corpor-
ate limits of Salt Lake City, shall make written application
to the license assessor and collector; such application shall
contain the name of the applicant, his residence address and
the address of his proposed place of business, designated by
street and number; such application shall at the time of its
presentation be accompanied by a fee of one dollar, which
shall be covered into the city treasury. When such applica-
tion shall be made, the license assessor and collector shall
at once notify the chief veterinary, who shall inspect the
premises where the said applicant proposes to carry on busi-
ness, and upon such inspection if he shall find the premises
to be in a sanitary condition and to meet all requirements of
the ordinances of Salt Lake City and the rules and regulations
of the Board of Health of Salt Lake City, he shall issue a
permit with a different permit number to each applicant meet-
ing said requirements, which, upon presentation to the license
assessor and collector, shall be authority on his part to
tssue a license to said applicant for said place of business.
(d) Every person so licensed shall have painted in
a conspicuous place on all vehicles used in the conduct of
his business the permit number issued to him by ttie board
of health in letters not less than three inches in height
and no less than 5/16ths' inch stroke. Said permit number
shall also be printed on all invoices and sales slips used
in said. business.
,(e) No license herein provided for shall be issued
for a greater period than the calendar year in which it is
issued. The Board of Health shall charge and collect a fee
according to the following schedule, which shall be payable
monthly and covered into the general fund:
For slaughtering, a charge shall be collected of
seven cents per head for every animal slaughtered, provided
that every person engaged in the business of slaughtering
shall pay not less than $200.00 per year and no more than
$1200.00 per year. Payment of said fee shall entitle li-
censee to manufacture or sell at wholesale or retail meat or
meat food products, fish, poultry or sea food within Salt
Lake City.
The following licenses charged under the provisions
of this ordinance shall be payable to the license assessor and
collector in advance as follows:
For wholesaling or wholesaling and retailing, or
manufacturing and wholesaling meat, meat food products, fish
or sea food, per annum, or any part thereof . . . . $200.00.
For jobbing, manufacturing, delivering, brokering
or peddling at wholesale meat, meat food products, sausage,
fish, or sea food products to tetail stores, restaurants or
similar places of business, per annum, or any part thereof
$50.00. The payment of said fee shall entitle the licensee
to operate one truck or vehicle without the payment of the
license fee required by Salt Lake City therefor.
Retailing fresh meat, meat food products, poultry,
fish or sea food products, per annum, or any part thereof
Retailing smoked meats, salted meat and prepared
or any only,,ner,annum, part thereof . . . . $12.50
• No person shall sell or keep for sale, nor shall the
Board of Health issue a permit to any person to sell or keep
for sale fresh meats, meat food products, poultry, fish or
sea food products in Salt Lake City unless such person has
first installed in his place of business hot and cold running
water, a walk-in ice box or other adequate refrigeration suf-
ficient to keep such meat, meat food products, poultry, fish
or sea food products fresh and which refrigeratign2has been
approved by the Board of Health o.E. Salt lake ake City{ 411 such
Places of business shall $e 'keptj losed„.betweeP t1 . hours of
6 o'clock P. M. and 6 o Q oc"k A ftl ;r,
Nothing in this or4iaranee slip. be GonStr ..ed'to allow
pedaling or selling mead., meat £opt"" prod"ucts pouly, fish
or sea food products at_retail 4440 house to•house-^bg carry-
ing the same in a vehicle or carriage of any' kind or other-
wise offering said meat for sale by peddling.
All permits and licenses issued pursuant to this ordi-
nance shall be subject to revocation by the Board of Commis-
sioners whenever in its opinion the public health or safety
shall require, and it shall be the duty of the Board of
Health to make recommendation accordingly.
SECTION 2. That Section 165X of Chapter 7, Sevised Ordi-
nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, passed by the Board of Com-
missioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on August 27, 1935, and known
as bill No. 39, relating to meat inspection, be and the same is
hereby repealed.
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake C ;ty,Utah, this
LILIVLY of , A.D. 1936.
C y ecorcer.
?r tiod t .Bawd of Cotoolissionor:
MAY j 9191
ft P iC IO>Q In .
1xnnf ni 1nhitratit n
3nitrb'tates of America
" SECTION 651,Ire teed Ordinances of
Salt Lake CSt1@ Utah,.1934,relating H. P. THOP.4PSON?to licensee, and'repealing section I
193X of Chapter 7, passed by the
Board.�os�f��, onunissioners.of Salt
• s Q
knoll' '39,relating
I and
to meat Inspection. being first duly sworn,depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of
Be It ordained by the Board of
Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTIONS. That Section 651,Re- THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM,a newspaper,published at Salt Lake
vised Ordinances of salt Lake City,
• Utah 1934, relating to licensee, be
-and the same is hereby amended to
' "read as follows:
sE •651(a)It shall be unlawful City,State of Utah.
person to engage 1n,conduct
or carry on the business of h-
tring, slaughtering and selling, or•
selling or delivering fresh meat or I That the Notice AN-..ORDINANCE,.
meat food products at wholesale o
retail, or selling or delivering fish
or ea foods,or manufacturing, or
wing or delivering sausage r SALT LANE CITY CORPORATION.
dressing or selling poultry or game,
or selling or delivering prepared,
smoked, salted or preserved meats,
or Jobbing or brokering,fresh meat
or meat prOduots sausage,fish,sea�,
foods, poultry or game,within the
corporate limits of Salt Lake City,
Utah, or to bring into Or receive
Into the
.to offer for sale therein o1r to have
on hand therein any fresh meat or
meat food products or poultry or
otiefteacprell slaughtered
corporate limits •
, of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news-
Salt Lake City,without first making
application for and procuring and
at all times maintaining in full fore. 21st
and effect.a permit and license so paper in its issue dated the
to do,as herein provided.
(b) The Board of Health shall
designate:a auttable"plate for meat
.Inepeetidn 1n Salt Lake- City May 193
Where there shall tie brought.and day of
inspected the carcasses of all sheep,
lambs,goats or calves brought Into
r slaughtered within said city for and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on
sale and which have not beenoth-
erwise inspected as provided by the
of Health•slsallnis charge andSt. s col Be t May 21st• for
a fee Of twenty-five cents for each
carcase inspected and approved.
(C) Any person.desiring to en-
•gage 1n the business of slaughtering, fOne insertion
slaughtering-and selling, or selling thereafter,the full period o
or delivering fresh meat,or selling
• or delivering fish or sea foods, or
manufacturing or selling or deliver-
ing sausage,poultry or game,with- the last publication thereof
1n the corporate limits of Salt Lake
City or desiring to engage in the
- business of mite otring outside the
e e`asaid sllaug•htetedLaLniimalsltor being in the issue dated the 21st day of
poultry are Intended for sale within
the corporate limits of Salt Lake
•City,shall make written application
to the license assessor and collector; May ,A.D.193 6 • 6 ��
ch.application shall contain the
name of the applicant,hie residence
address and the address o1 his pro-,
posed place of business, designated 1
by street and number;such applica- I..
tion•shatl at the time of its presen-
tatlon be accompanied by a fee of
One dollar.which shall be covered
Into the city'treasury. When such 22nd
application shell be motle the license
assessor and collector shall at.once n to before me this day of
notify theehfef veterinary,who shall
Inspect the premises where the said
applicant proposes to Garry on buai-
and upon suoh,inspection if s •
he ehall.flnd the premises to be Ina , A. D. 193
sanitary condition and to meet all re-
quirements of the ordinances oI Salt �-
.Lake City and the rules and'regula-
Sons of the board of health of.Salt p//
Lake City, he had Issue a permit 0 /✓'`JLf'v""
with a-different permit.number to Notary Public.
each applicant meeting sold require-nte which,,upon presentation to )
the license assessor and t to issue
6/ ��
shall be authority on his part to Issve / LSO Cl—2
a license to said applicant for said• J//
glace of business.
t .5
Advertising fee$
to)wary person so licensed shall
have painted in a conspicuous place
on all vehicles used in the conduct
of his business the permit number
Issued to him by the board of health
in letter's not less than three inches
in height and no less than 5-16th-
inch stroke. Said•permit number
shall also be printed on all Invoices
and sales slips used In said buslnese.
(e)No license herein provided for
shall.be issued for a greater period
than the calendar'year it which it It-
issued. The Board of Health shall
charge and collect a fee according to
the following schedule,which shall
be payable monthly and covered Into
the general fund.
For slaughtering.a charge shall be
collected of seven cents per head for
every animal slaughtered, provided
that every person engaged in the
business of slanghtering shall pay
not less than$200.00 per year and no
more than$1200.00 per year. Pay-
rnent of said fee shallentitle li-
censees t0 manu
facture or sell at
wholesale or retail meat or meat food
within malt fish, poultry
City or sea food.
The following licenses charged
under the provisions of this ordi-
nance shall be Payable to the license
fssessor and collector in advance as
For wholesaling or wholesaling and
retailing. or manufacturing and
wholesaling meat, meat food prod-
ucts,fish or sea food,per annum,or
any part thereof,,.2200.00.
For jobbing, manufacturing, de-
livering brokering or peddling at
wholesale meet,meat'food products,
sausage. fish,or sea food products
to retell stores,restaurants or simi-
lar'places of business.per annum,or
'any part thereof $50.00. The pay-
meet of said fee shall entitle the li-
censee to operate one truck or ve-
hicle without the payment of the 11-I
tense fee required by Salt Lake City.
Retelling fresh meat meat food
products,poultry, fish or sea food,
products, per annum, or any part
Retailing smoked meats, salted,
meat and prepared meats only,per;',
nnum. Or any part thereof . .
No person shall sell or keep for
sale.nor shall the Board of Health Is.'.
sue a permit to any person to sell or
keep for sale fresh meats,meat food
products,poultry, fish ea food,
products to Salt Lake City unless
ch person has first installed in his
place of business hot and cold run.
-slog'weter,R..2talk-In lye box.or
other adequate refrigeration s If1=
cleat to keep such meat,meat food-
. products;poultry,fish or sea food
products fresh end which refrlger-
atlon has been approved by the Board
of Health of Salt Lake City. All
such places of business shall be kept
closed between the hours of 6 o'clock
p.m.and 6''o'clock a.m.
Nothing in this Ordinance shall be
constructed to allow peddling or sell-
ing meat,meat food products,poul-
try,fish or sea food products at re-
tail from house to house by carrying
the same in a vehicle or carriage of
any Mild or otherwise offering said
meat for sale by peddling.
All permits and licenses limed pur-
suant to this ordinance shell be sub-
Cject to revocation by the Board of
ommissioners whenever In its opin-
ion the public health or safety shall
require,and It shall be the duty of
the Board of Health to make recom-
mendation accordingly.
SECTION 2.That Section 165X of
Chapter 7, Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City,Utah,1934,passed by
the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City,Utah.on August 27,1935,
and known as bill No.39,relating
to meat inspection,be and the same
Is hereby repealed.
SECTION 3.In the opinion of the
Board of Commissioners,it is neces-
sary to the pesee,health and safety
of the Inhabitants of Balt Lake CitYi
the,t_thls ordinance-benome effective
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall
take effect upon its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commis-
sioners of Salt Lake City,Utah,this
19th day of:May,A.D.1936.
(Seal.) City Recorder
Bill No.20,
Published May 21, 1936.
"Tt_' •
t,alt :Lake TrIggram
Entry No