20 of 1941 - Amending Chapter LXVIII, relating to smoke control ROLE.CALL ti
Salt Lake City,Utah, MAY' t- I 1 194
Coggin - I move that the ordinance be paeeed.
Keyser - - - -
Matheson - - - ±
Murdoch - -
Me.Chairman - - - _ AN ORDINANCE
Reenit - - - -
Ordinances of Salt sake City, Utah, 1934, rela.tinF to smoke con-
trol division, by adding in and to said chapter three new sections
to be known as Sections 1576, 1577 and 1582.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah.
SECTION 1. That Chapter LXVIII of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to smoke control division,
be and the same is hereby amended by adding in and to said Chapter
three new sections to be known as Sections 1576, 1577 and 1582,
which shall read as follows:
SEC. 1576. All horizontal returh tubular boilers,
water tube boilers, Scotch marine boilers, firebox and return
tubular flue boilers, portable boilers, vertical tubular and
tubeless boilers, round orAcast iron sectional boilers and
all miscellaneous boilers, furnaces, ovens, vats, kilns,
stills and all fuel burning appliances having: a grate surface
equal to or greater than three square feet of grate surface
used for power and/or heating purposes and/or hot water heat-
ing and./or process heating purposes in Salt Lake City, shall
be equipped with mechanical firing ecuipment or use a smoke-
less fuel and all fuel burning eouipment designed to burn
solid fuels regardless of grate area, except for residential
use in dwellings of one and two family structures, shall be
eouipped with mechanical firing equipment or use a smokeless
The term "mechanical firing equipment" as used in
this chapter shall have the following meaning: automatic coal
stokers or burners, oil burners, gas burners or other approved
types of mechanical firing ecuipment.
The term "smokeless fuel", as used in this chanter,
shall mean: coke, petroleum carbon, natural gas, bituminous
coal devoletil sed so as not to exceed 20 volatile matter,
fuel oil when burned with approved type of burning eruinment.
All such 'boilers, furnaces and fuel burning enuinmen
shall be installed in accordance with the Power and Heating
Equipment Code of salt Lake City.
bOILF13S. A,11 internally fired Scotch marine or Continental Tye-
boilers shall be equipped with full extension furnaces alch
shall be fired with mechanical firing equipment or use a smoke
less fuel.
The unrestricted area through the damper on. any
Scotch marine or Continental dyne boiler shall not be less tha
twenty-five per cent (25j) in excess of the combined internal
cross-section of the tubes.
SEC. 1582. RAILROAD LOCODOTTITS. Ail steam locomotives
used fnr switching or terminal work within the limits of Salt
Lake City shall be equipped with mechanical firing equipment,
and. all locomotives being fired in the roundhouse or terminal
in preparation for road service shall_ either be fired by auxil
iary mechanical firing e -uipment or heated to working tempera-
tures and pressures by direct steaming or other known smokeles,
Any locomotive, steam or hot water boiler, portable
or permanently installed, within the limits of Salt Lake City
that does not conform to the requirements of this chanter is
hereby declared to be a nuisance.
Any person maintaining, managing, controlling, or
directing the operation of any locomotive entering or dena.rtin :
from Salt Lake City that emits a dense smoke as defined by
Section 1586 of this chapter shall be guilty of maintaining a
Any person in direct charge of, or charged with the
firing or operation of any locomotive, firing in such a manner
as to cause such a locomotive to emit a dense smoke or to per-
mit such a locomotive to emit a dense smoke as defined by
Section 1586 of this chapter shall be guilty of the operation
of a nuisance.
Auxiliary mechanical firing eouipment, as used in this
ordinance, s1�all meanxportable ar semi-portable oil burners,
. gas burners, urface 4p blowers, steam or' air ins} irators.
SECTION T4s o44inance shall take effect or: Octol er 1
1941. /j /
Passed ! d-d 1 'the boar of Commissioners of"talt Lake City,
Utah, this << e y of , P.S. 1941.
Mayor. --
City ijecorder.
• 2(
. feuded krilseird of Camiuskinets
MAY 1 4 1941
First Publication in
litt,hathltia •
. ,--,....
tintlif ilf Pithliratifin
Ittiteb*Totro of America .
. .prir-ilm,.,-.• Ni.:,•,•,.. . M.CONNOR
being first duly sworn,depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of
. .
MI4.11... . •
. • . THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM,a newspaper,published at Salt Lake
. ..
her ,m .•' .1._,Ial- .to '
said; apt• .. section:,..,•' be . City,State of Utah.
6,1577 an.-582, :
wilt hail .ad ,: follows: •
151 . 1576. All horizontal return .
tub a. boilers, water.tube boilers. j AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER
se<4 marine boilers,firebox and re- , That the Notice
tur,,,t bular flue boilers,portable boil- j
ers,I e,teal tubular and tubeless boil-
ere,' ad or square cast iron sectional .
boile a and Call miscellaneous boilers, LXV11 1
fur c,s, ovens, vats,kilns, stills and
all, - burning appliances having a
gent s rface equal to or greater than
tar• srnese feet of grate surface used
for;I .wer arupor heating purposes
andi ot water heating andlor process
hea : purposes in Salt Lake Oily,
sEa. lc,equipped with mechanical fir-
ing•q•ipment or use a smokeless fuel
sod j al fuel burning equipment do-
sigh •to burn solid fuels regardless
of -area,except fist'residential use
-Rings one and two family
strif t.es,shallof be equipped with me- of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news-
,chey c.1 firing equipment or use a
arab el-se fuel.
rem"mechanical firing equip-
i me •• as used in this chapter shall 15th
paper in its issue dated the
I malt ige.1"=eng. Or burners! n builder.,gas burners or other approved•
t ••mechanical firing equipment.
erm"smokeless fuel,' ea used day of MAY , 1934 1,
in 1. chapter, shall mean: cote.
petr le m carbon,natural gas,bitumi-
n014 oat devolatilized so as riot to
ega4d 205e volatile matter, tfuelype on and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on
wh ,.urned with approved of
bur n, equipment.
Al rnch boilers, furnaces and fuel
bur in: equipment shall be installed
MAY 15th
in! c.ordance with the Power and for
He, n, Equipment Code of bolt Lake
thereafter,the full period of 1.TINE
s .0.u1,5:7 rit.be unrestricted
yC SCOTCH dA tRhsIrcNoilat cghhB 0,mtI hL.,,,-..
rirla.5 Continental Type boilers shall •
be,,q loped with full extension fur- -
nab' hich shall be fired with me-
h. c.I firing equipment or use a '
an10 e::: fuel. the last publication thereof
da e on any Scotch marine or Can-
tine t,1 type boiler shall not be less
th • enty-five bpineder centin being in the issue dated the day of
ex of the com internal cross- 15TH
are . of the tub..
TO/So All steam locomotives deed fur
e ' b.no or terminal work within the MAY ,A.D.193 41
usd5105 of Salt Lake City shall-be
e0141ft0.ed with mechanical firing equip-
ma ,and•all locomotives being fired
in, e 721 roundhouse or terminal eitherin preo-
I 4•4.-1-1-.4"..4.?..,..1..,"
are o. for toad service shall be
fir 5y auxiliary mechanical firing
eqt4p eat or heated to working tern.
pe5i es and pressures by direct
ate ;g or other known smokeless
metho•-. 24th
Any locomotive,steam or hot water '11 to before me this day of
.boil.r, portable or.permanently in- '
S-.1-••-WIthirt the limits.of Ealt Lake .
Ci,,I• hat does not conforto to the I
re.1 r:ments of this chapter is hereby ; 41 ,
de.. ,r1 to be a nuisance. , A. D. 193
.741Y person maintaining managing, ; •
co .5,,ling or directing the operation , •of-... locomotive entering or departing ' ---
li alt Lake City that emits a dense ! _.---
s ..s as defined by Section 1586 Of '
fin,'e.apt..shall be guilty of main- .
tarIn: a nuisance. Notary Public.
-..y person in direct charge of, or.•
ch. g.d with the firing or operation of
ad I. °motive,firing in such a man-
na I: to cause such a locomotive•to , Nov.25,19 43.
ein ' dense smoke or to permit.such a
Vr8ganiP5:6 4oefutlinovg
.., .•e guilty of the,operation of a .•.. .iary mechanical firing eqhiP:
b .:s,gas burhers,surface air blow- 1
' L• ON 2. This ordinance shall.; Advertising fee$
tif,, -ffeet-on October 1,1941. . •
.I .ed by the Board Commissionars•
• ea t`Lake City,Utah,this 14th city .
o ,.. y, A. D. 1941.
. .
--I) .rrgm5,,115A,CDONIALD, ,
,... , City RecOrdey. .
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