20 of 1940 - Amending Section 719, revised ordinance 1934, relating to license of retailers and wholsalers of fru ROLL CALL
VOTING AYE N Salt Lake City,Utah,--____PIn,,y_7_ _,'. ((__ ' ,.1.93
Goggin Y , I move that the ordinance be passed.
Matheson - - - -
Murdock - - - - i
Mr.Chairman - - - AN ORDINANCE
nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by an ordinance
passed by the Board of Commissioners on February 23, 1939, and re-
pealing Section 719X, an ordinance passed by the Board of Commis-
sioners on April 13, 1938, known as Bill No. 30, relating to li-
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION I. That Section 719 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by an ordinance passed by
the Board of Commissioners on February 23, 1939, relating to li-
censes, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows:
AND NUTS. It shall be unlawful for any person to maintain or
operate an establishment for the sale of fruits, vegetables
or nuts at retail, wholesale or in any other manner in Salt
Lake City -ithout first obtaining a license therefor; provided
that no license shall be required of a bona fide grocer for
the sale of fruits, vegetables or nuts at retail from an es-
tablished grocery store.
Every person, firm or corporation, before opening, main-
taining and operating such establishment shall make application
for each establishment maintained and operated by him or it upon
a blank to be furnished by the city license assessor and collect-
or and in which application the applicant shall give the fol-
lowing information: address, number of establishments main-
tained and operated, nature of business, method of distribu-
tion used, whether it be selling direct from a store room,
railroad car, wagon, truck ol5lother vehicle Br from a vacant
lot or stand or otherwise.
Upon filing said application properly filled out
and paying the city treasurer a license fee of $,25.00 for
each and every establishment maintained and operated, said
city recorder shall issue a license to said applicant to
operate said establishment, which license shall expire on
the last day of the year.
The word Pestablishment" as used in this ordinance
shall mean an establishment which is engaged in buying and
selling or distributing fruits, vegetables or nuts and shall
mean any building, storeroom, freight car, wagon, truck or
other vehicle or any vacant lot or stand where fruits, vege-
tables or nuts are kept stored, packed or offered for sale.
It shall be the duty of the health commissioner or
his qualified assistants to inspect and examine all fruits,
vegetables or nuts of any kind or character, bought, sold or
offered for sale and in order to carry out the inspection and;
examination herein provided for he may require any vehicles,
trucks, or trailers, containing the commodities to be examin-
ed, to proceed to and report at a designated place which placIr
shall be provided with reasonable facilities for conducting
said examination and inspection.
The health commissioner or his duly qualified assist-
shall have the power and authority to condemn any and all
fruits, vegetables or nuts which are misbranded or midrepre-
sented as to grade, quality or condition to be properly and
1 honestly branded, marked and designated.
It shall be unlawful to sell or offer for sale any !
of the commodities herein mentioned which have been condemned
by the health commissioner or to sell or offer for sale any
of the commodities mentioned which have been misbranded or
falsely designated.
All weights, measures or computing instruments used
1 by the licensee shall be inspected and examined and thereafter
sealed and marked by the city sealer of weights and measures.
oil inspection and all incorrect measures disposed of as
required by law.
! I
Each person, firm or corporation obtaining such
license under the provisions of this ordinance shall keep the
said license displayed in his place of business.
SECTION 2. That Section 719X of Chapter XXVIII, Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, an ordinance passed by
the Board od Commissioners on April 13, 1938, relating to licenses,'
be and the same is hereby repealed.
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediate] .
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication.
'Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 14th_day of _May , r•D. 1940.
Tamporary Chairman
City Recorder.
_1 2
U 0 res
. AND -?As ' D
MAY 4i 40
r•,a`n n r: !)
First Publication in •
MAY I'I 1340
Affidavit of Publication.
County of Salt Lake I
Legal Notice 11—
'\ Leo H. Young
I -AN'ORDINANCE AMENDING SECT•I N Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
>319 o1 the Revised Ordinances of Salt,La e
• City,.Utah, 1934, as. amended by "
passed by the Board of.;Co . vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
Niesionere February 23,1030,and e-
'bean,Section 112X. n a'divancw a s..p
a'by,the.Bond of Cmmniselonera published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
April 13, 1238,known as Bill No,32,Se-
dating o to licensee.
13a'1I:ordained by the Board of Co n• of Utah.
mi.0114re of Salt Lake;City Utah:• $e SECTION 1.That Section 319 t eb
Yles Ordinances of Salt Lake City, t Ordinance Bill Ho. 2()
fgif as=1"aV.y b as •
That the advertisement
an ordinance p
by`the 3.1939 of Cing,to li ers F
dry g3, is hereby a e licenses e d
foolsame amended to reads
fo •
AND wl�A - ._Relftt7*a,,_tQ-L -Ge}�ses (,s�.t Lobe Olt'' Corps)
BUTS,I. shall
ha VEGETAor an A I)
NUTS-It shell be unlawful for any p I.
n-t m he Bale
or opera{ a eabless a }0.y'' ,r
• Wilt t' the Bala P fie or vegetables Ci-1xa'-- eC ar4ex
manna{'retail, wLake ou bat t
manner Saltgn- Laheist. City,
ra: pat allotd
obtaining a sec:she tnerefequ pr da
that r ]lessee shall be cab at of a
bens fide grocer is the ale or
vegetables nuts at retail irons a t11 s-
tablfshed grocery e!m'e.Every person, firm•or crorporation, • was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
fare opening, maintaining and oDeeaI 1.8
such establishment'shall make Ili a-
Goa..for each p blisament main a al:d•
and Oeratea'by-himit upon lack, 15th day of Me.y A.D.196-0
Ea be furnished.by the city licence n
sensor and crolleetur and in which'
Dhcption.the applicant shall live', 1�e
2'allawing information:address,.number a and was published 1 time
antler.-mentn e,,, am ed d 'ape at d.
• nature,of business, method of die ri. -
Gan used,whether it be selling direct fro•
a•store room, railroad a wagon, k the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
MCher vehicle from a vacant 1 t �r
ann o otherwise.
Upon or
said application redpr:'ly A.D. 19
filled out and haying the city tr¢ Cr
a license tee of 426.00 for each : d day o
establishment maintained >D-
O rated,,said City recorder shall lieu a
license to said applicant to nperat s:id
establishment, which license shall D ro
oq'thelast day of the year, dvertising Clerk_.
inTiniswordinan• eea shall
mean as us
tabli'4hmentr which is engaged i b i g
and eel ng r distributing¢'fruits, v
tables nuts and hall'm any ul d•
lug„storeroom;freightra one, wagon, u
other vehicle any vacant 1
where fruits, vegetables or is
-kept stored,.packed or offers 1 r
see. 16th day of
>t shall be the duty of the health a •n to before me this
tsbioner or his qualified assist.
inspect and examine all fruits, vege ab
or mute of y.hind or character,bo g ta,' A.D. 19
sold or offered for ale and ord r 40
arry ut the in pestles d e
lion herein provided for he xa i a-
a an
quira vehicles, trucks. maJy' a
containingy the commodities to ba,le-n_
mined, o lace µto and report t a• Each i moans, firm o corporation ob. f,designated glace which place haft •e t n1 8 och lacensa nder the,provisions \I\gal
provided with reasonable facilities,.DS er 01.Lhie o dinanee hall keepo the Bard J l j•- - -`,ducting, said examination.and 1 \
Oho. license displayed m his place f business. N9t abbe.
The health commissioner h or hie'du y SECTION 0. That Section 710% of ,
u]i ant as etmta Shall bare the p�owI Chapter a Cis I, Revised Ordinances f I and authority to condemn y and :II Salt'Lake City, Utah, 1034.-an di•
brand,vegetables miss or nuts,which are - e entoa passed by the Board o1 C o licenses,
quality or nd tionnatoted as gy p Mail same
1le relating to licenses,
quality orcondition to be properlyishat ed b,ECT the ea ere hereby noon o.
honestly branded,marked and deals ate9.E0CTIOIi 1.:In the opinion of the
It shall be unlawful to sell or bbere r eocthe i Ce, health gad
'ofSaltsafetyofwhichhave Lake tit, ee i this ,
or'the healthcommissionert >ll 'd a to shall talcs effect 1 l tehe
or offer for al )y he I9i•L I itri boon i. Thisordinance shall take
aloe mentioned inch have been m- effect sped,itide Board
rd of Cadet
brandedor falsely designated. passes•bkeLies Board '1 Commissioners
All entshtai e i earnD a1,g Of"Salt Lake City,'Uta14 this 14th day
instruments oval eta the he �h:O d1 MaY',A..D.I940.
be Inspected a examined and that-daft, GEO:D.E,-. .
seated 1 marked by the city sealer >f ,45 v-''''-Cbelrman.
weights 1 urn and ad peetl•n •sST$•ltY Re eerier. D,
required sat measures d P a 'L (�$i�Li
rood bY.law,ea. • >
lnbLehed- ay.130.--1040r •
' 0