20 of 1946 - Amending Section 5305 relating to sidewalks-unlawful to construct driveways or change construction w ROLL CALL
or I'd
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City, Utah, , 194
Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed. /
Matheson . . . _
Romney � Y
Mr. Chairman . .
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 5305 of the Revised 0rui-
nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to sidewalks.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION I. That Section 5305 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to sidewalks, be and the same
is hereby amended to read as follows:
CONSTRUCTION WITHOUT PERMIT. It shall be unlawful for any per-
son to construct any driveway across sidewalk space; or to cut
or change the construction of sidewalk, curb or gutter, for
the purpose of making a driveway, without first making written
application on form provided by the city engineer and obtaining
from the city engineer a permit so to do. The acceptance of
such permit shall be deemed an agreement on the part of such
person to construct said driveway in accordance with specifica-
tions furnished by the city engineer.
A permit may be granted by the Commissioner of Streets and
Public Improvements or the City Engineer for any driveway not
exceeding twenty-five (25) feet in width. All applications for
permits to construct any driveway in excess of twenty-five (25)
feet in width shall be referred to the Board of Commissioners„t
together with a plan or map showing the pr6posed width and loca-
tion of any such driveway, for the said Commission's considera-
tion and decision. No driveway, including sidewalk, shall be
less than 6 inches thick. Where more than one driveway is re-
quired for any one parcel of land, a sidewalk island of at least
twelve feet shall be provided between driveways, and in no case
shall a permit be granted for a driveway which will be within
ten feet from any street corner measured along the curb from
the property line produced, to the nearest side of the drive-
way, and it shall be unlawful for any person to drive any ve-
hicle over or across any such street corner 'or ten feet ther:-
from, as above provided. Where, in the opinion of the city
engineer, it would be dangerous on account of the traffic or
where a driveway conflicts with any permanent improvements or
waterways, he may reuse to issue such permit and the matter
shall be refarred td: the Board of Commissioners for its deci-
sion, in w}'idh Mren sdriveway may be permitted at such place
¢r s .r
as may be inc .cated.,Oy,the Board of Commissioners.'
SECTIOI$ ' . "f2n.. tje opinion o9 the Board of Commissioners,
' it is necessary to the peat ,', health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediatel .
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect at once upoh
its first publication. �)
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 96 day of , A.D. 1946.
Ti MPORARY l:h,,ir,;':'N
City hecorder.
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Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Legal Notices D M Ockey
AN ORDxf� Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
SECTION 130e of the-Reela Or.
it A.itg tint �wel°weva a " vertisin clerk ofTHE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
C mem it issionders of nSal the
t Lake ,, g
Utah: published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake Count in the State
to Revviised'ordinance..tnnof alt y'
Lake,City, Utah d1, relatingto of Utah.
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the appme is here.amended LTead
MIT.It than be lawful.fare That the advertisement
Derote to a trppec any dtvewep
across sidewalk Oath:orto t
change the conetructil f.aide. -
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makingga Sivewnr,the port Ordinance Bill NO. 20
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fandobtaini gfrom`heeeaeeer Sat Take City Corporation
Ofpeuclit er to tsh be deemed an .
•agreement on'n the part f eneb perm- '
• to consruct geld driveway In
accordance with eDeclfeostione 1nr•
thed by the city engineer.
A permit may be anted q9 the •
Commissioner of Btraea and Public was published in said newspaper,in its issue dated, the
for any
dri a the city Engineer
to eh9 driveway not exceeding
trprmts to ooiret
y• driveway In o of twenr• 2l3t1.-.day o f March A.D.19 46
ilve If to feet In width hall be re-
ferred to the Board of shall
with plan or p one t ime
showing the proposed kith and la• and was published
sah°Colln'eceidra °rl of soy
decision. No driveway. Including
nielt�'Wheeltnbore°P,th'ene,drive" the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
fy le reavired for tv o e newel
twelend,a Aidewrvlk(eland of t least
lve feet shall be provided be- 28th
t driveways, and Ina epee day of March A.D.19 46
shall ma permit be granted for
driveway which will be within ten ��
feet from ny Ertel Corner mean" / .'J
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line produced,to the nearest side of G-'` r�._.-_..___..
the driveway,aryl it hall be,rmaw- Advertising Clerk_. )
f 1 for any a on to drive any e v- f/
hide street
over across any'such
street corner ten feet therefrom, -..
as above provided.Where hithe
• udn f the ng-cusp engineer. I0
would be dangerous on It
he traffic or where a driveway eon
Diets with any permanent ImpMove-
e es or waterways.he y fuse.
to mlPue a O It Dermle sod the of n >ef ore me this 2.9tfl
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d at
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heed t eito place may is In.e�npp11tea cy the aenra of CDmmletlan- .A.D.19
IIECTION d.In the opinion of the
Board of Commleeluners,It Is nec-
essary t to the Demob,health and eats
e{yy of the' Demob,h et Aalt Lake _
ty that thin inhabitants
ordinance shall take
effect 1 edlatly.
SIDCTfect a.Tnle e p n its shall. - - - '"-_"•�
take affect at onae'npon ft..:ant Notary Public
D Passed P b
Parted by the Lake
OD of tCommis.,We
IllthConesd of Lake A.. Utah,We
Seth,day of March,A..IH t e.
' Temporary Cnalrmmnee.
City Recorder.
BILL NC.90.. P
Published March t�lath,104e.
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