20 of 1943 - Vacating alley south of Hollywood Avenue and west of 7th East, lot 5, Block 1, Rosedale Subdivision ROLL CALL VOT1Na Salt Lake City,Utah, P141 ;1-.) 11:343 194 Mei' ksis3' 4.iet - - - - , I move that the ordinance he passed. Keyser - - - - V Matheson - - . ' ((- ,- /41, ' J? ' NkConkie iric*WAxx - - _ Mr.Chairman - - - AN ORDINANCE Roeuh _ _ _ _ . AN OLD1AY,JC. Aii',.CATING alley south OS Noiiyaood Avenue and vest of 7th Last Sin at, in Lot 5, ulcer 1, peseeude Subdivision ,,,,-zoi. Sleek 3, Five bere Fiat Ilk'', uidlisle Survey. i.,:„'''' ' i z , c„t,,,, dead: it ordained oy the Loupe of COIMUISSiOrn 01 rk.it bake • SECTION I. That alley south of aolTyaood Avenue ane Gvest S of 7th Last Strcet, in Lot 5, Sleek 1, Rosedale ',"ubeivisien of flock 5, live Acre Flat "a' , big Eiele Survey, more particularly described as foilovis: beginuihg at tne northP7est corner of Led 5, 1,iocii: i„ ,it # losedale ;:.ubeivision of flock 5, live here Plat n101, r.:4; . yield Survey, thence south 130 ft., trance 'oest 16 ft., thence north 1.30 ft., thence east 16 ft. to th2 place of be inning; be and the same is hereby vacated and declared. no loner to be pub- property for use as a street, avenue, alley Or pedestrian any. Lair vacation .s mrn,e expres:,iy subject Le the rights of ear and easements cf the Ptah Lidht S Traction Let pG.ny site the moun- tain States Temennone II. 1elegraph uompany aetuirG,u u.,der 'panellises from halt rake city to maibtaih, repair, alter era peIace uric elec- tric transmission, uistribution or tele•,;rs:ph and telephone circuits, lines, sires and pokes o2 said companies, tc,eiher v,ith the necessary stop cross-arms and other attachments thereon or arrirred thereto for the support of ssio electric, telecnene one teleraph lines, aires and diatribution circuits as not erected and maintained trued or across the portion of said streeG to he closeG, out-imp the life ot tne _fran- chises heir by said companies, or any etunsions thereof. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the hoard oi Commtasioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety or the inhabitants or Salt Lake City that -bids orGinance become eiretive immeditely. SXTION 3. This opeinGrnce shall take erl'r.ct upon its ,.)0 J.1.1•; 1.. 1,1.1.0.......i.c,L L,io..,• !yy L;i1c. l'.:.0ar L. of Co,,LiiL,L.ior.tc..;•;.; o.0 i,a_l i, :,L.i.W.,<-3 Cit,•,,, otziii, LI.I.i,,,..._-/...,,t,w...:„ c.i., 2it .4....,-( , :,.1,. J.,..;".:_,• . / ,.. i., ,t-ii•;1201,talti , r ,,,,E•,,yul•. . • . e.'""••': " 1 • -,. ..:,: ,voo, ,:r. .z,„.... 41_, ; Er:,, . . . ..v.; " 4. . to : ;:'. 4,•:',„"i(',,. . 4 - ":1g ,,,, ., . , r ,?.i. , ,. , . . . - , •••.1 . i 414 ,- :t '''-,!'"-: 1 . V!.:v. r s: _i': Yo. ii .. , --‹ - _ _. . -, „, , , ...5 ....:, 4 '- V) ..1 2 :7'3 i Pt :.''''" W d.s.17.. 0 , , ,4 -,..-- - :-.1 i r II. .-.1 1..,-,-,--....„ 'C.." M,,. . „ , , •:--,,,, q, .,„ Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lake Legal Notice AN ORDINANCE, Leo H. Young AN ORDINANCE AOATI_,-0 alley south °f HoBywoedi Lot and h. Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-sf ilh East Street. Lot 5. Block 1. Rosedale Subdivision of Block 7, Five "ere Plat ordained Big Field°"r vertising clerk of THE DESERF,T NEWS,a newspaper Be t Cdei", by ilia Bstars°. . on s cf Salt _Hip city, 01ah: n°SECTION I.That alley so th of Hol- lywood Avenue s,d Bloch 7th Eat. published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State Street, in Subdivision of Block 1 Five Acre Plat of Utah. "A", Big Field Survey, more ➢ardent arty described:s follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 5,Block 1,Rosedale Subdivision P Block 2, Five Acre Plat -2C. Big of a Bwest 16l It., thence no13rth it., . That the advertisement ft., thence east 16 R. to then place of beg and°the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer tolrbe pubhe pre- Ordinance-B11L-NO«-20-.--v$Oating-alley--eolith-- .erty for use as a Icy o pedestrian w iV.le expressly Said v' s n xp ene'y ease °t t➢ the rights of way - Ot.Hollytood.Avenue-.--Weat-.aE--2th--haet i meets of the Utah Light ka'fraliion Omliany and iho Mountain States dole-. Phone b Telegraph Oomp'an9 aequlrod under franchise.; from S:al Lake city. Salt-Lace..City Corporation o maintain, transmission, .attar adistributio of electric Land telephone f telegraph and and of said companies,;in°a. wires was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the together with acre necessary stop cross. arms and other attachments thereon or affixed thereto for the U Dort of U said electric,hertelephone and telecircuits as 2 day o f May A.D. .19- „ h ow reele and distribution Irapon aor s Y _ - aled and ➢ nsaid street et to acrossbe 9 ` „ow during➢onion of '.d treat to ba 9j closed,chil.. eldby the life, of 1,o r Iran- hlaea heldby cam companies, p� any and was published once ib. 1,1ofBoard fC 2. la the opinion ee the- Board abi peace, health and'sa'felitylaarY the the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the this ordinance beennie cltants et Salt ef fe0rtive that shall SECTION 3. This day o f A. D. .19 take. -Cleat upon its first publication.al ion. Passed by the Board of 11 s• signers of Sell lal:c linty. Utah,ah. this 25th day of May,A.D. 1992_ 1 �'n ` t /�,� .-.. , AB JENKINS. Mayor. , (,f /-� )f/ Cii FRe del. ALD, Adveefl tising liler/fi.' 0it( Rvvordcr. SEAL)NO. 120. e Ptibh d May 281h. 1946. Subscribed and sworn to before me this first day of June A. D. 19 • 43 Notary Public. r 1� r •F. Ai w o ,, w p w